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Nicotinamide Riboside (NR/Niagen) personal experience thread

nicotinamide ribo nr niagen nad niagen sinclair hpn n(r) david sinclair basis

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#2161 bluemoon

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Posted 17 April 2019 - 05:18 PM


NR has masses of studies ongoing worldwide and has shown some very encouraging results.

MNM however, is seriously lacking when it comes to solid science as of yet.



I wonder why ChromaDex's study still isn't out yet when Elyisium has published two studies - one in November 2017 and one on ALS patients a few months ago. 

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#2162 midas

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Posted 17 April 2019 - 07:38 PM

I wonder why ChromaDex's study still isn't out yet when Elyisium has published two studies - one in November 2017 and one on ALS patients a few months ago. 


Considering the fact the Elysium have only very recently started manufacturing their own Nr I think you will find that all Nr used in Elysium's study's was supplied by Chromadex as that was where they were sourcing it before they had the fallout..

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#2163 Vastmandana

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Posted 17 April 2019 - 08:21 PM

Looking at all these negative ratings on posts in this thread is like watching kids having mini tantrums.
NR has masses of studies ongoing worldwide and has shown some very encouraging results.
MNM however, is seriously lacking when it comes to solid science as of yet.

Maybe you child like people that keep being negative just for the sake of it should move on, leave this thread and concentrate on finding and showing evidence that NMN is actually doing something positive..

I look forward to a boatload of silly and pointless negative ratings below...

Midas, you've always been a beacon of sanity...I have mentioned often that I find it ironic that most posters, among them the "child like people" you mentioned are dropins and seem to have a problem disclosing their ages in their bios...wtf? Without real context I tend to discount their blather.

I added NR to my longevity regimen years ago, when Brian first started the NR mega-thread(s). Since then, have added synolytics, have adopted a ketogenic diet and have continued to persue other promising QOL enhancers...

Thanks for chiming in from time to time...we live in interesting times...and cutting through the blather is often challenging, especially given that so often it is stated with NO context...and in my humble opinion, as a lifelong analyst, context is HUGE,if not everything

Edited by Vastmandana, 17 April 2019 - 08:23 PM.

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#2164 bluemoon

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Posted 17 April 2019 - 08:33 PM

Considering the fact the Elysium have only very recently started manufacturing their own Nr I think you will find that all Nr used in Elysium's study's was supplied by Chromadex as that was where they were sourcing it before they had the fallout..


Right, but the two Elysium studies show the effects of NR and pterostilbine, not just NR (Niagen).


Chromadex's study started in March 2016 and ended in April of 2017. Elysiums' two studies were published in journals about 15 months later whereas it has been 24 months for Chromadex's 100 mg, 300 mg and 1,000 mg of NR study. Two years (and counting) seems like a long time but maybe not unusual. I'm not sure.  

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#2165 cjacek

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Posted 18 April 2019 - 01:02 AM

@ Vastmandana - Sorry if this is off topic but what kind of synolytics specifically do you take in addition to the NR? 

Edited by cjacek, 18 April 2019 - 01:03 AM.

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#2166 jgkyker

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Posted 25 April 2019 - 10:22 PM

The short answer is that I am uninterested in a perpetual diet of NR for health reasons.


The long answer... well, here we go...



For a history of my reported experiences on NR, please follow back through the quoted post (it should have quoted posts that continue to take you back fully on my reports).


Heart Palpitations Eliminated

I wanted to give a quick update on my situation. On 4/9, I began again to take NR at a reduced dosage of 150 mg/day on T/Th/Sat only. (I open the capsule and take it via sublingual.) Since then, the heart palpitations I was experiencing have stopped completely. This is actually amazing to me. It was really odd that I began to experience heart palpitations, frequently, when I dropped from 300 mg/day on T/Th/Sat/Sun to no dose.


Inconclusive on Deep Sleep Enhancement

The deep sleep loss I reported has remained relatively unchanged. It did tick up the first week back on NR to an average of 2h 1m per week, and then it reverted back to about an average of 1h 30m per week. Consequently, I am wondering if pterostilbene is actually the vehicle responsible for enhanced deep sleep. I want to give it another month before I begin to experiment with pterostilbene again.


Mild to Medium Evidence of Exercise Performance Losses and Joint Pain

Regarding joint pain, I did experience some increased joint pain that seemed irregular on the 2nd day of taking NR. This was while performing push-ups. Since then, I have not really had any further joint pain. This leads me to believe that possibly 150 mg/day is too low of a dose to cause joint pain or that pterostilbene was mostly responsible (or completely responsible). My joint issues (wrist, finger, and hip) have continued to heal. I have significantly more mobility than I did when I began posting about my experience. I do seem to think that I have worse exercise performance on days that I take NR, but I'm willing to ignore this for the most part, for now. Everything seems harder and more tiring on days that I exercise and take NR. This will probably eventually lead me to only taking NR on non-exercise days (2 days a week), but I want to give it some more time to assess.


Brain Fog Eliminated

Lastly, the reported brain fog that seemed to crop up when I eliminated NR is now gone. I definitely think NR is helping me think more clearly, and I believed that before I stopped taking it.


Personal conclusion: For now, I will continue taking NR at 150 mg/day on T/Th/Sat only, unless new research comes to light that suggests I should stop. I do not plan to up my dose to 300 mg/day, mostly due to the exercise performance issues I am seeing. In a month, I may begin experimenting with pterostilbene again to see if it is responsible for the deep sleep gains I reported while on NR/pterostilbene.

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#2167 cjacek

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Posted 26 April 2019 - 01:44 AM

Through what possible mechanism would NR cause heart palpitations when dropping from 300 mg to zero and also how/why would NR cause reduced exercise performance?

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#2168 jgkyker

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Posted 26 April 2019 - 02:15 AM

Through what possible mechanism would NR cause heart palpitations when dropping from 300 mg to zero and also how/why would NR cause reduced exercise performance?


According to the Mayo Clinic, heart palpitations can be induced by stress and thyroid issues. They can also be caused by stimulants, but I doubt this was the cause, as I did not drink coffee or take any caffeine during my NR withdrawal period. I began coffee consumption again about 2 weeks ago. So, if stimulants were the cause, it would make sense I would have more heart palpitations now, since I am now drinking coffee again.




Often the cause of your heart palpitations can't be found. Common causes include:

  • Strong emotional responses, such as stress, anxiety or panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Stimulants, including caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines, and cold and cough medications that contain pseudoephedrine
  • Fever
  • Hormone changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy or menopause
  • Too much or to little thyroid hormone


Normally, according to the quote from Mayo Clinic above, heart palpitations can be very difficult to determine causally. Therefore, it is probably best not to guess at all. Nevertheless, my wild guess would be perhaps NR withdrawal caused some sort of stress response in my body. Maybe my body became "happy" with the elevated NAD+ and then, when the NAD+ level fluctuated, it went into stress mode. Going back on it may have reversed the stress response. I also stopped pterostilbene at the same time. Therefore, it could be that pterostilbene withdrawal caused the heart palpitations and over time my body reached some level of homeostasis, causing the palpitations to quit.


As far as exercise issues, my post on page 72 of this thread covers my thoughts. That post is probably worth checking out if you haven't seen it, albeit take it with a grain of salt (as with most everything on the Internet).


#2169 GABAergic

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Posted 26 April 2019 - 09:11 PM

here is some news about Tru Niagen for all those fanboys out there; https://www.nutraing...th-Technologies

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#2170 GABAergic

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Posted 27 April 2019 - 02:26 AM

its not off topic. its about Niagen

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#2171 Harkijn

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Posted 27 April 2019 - 06:47 AM

Gabaergic, I do not rate your posts and I think your link is very interesting. Not just for fanboys but also for fangirls and  for the many thousands of NR users like me. Your post could however get some more attention if placed  in the vendor thread.

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#2172 Oakman

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Posted 27 April 2019 - 12:51 PM

its not off topic. its about Niagen


GABAergic, you just need to be a bit more aware of where you are posting. This is a personal experience thread. Your info is useful and interesting, but not your personal experience, so it's in the wrong thread. There's another thread for general NR info, and this should have been posted there. It's a small thing, but order is helpful to everyone looking for help and information, and so anyone typically will be called out if they don't observe posting etiquette.

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#2173 GABAergic

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Posted 27 April 2019 - 07:43 PM

i see. well i am informed now. i really was confused by the so many threads about NR on this forum. ill keep in mind for future posts, thanks

Edited by GABAergic, 27 April 2019 - 07:44 PM.

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#2174 ledgf

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Posted 06 May 2019 - 06:14 PM

Right, but the two Elysium studies show the effects of NR and pterostilbine, not just NR (Niagen).


Chromadex's study started in March 2016 and ended in April of 2017. Elysiums' two studies were published in journals about 15 months later whereas it has been 24 months for Chromadex's 100 mg, 300 mg and 1,000 mg of NR study. Two years (and counting) seems like a long time but maybe not unusual. I'm not sure.  

yes, it is an outrageously long time in an outrageously slothful industry. 

The average time to publication of a scientific paper today is ten months after completion of the trial... the same as it was 30 YEARS AGO.

Two years is obviously far out of line. 

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#2175 ledgf

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Posted 06 May 2019 - 06:16 PM

Speaking of out of line, I see I'm in the personal experience thread ;)

I've been taking NR for well over two years now. Great improvement in sleep quality, energy, and skin health. Some increase in hair and fingernail growth. 

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#2176 bluemoon

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Posted 06 May 2019 - 08:25 PM

yes, it is an outrageously long time in an outrageously slothful industry. 

The average time to publication of a scientific paper today is ten months after completion of the trial... the same as it was 30 YEARS AGO.

Two years is obviously far out of line. 


My guess is that ChromaDex had to rewrite a part or parts for it to be published. Elysium's studies have each taken 15 months or so, also beyond the ten month average.

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#2177 dosquito

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Posted 09 May 2019 - 08:56 PM

Okay i'm totally done with niagen now. Even at 1 pill a day while taking b complex I have a canker sore developing after like 4 days
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#2178 midas

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Posted 09 May 2019 - 10:49 PM

Okay i'm totally done with niagen now. Even at 1 pill a day while taking b complex I have a canker sore developing after like 4 days




The precise cause of canker sores remains unclear, though researchers suspect that a combination of factors contributes to outbreaks, even in the same person.

Possible triggers for canker sores include:

  • A minor injury to your mouth from dental work, overzealous brushing, sports mishaps or an accidental cheek bite
  • Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Food sensitivities, particularly to chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, cheese, and spicy or acidic foods
  • A diet lacking in vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid) or iron
  • An allergic response to certain bacteria in your mouth
  • Helicobacter pylori, the same bacteria that cause peptic ulcers
  • Hormonal shifts during menstruation
  • Emotional stress

Canker sores may also occur because of certain conditions and diseases, such as:

  • Celiac disease, a serious intestinal disorder caused by a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in most grains
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Behcet's disease, a rare disorder that causes inflammation throughout the body, including the mouth
  • A faulty immune system that attacks healthy cells in your mouth instead of pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria
  • HIV/AIDS, which suppresses the immune system

Unlike cold sores, canker sores are not associated with herpes virus infections.

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#2179 Phoebus

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Posted 14 May 2019 - 08:08 PM

Okay i'm totally done with niagen now. Even at 1 pill a day while taking b complex I have a canker sore developing after like 4 days


Does NMN do the same thing for you?

#2180 Fredrik

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Posted 15 May 2019 - 07:04 AM

I wonder why ChromaDex's study still isn't out yet when Elyisium has published two studies - one in November 2017 and one on ALS patients a few months ago. 


The Chromadex 100, 300, and 1000 mg NR human study will be published "in a couple of weeks", according to Dr Charles Brenner:



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#2181 johnross47

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Posted 22 May 2019 - 07:15 PM


The precise cause of canker sores remains unclear, though researchers suspect that a combination of factors contributes to outbreaks, even in the same person.

Possible triggers for canker sores include:

  • A minor injury to your mouth from dental work, overzealous brushing, sports mishaps or an accidental cheek bite
  • Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Food sensitivities, particularly to chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, cheese, and spicy or acidic foods
  • A diet lacking in vitamin B-12, zinc, folate (folic acid) or iron
  • An allergic response to certain bacteria in your mouth
  • Helicobacter pylori, the same bacteria that cause peptic ulcers
  • Hormonal shifts during menstruation
  • Emotional stress

Canker sores may also occur because of certain conditions and diseases, such as:

  • Celiac disease, a serious intestinal disorder caused by a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in most grains
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Behcet's disease, a rare disorder that causes inflammation throughout the body, including the mouth
  • A faulty immune system that attacks healthy cells in your mouth instead of pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria
  • HIV/AIDS, which suppresses the immune system

Unlike cold sores, canker sores are not associated with herpes virus infections.


I can add to that list; inhaled steroids for asthma.


#2182 mmortal03

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Posted 25 May 2019 - 11:22 PM

The Chromadex 100, 300, and 1000 mg NR human study will be published "in a couple of weeks", according to Dr Charles Brenner:





Thanks, I'll have to listen to that. It's episode 21. I found it to download here: https://directory.li...wellnesspodcast

#2183 male_1978

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Posted 26 May 2019 - 08:25 PM

One more personal experience. I gave NR (200 mg /day) to my girlfriend (she is 32) and her libido increased drastically while she also lost some weight. She seems more like a 20 year old now, which is pretty nice.

Edited by male_1978, 26 May 2019 - 08:25 PM.

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#2184 banhorn

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Posted 29 May 2019 - 02:40 PM

Hi all, I don't post often, but do watch the threads in the NAD forum.  I posted my own experience a while back with regard to sport and being able to still keep up with younger athletes.  My wife and I have been taking Elysium Basis since November 2016, but haven't had any official physicals or bloodwork done since starting(i'm way overdue!).  Having said that, my wife had an eye exam yesterday to renew her prescription contact lenses and her eyes have improved from -2, -1.75, to -1.5, -1.5 respectively. The eye doctor was quite surprised with the improvement. We're 41 and she doesn't take any other supplements. Obviously, there is no way to attribute this solely to Basis, but it was a nice surprise for her.

Edited by Brett Anhorn, 29 May 2019 - 02:44 PM.

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#2185 able

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Posted 29 May 2019 - 06:28 PM

Hi all, I don't post often, but do watch the threads in the NAD forum.  I posted my own experience a while back with regard to sport and being able to still keep up with younger athletes.  My wife and I have been taking Elysium Basis since November 2016, but haven't had any official physicals or bloodwork done since starting(i'm way overdue!).  Having said that, my wife had an eye exam yesterday to renew her prescription contact lenses and her eyes have improved from -2, -1.75, to -1.5, -1.5 respectively. The eye doctor was quite surprised with the improvement. We're 41 and she doesn't take any other supplements. Obviously, there is no way to attribute this solely to Basis, but it was a nice surprise for her.



Good to hear.  How much are you both taking?

#2186 banhorn

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Posted 29 May 2019 - 07:24 PM

Good to hear.  How much are you both taking?


Just the standard dose in the morning - two pills.

#2187 Journey2016

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Posted 02 June 2019 - 10:27 AM

What is the most cost effective way to buy NR now?

I like to take a min of 500g a day.

I used to use HPN on a bulk deal.. i haven't used NR in over a year and can only see the £35 per 30tabs (250g)

That would work out at £70 per 30days worth.. seems to much

Any help would be great

#2188 midas

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Posted 02 June 2019 - 04:52 PM

What is the most cost effective way to buy NR now?

I like to take a min of 500g a day.

I used to use HPN on a bulk deal.. i haven't used NR in over a year and can only see the £35 per 30tabs (250g)

That would work out at £70 per 30days worth.. seems to much

Any help would be great


The best you'll see here in the UK right now is here if you by six bottles at a time. Each serving is 300mg (2 capsules) and it works out at £32.30 per month at 300mg per day.

HPN no longer sell it and this is chromadex's True Niagen so you know it's the real thing. The exchange rate has took a dump since you last used it so it is more expensive.



#2189 aribadabar

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Posted 04 June 2019 - 01:52 AM

Hi all, I don't post often, but do watch the threads in the NAD forum.  I posted my own experience a while back with regard to sport and being able to still keep up with younger athletes.  My wife and I have been taking Elysium Basis since November 2016, but haven't had any official physicals or bloodwork done since starting(i'm way overdue!).  Having said that, my wife had an eye exam yesterday to renew her prescription contact lenses and her eyes have improved from -2, -1.75, to -1.5, -1.5 respectively. The eye doctor was quite surprised with the improvement. We're 41 and she doesn't take any other supplements. Obviously, there is no way to attribute this solely to Basis, but it was a nice surprise for her.


IF you were in your 20s and early 30s, I would feel more confident it is due to NR but at this age, I would say it is the hyperopia starting to kick in which counteracts, and may explain some reduction of, the myopia.

I wouldn't attribute 0.5 improvement to NR alone.

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#2190 parsons

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Posted 16 June 2019 - 10:47 PM

I've been using pterostilbene and tru niagen NR since April.  I'm a 45 year old male.  I started pterostilbene a few days earlier than NR and it didn't take long to help my concentration and temperament to a small but still noticeable degree.  When I added NR, I felt a little light headed and even mildly disassociated.  My sleep has been a bit better but that might be explained by the light headedness.  I can't say I've seen anything else besides those minor changes.  Having said that,  should I still give this more time? 



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nicotinamide ribo, nr niagen, nad, niagen, sinclair, hpn, n(r), david sinclair, basis

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