Covalencies: That's a lot of heavy-duty stuff. A lot of interactions to sift through. Did you take Adderall as well, while taking Faso? That might be one of the reasons you got irritable, sounds a lot like enhanced anxiety/bad temper that you get from stimulants - it might be that Faso aggravates the side-effects of stimulants - some folks earlier in this thread theorized as much earlier.
Individually perceivable changes in dexterity, memory and cognitive function isn't enough tho' - you need to do some tests, to make sure of the effects. The typing-tests is one excellent such.
So, if you're up for it, I'd LOVE to see what your results would be in various tests, before and after Fasoracetam.
Gross motor-function ( as simple as doing some football/soccer -tricks could be enough, or basket-ball.)
Cambridge Brain Sciences cognitive tests
That would be awesome - and very helpful not just for you, but for everyone. You're a chemi-naut, man! =)
BTW - what NPD's do you have, if any? And which ones do you have diagnosed, and not diagnosed, but suspected?
Obviously not using them all at the same time. The adderall and prozac can likely be neglected; as far as I understand we shouldn't expect to see any notable interactions between these compounds and the racetams. I've also been taking the adderall for ~5 years, and the prozac for ~8-9months, so it's likely that whatever interactions they may theoretically have, have been homeostatically zero'd out. (Maybe.) I'm not altogether convinced that dopaminergics are actually exerting their action through glutamate. Then again, I wouldn't write off the thought that maybe it's just too close to the edge of my personal stim-envelope, either. Might be able to drop the dose on the amph and add something to boost gulamergic signalling... but that sounds like it would take a lot of time to debug , and there's work to be done.
I tend towards a high tolerance to basically everything, so at these doses of amph, I tend not to see any side effects... except with the racetams I've tried thus far. Those make me grumpy.
Typing tests are a good idea. I should be at some kind of plateu for those, given that I live at the keyboard for work. I've been tracking progress in a - let's be nice and call it - lackadasical manner in terms of tracking the noot use alongside CBS/Lumosity scores. I didn't see any notable spikes in performance on anything though... or I missed them.
The perceived motor improvements from coluracetam are only notable because, out of: fasoracetam, prl-8-53, coluracetam, noopept, modafinil, and nicotine, that's pretty much all I noticed. Well. That and the irritability. Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned irritability, my research partner has banned me from further trials of coluracetam or fasoracetam. Noopept is out because it doesn't seem to do anything useful, nicotine is out because it doesn't seem to be doing anything either (and the risk/reward ratio sucks thus far)...
That still leaves IDRA-21, ISX-9 (this time without accidentally throwing it out), Unifiram, J147, Nefiracetam, Piracetam, another go at PRL-8-53, maybe another go at modafinil (effects are inconsistent for me), as well as tDCS, and maybe a few things I'm forgetting...
NPD? Neuropsychological disorder I assume?
Incorrect diagnosis of bipolar-2: after 5 years on adderall sans mood stablizer, then prozac on top of that... and no mania/hypomain/psychotic break, I think we can pretty much rule that out.
Correct diag should have been MDD w/ comorbid ADD/ADHD (leaning toward the later, but not outbursty enough to say for sure).
Not sure what is written down for the prozac rx, except that I tried it for a bit (family member responds very well to it, and so do I, apparently), and asked my GP for the rx.
ADD/ADHD is diagnosed, though the official testing on it basically suggested it was up to me if I wanted to take anything for it.
No other issues, and haven't had any real problems with depression in a long time. Prozac is mostly there to offset some anxiety from the adderall. A reasonable person might suggest that rather than add fluox to the stack, I just, you know, take less amph; to that I say, emphatically, "BAH! Begone with you."