Sure seems like this "personal experience" thread has been straying off topic quite a bit lately. Maybe those who wish to post comments and/or opinions about NR unrelated to the OP's stated criteria (NR/Niagen personal experiences) should create a separate "anything goes" thread? It might help reduce the noise level here and make it easier to follow relevant posts. JMHO.

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR/Niagen) personal experience thread
Posted 17 March 2017 - 09:24 AM
Posted 17 March 2017 - 02:11 PM
As has been duly noted, this thread has wandered way off-topic.
The purpose here, is for users to report their anecdotal, personal experience with nicotinamide riboside.
Please, before you post read post #1 and ask yourself if your contribution is appropriate for this topic; does it add value to the conversation. If not, please post in an appropriate thread or begin a new one; or contact a poster via PM if you have off-topic questions or concerns.
There is no reason to discuss other alternatives here (e.g. niacin, niacinamide etc...). My B3 is better than your B3; there are numerous threads that are appropriate for that. Too, this is not about the latest study supporting or refuting NR's efficacy; please post those in one of the manifold threads already created for that purpose.
I'm not big on censorship, so I will leave the entire thread intact. However, if the off-topic posts continue I will consider deleting them.
This was created to exchange thoughts and discuss our personal experiences with NR, it's pretty much that simple. Ask questions sure, but in a respectful and cordial way. Enjoy and keep it civil. Thank you.
Here are just a few NR/B3/NMN threads to explore:
Nicotinamide Riboside (curated)
David Sinclair strikes again
Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)/Niagen vendor vetting and discussion
Niagen Nicotinamide Riboside LONGECITY Group Buy
My profound experience on nicotinamide riboside
NAD+ Precursor Niacinamide Prevents Glaucoma in Mice
Nicotinic Acid, NAD+ and Aging : Research and Experience Thread
Difference between Niagen and NADH?
Are Other Precursors as Effective in Increasing NAD+ as NR?
Nicotinamide Riboside for Alertness
Nicotinamide without the Riboside, Nicotinamide by itself. Any good?
Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Might Be In Your Future
Anyone have results taking NAD boosting supplement (Nicotinamide Riboside)?
Niagen (nicotinamide riboside) group buy
NR, NAD+ and NADH and behavior
Edited by APBT, 17 March 2017 - 07:07 PM.
Posted 19 March 2017 - 06:08 PM
I use a product made by Near East for making rice with dinner. My whole life I had 20/15 vision until about age 48. Over the last 3 years my near vision fell to 20/40. I will go in for an actual eye exam next week and get real results, but the fact is during the last year I could not read the instructions on the back of the Near East rice boxes without the use of glasses. As I sit here right now, I can read the Near East box instructions without glasses. For the record I am ingesting 1000 mg daily of Niagen. I take 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills at night. Two of the pills I take at night are "BASIS" which includes Pterostilbene. The only other supplement I consume is 80-100 g daily of trehalose. (see my first post for more information)
n=1. Not scientific; purely anecdotal. Interesting none the less.
Edited by 2Sunny, 19 March 2017 - 06:14 PM.
Posted 20 March 2017 - 03:14 PM
Just curiosity, and hope not off topic (if so, please delete) how does NR or increase in NAD+ help in vision? Is there any mice/animal related study?
Posted 20 March 2017 - 03:24 PM
Just curiosity, and hope not off topic (if so, please delete) how does NR or increase in NAD+ help in vision? Is there any mice/animal related study?
NR did me a world of good but did not prevent my eyesight from getting worse. As for NADboosting in general take a look at this:
In this case it was NMN they used. I was able to give you a quick answer because I am considering trying NMN for a while in order to prevent cataract surgery..
Posted 20 March 2017 - 04:28 PM
Posted 20 March 2017 - 04:32 PM
As I sit here right now, I can read the Near East box instructions without glasses.
Posted 20 March 2017 - 05:02 PM
As I sit here right now, I can read the Near East box instructions without glasses.
I know a very healthy and energetic 62 year old scientist (who looks closer to 52) who started taking 250mg of NR along with the 250 mg of resveratrol that he had been taking for a few years. I had apparrently convinced him late last year to try NR as I had begun to then. He was stunned at his improved eyesight and explained how he now uses glasses at the weaker strength that he used in his early 40s and as a person interested in optics went into informal experiments with both glasses.He is skeptical about everything but everyone is susceptible to wishful thinking to some degree. He would be at the low end on the wishful thinking spectrum. This scientist said the same thing about reading small print on labels: "I couldn't read that from this distance before taking NR."As for the possible mechanism, I'd speculate that the eyes are made of cells and that NR is increasing depleted NAD+ so each cell is closer to a younger version. It makes sense that if sight improvement occurred, it would reach a maximum of whatever the vision was at around 35 or 40 when NAD+ began to decline.
NR is not likely the reason. Not exactly sure if you friend is near or far sighed, but according to my eye doc, and from my own experience, if you are near-sighted (can't see well far away)... as you age your far vision improves as a result, necessitating weaker glasses.
As I've aged, my vision has progressively "improved" (a very relative term as I'm still -6, -6.5) from what used to be -8, -8.75 when I was younger.
"And yes, your distance vision can certainly appear to improve with age. A little bit, over years. It’s not suddenly going to improve by a quarter diopter in six months, while you also happen to have started rehabilitating your vision. "
Posted 20 March 2017 - 05:18 PM
I'm not sure but his story is similar to 2Sunny's rice box story. The only thing that changed with the scientist from last November is that he started taking 250mg of NR and said that the improvement in his eyesight (I assume near-sighted) surprised him since he noticed it after about 6 to 8 weeks whereas he was taking 250 mg of resveratrol for 4 years.
I think I told his story correctly but will ask for more details and post if they add to what I wrote.
Edited by bluemoon, 20 March 2017 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 20 March 2017 - 07:33 PM
My friend just told me that he will go in for an eye exam but wants to wait a few months to make sure his eye sight stabalizes first. I'll post before and after numbers here in late spring for a data point.
Posted 20 March 2017 - 11:57 PM
Posted 23 March 2017 - 01:26 PM
Sharing my sister experience UPDATE:
After taking NR 275mg/day for 1 week, now her constipation seems to improve. Really unexpected though. I mean I really can't relate the connection between constipation and NAD+. I was expecting she said something like feel more energetic, feel better sleep, etc....but she said constipation improve and getting better! of course, she doesn't have problem sleeping and constipation is her only main concern for long time...still...
Feel more stamina after gym, not feeling like tired or soreness after gym.
Stopped for 5 days due to outstation trip. No adverse feeling so far. Retake NR started today.
Age: 57, Female, Healthy, gym 1-2 times a week. pre-diabetic, BP on high side (still normal). long time constipation problem.
Posted 23 March 2017 - 01:28 PM
BTW, seems like no other people start to take NR? All interested people in this forum already try NR? Anyone not yet sharing your NR experience please report here, thanks.
Posted 25 March 2017 - 12:44 AM
Anyone know if Niagen should be taken every day, or e.g. after a month stop taking it for a week or so? I have now been taking it for 3 months, and I was suddenly REALLY tired and my head felt weird. Not sure if this is because of the pills, or just a coincidence.
I'm having the exact same issue. I've been taking Niagen 500 mg a day for months. Suddenly at the 3rd month, it becomes impossible to sleep less than 10-12 hours a day. really drowsy in the afternoons, naps, brain fog, its like I'm drugged. I stop taking it and I feel great. So I stopped for a week, started taking it again today, but only 250mg, and crash! this afternoon i napped for 2 hours. i don't know why this is happening, but obviously its not beneficial when you build up a tolerance or whatever is happening. I will have to stop for several weeks and see what happens. This crash also happened when I tried to increase my dose to 750mg. I'm a 45 year old female for reference.
Posted 25 March 2017 - 12:53 AM
Posted 25 March 2017 - 01:16 AM
So I stopped for a week, started taking it again today, but only 250mg, and crash! this afternoon i napped for 2 hours.
For people in the 40's 500mg maybe too much. 250mg should be good.
Mike, you seem to be a true convert. Why not start a positive experience only thread?
Edited by pamojja, 25 March 2017 - 01:17 AM.
Posted 25 March 2017 - 01:54 AM
Remeber NR is mainly for preventing age related diseases. Don't expect NR to get everyone younger with large doses.
Posted 26 March 2017 - 12:08 PM
Posted 26 March 2017 - 02:29 PM
My father is 85 years old with Alzheimer's disease. After 4 month of 250mg Niagen, his cognition has improved and his severe constipation has also improved.
What about his aging, does he look younger?
Posted 26 March 2017 - 03:03 PM
Anyone know if Niagen should be taken every day, or e.g. after a month stop taking it for a week or so? I have now been taking it for 3 months, and I was suddenly REALLY tired and my head felt weird. Not sure if this is because of the pills, or just a coincidence.
I'm having the exact same issue. I've been taking Niagen 500 mg a day for months. Suddenly at the 3rd month, it becomes impossible to sleep less than 10-12 hours a day. really drowsy in the afternoons, naps, brain fog, its like I'm drugged. I stop taking it and I feel great. So I stopped for a week, started taking it again today, but only 250mg, and crash! this afternoon i napped for 2 hours. i don't know why this is happening, but obviously its not beneficial when you build up a tolerance or whatever is happening. I will have to stop for several weeks and see what happens. This crash also happened when I tried to increase my dose to 750mg. I'm a 45 year old female for reference.
I believe this could be due to mitophagy? During mitophagy, a lot of old/not fully working mitochondriales were destroyed to form new and good mithochrial. During the phase, ie, destroying the old/not fully working mitochondrial, say 30% of the mitochondrial was destroyed during the process. Obviously with a lot less mitochondrial now, you will feel very tired, need lots of sleep, etc... and after few days, when new mitochondrial rebuild, you will feel a lot more energized...I read somewhere in NR curated threads that someone is taking NR to induce mitophagy and has similar experience I think. I am too lazy to search again, pls do the searching on that thread.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 02:04 PM
Each year for a few years around this time of year I would get some sort of an allergic reaction which might last a couple of months, I never treated it or had it diagnosed. But for the last few years it has not occurred, this I have put down to fasting and a healthy diet high fruit and veg. However this has altered dramatically this year and the reaction has been far worse (though different - runny nose, sneezing, though symptoms were initially the same as previous years - persistent coughing) - so possibly a different reaction. The symptoms appeared to match hay-fever. Today, for the first time, I've taken some ante-histamine (loratadine) and gained considerable relief.
Initially I put this down to the fact that my diet has been poor for several months: low fruit and veg, higher sugar, increased wheat and dairy and much less fasting and, quite importantly, my environment (the same as this time last year though): I'm out in the countryside for several weeks.
However, there is a another significant factor: for around 5 weeks I've averaged around 3-4 grams a day of NR, with perhaps 3-400 mg of Trans Ptero, with a lot of Tumeric and Sulforophane. There has been the occasional NR-free day and doses as high 7.5g/ day. I certainly notice very good effects in the beginning on both skin and mental clarity but not so much lately. Recently dosing has lowered and I've taken some c60oo.
I decided quickly to search to see if NR might have been the problem and found this:
Both forms of vitamin B3, nicotinic acid (niacin) and nicotinamide (niacinamide), are necessary to counteract the clinical problems associated with high blood histamine. When histamine levels are in excess, the enzyme nicotinamide-adenosine dinucleotidase (NADase) catalyzes the removal of a nicotinamide moiety from nicotinamide-adenosine dinucleotide (NAD) and irreversibly replaces it with a molecule of histamine. The net effect of excess histamine would be increased production of histamine-adenosine dinucleotide (HAD), an inert compound devoid of the energetic properties of NAD.
Any thoughts on this and how I should get these levels down? Might this explain why the effects have of NAD have worn off - I'm producing inert HAD with my excess NAD, but why such high levels of histamine?
Thanks in advance.
edit: while searching fond this, perhaps of interest: https://www.ncbi.nlm...ubmed/14646967
Edited by ambivalent, 27 March 2017 - 02:52 PM.
Posted 27 March 2017 - 03:11 PM
This make some sense. I also had a few bad days at the beginning.Anyone know if Niagen should be taken every day, or e.g. after a month stop taking it for a week or so? I have now been taking it for 3 months, and I was suddenly REALLY tired and my head felt weird. Not sure if this is because of the pills, or just a coincidence.
I'm having the exact same issue. I've been taking Niagen 500 mg a day for months. Suddenly at the 3rd month, it becomes impossible to sleep less than 10-12 hours a day. really drowsy in the afternoons, naps, brain fog, its like I'm drugged. I stop taking it and I feel great. So I stopped for a week, started taking it again today, but only 250mg, and crash! this afternoon i napped for 2 hours. i don't know why this is happening, but obviously its not beneficial when you build up a tolerance or whatever is happening. I will have to stop for several weeks and see what happens. This crash also happened when I tried to increase my dose to 750mg. I'm a 45 year old female for reference.
I believe this could be due to mitophagy? During mitophagy, a lot of old/not fully working mitochondriales were destroyed to form new and good mithochrial. During the phase, ie, destroying the old/not fully working mitochondrial, say 30% of the mitochondrial was destroyed during the process. Obviously with a lot less mitochondrial now, you will feel very tired, need lots of sleep, etc... and after few days, when new mitochondrial rebuild, you will feel a lot more energized...I read somewhere in NR curated threads that someone is taking NR to induce mitophagy and has similar experience I think. I am too lazy to search again, pls do the searching on that thread.
Posted 28 March 2017 - 02:33 AM
I believe 7.5g/day even occasionally is way too high. What is your age and current health status? I would recommend you to take up to max 3 g/day.
And for your case, there are few variables that might cause your problem:
1) High dosage of NR
2) Poor Diet
3) Less Fasting
4) Environment
5) Other supplements
It is probably one or combination of few of the above variables.
Posted 28 March 2017 - 06:10 AM
However, there is a another significant factor: for around 5 weeks I've averaged around 3-4 grams a day of NR, with perhaps 3-400 mg of Trans Ptero, with a lot of Tumeric and Sulforophane. There has been the occasional NR-free day and doses as high 7.5g/ day. I certainly notice very good effects in the beginning on both skin and mental clarity but not so much lately. Recently dosing has lowered and I've taken some c60oo.
Holy moly.
What was your reasoning?
Posted 28 March 2017 - 05:38 PM
On the subject of the suspected raised histamane levels, I felt vastly better this morning but breathing has still been inconsistently impaired, coughing vastly reduced. It has been overcast, breezier and cool rather than the warm sunny preceding days which may have helped.
Yesterday I took 4x10mg one-a-day Loratadine, the last before bed. After reading the previously quoted article yesterday I decided to try vitamin C and Niacin in addition to the ante-histamine to improve breathing . Both appeared to have good effect although on efficacy, I would lean towards the Vitamin C. Bowel tolerance of C level seemed higher than normal. When I took the first gram of Niacin it took around 45 minutes to flush, but the flush was quite weak; around 15 minutes after the flush I took a second gram, the flush was almost instant but still modest.
I'd not taken niacin for a few weeks but when I last did, which at the time was some time from my previous niacin intake, it was an NR free-day a early in to the experiment. The flush was a little quicker than usual and significantly stronger. I'm an intermittent and non-longstanding user of niacin, I've generally found the experience to vary, but this experience was certainly up there as one of the most intense. Consequently, I decided to baulk at the prospect of taking niacin at the same time/same day as a high dose of NR, but given it might offset the build-up of histamine I will give this a go.
I suspect there may have been warning signs earlier: around day ten days in some when near tea-time I noticed my hands start to heat, redden and noticeably swell for about an hour or so. I'd assumed it was some form of niacin flush, from recollection there was some heat modest reddening on my limbs (I was out at the time so I couldn't fully inspect). It was certainly very different from any niacin flush I'd experience, but in my ignorance it seemed a probable explanation. I carried on dosing and all was fine - no repetition. Now I suspect this was anaphylaxis. The effect did not occur shortly after dosing, but I can't be exact how long.
Fast forward a couple of weeks. I went for a challenging coastal walk over several hours, I had hitherto been dosing several times a day and elected to do so twice a long the walk (NR and Trans-Ptero). My stamina and breathing was exceptionally good. Nearing he end of the walk there is a very steep climb. When I reached the top my legs almost turned to jelly, breathing was deep, exhaustive but oddly comfortable without the usual burning sensation. Usually when I'm knackered on a climb it isn't the legs that give up but the lungs. I wouldn't have expected to make it one unbroken effort and upon reaching the top I was able to keep going and seemed to recover quickly.
At one point during the walk I took what was probably 500mg of NR and 100mg of Trans-Ptero - I would have already taken 2-3g of NR during the day at this point. There was an instantly flushing of the hands, the same as I experienced a couple of weeks before but much milder. Suddenly I became tired and stopped to take a breather then after a few minutes I was fine and my fitness and stamina returned back to way to this very high level. I have done this walk a couple of times and it found far tougher but my fitness isn't consistent and neither are the conditions. That said I was very confident there was a strong effect, especially the breathing. I'd assumed this was NR but P-T claims to support card-vas health.
When I first started taking NR in the autumn of last year I noticed initially some very beneficial psychological effects at low doses, but these appeared to wear. The most noticeable effect were flashes of pain; I experienced the characteristic foot pain, this lasted a couple of weeks. But there were frequent short pains, which I still experience on NR, in various parts of my body but most notable I'd say are feet, hands but also oddly eye-socket and occasionally the eye . I've not seen anyone report eye-pains. I also picked up some tendonitis, which I am not prone to, however, the activity which triggered was irregular. On subjective experience, I wasn't a convert.
I embarked on this trial after Fafner55's high-dose experiment and set out to do something similar possibly longer and certainly less exact. In the beginning Sulforaphane ranging from 2000mcg to 4000mcg with a couple of grams of turmeric.
There were three things I noticed in the early phase stages. Initially, I observed a softening of the skin and significant improvements to my problematic, possibly arthritic, knee, which has a gristling, crackling sound. The knee was quite weak and not especially durable. After four or five days the noise was still there but it was now so strong that I could barely differentiate between the two, also I'd noticed my knees clicked/snapped when I bent them around 10% of the time, rather than 90% beforehand. In general there was far greater flexibility. Initially I thought this was the NR, but I am quite certain it was the turmeric/sulforaphane or a synergy, as after reducing their dose but retaining NR/PT, the weakness returned.
Day 1 was 1400mg (1 dose), Day 2 1500mg (1 dose); Day 3 4000 (2 doses mornin /late afternoon on an empty stomach); Day 4 5000 (2x2500 again morning and afternoon on an empty stomach) I also added black pepper to the mix of turm/sulp/transT/NR.
I remember on the afternoon of the day feeling rather gloomy and somewhat bothered. I'd not witnessed any obvious mental benefits. But in the evening after the second dose a switch flicked, I felt fantastic. Very clear minded and alert, no anxiety, calm and measured.
I persisted with very high doses and the softening effects on my skin were superb but no obvious signs of improvement on thin lines and nasolabial folds, but I felt I started to look healthier and perhaps a little fuller faced. My appetite seemed to increase, which may explain the later. The psychological effects weren't ntirely reliable but were pretty consistent and were simply great. I noticed in particular an ability to think much more clearly, quickly, positively and a substantial reduction in overthinking/ getting stuck on thoughts.
There were responses to higher doses, doses above 1 gram/day were certainly not redundant in my experience. However, that said, I always took NR with Trans Ptero so the high doses of NR were always accompanied with high doses of TP. A couple of weeks in during a high dosing period including a 7,500 day, I felt washed out for a couple of days and possibly a bit cold at times (but this may have been an observation primed from Fafner). Then I recovered well and felt energised (actually on the day of going a way on holiday for a few weeks, so this may have been related)
After the first three weeks I thought the effects at these doses might turn out to be remarkable, but I didn't notice as strong an effect in the last couple of weeks.
There seemed to be no obvious benefit from introducing c60 though it still seemed to be working and it was still effective in increasing lung capacity (measuring breath holding).
Also, on the subject of c60, I'd taken around 330mg of c60 in the preceding month, the last of which was a few days before the NR trial.
Other effects: although I don't suffer from constipation I found that I was more regular. Urination may have been more frequent towards the end. Subjectively, I felt my reactions were quicker. Sleep has been very disrupted in the last couple of weeks, I'd wake in the early hours, for a couple of hours then drift back. This has probably happened since the c60 was introduced and has been something I've experienced from c60 before, but only for a couple of days after quite a break from it - but this did not always occur.
So perhaps the effects were wearing off because of the looming problem with histamine. I also wonder whether high doses of sulforaphane may have been in the mix of causes, but this may become clearer.
When I restart I will look to add significant doses of vitamin c and possibly niacin. I am 45 years old, in very good health afaik, not especially fit, averagely so, perhaps a little overweight, but this varies a lot, however, I've taken a few risks, such as this, which may return to roost!
Posted 28 March 2017 - 07:48 PM
edit: ......... I remember on the afternoon of the fourth** day feeling rather gloomy and somewhat bothered. I'd not witnessed any obvious mental benefits. But in the evening after the second dose (2500mg**) a switch flicked, I felt fantastic. Very clear minded and alert, no ), calm and measured.
Edited by ambivalent, 28 March 2017 - 07:49 PM.
Posted 28 March 2017 - 08:15 PM
Is there any organized buy group over here to get adjusted prices?
Posted 28 March 2017 - 08:56 PM
Is there any organized buy group over here to get adjusted prices?
See this thread: http://www.longecity...roup-buy/page-1
And read this: http://www.longecity...-38#entry809433
Edited by APBT, 28 March 2017 - 08:58 PM.
Posted 29 March 2017 - 04:37 PM
Wouldn't rectal administration result in more bioavailability than oral? Nobody has commented on this, since its not a cheap substance.
Posted 29 March 2017 - 04:38 PM
Wouldn't rectal administration result in more bioavailability than oral? Nobody has commented on this, since its not a cheap substance.
MikeDC seems to know a lot about this sort of stuff, hopefully he'll give us his opinion.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nicotinamide ribo, nr niagen, nad, niagen, sinclair, hpn, n(r), david sinclair, basis
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