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Nicotinamide Riboside (NR/Niagen) personal experience thread

nicotinamide ribo nr niagen nad niagen sinclair hpn n(r) david sinclair basis

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#721 stefan_001

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 02:25 PM

I am still taking and the effects continue to be inline with earlier experiences. My parents who are 76 also continue to notice postive effects after not being over a year on NR.

#722 HappyPaul

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Posted 02 June 2016 - 03:25 PM

I am still taking and the effects continue to be inline with earlier experiences. My parents who are 76 also continue to notice postive effects after not being over a year on NR.


Same for me.  Been on it for 15 months now using Basis. 

#723 Harkijn

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Posted 03 June 2016 - 08:46 AM

Thx Stefan and Paul for your prompt replies. I hope more people weigh in about their longterm experiences. As soon as I find some time, I will read back in this thread and see which issues raised last year still are relevant.

#724 samstersam

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Posted 03 June 2016 - 08:41 PM

Started Elysium about 3 weeks ago. I also added HPN's 125 mg version throughout the day (roughly following Bryan_S's regimen)

First thing in the morning Elysium  - 250 mg NR with 50 pterostilbene

4 hours later I take HPN NR 125 mg 

4 hours later another HPN NR 125 mg. 


I also take a hodgepodge of other supplements such as Vitamin D, alpha lipoic acid (synergy with NR?), resveratrol (synergy with pterostilbene and NR?), curcumin, fish oil, taurine, creatine, pqq and a few more things.


My anecdotal observations :

Small subtle energy boost about an hour after ingestion.

More energy in the gym. It is very similar to the small boost I received when I first started taking creatine a few months ago.

My fingernails are growing faster.

No more food coma after lunch. (Thats when I pop in my 125 mg of NR from HPN)


Of course, this could all be placebo. 

I will continue my regimen and diligently research other peoples reviews as well as updates on the net regarding NR.


Peace be with you!




Edited by samstersam, 03 June 2016 - 08:42 PM.

#725 Nate-2004

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 12:48 AM

My experiences so far after over a month of HPN Niagen use:


So far I'm experiencing all kinds of effects, the problem is that I don't know whether to attribute this to nicotinamide riboside or the C60OO or neither.


In the mornings I take anywhere from 250 to 500mg of NR and on Wednesdays I take 1g. In the afternoons I take 250.


With this I take Pterostilbene/Resveratrol 50/200mg, honokiol 200mg, C60OO up to 20ml (14mg) in the morning for 5-7 days every couple of weeks.


This was what I recently added and where I'm starting from as far as changes go.


Anecdotal observations:




-Energy boost is considerable to me. Like the person above I'm not as affected by typical food coma problems that I was before. Though I try to eat quite healthy on the majority of days.


-Mental cognition and memory boost is the most prominent, noticeable change. I was getting worried before all this that I was losing my memory, or getting alzheimer's. I abated my concerns when I read the alzheimer's symptoms, however I was still often embarrassed about frequently forgetting names of actors, musicians, shows, pop culture references and the names of acquaintances. This is not happening anymore, in fact I'm really amazing myself with how easily I recall all of the above as well as new terms and words I learn. It's so quick that I'm actually getting funnier, having an easier time socially and my improv skills are improving along with this. That said, again, I don't know whether this is the NR, the C60OO, the honokiol, the Pterostilbene or the Resveratrol. It could be all of them combined for all I know, or just one of them.




-There has been zero change in the progression of my movement disorder, essential tremor.  I at the very least expected a slight regeneration, but the problem appears to continue getting worse over time, though that's often just my perception. I've had it since I was 12 and it definitely started getting worse by my mid 30's. I'm 42 now.




-At first my workouts were great, but now my workouts are feeling really sluggish. Prior to taking these I sometimes had sluggish days, but they were 1 in 9 work outs, now it's every day. It's really tough for me to get my heart rate up to the target (161) and I feel like I'm working a whole lot harder to do that. Someone said that antioxidants are bad for workouts. It's possible that I need to do my workout in the mornings before taking any of this stuff, or take a couple weeks off to recycle. I don't know if this is necessary or not but I don't like how difficult they've become.



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#726 sthira

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 04:50 AM

Nate: I took this same combo you're now taking (Niagen, pterostilbene, resveratrol, magnolia extract, c60 olive oil) for about two years. I didn't notice much benefit to any of them; but I kept hoping they might be doing something positive even if I couldn't "feel" them.

Eventually when I dropped them, I noticed little change for positive or negative in my athletic performance or my subjective wellbeing. If I'm going by "feelings" and not blood tests or standardized biomarkers for "anti-aging" (which still don't exist) these products didn't offer me much.

I wanted something magical to work, and I'm still searching. But Niagen, pterostilbene, resveratrol, magnolia extract, c60 olive oil (my own homemade batches of several 750ml bottles of Amphora high poly EVOO mixed with SES c60 "99.95% purity") I found little of benefit. In fact, none work as well as a boring ole healthy diet, and some pre-performance coffee.

Sorry to be a downer, I hope these products work beautifully for you and for anyone self-trialing them -- I'm just sharing my own n=1 truth.

Edited by sthira, 06 June 2016 - 04:59 AM.

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#727 Harkijn

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 05:07 AM

Sthira, I am sure all of us appreciate your input. Did you, like Nate, take rather high doses of NR, say 500mg/day on average?

#728 sthira

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 05:20 AM

Sthira, I am sure all of us appreciate your input. Did you, like Nate, take rather high doses of NR, say 500mg/day on average?

I participated in three of the Niagen discounts offered here, and I bought six bottles at a time. I experimented with many doses -- from 250mg/day up to 2g per day. I self-trialed Niagen alone, with pterostilbene, and with resveratrol, magnolia, and c60oo.

Before my first trial with Niagen I informed my PCP, got her tentative approval, had baseline blood tests, then took six bottles at 1g per day, then had more blood tests. I posted this here on this site, I think, but there were no blood test differences. Nevertheless, I bought more, took more, felt nothing, and eventually gave up.

I'm not suggesting Niagen, pterostilbene, resveratrol, magnolia, and c60oo might not be beneficial for others.
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#729 Nate-2004

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 02:10 PM

That's disappointing. What was your PCP testing for, NAD increases?  They saw no differences? Also one important fact, how old are you? I'm 42.


I can't deny the cognitive/memory differences I'm seeing but honestly I don't know where that's coming from, perhaps it's something else I'm doing and nothing to do with any of these substances? It's way too significant and shocking for me to just assume placebo. Every day now I'm blown away by my ability to recall things again. This morning even. I remember the names of almost everything. This is not how things have been for the last few years. 


So nothing happened for you? What kinds of effects were you looking for or expecting?


I can't help but wonder what the quality/label accuracy of the niagen, pterostilbene and honokiol supps are. Have these been tested? I don't see Labdoor testing these brands anytime soon. Your PCP blood tests really call into question the recent Chromadex dosing "study".  I don't understand why that study wasn't double blind controlled with a much greater sample size.


There are so many badly conducted in vivo studies cited on anything we're trying here. Given that more than half of them are on substances proven safe in humans, I can't imagine why they'd be performed on mice or rats and not people. It makes no sense at all... unless you consider sales/money as a factor.



Edited by Nate-2004, 06 June 2016 - 02:54 PM.

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#730 Harkijn

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 02:35 PM

Magnolia extract contains honokiol, doesn't it? The researchers in this article





say that honokiol is effective by means of ROS generation.  If so, honokiol and, say, resveratrol would sort of cancel out each other's effects. However, I suppose this does not have any bearing on NR's effect (or lack thereof) with Sthira.

#731 stefan_001

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Posted 06 June 2016 - 09:01 PM

thats a really interesting observation in particular because many people also take Pterostilbene, a strong anti-oxidant. Honokiol should be selective but does that mean it only generates ROS in cancer cells or do cancer cells go over the edge faster as is sometimes stated under the influence of ROS. Similarly is RES active in cancer cells as anti oxidant or not. Perhaps those should be taken at different times of the day.

Edited by stefan_001, 06 June 2016 - 09:07 PM.

#732 Bryan_S

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Posted 07 June 2016 - 05:58 AM

I thought this was the NR experience thread. Guys I'm probably the one who brought Honokiol into the picture as a SIRT3 activator. Personally I haven't felt anything from it performance wise but I'm a BPH sufferer and I can once again void again, without my BPH medication. I don't think I got that effect from the (NR) or the Pterostilbene for my BPH because I was already taking those and didn't get that relief until I started the Honokiol. As for any of the benefits you think your getting from any of these, all I can say is stop taking it and see if goes away.


I can't say there isn't something synergistic going on for me but I do know stoping Pterostilbene did nothing and if I stop my (NR) I feel like I'm in a fog and if I stop my Honokiol I can't pee. If those are placebo effects its a freaking strong one.

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#733 Harkijn

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Posted 07 June 2016 - 07:53 AM

Don't get me wrong Brian, ROS generation need not be bad thing and if I ever develop BPH I will remember that honokiol works for you! In the context of NR experiences I only wonder if some users do not feel any effect because of the influences and counterinfluences of pro- and anti-oxidants. As you and Stefan say, it will be interesting to cycle or to take various supps at various times.

#734 Nate-2004

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Posted 07 June 2016 - 01:48 PM

I'm still waiting to hear back from sthira on the blood work he/she did with NR and whether he/she's older than me or younger, a significant factor as far as NR supplementation goes.


I don't think there's enough evidence in that article posted regarding honokiol to suggest that it "cancels out" resveratrol or pterostilbene or is pro-oxidant in some way, despite its mechanism on tumors.  That's all mice anyhow. I don't get why these studies aren't being done on humans, they're approved as safe for general consumption by the FDA. It would make sense to do more testing on humans than on rats.  I wouldn't mind contributing or participating if we were able to crowd fund quality and placebo controlled studies that involve lab testing and blood work and can answer all our questions about these supplements without sales or profit motive. We're the ones spending money on NR, honokiol, pterostilbene, etc, it'd be worth knowing for sure what it does without going by anecdotal self-reported feelings that could be attributed to literally anything. 


As for the effects on my exercise I'm wondering if I shouldn't try exercising this morning before I take or eat anything that's antioxidant.

Edited by Nate-2004, 07 June 2016 - 01:49 PM.

#735 stefan_001

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Posted 07 June 2016 - 02:49 PM

I'm still waiting to hear back from sthira on the blood work he/she did with NR and whether he/she's older than me or younger, a significant factor as far as NR supplementation goes.


I don't think there's enough evidence in that article posted regarding honokiol to suggest that it "cancels out" resveratrol or pterostilbene or is pro-oxidant in some way, despite its mechanism on tumors.  That's all mice anyhow. I don't get why these studies aren't being done on humans, they're approved as safe for general consumption by the FDA. It would make sense to do more testing on humans than on rats.  I wouldn't mind contributing or participating if we were able to crowd fund quality and placebo controlled studies that involve lab testing and blood work and can answer all our questions about these supplements without sales or profit motive. We're the ones spending money on NR, honokiol, pterostilbene, etc, it'd be worth knowing for sure what it does without going by anecdotal self-reported feelings that could be attributed to literally anything. 


As for the effects on my exercise I'm wondering if I shouldn't try exercising this morning before I take or eat anything that's antioxidant.


Typically the mice end up cut up and death to make the analyses.....there is only so much to analyse in vivo....

#736 stefan_001

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Posted 07 June 2016 - 02:51 PM

Don't get me wrong Brian, ROS generation need not be bad thing and if I ever develop BPH I will remember that honokiol works for you! In the context of NR experiences I only wonder if some users do not feel any effect because of the influences and counterinfluences of pro- and anti-oxidants. As you and Stefan say, it will be interesting to cycle or to take various supps at various times.


The other thing to consider is that Honokiol is really having many paths of action against cancer, this study just showed the apoptosis part mechanism.

#737 Nate-2004

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Posted 07 June 2016 - 02:59 PM


I'm still waiting to hear back from sthira on the blood work he/she did with NR and whether he/she's older than me or younger, a significant factor as far as NR supplementation goes.


I don't think there's enough evidence in that article posted regarding honokiol to suggest that it "cancels out" resveratrol or pterostilbene or is pro-oxidant in some way, despite its mechanism on tumors.  That's all mice anyhow. I don't get why these studies aren't being done on humans, they're approved as safe for general consumption by the FDA. It would make sense to do more testing on humans than on rats.  I wouldn't mind contributing or participating if we were able to crowd fund quality and placebo controlled studies that involve lab testing and blood work and can answer all our questions about these supplements without sales or profit motive. We're the ones spending money on NR, honokiol, pterostilbene, etc, it'd be worth knowing for sure what it does without going by anecdotal self-reported feelings that could be attributed to literally anything. 


As for the effects on my exercise I'm wondering if I shouldn't try exercising this morning before I take or eat anything that's antioxidant.


Typically the mice end up cut up and death to make the analyses.....there is only so much to analyse in vivo....



I realize that but the issue is that what may be successful in mice only translates to humans about 8% of the time. I don't give much credence to the success of in vivo animal studies and I give even less to in vitro. For substances proven safe in humans, they should be doing human studies.

#738 Bryan_S

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Posted 09 June 2016 - 12:23 AM

Can't say I disagree with any of you. The magnolia extracts and honokiol are a real interesting from a swiss army knife standpoint. As we all know it takes money to push these into a clinical trial either through grants or pharmaceutical interest. Now with NR that's getting a fair amount of funding, pterostilbene some at the University of Mississippi and Honokiol is a Magnolia derivative used in Chinese Folklore Medicine since 100AD. Its been slow to gain momentum in the West but has been recognized in a few papers.


What I see on these forums is a lot of in people cycling through lots of different things, hardly giving any of them a fair assessment. If I'm taking a stack of say 10 things how will I know whats working? So take your time, keep what works and lose what doesn't. 


Like I said with any of these if you think your getting benefits stop taking it and see if they go away. Honokiol has been more obvious for me but if I had nothing wrong with me would I even notice any benefits? I can't say that I would. Yes most of this is anacdotal but there is only one person you need to convince and that is yourself. So first off give whatever it is a fair chance meaning stay true to your regiment. I usually give these things 4-8 weeks. Be realistic about what benefits your expecting and the dosages your taking. If it is working and even if it isn't stop taking it for a period of time and see what happens. If there was something to it and you lost some benefit you might be able to acknowledge that in time frame without. If you start it up again and the benefit resumes you might be on to something.


I'm about to drop pterostilbene because I don't see any benefits but what should I see anyway?

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#739 Harkijn

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Posted 09 June 2016 - 04:06 PM

Today on Bryan's NR thread I posted a question to the experts about some background of why NR's effect may vary from person to person. I hope someone shoots some useful holes in my idea...

Also I have sent a PM to Midas referring to his post # 664 in this thread. I asked him to report if he still takes NR and what he thinks now about it. Hope he is still around.

#740 midas

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Posted 09 June 2016 - 10:19 PM

Today on Bryan's NR thread I posted a question to the experts about some background of why NR's effect may vary from person to person. I hope someone shoots some useful holes in my idea...

Also I have sent a PM to Midas referring to his post # 664 in this thread. I asked him to report if he still takes NR and what he thinks now about it. Hope he is still around.


I just replied to your PM harkjn, their are two messages as I forgot to say something in my first message....

#741 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 05:11 AM

Seems that blueberries help improve your memory according to SA. My guess is that my sudden memory and cognition improvement could be the pterostilbene. I don't know if that's the only factor though.


This is from 2008. 



#742 Bryan_S

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 03:35 PM

Today on Bryan's NR thread I posted a question to the experts about some background of why NR's effect may vary from person to person. I hope someone shoots some useful holes in my idea...

Also I have sent a PM to Midas referring to his post # 664 in this thread. I asked him to report if he still takes NR and what he thinks now about it. Hope he is still around.


A lot of it is tied to our age and state of health. We posted a few charts on this forum a ways back on NAD decline with age and the relationships between maximal oxygen consumption  (V˙o 2 max)



#743 Harkijn

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:21 PM

Thx Brian,  being a yearslong lurker to this thread I have seen these graphs  often but I am still impressed by the early age at which decline sets in. But there must be more to this. There are also elderly, frail people with no specific medical condition who feel no benefit after weeks of use. I thought that on a cellular level  poorly functioning CLPP might be a stumbling block (or one of them) for NAD effectiveness but the idea doesn't seem to resonate sofar, postively or not. Perhaps my small modest question  drowned  between the impulsive quotequotemultiquote actions lately  :) .

Edited by harkijn, 10 June 2016 - 04:28 PM.

#744 C Hunter

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:33 PM

There are 8 Basis capsules left in the jar.


I'll probably go a few days without Basis during the reordering process.


For the past few days, I've been taking 2 Vit C tablets with the Basis capsule.


I'm still noticing more strength instead of more energy from Basis.


I do more things now without thinking too much about it.


Jar lids are easier to turn for me.


>I really felt like a weakling when I couldn't open a jar of pickles.


Anyway, I feel that I have a good amount of  NAD & Pterostilbene concentration in my blood.


(I've taken 1 Basis capsule everyday for almost 3 weeks.)


My results are not amazing, but I'm going to reorder Basis today.








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#745 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:44 PM

This question of NAD testing has come up before and this is what I found. I contacted Genova Diagnostics Clinical Laboratory back in March and they said they could put together the proper testing. https://www.gdx.net/ I've posted this twice since and I think maybe it was expensive or to involved because I don't think anyone was willing to foot the bill or organize all the steps. For those interested I suggest electing someone with a Biochemistry background who needs to decide what biomarkers need to be tested based on what Genova can test for and they can decide how the samples must be collected and preserved for shipment. Genova Diagnostics said they could walk one of us through the steps.

Hope that helps.



Have longecity users or anyone looked into this as a means of funding a far better quality study than the chromadex sponsored one? The ones sponsored by Chromadex had n=7 and no controls.  I'd like to see what baseline levels are among a sample size of 100 or more and what they are after a week of taking a specific amount, with 50 on placebo. Then flush and again at higher and again at lower doses. I'm not rich but I will help with crowdfunding.

Edited by Nate-2004, 10 June 2016 - 04:45 PM.

#746 Harkijn

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:49 PM


This question of NAD testing has come up before and this is what I found. I contacted Genova Diagnostics Clinical Laboratory back in March and they said they could put together the proper testing. https://www.gdx.net/ I've posted this twice since and I think maybe it was expensive or to involved because I don't think anyone was willing to foot the bill or organize all the steps. For those interested I suggest electing someone with a Biochemistry background who needs to decide what biomarkers need to be tested based on what Genova can test for and they can decide how the samples must be collected and preserved for shipment. Genova Diagnostics said they could walk one of us through the steps.

Hope that helps.



Have longecity users or anyone looked into this as a means of funding a far better quality study than the chromadex sponsored one? The ones sponsored by Chromadex had n=7 and no controls.  I'd like to see what baseline levels are among a sample size of 100 or more and what they are after a week of taking a specific amount, with 50 on placebo. Then flush and again at higher and again at lower doses. I'm not rich but I will help with crowdfunding.


Hi Nate, you're in the Experience thread here. Better post your question in the  NR (Curated) topic. You may get an answer there.

#747 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:53 PM

Yeah the quote came from this thread though, I'm out of posts apparently. It'll have to wait.

Edited by Nate-2004, 10 June 2016 - 04:55 PM.

#748 Harkijn

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 07:06 PM

There are 8 Basis capsules left in the jar.


I'll probably go a few days without Basis during the reordering process.


For the past few days, I've been taking 2 Vit C tablets with the Basis capsule.


I'm still noticing more strength instead of more energy from Basis.


I do more things now without thinking too much about it.


Jar lids are easier to turn for me.


>I really felt like a weakling when I couldn't open a jar of pickles.


Anyway, I feel that I have a good amount of  NAD & Pterostilbene concentration in my blood.


(I've taken 1 Basis capsule everyday for almost 3 weeks.)


My results are not amazing, but I'm going to reorder Basis today.

Hi Cynthia, I am very glad that you report, if only because very few women do so. But also because after reading your previous posts, I realize you are struggling back from many medical problems and NR seems to be of some help. Good for you!

Would you mind telling us your age and at what time of day you take Basis? Please add anything which you think might help to complete the puzzle...

#749 stefan_001

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 08:03 PM


Today on Bryan's NR thread I posted a question to the experts about some background of why NR's effect may vary from person to person. I hope someone shoots some useful holes in my idea...

Also I have sent a PM to Midas referring to his post # 664 in this thread. I asked him to report if he still takes NR and what he thinks now about it. Hope he is still around.


A lot of it is tied to our age and state of health. We posted a few charts on this forum a ways back on NAD decline with age and the relationships between maximal oxygen consumption  (V˙o 2 max)





I think you got that correlation right. I pretty sure my VO2max has improved in the last 1 year or so as I have a very regular fitness routine using machines with output power and calorie metering.

#750 Female Scientist

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 08:11 PM

Thank you all for posting. I've been lurking for a few months and very interested in others' experiences in NR. Jumping in here as another woman user with my experience taking NR for 4-5 months now: I am 48, no major health problems, but noticing aging effects such as poorer/less sleep and increased weight gain (although I am still normal BMI), aging skin, plus hormonal changes (no menopause quite yet but I can tell things are changing). 


Started taking 250 mg NR along with pterostilbene and PQQ every morning before breakfast. I immediately noticed a "warming" and energized feeling that seems to last for a few hours, but wane by early afternoon. Also notice the same "better but less" sleep effect many report. After a few weeks I noticed improved hormonal balance, as if my hormones were at the levels they were maybe 10 years ago. (This is not by blood levels, but rather from my own observation. But it is noticeable and sustained over time.) Skin is probably the same, but nails may be somewhat stronger. 


I have not noticed weight loss per se, although I am also exercising more and eating less in order to lose a few pounds. Rather, I notice increased strength and endurance through the day, and usually when exercising. As others have noted. Interesting note about adding ALA, as I have followed that in Bryan's NR thread: every time I try ALA, I have a "crash" a few hours later that seems to be hypoglycemic. My glucose/insulin levels are good but I've always had a tendency toward hypoglycemia. I cannot tolerate ALA despite all the praise around it's effects. It really seems powerful for me, and not in a good way. I am sensitive to medications and supplements and alcohol, so I usually go by my subjective experience about whether something agrees with me. ALA does not.


But NR (plus the ptero and PQQ) most definitely DO agree with me. I only notice positive effects, nothing drastic, but it does agree with me and my husband and I both plan to continue the 250/day and watch closely to see the ongoing research on dosing etc.


Thanks all for being out there, very interesting!

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