Rose Powder --
I get large bags of dried French Rose Petals and grind them to a purple powder. the powder is purple due to the Anthocyanin content. Rose tastes good and i just like it more than pine bark or grapeseed for no particular other reason other than it has a very positive and spiritually beautiful essence. Its Rosa Gallica that is the inexpensive large bags of dried rose petals. This is a different species than the Rose you give to women or have a rose bush in a yard.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine --
If a person could only afford 2 or 3 antioxidants, this should be one of them. Glutathione Precursor of course.
Silymarin (Milk THistle) --
My favorite polyphenol antioxidant is Silibinin. I like it better than other polyphenols such as EGCG, Catechins, etc Excluding Anthocyanins, i like those sourced from rose as well.
Vitamins D, C & E --
Did you know? if you mix ascorbic acid © powder with baking soda in a cup of water, you get sodium ascorbate which is not sour, not acidic, absorbs better, and does not taste bad
Beta-Sitosterol & Saw Palmetto --
You know why. DHT & not being able to afford Dutasteride.
Rosemary Powder --
Its an anti fungal, its said to be weakly nootropic. I just like the smell and taste, i shouldnt really list this one as a favorite just because of that
Silver Colloid --
if it doesnt have a color, its not a colloid, its ionic. Gold-Colored Silver Colloid can be synthesized at home. Any company that claims you can only make ionic at home is lying. Colloid is made by reduction to donate the missing electron from the silver ions or silver compound.
Resveratrol --
I dont get it often, too much money, too broke to get pure 99% powder. Like silibin and rose compounds, Resveratrol has a very handsome chemical structure!
Black Pepper --
For its Piperine content that is a modest inhibitor of CYP3A4 & p-Glycoprotien, among other attributes. I put pepper in my mouth and swallow it, Im not going to by the source natural bioperine tablets when i can just eat dollar pepper. Piperine DOES release from the pepper, otherwise you wouldnt taste the pepper, its the source of the taste.
Zinc --
Zinc is a bonus contained in many Saw palmetto, sitosterol prostate formula, its needed for vegetarians. Trivia - the body has no mechanism to store zinc like it does other minerals, and most zinc is water-soluble with a presumably rather short half life in the body. Zinc is a weak NMDA antagonist
Magnesium --
I throw epsom salt in my mouth and swallow it with liquid, like someone would do with a pill. You dont have to have a magnesium amino acid chelate. Magnesium sulfate will raise blood levels of magnesium. But the chelates are nice if you arent broke & poor. The sulfate of magnesium will keep you regular going to the bathroom.
Aroma Therapy --
I use Star Anise & Peppermint. I also use a product that is diluted Geranium, Lavander, Coriander seed and Rose.
Fish Oil --
Since fish oil is distilled which removes mercury and other bads, brand of fish oil doesnt matter. ON an unrelated note, the finest brand of supplements is Doctors Best, with the orange caps and white and orange labels. If you believe brand matters with a particular supplement (not fish oil) and you want the best, its probably Doctor's Best brand.
Edited by Saffron, 20 March 2014 - 05:26 PM.