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Unifiram: The Unsung Hero

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#1 kassem23

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:03 PM

This molecule is simply incredible.

If you guys have not given this drug a try, seriously consider it.

Unifiram works on a completely different level than sunifiram.

It's deep, relaxing, yet it provides you with a clarity that I have only experienced before on psychedelics. Unifiram reminds me of low dose LSD.

I'm talking really low dose, the kind of dose where there are no sensory disturbances, yet the clarity and mental energy is simply incredible - yet unifiram is even more -- in my humble experience -- cognitively enhancing than LSD.

It's the way that it enhances mental energy on such a profound level that you find yourself breezing through your day in a meditative state. I've not experience this on any other substance before. It doesn't feel pushy like piracetam or sunifiram - those simply push you through the day with a distinct vigor that the nootropic liason will know of. It feels like you're having a great day, every day.

If you want a nootropic that provides:

- Enhanced general mood & outlook
- Mental stimulation
- Improved patience & mindfulness
- Enhanced memory
- Faster cognitive processing

I'd say, look no further.

For reference, I've pretty much tried them all:

1. Almost all the racetams (Piracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, aniracetam) except for Phenylpiracetam
2. All the classic ADHD stimulants. I am talking mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall), dextro-amphetamine (Dexedrine) and methylphenidate (Ritalin).
3. Non-classical stimulants: Modafinil, Adrafinil, Bupropion, Caffeine, Nicotine.
4. All kinds of nootropics: Rhodiola Rosea, Bacopa Monniera, Forskolin, Artichoke extract, the famous CILTEP stack, and much, much more.

A short note on each of these categories -

Number 1 is an excellent group of nootropics. I recommend them for every beginner to get an idea of nootropics, simply because of the research having been done of them and their very well known safety and dosing patterns. Piracetam, for most, work excellently at first. But somehow the effects drissle over time, and the effects of piracetam are only noticeable when used sparingly, and in high doses (at least, for me.) Oxiracetam however, is different. Oxiracetam is a very strong supportive molecule, I find that it enhances my dexterity, speed of thought, motivation and most importantly, mental and physical energy. Overall, I highly recommend it. Pramiracetam is great for muting emotions and for strong focus, though the "empty-head" syndrome gets old very fast. I have heard great things about phenylpiracetam in terms of physical energy and stamina, but I hear tolerance builds quickly. It appears to be a "once in a while" molecule, much like, in my humble view, piracetam.

Number 2 is a bit more tricky. You see, these are the type of drugs that are prescribed to teens world over. And for what? For the ability to sit down for extended periods of time reading, writing or doing some other cognitively demanding task. For most people -- and I will not mention ADHD since it's a very complicated disease and people have a lot of heated opinions about it -- stimulants are a net negative influence on their lives. I mention this because with stimulants, it's very important to note, that what you take, you must give back. That's simply the way they work. They (amphetamine-class here) pump out neurotransmitters and your brain down-regulates in response. Withdrawal is a fact with these drugs. Methylphenidate is a bit different, but the general jist is the same.

On top of this, I should mention that stimulants, for me personally, feel extremely dirty, I feel like I am cranking up the dial on my body, and vengeance is eminent - poor sleep, bad appetite, anxiety, heightened stimulation in situations that warrant no such stimulation, and so on.

Overall, I recommend people to stay away from strong stimulants, but your milliage may vary, and to each their own.

Number 3, the non-classical stimulants. I never liked them, not even nicotine, it was too nausea inducing and caffeine can give jitters and I find that I have to repay, somewhat, what I loan from caffeine as well. I must admit that I love the taste of coffee with milk. Generally though, I'd rather feel good without caffeine in my system - it's simply unnecessary. Also taken after 4pm (if I recall correctly) inhibits deeper stages of sleep.

Number 4, some of them worked sometimes, but it was very hit & miss and overall a disappointing experience. With the CILTEP stack I didn't feel cognitive enhanced in any way, unfortunately. As a matter of fact, I found my cognitive ability to be less than normal, and the mood boost wasn't significant enough to warrant any distinct positive remarks.

So - coming all together, I really recommend unifiram. Try with 16mg first and see how you like it. A 32mg dose is optimal for me - dosed several times per day. If you're interested, you'll have to experiment and try which dosing pattern works best for you. It's simply too subjective to tell people exactly what dose works for them.

I hope you enjoyed my post, and some of you reap the benefits of this magnificent drug.

Dare I say this is the molecule we've all been waiting for?

Edited by kassem23, 24 March 2014 - 05:53 PM.

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#2 TheApprentice

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:37 PM

What's the half life of unifram ? and did you take it orally ?

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#3 kassem23

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 05:42 PM

What's the half life of unifram ? and did you take it orally ?

Around 4 hours, but there's no "comedown".

Yes, always oral dosing.

#4 formergenius

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 07:24 PM

Thank you for that well written post; it was a pleasure to read. Perhaps a reflection of Unifiram's effects on you?

I have many questions, so feel free to answer selectively, if at all:

May I ask where you bought it?
Do/did you suffer from any neuropsychiatric or neurocognitive issues? And do you see potential for its application in any such ailment in specific, based on your subjective experience (or for that matter, if it should be avoided in any such case)?
Also, you state that there are no sensory disturbances. Would you go so far to say that there are any sensory enhancements? Specifically in terms of sensory gating.
Like you (and many others for that matter), I've been quite disappointed with the vast majority of nootropics. Sunifiram and Unifiram peaked my interest, however due to several very negative reports coming in about Sunifiram, I dropped my interest in both substances altogether. Have you by any chance tried Sunifiram, and are you able to compare the two?
Also, have you tried combining Oxiracetam with Unifiram?
Lastly; how long have you been taking Unifiram?

You have sparked my interest once again; I will look further in to it.

Edited by formergenius, 24 March 2014 - 07:25 PM.

#5 mait

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 07:33 PM


I have systematically tried to record my reaction time for over a year now and I have tried to find out how different nootopics affect it. There are very few nootropics that seem to better it when taken in mourning: c60 in evo, B-complex, losartan and ALCAR. Other noots seem to make it much worse - at least its so for me: aniracetam, colu, prl 8-53, noopept, pramiracetam etc. But I reap great benefits by taking aniracetam, colu, prl 8-53, noopept, pramiracetam before bed with 15mg of melatoning. Especially colu and prl-8-53 have long lasting procognitive effects measured in WM performance for me. It has helped me to get the procognitive effects of noots, while diminished the effects of brain fog if those agents are taken in the mourning.

All in all, have You tried to measure your RT when on and off unifiram and if, what effects did You notice. Based on Your description kassem23 unifiram may be worthwhile nootropical agent to add to my mourning stack.

Thank You in advance,

#6 kassem23

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 12:06 AM

Thank you for that well written post; it was a pleasure to read. Perhaps a reflection of Unifiram's effects on you?

You could say that.

May I ask where you bought it?

You may indeed. I suggest taking a look at this list: racetams.x10.mx/Racetam%20Prices.htm#Unifiram

I've personally bought from New Star Nootropics.

Do/did you suffer from any neuropsychiatric or neurocognitive issues? And do you see potential for its application in any such ailment in specific, based on your subjective experience (or for that matter, if it should be avoided in any such case)?

I do not suffer from any neuropsychiatric or neurocognitive issue. I am currently a medical student. It is hard to say about application in a specific ailment, but if we assume the premise that ADHD is a valid medical disorder in need of pharmacological intervention, unifiram is a great bet. I can imagine unifiram being highly helpful for depressive disorders as well.

Also, you state that there are no sensory disturbances. Would you go so far to say that there are any sensory enhancements? Specifically in terms of sensory gating.

On Sunifiram (not unifiram), you'll notice sharper edges and brighter colors. On unifiram, it's more akin to oxiracetam where color saturation is increased. There's an additional 3D-enhanced effect to unifiram, it's pretty hard to put in words, but if you've ever done psychedelics, you'll know what I am talking about. When you walk past a tree, it's like your mind's frame rate (frames per second) have been overclocked, so you see more at the same time as the movement being smoother. It's a very peculiar incredible effect.

Another thing worth mentioning that I've noted is what happens if you look in the mirror. If you look into your eyes, they are shining brightly. I suggest trying to look at your eyes in a mirror, the effect is actually quite astounding.

Like you (and many others for that matter), I've been quite disappointed with the vast majority of nootropics. Sunifiram and Unifiram peaked my interest, however due to several very negative reports coming in about Sunifiram, I dropped my interest in both substances altogether. Have you by any chance tried Sunifiram, and are you able to compare the two?

I am sorry to hear about your negative experiences. Actually, sunifiram at doses as small as 5mg and especially 10mg provide me with an intense form of energy. The way I can compare them is by comparing the pair sunifiram & unifiram with the pair of piracetam & oxiracetam. Sunifiram would be piracetam. The strong Yang, masculine work horse. Pushing you to succeed. It also happens to enhance memory more than unifiram. It's highly stimulating. Unifiram is it's balanced counterpart. It's nurturing, deep, transcendent. Interestingly enough, I find that unifiram inhibits all the negative aspects of the intense stimulation that is experienced on sunifiram, balancing it out.

The effects keep building over time. They start to really taking off after week 2+. One of the most incredible effect from unifiram is the anti-fatigue effect. The way it simply abolishes all mental and physical fatigue is simply incredible. I've yet to find a substance so unequivocally incredible at doing something like this.

The experience is hard to put into words, I must admit. It's much like a psychedelic experience, except without any sensory disturbance. Just insane clarity, and a depth that I hadn't thought was possible to experience on a "nootropic" before.

I've been raving this molecule for quite a bit already, so I'll stop.

But feel free to ask me any questions, I'd be looking forward to answering them.

Edited by kassem23, 25 March 2014 - 12:10 AM.

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#7 MasterHerb

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 05:02 AM

Thank you for that well written post; it was a pleasure to read. Perhaps a reflection of Unifiram's effects on you?

You could say that.

May I ask where you bought it?

You may indeed. I suggest taking a look at this list: racetams.x10.mx/Racetam%20Prices.htm#Unifiram

I've personally bought from New Star Nootropics.

Do/did you suffer from any neuropsychiatric or neurocognitive issues? And do you see potential for its application in any such ailment in specific, based on your subjective experience (or for that matter, if it should be avoided in any such case)?

I do not suffer from any neuropsychiatric or neurocognitive issue. I am currently a medical student. It is hard to say about application in a specific ailment, but if we assume the premise that ADHD is a valid medical disorder in need of pharmacological intervention, unifiram is a great bet. I can imagine unifiram being highly helpful for depressive disorders as well.

Also, you state that there are no sensory disturbances. Would you go so far to say that there are any sensory enhancements? Specifically in terms of sensory gating.

On Sunifiram (not unifiram), you'll notice sharper edges and brighter colors. On unifiram, it's more akin to oxiracetam where color saturation is increased. There's an additional 3D-enhanced effect to unifiram, it's pretty hard to put in words, but if you've ever done psychedelics, you'll know what I am talking about. When you walk past a tree, it's like your mind's frame rate (frames per second) have been overclocked, so you see more at the same time as the movement being smoother. It's a very peculiar incredible effect.

Another thing worth mentioning that I've noted is what happens if you look in the mirror. If you look into your eyes, they are shining brightly. I suggest trying to look at your eyes in a mirror, the effect is actually quite astounding.

Like you (and many others for that matter), I've been quite disappointed with the vast majority of nootropics. Sunifiram and Unifiram peaked my interest, however due to several very negative reports coming in about Sunifiram, I dropped my interest in both substances altogether. Have you by any chance tried Sunifiram, and are you able to compare the two?

I am sorry to hear about your negative experiences. Actually, sunifiram at doses as small as 5mg and especially 10mg provide me with an intense form of energy. The way I can compare them is by comparing the pair sunifiram & unifiram with the pair of piracetam & oxiracetam. Sunifiram would be piracetam. The strong Yang, masculine work horse. Pushing you to succeed. It also happens to enhance memory more than unifiram. It's highly stimulating. Unifiram is it's balanced counterpart. It's nurturing, deep, transcendent. Interestingly enough, I find that unifiram inhibits all the negative aspects of the intense stimulation that is experienced on sunifiram, balancing it out.

The effects keep building over time. They start to really taking off after week 2+. One of the most incredible effect from unifiram is the anti-fatigue effect. The way it simply abolishes all mental and physical fatigue is simply incredible. I've yet to find a substance so unequivocally incredible at doing something like this.

The experience is hard to put into words, I must admit. It's much like a psychedelic experience, except without any sensory disturbance. Just insane clarity, and a depth that I hadn't thought was possible to experience on a "nootropic" before.

I've been raving this molecule for quite a bit already, so I'll stop.

But feel free to ask me any questions, I'd be looking forward to answering them.

Are you concerned about the safety of Unifiram? What do you think the chances of excitability are? Do you think its safer than Sunifiram
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#8 Lobotomy

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 05:56 PM

I don't think those questions above me belong.

I'd rather have hard data on that than anecdotal evidence.
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#9 Geoffrey

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 06:20 PM

I haven't been able to find a UK supplier. I would be interested, given my positive experiences with sunifiram.

#10 Introspecta

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 06:48 PM

You never said what the actual doses you were taking for Unifiram were. Did you notice immediate effect or did it take a few days to notice something. My experience with Unifiram was it made me anxious and uncomfortable but possibly my dosing was too high and I was looking for more of an immediate effect. I never gave it a real chance.

Please explain your dosing protocol and how it effected you up until you realized how great it was. Like I said was it immediate or did it take 2 weeks to get to that energetic clarity?

#11 kassem23

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 07:47 PM

Are you concerned about the safety of Unifiram? What do you think the chances of excitability are? Do you think its safer than Sunifiram

Not in particular no. I note no side-effects from unifiram - based on preliminary analysis of the molecule, it's much more balanced, and I personally think it has both potentiation and depotentiation ability at the AMPA receptor, acting as a sort of volume control, or true "enhancer", chemically speaking, in other words, when there's a stimuli, there's a boost to the neural signal. If there's too many signals (e.g. stress), it reduces the firing. This is all conjecture, and I have no way of confirming whether this is true. I can only speak from personal experience and intuitive insight.

Edited by kassem23, 25 March 2014 - 07:48 PM.

#12 formergenius

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 07:54 PM

Thanks for your detailed reply kassem23. From what you describe, it sounds like Unifiram may be preferable over Sunifiram in individuals prone to anxiety. That anti-fatigue effect is also interesting.
I think I will order some soon, along with Oxiracetam, from NSN. If my findings are anywhere near as noteworthy as yours, I'll be sure to post them here.

#13 kassem23

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 08:02 PM

Thanks for your detailed reply kassem23. From what you describe, it sounds like Unifiram may be preferable over Sunifiram in individuals prone to anxiety. That anti-fatigue effect is also interesting.
I think I will order some soon, along with Oxiracetam, from NSN. If my findings are anywhere near as noteworthy as yours, I'll be sure to post them here.

You are very welcome.

Please do. Your report will be much appreciated.

Try at least 32mg x 2, or 26mg x 3, and give it at least a week or so to note the effects.

Best of luck.

BTW. Unifiram combines extremely well with oxiracetam, so that's a great choice.

Edited by kassem23, 25 March 2014 - 08:02 PM.

#14 OpaqueMind

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 08:50 PM

Great report, you've piqued my interest. I haven't used chemical nootropics for a long time, due to the negative effects they often have on my sleeping patterns. Which leads me to my questions; has Unifiram had any effect on your sleep? and, how do the other racetams effect your sleeping patterns (if at all). Thanks!

#15 airplanepeanuts

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 10:41 PM

Aren't you guys a little worried because this wasn't tested for safety in humans?
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#16 Cade

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 11:18 PM

How long have you been using Unifiram? I have experienced diminishing effects in most of the Nootropics you mentioned (Piracetam, Oxiracetam, Prami, PheynlP) after only a few days or weeks of taking them.

It'd be nice to find a substance that provides a similar effect every time you dose it. Even after taking months off from Piracetam and Oxiracetam, I hardly feel anything from them.

Because this provides anti-fatigue support, do you stop dosing in the afternoon to avoid issues with insomnia? I'm hoping this is far different from Sunifiram, because I also felt it provided me with a very dirty energy. Not something I want to be putting into my body on a regular basis, if at all….Seems like Uni is worth a try - looking forward to hearing more about your and other's experiences with it.

#17 kassem23

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 04:00 AM

Great report, you've piqued my interest. I haven't used chemical nootropics for a long time, due to the negative effects they often have on my sleeping patterns. Which leads me to my questions; has Unifiram had any effect on your sleep? and, how do the other racetams effect your sleeping patterns (if at all). Thanks!

Sunifiram, if I take it too late, inhibits deeper stages of sleep, as recorded by Sleep Cycle (an iPhone app).

Unifiram improves my sleep. I have no idea how, but it simply does.

Oxiracetam improves my sleep as well.

#18 kassem23

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 04:20 AM

How long have you been using Unifiram? I have experienced diminishing effects in most of the Nootropics you mentioned (Piracetam, Oxiracetam, Prami, PheynlP) after only a few days or weeks of taking them.

It'd be nice to find a substance that provides a similar effect every time you dose it. Even after taking months off from Piracetam and Oxiracetam, I hardly feel anything from them.

Because this provides anti-fatigue support, do you stop dosing in the afternoon to avoid issues with insomnia? I'm hoping this is far different from Sunifiram, because I also felt it provided me with a very dirty energy. Not something I want to be putting into my body on a regular basis, if at all….Seems like Uni is worth a try - looking forward to hearing more about your and other's experiences with it.

Odd, I can still feel the effects of oxiracetam with long-term use. There's a big difference in overall energy and color saturation. It's subtle but it's there. As for unifiram, I've not noticed diminishing effects, but increasing effects daily. It's quite impressive. I'm not sure where the ceiling effect is, I'll be interested to see how much change could happen.

Aren't you guys a little worried because this wasn't tested for safety in humans?

Neither has 4-AcO-DMT, neither has 4-HO-MET, neither has MXE, neither has 4-FA, neither has 2-FMA or 2-FA, neither has most of the research chemicals you've ever heard of. We're the volunteers. We risk. But based on some preliminary understandings of chemistry, you can harm reduce quite a bit.
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#19 lourdaud

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 09:53 AM

Kassem! Nice report. Unifiram is definitely my new must-try.
Only one question: would you describe it as cholinergic in its nature?

#20 kassem23

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 04:17 PM

Kassem! Nice report. Unifiram is definitely my new must-try.
Only one question: would you describe it as cholinergic in its nature?

Glad to hear it.

I would not, no.

Edited by kassem23, 26 March 2014 - 04:18 PM.

#21 8bitmore

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 11:58 AM

Thanks for opening this thread kassem, what was your "first dose" impressions, if any, from Unifiram? I personally had my first "felt" reaction to a racetam with this compound at 30mg dose (15mg did nothing in felt sense): strong sense of intermediate tension around back of head (similar to coming up on certain other substances) that peaked in a mildly anxiolytic "warm" state of relaxed awareness (meditation was enhanced in sense of oneness). My balance felt slightly off and overall felt less "sharp", which in one sense is welcome and in another slightly disconcerting - the experience was too ambivalent for me to race to commence dosing the next day although I may well take another dose in time if I feel moved to do so.

#22 Strangelove

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 12:37 PM

Great report, I hope others have similar results.

Unfortunately I have the same experience with formergenious... "disappointed with the vast majority of nootropics". I have tried quite some supplements and nootropics and maybe my expectations are very high, but I never found something "mind blowing". If I had a similar experience as yours, it would qualify as mind blowing. I hope it lasts, when you first started using unifiram?

#23 kassem23

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Posted 09 April 2014 - 03:29 PM

Thanks for opening this thread kassem, what was your "first dose" impressions, if any, from Unifiram? I personally had my first "felt" reaction to a racetam with this compound at 30mg dose (15mg did nothing in felt sense): strong sense of intermediate tension around back of head (similar to coming up on certain other substances) that peaked in a mildly anxiolytic "warm" state of relaxed awareness (meditation was enhanced in sense of oneness). My balance felt slightly off and overall felt less "sharp", which in one sense is welcome and in another slightly disconcerting - the experience was too ambivalent for me to race to commence dosing the next day although I may well take another dose in time if I feel moved to do so.


You're very welcome. 


That sounds very akin to my first initial response. A feeling of "coming up", this followed by an extremely heightened awareness and an increased physical and mental energy. This effect has simply accumulated and increased in effect since. 

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 01:39 PM

Is there a typical recommended dosing range established for unifiram? This seems higher than what I recall I have come across in most anecdotal reports.

Edited by VERITAS INCORRUPTUS, 10 April 2014 - 02:10 PM.

#25 thedarkbobo

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 02:05 PM

This is interesting, I have tried it twice but with around 10 mg dose and felt nothing at all. I will check 30mg range. Thanks for report :)

#26 Frigo

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 02:42 PM

Do you get any irritability, paranoia, headaches, fever, or anything that would suggest Glutamate hyperactivity?


#27 Jeoshua

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:20 PM

At 30 mg, the price I am finding per dose is $0.90. Lasting only a few hours, that puts daily usage TID at over $2.70, and a month at that dose at around $82.35. That makes Unifiram an extremely expensive substance at this dose, almost as expensive as pharmaceutical drugs like Aderall bought on the black market. Do you feel that this price is actually justified for its effects?

Sourced from New Star Nootropics. Corrected math for reasonable purchase price (bulk).

Edited by Jeoshua, 10 April 2014 - 03:26 PM.

#28 Frigo

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 08:25 PM

At 30 mg, the price I am finding per dose is $0.90. Lasting only a few hours, that puts daily usage TID at over $2.70, and a month at that dose at around $82.35. That makes Unifiram an extremely expensive substance at this dose, almost as expensive as pharmaceutical drugs like Aderall bought on the black market. Do you feel that this price is actually justified for its effects?

Sourced from New Star Nootropics. Corrected math for reasonable purchase price (bulk).


Judging from his post he prefers Unifiram over ADHD drugs. Is there any other sources or just NSN?

Edited by Frigo, 10 April 2014 - 08:26 PM.

#29 Jeoshua

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 09:17 PM

There are other sources, but NSN has generally good prices and always good quality. If you searched around or bought in high amounts, the amount per dose would go down, but not considerably so unless bought in a very high bulk amount, like a kilogram, straight from China, and then there is less guarantee of quality or even successful shipping into most countries. You can import small amounts of unscheduled drugs into the US, for example, but at 1 kg there would be questions and very likely seizure of the package, unless you were an authorized chemicals researcher.

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#30 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 07:50 AM

Tried several sub-lingual doses of 10mg, felt a small sensation but nothing of interest. I don't respond to Oxi or Prami either. Phenyl, Noopept and Colu do improve some of my abilities but only to the detriment of others. They also give me a mental hangover the following day so I haven't entertained the idea of taking them continuously after my initial experimentation.


I'm a undermethylator (possibly now overmethylator due to supplementation), choline dominant, consume a high protein diet and I have some interesting genetic mutations to do with my brain.

Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 27 April 2014 - 07:54 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: unifiram, ampakines, ampakine, ampa, modulation

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