Hi all,
I have suffered from dysthymia most of my life, I believe I have low dopamine levels. The only supplement that seems to give me benefit without any noticeably material sides thus far after 4 days is cordyceps. I feel very good on this stuff so far.
Stuff I have tried...
Forskolin- Helped energy, seemed to lower blood sugar too much, had massive food cravings and would pig out.
P-5-P- Enhanced sleep, helped motivation years ago but recently did not seem to do so (maybe my dopamine levels got progressively worse) I still take this for its anti AGEs benefits.
St Johns- Made me feel suicidal after a couple weeks, also caused horrible eye twitches,
Choline- Absolute awful headaches even that even pain meds can't stop, only time and stopping the choline.
Sam-E- Every time I take it I feel something different, sometimes it does give me a big motivation boost, other times it gives me a headache. I think perhaps it enhances whatever direction your neurotransmitters are going at that given point in time.
Uridine- Probably the strongest serotonin effect of any supplement i have tried so much so that I had pins and needles working out from seemingly constricted blood vessels from the extra serotonin (and probably low dopamine).
Fish Oil- Seemed to increase nasal congestion which I am prone to, seemed to help me relax but did not help motivation much.
Rhodiola- This one has been a while I may try a good brand again, it caused me to feel good for a week then awful after that.
Gynostemma- This did cause slight increase in motivation, but very little overall effect.
Tyrosine- Works for a day, then headaches and lethargy
Siberian Ginseng- Caused what felt like drop in blood sugar
Panx Ginseng- Made me cold for some reason
American Ginseng- Increased hunger and headache
B12- Seems to cause lethargy
TMG- Seemed to improve body composition and workouts, but no mental benefit
Pcynogenol- Didn't feel much other then decline in hunger
Tumeric- Game me a headache and zapped libido
Cocoa- Gave me a high then hours later felt super depressed
Ashwaghanda- Made me real lazy and depressed
Green tea- Supplement gave me headache and feeling more depressed, drinking the green tea seems to give me a mild lift though
Catuaba Bark- Did not notice much good or bad
Dear Antler- Oddly seemed to boost my self esteem, not much motivation benefit though. Perhaps helps serotonin a bit?
NADH- Increased irritability
PQQ- Increased restlessness
Hops- Helps sleep, though I have no issue sleeping (thanks to low dopamine I actually oversleep).
Mucana Pruiens- Somehow after a day or two makes me feel more lethargic, slight nausea
T3/T4 thyroid glandular combo- Actually decreased motivation, I have read thyroid levels have an inverse dopamine relationship. Dopamine also lowers TSH. I have a theory that many people who are subclinical hypothyroid are actually low dopamine, may explain why many do not feel much better even on thyroid meds.
Supplements in the pipeline to try include magnolia bark and chinese skullcap.
I hope the cordyceps continues to work for me. Just about anything i have used which boosts dopamine seems to have the side effects of headaches and occasionally increased depression.The cordyceps even seem to help recovery from drinking, last night I had half a dozen drinks which for me would give me a hangover. But today I literally feel like I didn't drink at all!
If the cordyceps work with more chronic use, I may experiment stacking it with something such as uridine or gynostemma.
Also, cordyceps may be useful for autoimmune disorders, as contrary to popular belief and most of its cousins, cordyceps may actually supress the immune system. I often think my immune system is on the overactive side in that I have not been sick in about 5 years!
Edited by Guardian4981, 24 March 2014 - 02:20 AM.