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Nicotinamide Riboside (NR/Niagen) personal experience thread

nicotinamide ribo nr niagen nad niagen sinclair hpn n(r) david sinclair basis

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#691 Bryan_S

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 07:56 PM

This may be unrelated but I've encountered problems with statins and this rings a bell. First off I'm not suggesting anyone discontinue use because what I encountered is "supposedly" a rare occurrence. I bring this up because we do not know what invoked this reaction in smithx. But it is worth noting there is a direct relationship between statins and collagen. Also many of us who are attracted to NR are from an age group who use statins. I've read study after study where seemingly unrelated joint and tendon issues arise and the relationship to statins is denied by medical professionals time and time again. I'm not saying there is a relationship in this instance because there are too many unknown factors to consider but when I had connective tissue problems I found this unassuming culprit, eliminated it and never looked back.


From all the studies on Nicotinamide Riboside I've read it should have helped blunt inflammation from connective tissue issues and not aggravate them. In fact I just posted a series of articles today about this so I'm a bit confused over his results. Being that I was a trainer and health professional in my youth if smithx wants to contact me in a PM I'd be glad to help tease this out if its possible.

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#692 smithx

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:11 PM

I seem to be prone to and sensitive to connective tissue issues.


Years before the black box warning on ciprofloxacin, when connective tissue issues were not listed as a side-effect, I noticed that my tendons felt fragile a week into a 2 week antibiotics regimen. I called the manufacturer and they confirmed that there had been reports of this issue.


A few years ago, after taking resveratrol daily for a number of months I also noticed connective tissue issues, and those were later confirmed.


My recent issues could certainly be unrelated to NR, but previous experience leads me to feel that there may be a connection.


(I'll PM you Bryan_S, thanks for the offer)

Edited by smithx, 16 November 2015 - 09:12 PM.

#693 BigLabRat

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 10:35 PM

I seem to be prone to and sensitive to connective tissue issues.



May I recommend Glycine plus Green Tea Extract? I use it, because I have had a number of connective tissue problems in the past (torn tendons in rotator cuff, and severe ankle sprains from practically nothing).


I know the Green Tea sounds flaky, but there is evidence for it (see attached paper).


I haven't experienced any problems like you describe from NR, but unless my memory fails me, early in one of the NR threads, possibly this one, someone described jaw issues (perhaps from trying sublingual NR?)




Bryan is right about statins and collagen. One more reason I've never taken a statin and never will!

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#694 aribadabar

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 01:39 AM


After about 3 1/2 months I started to experience connective tissue pain in my hands and feet. This certainly could be unrelated, however I then stopped taking the NR and the problem went away after about 2 weeks.

It is certainly unrelated. 2 weeks is enough time for a minimal injury to heal.


Have you had a rest/reduction of your exercise activities while nursing this issue?

#695 smithx

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 02:33 AM

It may very well be unrelated, but we can't say "certainly" at this point.


There was no change to my activities during the time in question.




After about 3 1/2 months I started to experience connective tissue pain in my hands and feet. This certainly could be unrelated, however I then stopped taking the NR and the problem went away after about 2 weeks.

It is certainly unrelated. 2 weeks is enough time for a minimal injury to heal.


Have you had a rest/reduction of your exercise activities while nursing this issue?



#696 stefan_001

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Posted 22 November 2015 - 09:21 PM

Has anybody noticed improvement in hair growth from using NR? I am trying to determine whether the recovery of hairline I am seeing is of oral use of NR & PT. The picture below on the left shows the hairline approx 6 monts ago (just started using NR&PT) and on the right how it is today. I am fairly convinced it has improved and that it will continue to improve as the "open space" is covered with small blond "baby" hairs which are not visible in the picture. Those gradually slowly turn dark on the hairline.


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Edited by stefan_001, 22 November 2015 - 09:28 PM.

#697 HappyPaul

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Posted 22 November 2015 - 09:43 PM

Has anybody noticed improvement in hair growth from using NR? I am trying to determine whether the recovery of hairline I am seeing is of oral use of NR & PT. The picture below on the left shows the hairline approx 6 monts ago (just started using NR&PT) and on the right how it is today. I am fairly convinced it has improved and that it will continue to improve as the "open space" is covered with small blond "baby" hairs which are not visible in the picture. Those gradually slowly turn dark on the hairline.

I have as well.  I went from about 95% bald on top to around 85% bald over 9 months of use at 250mg per day.   Who knows what would have happened if I started before my hair loss was bad though.  Its a nice side result that hopefully indicates it is helping inside as well.  

#698 Kirito

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 12:42 AM

I haven't noticed any regrowth at the temple areas where some receding has occurred, but I did notice a thickening of my hair. Seems to be a darker shade of brown also, strangely. My mother also noticed thicker hair, possibly less greying, and best fingernail growth in a long time. She also noticed quicker healing after a hard fall. We both noticed a subtle boost in energy and a lessened afternoon slump. All at one capsule a day for nearly four months. We are wishing we could afford higher doses someday.

Edited by Kirito, 23 November 2015 - 12:43 AM.

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#699 HappyPaul

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 12:52 AM

I haven't noticed any regrowth at the temple areas where some receding has occurred, but I did notice a thickening of my hair. Seems to be a darker shade of brown also, strangely. My mother also noticed thicker hair, possibly less greying, and best fingernail growth in a long time. She also noticed quicker healing after a hard fall. We both noticed a subtle boost in energy and a lessened afternoon slump. All at one capsule a day for nearly four months. We are wishing we could afford higher doses someday.

Nails better, skin much better, elasticity is back, very smooth and soft.  My hair his softer and thicker.  My eyesight is also improved.  My guess is just as elasticity is being restored to my skin, perhaps it is to my eye lenses as well.  I feel better with slightly more energy, sleeping around 30 minutes less a night but for me my skin improvement has been the most outwardly noticeable improvement. 

#700 sthira

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 04:48 AM

... All at one capsule a day for nearly four months. We are wishing we could afford higher doses someday.

Maybe less is more? I'm taking a gram a day incrementally throughout the day, and I've noticed none of the effects mentioned recently here (improvements in eyesight, hair, nails, skin, eg).

Edited by sthira, 23 November 2015 - 04:49 AM.

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#701 jeffrg

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 03:21 PM

I haven't had any noticeable change with taking NR (250mg - 375mg daily), but to be honest, I wasn't expecting any.  41yom taking Elysium Basis.  I considered this something to slow aging, not reverse it.  I'm not taking mouse levels.  So if in five years, I only have aged three years because NR is helping to repair metabolic damage, then a win for me.  I'm reading comments that suggest that if the person doesn't see some dramatic effect, the drug is a bust.  I'm just expecting to ease the decline and it working would be feeling the same as I did yesterday, until we can get something like gene therapy or new supplements that can really make a dramatic difference.  Am I wrong in thinking this?  Admittedly, it would be the perfect snake oil pitch.  It could be a sugar pill for all I can tell, but if it's doing its work behind the scenes as the science suggests, then I'll be happy.  Also taking 80mg of aspirin and one UltraMan multi-vitamin daily. 

Edited by jeffrg, 23 November 2015 - 03:54 PM.

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#702 stefan_001

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 04:26 PM

Hello Jeff, that is exactly the reason why I started to use it. Having said that I am 45 and I would say that once I passed my 40s I started to see some wear and tear. When I hit 40 I added weights to my exercise habits as I have always inderstood it helps raise the testosterone levels somewhat. Personally I thought that helped somewhat. So you may have good timing.



Paul, Kirito thanks for you update on my question. My mom claimed improvement with my dad as well (75) but he was not sure, but based on your feedbacks I think its real. I also agree on the skin impact. Interestingly wrickles are less deep but dont dissapear (or maybe will take more time). I am curious whether there is some epigenetic or whatever reason making them "permanent".

#703 warner

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Posted 24 November 2015 - 08:17 PM

I finally made it through this thread and, for what it's worth, here's my first impression of reported NR effects.  Positive reports by more than one person included,


- improved exercise endurance

- more "relaxed energy" during day (i.e., not just an adrenaline effect)

- reduced hunger/appetite

- better sleep, less sleep needed (but sometimes difficult getting to sleep)

- better vision

- skin and hair improvements


Negative reports by more than one person included,


- late day tiredness (perhaps an effect of single dosing in morning)

- difficulty getting to sleep, esp. at high doses

- foot and ankle pain (haven't a clue what that is about)

- loose stools at high doses (perhaps a pill filler, not NR, issue)




- variation in sleep and intraday energy effects may be dose-related (single vs. multiple, hi vs. lo)

- vision and skin effects may be typical B3 effects, but with NR being a better B3 (perhaps with fewer side effects and greater effectiveness at lower doses)


I've only been on NR at 250 mg/d (125 brunch and dinner) for a few days, so will wait awhile before reporting own results.

Edited by warner, 24 November 2015 - 08:25 PM.

#704 warner

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Posted 13 December 2015 - 03:23 AM

Results after 3 weeks on 250 mg/d NR (2 x 125 mg doses, brunch and dinner):


- no significant change in morning weight, BP, heart rate, body temperature, or IOP (intraocular eye pressure)

- no significant change in VFTs (visual field testing for glaucoma tracking)

- no significant change in energy levels, appetite, sleep, or existing skin issues


As described in a previous post, taking 250 mg B3 as niacin raises my IOPs and increases intraretinal fluid, resulting in decreased VFT response (i.e., I don't see quite as well).  However, taking 250 mg B3 as NR had no such effect, making NR a "better B3" for me.


My wife's results have been the same, except that she has no data on eye effects.


I'd consider doubling the NR, but I'd first like to see more evidence for its benefits at 500 mg/d, and for the price to come down a bit.

#705 docmaas

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Posted 13 December 2015 - 04:34 AM

Waner, I've been meaning to let you know that I am also taking MitoQ and started it at about the same time as the NR.   It could also be partially, or completely for that matter, responsible for the apparent improvement in my pressures.  There is an ongoing debate about how effective MitoQ actually is due to it using ubiquinone instead of SK1's plastiquinone.  I'll be dropping the MitoQ soon and trying out c60oo which I just ordered.  I'd really like to try the SK1 products but they are unavailable here.  I'll be going to Iceland end of February and will see if they are available there.  As far as I know the only product released to date are the eyedrops.


I was on the road for 40 days and just returned 12/7.  During that period I used the drops very infrequently but was consuming NR regularly.  Now would probably be a good time to get my pressure measured and I may give the OD a call and see if he's willing to do it.  


A couple of tests you might want to watch as part of your NR regimen is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand and time how long it takes to fully settle back to its normal appearance.  15 years ago it was several seconds for me and now it seems to be less.  The skin seems tighter as well.  The second thing to do is to take some pictures of your skin and see if you can detect any changes with the NR.  I think my skin is much better than it was but I'm also a lot more fit and exercise a lot more now than I did prior to getting my diabetes diagnosis.  





#706 warner

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Posted 13 December 2015 - 03:04 PM

There is an ongoing debate about how effective MitoQ actually is due to it using ubiquinone instead of SK1's plastiquinone.  I'll be dropping the MitoQ soon and trying out c60oo which I just ordered.  I'd really like to try the SK1 products but they are unavailable here.  I'll be going to Iceland end of February and will see if they are available there.  As far as I know the only product released to date are the eyedrops.


A couple of tests you might want to watch as part of your NR regimen is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand and time how long it takes to fully settle back to its normal appearance.  15 years ago it was several seconds for me and now it seems to be less.  The skin seems tighter as well.  The second thing to do is to take some pictures of your skin and see if you can detect any changes with the NR.  I think my skin is much better than it was but I'm also a lot more fit and exercise a lot more now than I did prior to getting my diabetes diagnosis.

Hi Mike.  Yup, I should look into more stuff like MitoQ and c60 wrt glaucoma-related effects.


Both wife and self have skin conditions that we're watching, but it may take awhile to notice any NR effect (may also require higher dosing).  Of course, that may then be just a B3 effect (i.e., sufficient NA or NAM may have also worked).


wrt IOP (eye pressure), I've found that anything that lowers my BP also lowers IOP (about 1 IOP unit per 5 BP units).  But that's generally a bad thing, since the BP falls faster than the IOP.  iow, the perfusion pressure (PP) to the eye (DBP - IOP) is reduced as BP falls.  For example, when I was underfed with a DBP of about 65 and IOP near 15 or higher (stress from being underfed often made IOP higher), PP = 65 - 15 = 50 or lower, which was borderline or worse.  But when adequately fed, with a DBP near 70 and IOP near 16 or lower, PP = 70 - 16 = 54 or greater, which is much safer, even though average IOP was higher.  (A low PP reduces blood flow to retina and optic nerve.)


Interestingly, I became underfed (calorie restricted) when on a LCHF diet that reduced my appetite such that it was easy to reduce carbs and calories.  The reduced calorie intake (and low overnight glycogen levels, with relative hypoglycemia) exposed several vulnerabilities, including the glaucoma.  Putting back some of the calories and carbs was enough to reverse these issues, and stabilize the glaucoma.  Anyway, that was an interesting lesson for me about the limits of calorie restriction in older mammals!   :)  And argues for an approach more like NR supplementation that doesn't involve adding a lot of potential nutrient-related stress to the whole animal.

Edited by warner, 13 December 2015 - 03:14 PM.

#707 bluemoon

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Posted 17 December 2015 - 04:52 PM

Reporting in what a 47 year old female friend experienced after about 6 weeks of 250mg/day of NR and 50mg/day of pterostilbine [Elysium Basis] and said that at 5'3" she went from  115lb to 110lb, a BMI drop from 20.5 to 19.5, and she wasn't trying to lose weight nor felt hungry.


This was in contrast to when she said she went on a "cleansing diet" a few years ago and went from 120 lbs to 110 lbs, only then she said she felt famished, unlike the recent weight loss where she feels normal and hasn't changed exercise.


Of course, since taking 50mg of pterostilbine, the contribution from NR is unknown.  

#708 SearchingForAnswers

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 06:14 AM

I've experienced some pain in my Achilles Tendon which seems to get worse from Niagen.


I don't think it's the root cause, because I broke my ankle back in May, had surgery in June. But before my surgery I had a concurrent problem, some kind of intestinal but and got bags and bags of Cipro and Flagyl. I think the cipro, and not my ankle breaking caused the initial problem. Apparently it's known to do that.


However, when I stop the Niagen, the pain subsides (not completely, but quite a bit).

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#709 BigLabRat

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 08:11 AM

I don't think it's the root cause, because I broke my ankle back in May, had surgery in June. But before my surgery I had a concurrent problem, some kind of intestinal but and got bags and bags of Cipro and Flagyl. I think the cipro, and not my ankle breaking caused the initial problem. Apparently it's known to do that.


However, when I stop the Niagen, the pain subsides (not completely, but quite a bit).


Well, that's interesting (and I'm sorry to hear about it). But, yeah, Cipro is a grade-A connective tissue assassin. The interface with Niagen is an unknown.


In addition, just having been through a two-year+ process with a torn rotator cuff, pain in connective tissue isn't necessarily a sign that things are getting worse, and can be much the opposite. I didn't experience any improvement at all until I tried prolotherapy, which deliberately induces inflammation in the connective tissues, This apparently works because the main barrier to healing in connective tissues is the limited blood flow.


Prolotherapy hurts. In many cases, it also seems to work. So the fact that Niagen aggravates your ankle pain may mean that it's beneficial. Or not. We just don't know.

#710 SearchingForAnswers

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 08:31 AM



That it might be working to help is some interesting speculation. I wish I had a way to know for sure; it sort of makes sense that it could be inducing healing. I've decided to take it one week on and one week off; if it gets worse, or better, each will be telling though I'd think it would be getting worse before betting better.

Edited by SearchingForAnswers, 18 December 2015 - 08:34 AM.

#711 Michael oo

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Posted 04 February 2016 - 05:41 AM

Niagen is an odd one. I tried it twice for 3 months each time since last spring. It did nothing I could perceive or feel. Gave it a rest until November 2015.  Took 500mg in 2 doses a day for 1 month and then 250mg a day I'm cycling it out right now. Done. Third time aroundI have to say, its doing something for sure. How can I tell? My skin and eyes. Skin is more supple and soft and lost some of its minor blemishes. Eyes are clearer (not vision) and my pupils color more pronounced. I look I would say probably around 5 years younger. I did some blood tests in both December and early January and blood and liver panels were where they should be. I'll give it another go in a few months. I want to try 500mg a day for 3 months next. Its worth it I think. Hope price drops at some point.

Edited by Michael oo, 04 February 2016 - 05:43 AM.

#712 Brainfart

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Posted 29 April 2016 - 08:05 PM



Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is pretty amazing. It has already been shown in several studies to be effective in boosting metabolism. And now a team of researchers at EPFL's Laboratory of Integrated Systems Physiology (LISP), headed by Johan Auwerx, has unveiled even more of its secrets. An article written by Hongbo Zhang, a PhD student on the team, was published today in Science and describes the positive effects of NR on the functioning of stem cells. These effects can only be described as restorative.

As mice, like all mammals, age, the regenerative capacity of certain organs (such as the liver and kidneys) and muscles (including the heart) diminishes. Their ability to repair them following an injury is also affected. This leads to many of the disorders typical of aging.

Mitochondria: also useful in stem cells

Hongbo Zhang wanted to understand how the regeneration process deteriorated with age. To do so, he teamed up with colleagues from ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and universities in Canada and Brazil. Through the use of several markers, he was able to identify the molecular chain that regulates how mitochondria -- the "powerhouse" of the cell -- function and how they change with age. The role that mitochondria play in metabolism has already been amply demonstrated, "but we were able to show for the first time that their ability to function properly was important for stem cells," said Auwerx.

Under normal conditions, these stem cells, reacting to signals sent by the body, regenerate damaged organs by producing new specific cells. At least in young bodies. "We demonstrated that fatigue in stem cells was one of the main causes of poor regeneration or even degeneration in certain tissues or organs," said Hongbo Zhang.

This is why the researchers wanted to "revitalize" stem cells in the muscles of elderly mice. And they did so by precisely targeting the molecules that help the mitochondria to function properly. "We gave nicotinamide riboside to 2-year-old mice, which is an advanced age for them," said the researcher. "This substance, which is close to vitamin B3, is a precursor of NAD+, a molecule that plays a key role in mitochondrial activity. And our results are extremely promising: muscular regeneration is much better in mice that received NR, and they lived longer than the mice that didn't get it."

A breakthrough for regenerative medicine

Parallel studies have revealed a comparable effect on stem cells of the brain and skin. "This work could have very important implications in the field of regenerative medicine," said Auwerx. "We are not talking about introducing foreign substances into the body but rather restoring the body's ability to repair itself with a product that can be taken with food." This work on the aging process also has potential for treating diseases that can affect -- and be fatal -- in young people, like muscular dystrophy (myopathy).

So far, no negative side effects have been observed following the use of NR, even at high doses. But caution remains the byword when it comes to this elixir of youth: it appears to boost the functioning of all cells, which could include pathological ones. Further in-depth studies are required.



#713 newbie 2016

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Posted 08 May 2016 - 07:45 PM

First off, it would be nice if everybody who shared their experience would also mention the brand and label of the product they tried. Better yet, a picture or a link of the product label would be great.


Today I tried Jarrow Formulas' Nicotinamide Riboside for the first time, 300mg on a near empty stomach (I had eaten a banana 30 minutes prior to buying it at a local Vitamin Shoppe.  I'm not sure that I felt any effect. Though I will mention that I was on Adderall XR 30mg. Something odd that I did notice in the supplement facts is that it says Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride. Call me ignorant but, I'd like to know why this one says chloride where as other brands don't say N.. R.. Chloride.

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Edited by newbie 2016, 08 May 2016 - 07:46 PM.

#714 C Hunter

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Posted 13 May 2016 - 04:01 PM

Started taking Elysium Basis supplement yesterday at noon.

Here's what I noticed right away...


The capsules are feather light and tan colored.

I took one 250mg Nicotinamide Riboside & 50mg Pterostilbene

By 1 pm, my forehead turned red and raised.

I believe the supplement triggered what is probably Rosacea on my face.



11 am today, I took one supplement capsule.

I'd show you a picture of my forehead, but I'm not allowed to post pics I guess.

My forehead and eyelids and one cheek is itchy and red and raised.

It's a Rosacea break out, but it's not serious.



I'd read that other's Rosacea is effected by this supplement. Mine is too and it's too soon to tell if the effect is positive or negative or somewhere in between.


I suspect Niacin to be in the capsule.


Will update as I can. My posts are limited for now.





Edited by Cynthia Crutchfield Hunter, 13 May 2016 - 04:54 PM.

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#715 C Hunter

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Posted 14 May 2016 - 04:13 PM

This is my 3rd day taking a single 250 mg/50mg  Elysium Basis capsule. I'm 57 y/o. 29 bmi. Have high cholesterol.

My spare tire turned into a barrel over time, so my body style is skinny everywhere except my gut area or compared

to my gut area. I'm losing muscle in my legs and arms. My physical issues are a bad diet and lack of exercise and smoking.


My forehead is still red, raised and itchy. A red spot appeared on one cheek. The hairline on the back of my neck on left

side is itchy and becomes painful when I scratch. Our weather has been warmer and the Rosacea flare may also be

related to the temperature outdoors. I have my windows open.


My body temperature is definitely hotter.


I went shopping last night with my daughter and grandsons. We enjoyed our time together and I helped with my 2 year

old grandson. My daughter warned me that my youngest grandson is wild in the supermarket. I didn't think he was wild, but

he was hungry and curious. He also says 'hi' to every single person he sees. Normally, I'd sit in the car while she puts the baby in his car seat, but last night I took him out of the shopping cart and put him in his car seat.


#1 He didn't feel as heavy.

#2 I had more energy.


Increase in body temperature was noticeable yesterday.


Later in the evening, I had hot flashes and wondered if I was still going through menopause or if the Niacin was

making me feel hot or if I had a blood circulatory issue..


I didn't have the motivation to prepare a Crock Pot meal I'd planned. (So many ingredients and prepping time.)


I had energy and warmth and tried my best to relax and watch a movie.


My body was aching and I was dealing with spasms because of exertion. I'm normally




I feel this way alot and it's one of the reasons I'd hoped Elysium Basis would change my energy level.


Another change is I watched 2 episodes of TV show series while in the living room.


This is not normal for me. I normally sit in my computer chair and watch a TV show on my computer.


(I wake up, get coffee and sit in a computer chair all day and into the night checking the news, going

on Facebook or playing an online game.)


*Someone else said they noticed themselves getting away from their computer and the internet after taking



I don't know if it's a fluke for me to put my feet up and relax on the couch watching the actual TV or if it's a change

from the Basis influx of NAD/Pterostilbene building up in my bloodstream.


I still have a sleeping problem. I got sleepy and tired around 3-4 pm yesterday, but went to bed at 4 am after I took

2 generic Benadryl tablets.


It's noon and I'm in my pajamas which i normally wear all day unless I'm going somewhere.


I ate 3 chunks of cantaloupe for breakfast.


I'm drinking coffee and sitting in front of the computer, smoking.


These 3 things will be my demise unless I get enough energy to change my habits.












#716 stefan_001

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Posted 14 May 2016 - 04:19 PM

This is my 3rd day taking a single 250 mg/50mg  Elysium Basis capsule. I'm 57 y/o. 29 bmi. Have high cholesterol.

My spare tire turned into a barrel over time, so my body style is skinny everywhere except my gut area or compared

to my gut area. I'm losing muscle in my legs and arms. My physical issues are a bad diet and lack of exercise and smoking.


My forehead is still red, raised and itchy. A red spot appeared on one cheek. The hairline on the back of my neck on left

side is itchy and becomes painful when I scratch. Our weather has been warmer and the Rosacea flare may also be

related to the temperature outdoors. I have my windows open.


My body temperature is definitely hotter.


I went shopping last night with my daughter and grandsons. We enjoyed our time together and I helped with my 2 year

old grandson. My daughter warned me that my youngest grandson is wild in the supermarket. I didn't think he was wild, but

he was hungry and curious. He also says 'hi' to every single person he sees. Normally, I'd sit in the car while she puts the baby in his car seat, but last night I took him out of the shopping cart and put him in his car seat.


#1 He didn't feel as heavy.

#2 I had more energy.


Increase in body temperature was noticeable yesterday.


Later in the evening, I had hot flashes and wondered if I was still going through menopause or if the Niacin was

making me feel hot or if I had a blood circulatory issue..


I didn't have the motivation to prepare a Crock Pot meal I'd planned. (So many ingredients and prepping time.)


I had energy and warmth and tried my best to relax and watch a movie.


My body was aching and I was dealing with spasms because of exertion. I'm normally




I feel this way alot and it's one of the reasons I'd hoped Elysium Basis would change my energy level.


Another change is I watched 2 episodes of TV show series while in the living room.


This is not normal for me. I normally sit in my computer chair and watch a TV show on my computer.


(I wake up, get coffee and sit in a computer chair all day and into the night checking the news, going

on Facebook or playing an online game.)


*Someone else said they noticed themselves getting away from their computer and the internet after taking



I don't know if it's a fluke for me to put my feet up and relax on the couch watching the actual TV or if it's a change

from the Basis influx of NAD/Pterostilbene building up in my bloodstream.


I still have a sleeping problem. I got sleepy and tired around 3-4 pm yesterday, but went to bed at 4 am after I took

2 generic Benadryl tablets.


It's noon and I'm in my pajamas which i normally wear all day unless I'm going somewhere.


I ate 3 chunks of cantaloupe for breakfast.


I'm drinking coffee and sitting in front of the computer, smoking.


These 3 things will be my demise unless I get enough energy to change my habits.


Hello, I think the increased energy is consistent with what others notice. Having used NR for over a year as well as by my parents my sense is that in the beginning the body needs to get used to it given this somewhat patchy picture. The steady improvements continue however. So keep up couple months before concluding would be my advice.


#717 C Hunter

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Posted 16 May 2016 - 06:44 AM

Day 4 on Basis by Elysium Health


I feel stronger and have more energy. The feeling of having more strength is a surprise.


#718 ironfistx

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Posted 16 May 2016 - 06:17 PM

THe new Niagen product on swanson is confusing.  The phrase says 250mg 28 pills and for $29.99 it would be the cheapest NR product available, although when you click on it you will find that it's actually 14 servings of 250mg.




The address is confusing, too, because that says 3 pack 60 caps but it's really a bottle of 28 pills.

#719 SearchHorizon

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Posted 19 May 2016 - 02:35 AM

I had been following this thread for a while.


Because of riboside is a bit expensive, however, I had started with niacin and niacinamide, rather than the riboside version. I have experienced increased body temperature and metabolism. Using it, I have been able to gradually lose weight without losing strength (as a relatively lean, experienced lifter, this is nearly impossible for someone 52, like myself) unless profound metabolic improvement has occurred with respect to energy partitioning. 


I have tried niacinamide riboside (at 250 mg) for short bursts of time, but I don't feel anything that I didn't already feel from niacinamide and/or niacin. Still I purchased 6 bottles niacinamide riboside and gave them to my mom, to help her with memory. Not sure if it is doing anything that niacin or niacinamide doesn't do - I didn't notice any change in her.



Edited by SearchHorizon, 19 May 2016 - 02:42 AM.

#720 Harkijn

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 10:21 AM

I am a 64 year old male. I am basically in good shape despite hypothyroidie and pernicious anemia which are both under control since many years. As for supplements, I inject myself monthly with 1000 micrograms of vitamin B12 and I take a glucosamine tab with each meal. Magnesium and 0.1mg of Melatonin at night. Every now and then I take a B-complex tablet containing 50mg of niacinamide. Also irregularly I take 50mg of Apigenin because this substance is said to stimulate a more efficient use of the NADpool.

April 2 I started NR. I took 300mg daily of Doctor’s Best . I experienced a huge muscle fatigue for five days before I realized this could be caused by NR.  So, I quit taking the tabs for three days and the fatigue subsided. On the next day  I restarted with 75 mg and gradually built up the dose to 200 mg daily. No more muscle fatigue. After two weeks I switched to LEF NAD Cell Regenerator because of its better availability in Europe and I went up to 300mg again.

I have no spectacular results to report but I must say that I have been feeling energetic these last two months. I have some more stamina in the gym and looking in the mirror I see somewhat more muscle and a little less fat. That’s very encouraging and I intend to go on taking NR for a couple of months at least. I would be interested in reading more personal experiences here, but curiously not many people seem interested in sharing experiences lately. For instance, those who posted in september, are you still taking NR?


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