Monday night: Today, I got in 15 Niagen capsules, for a total of 1 7/8ths grams of NR. They aren't causing any obvious problems.
Today was income tax day for us, so I didn't get any exercise. Tomorrow will also be an income tax day, although it will consist of making a couple of last-minute checks before electronically filing our tax. I may not get to exercise again tomorrow.

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR/Niagen) personal experience thread
Posted 15 April 2014 - 03:26 AM
Posted 15 April 2014 - 04:41 PM
I've been taking 250 mg/day minimum, and up to 500 mg/day since the group buy batch came in. I'm finding much less soreness after a tough track workout (8x600m run at 6:50 min/mi) yesterday. Today (Tuesday) is my rest day, and I feel much better than I typically would after that workout. I'm a 50 y.o. male.
Another thing I noticed last week was that after taking 250 mg at 7pm I had trouble falling asleep.
Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:21 PM
Today's update:
Emptied 2 Niagen caps sublingually first thing in the morning before any meals.
The increased body heat I felt the previous 2 days was not triggered even 2 hours after ingestion.
Since then I took a 500mg Longivda curcumin sublingually and the body "furnace" has come back - not sure if NR action was delayed or the curcumin cap was necessary to boost it.
The lymph node issue I had the previous 2 days is gone and my back is normal again.
Posted 16 April 2014 - 04:45 AM
Tuesday Night: Today was taken up with chores, including income tax details, so I didn't get to exercise. Once again, I got in 15 Niagen capsules, for a total of 1 7/8ths grams of NR. I was already planning to mention a problem falling asleep before Stephen_b mentioned the subject. Today, I took my last 5-capsule installment of NR at 5:00 p. m., so we'll see what happens tonight.
Tomorrow, I plan to concentrate my NR intake to first-thing-in-the-morning and mid-day, in keeping with speculations about Circadian rhythm. But one important fact is that so far, I'm not aware of any adverse effects from taking sizable doses of NR. (I may be experiencing a bit more joint pain in my neck than usual, but this will need to be followed for a while before drawing any conclusions.)
I've mentioned elsewhere that I'm four or five pounds away from chinning myself. I've only been getting upper-body exercise since the end of January, and that in a casual way. I read that muscular strength declines by about 8% per decade after the age of 45. At that rate, I'd have lost 32% of my strength by now. But I don't think so. Could that strength retention be a consequence of the Niagen I'm taking? We'd all like to think so.
Posted 16 April 2014 - 06:16 PM
I decided to switch yesterday combo by taking 1 cap of Longvida curcumin first (that was my regimen before the Niagen purchase) and 20 min later 2 Niagen caps sublingually today.
It seems the increased body heat effect is subdued today.
Today, I also took 3tbsp of my C60-oo mix right after the Niagen intake.
No lymph issues so I consider the previous experience to be unrelated to NR.
My exercise endurance is unchanged.
Edited by aribadabar, 16 April 2014 - 06:23 PM.
Posted 16 April 2014 - 09:45 PM
ORIGINAL POST: http://www.longecity...up-buy/page-14#entry656061
Cabbage, on 13 Apr 2014 - 10:27 AM, said:
So I got my six bottles, and I'm taking 1 g/ day. Admittedly that may not be enough, but I definitely can't tell a difference of anything. I've actually been a bit more lethargic but I doubt that has anything to do with NR at all. I'm going to start sublingually and see if I can tell a difference. Is the daily accepted dose somewhere around 4 g? And what results are people getting / expecting?
Posted 17 April 2014 - 03:41 AM
Wednesday Update: I slept fine last night, so the NR I took yesterday didn't interfere with my sleep.
Today, I took 2 grams of NR upon arising and during the middle of the day.This morning I resumed my exercise routine at the Wellness Center. However, I didn't have my heart monitor with me. I ran a mile on one of their treadmills at a 7.75-METs level, but my pulse rate on their treadmill got up to the 160's. Their treadmill pulse measurements tend to be a bit flaky compared to the numbers my pulse rate monitor presents, but just the same, I was a bit uneasy about my high pulse rates. I quit at the Wellness Center, and ran 1.25 miles at home, wearing my heart rate monitor. My pulse rate didn't get out of the 120's, so I guess it was OK.
I had run 6 minutes at an 8-METs last week, so I'll shoot for that again.
I know these METs levels are pretty tepid, but the maximum treadmill METs rate for someone my age who's athletically fit is 5.95 METs (18.7 - 0.15(your age)). My maximum treadmill exertion level may be higher than my one-mile level. (At 8 METs, I'm not at my maximum heart rate.) I also ran two-minute sprints at 9.5 METs. I'm loathe to push myself harder without expert guidance.
Posted 17 April 2014 - 03:11 PM
Hey Bob. Amazing work you're doing. It is inspirational.
Thinking about your training I've had a thought. A while back I was researching telomere protection and found carnosine as a highly recommended strategy. It turned out carnosine is also very good for athletes and can "play a significant role in muscle pH regulation." However carnosine is a difficult supplement to get into the system and the general consensus is to supplement with beta-alanine as a precursor. Beta-alanine made a difference for me. Treadmill endurance improved a good deal after a couple of weeks of daily uptake.
I don't know, just a thought. Even a cursory search will turn up dozens of references and articles. I take just enough to keep below the creepy crawly skin effect, approximately a smidgeon or so for my weight, with about a gram of vitamin c four times a day.
And of course the other amino acids. BCAA's from whey do some very good things (although I know protein isn't understood to use with potential prostate difficulties so for you to research).
Very interested to see how you NR experiments turn out. Appreciate your insight.
edit: To be sure, you might want to wait until the results of the NR science have returned before starting anything new. Have to post these thoughts before they go missing...
Edited by Marty D, 17 April 2014 - 03:30 PM.
Posted 17 April 2014 - 04:41 PM
I think I may have saturated my NAD+ levels - today I emptied 2 Niagen caps sublingually and much like yesterday I don't feel anything.
I skipped taking the Longvida curcumin cap today just to verify if it has any interaction or not.
I am also switching to bi-weekly 1x30ml C60-oo protocol.
Given the cost and lack of an immediate effect, I will go to alternate day intake of NR just to keep my NAD+ levels topped up.
I also take 1x500mg instant niacin daily so NAD+ should be elevated enough.
As to CD38 inhibitors - I have consumed 30-40g of dried aronia (chokeberries) daily for the last month or so.
Posted 18 April 2014 - 12:44 AM
Still at 1 gram twice daily.
I did workout yesterday hard enough to get good and sore. I have a good
trainer to watch my form and I asked for it.
Unfortunately, the nice electrical impedance machine I use at the gym to check fat
was broken. I know that's not the best way but I do it w/ consistent hydration and use
the same machine.
Posted 18 April 2014 - 02:03 AM
However carnosine is a difficult supplement to get into the system and the general consensus is to supplement with beta-alanine as a precursor. Beta-alanine made a difference for me. Treadmill endurance improved a good deal after a couple of weeks of daily uptake.
What data do you have to support the bold part of that statement, because I am not familiar with that.
My understanding was that beta-alanine was preferred by most because it was perceived to be the rate limiting substance for carnosine formation and it is a cheaper approach to getting carnosine into the body (carnosine being more expensive than beta-alanine).
However, supplementation of beta alanine can induce a histidine deficiency in some people, notably those with kidney dysfunction (where histidine is already low), such that carnosine is preferred in individuals with kidney disease or any kidney related issues.
Thx in advance for any feedback and sorry for any thread hijacking.
Posted 18 April 2014 - 04:30 AM
Thursday Update:
Today, I hit the Wellness Center again. I ran about half a mile warming up, and then raised the bar to an 8-METS level. I was glad when it was over, but I was able to run for 15 minutes at 8 METs. Then after resting for a couple of minutes, I hit 9 METs for 2 minutes, followed by a 3-minute rest to lower my pulse, and then a 3-minute run at 9 METs.
I could almost certainly handle a treadmill stress test taking up to 8 METs. That would correspond to a "treadmill age" about 14 years younger than my chronological age. The next question is: how much of an increase in METs could I sustain on an actual treadmill stress test? At the 9-METs level, my pulse rate was presumably increasing throughout the 3 minutes I maintained it, hitting a maximum recorded pulse rate of 148 beats a minute. I had started the run warmed up but with pulse rate below 100.
When I began this program a couple of months ago, I found it hard to run a mile at a 6.7-METs level of exertion. Hopefully, these workouts are improving my vital capacity and treadmill performance, but the proof of the pudding will come, I think, in whether or not there are further improvements over the next few months.
The reason I think this is important is that there are several "Idylls of the Tribe" that are being challenged here. One of these is age-related sarcopenia... the idea that we lose a fraction of a percent of our strength each year of adult life. As I've mentioned before, I'm not sure I'm seeing a loss of strength in my skeletal muscles as in, viz., chinning myself. On the other hand, I've certainly experienced compromised cardiovascular function. I'm not running 4-minute miles by a country mile. But on the third hand, I've only been at this for 2.5 months, and that without guidance.
I'm hoping to see a gradual improvement over the next few months. If so, it would be exciting for all of us if we can function in our eighties or nineties the way we did when we were decades younger. Also, these reductions in all-cause mortality with exercise, diet, stress reduction, etc. are taking place at a systems level... presumably at a cellular level. And there are tricks we can pull that might add additional healthy years to our years, such as half an aspirin a day, an ounce of walnuts a day, several cups a day of "raw"cacao a day, matcha green tea, and maybe, MitoQ, Skq1, carbon 60 in olive oil and/or NR. If we can add a year of health, how about 2 years? And if we can add 2 years, how about 3 years? Can we add a year per year?
We're in a race between degenerative aging and its cure.
I've taken an even 2 grams of Niagen today.
I'm also taking 1/4th teaspoons of beta-alanine and pycnogenol in my white tea concoction. Prophets, your good advice sounds sound. I'll investigate taking carnosine directly in addition to the carnosine I'm getting in my LEF Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer, and retire the beta-alanine to the closet shelf.
Dr. Jeffry Life will turn 76 this year. Of course, he's on hormone replacement therapy as well as a terrific exercise program. He's not the only anti-aging M. D. who's rebuilt his musculature in mid-life.
Please stay tuned for the next thrilling episode in this exciting saga (grin).
Posted 18 April 2014 - 12:57 PM
What data do you have to support the bold part of that statement, because I am not familiar with that
Yah sorry for going off topic. Just ignore me.
[Q}Why not just take carnosine instead of beta-alanine?
When you ingest carnosine intact, most of it is broken down in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract into its constituent amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine. Some intact carnosine does escape the GI tract freely but even that amount is quickly broken down in our blood by the enzyme carnosinase.
In a very short time, all the carnosine you just ingested is either eliminated or broken down into beta-alanine and histidine. These two amino acids are then taken into the muscle, where they are converted back into carnosine with the help of the enzyme carnosine synthetase.
Unfortunately, only about 40% of the carnosine you take actually contains beta-alanine, making it an inefficient source at best. You are better off, from both efficiency and a financial standpoint, taking beta-alanine directly.
You would have to take substantially more carnosine just to approach the increased concentrations of carnosine achieved by taking the scientifically recommended dose of beta-alanine. Clearly, taking beta-alanine is the superior solution to increasing carnosine levels.
Is what I was thinking. This quote is found at several locations around the web.
Also you may need to add taurine, which I do, as it has been shown beta-alanine can increase oxidation in the brain of rats injected with large doses.
Beta-alanine is also used in nootropic stacks.
Beta-alanine is helpful for aging individuals whose levels of canosine have declined.
I mis-stated earlier my dosage. Not 4 times a day but 3 times a day and 1 time with taurine and vitamin c. I've had good results with increased performance since adding the supplement and it did take a couple of weeks to see the increase. The higher level of performance was a little surprising.
Posted 18 April 2014 - 11:23 PM
Been taking Niagen sporadically 2-3x per week. Here is one experience:
- Did not take Niagen yesterday (Thurs).
- 1:46 PM - 91 mg/dl glucose
- 1:47 PM mild jog
- 2:48 PM - 81 mg/dl glucose
- 2:49 PM ate vegan lunch
- 3:48 PM - 102 mg/dl glucose
- 5:00 PM - 109 mg/dl (sat on my ass for 30 mins prior to this reading)
- 5:01 PM took 500 mg Niagen
- 5:01 PM walked on treadmill for ~10-15 mins, did mild housework/cooking
- 5:40 PM - 125 mg/dl
- 5:41 PM jogged for 30 mins
- 6:16 PM - 99 mg/dl
- 6:23 PM - 112 mg/dl
- 6:51 PM - 98 mg/dl
Anyone else got blood glucose #s on Niagen?
Edited by prophets, 18 April 2014 - 11:51 PM.
Posted 19 April 2014 - 05:09 AM
Time for my nightly (Friday night) posting:
I didn't have a lot of time today at the Wellness Center, so I settled for a 15-minute run at an 8-METs level, followed by four 2-minute sprints at 9 METs.
This 2-gram-a-day NR dosage may be interfering with my sleep a bit, not to mention vivid nightmares just before waking up the past two mornings. But we'll see what happens as time goes on.
Posted 20 April 2014 - 02:37 AM
Saturday Night Update:
This morning, after Tommie Jean and I had squired Amber to an Easter Egg hunt at church, I again bent my footsteps toward the Wellness Center for my daily workout. Today was a recovery day after yesterday's push: I was washed out. However, I ran 15 minutes at 8 METs and four 2-minute sprints at 9 METs. Today, by the time I finished each 2-minute sprint, I was breathing at full capacity. I ran a total of 2.5 miles, burning 348 calories.
T'was enough. T'will suffice.
The rest of the day saw Tommie Jean and I assuming our annual role as Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny. We had gotten the goodies for Amber's Easter basket and her Easter egg hunt, and were (we thought) ready for Easter Sunday tomorrow. But on the way out the door today to her Aunt Anna and Uncle Chris' house, Amber announced that the Easter Bunny must have been listening in on her last year, because last year, he had brought her just what she wanted for Easter. (What a coincidence!) Then she began to reel off what she wanted for Easter this year: a My Little Pony Equestria doll (you pull down her arm and she sings), a Lalaloopsy pony, and the Lalaloopsy Bubblehead Twins. I checked with Aunt Anna to make sure that we didn't duplicate any arrangements that Aunt Anna might have already made with the Easter Bunny, and then Tommie Jean and I hastened to Toys R'Us looking for the My Little Pony doll that sings when you pull down her arm, and the Lalaloopsy Bubble Head Twins. We couldn't find the Lalaloopsy Bubble-Head Twins, and a subsequent Internet search suggests that they don't exist... that something was lost in the translation.... but we found the My Little Pony doll, and other presents that we think the Easter Bunny will be happy to deliver. (Of course, if anything goes wrong, it will be the Easter Bunny who takes the rap(:-))
And that's it for the day. (Happy Easter!)
Posted 20 April 2014 - 10:33 PM
Any update on your protocol? I've taken it the last 2 days and currently have a pretty positive response. I've done 250mg upon wake.
I worry about long-term implications and crash, but this is a pretty amazing supplement.ORIGINAL POST:
I have a condition which makes a SIRT1 deficit more likely. I won't go into specifics for privacy purposes. However, there is ample reason to believe this will have a larger impact on me than the average person.
I'm generally a conservative/cautious person, so "positive" response was careful wording on my part. The reality is that this supplement to me has been remarkable. I would note the effects as following:
- Increased clarity and focus. I often get easily distracted and this has been less an issue. I can grind through papers without losing my train of thought. Less OCD/ADHD in general.
- Substantially increased endurance. Willpower and ability to soldier on through material or exercise is improved. I have not been exercising at all lately so I can't benchmark X miles and time vs. prior results. I simply feel more energized.
- My glucose before my evening meal is 84 mg/dl (checked twice) That's the lowest I've ever recorded in the last 2 years (with intermittent checking). I've always had a problem with slightly elevated glucose (for years) -- the low end was always around 90 mg/dl. A couple times I've seen it down at 87, but this 84 is pretty interesting to me. That's really low.
- Tightening in the face/vascular system. I wouldn't call it a flushing effect (like nicotinic acid, which I've tried) so much like a focused energetic feeling without any emotional/adrenaline perturbation that might otherwise cloud my homeostasis.
I do have a slight worry that this is going to crash on me. It does feel like a bit of a drug high. The couple times I tried modafinil, I didn't really like it because it felt like it had such a pressuring effect on my vascular system/heart. This is how I originally imagined modafinil was supposed to be (but wasn't) -- a clean, energetic and focused elevation.
ORIGINAL POST: http://www.longecity...-again/page-14#entry657353
prophets, on 20 Apr 2014 - 11:04 AM, said:
For the record, I see less of an effect and I am still experimenting.
My glucose seems to be coming in high post-consumption of Niagen (per my note the other day), but I am not feeling a surge in energy anymore like I did in the first few days of consumption. I took 500mg this AM and my glucose is running a bit high, but I think there is a confounding factor of coffee and I really need to get off caffeine to have a better idea of what is going on here.
However, based on Sinclair's work (500 mg/kg) a human equivalent dose should be ~2.4grams. 7 grams seems rather large and if this MD is communicating with Guarente or some other expert and justifying such a large dose, it would be rather useful to know how they arrived at that math (if through multiple dosing per day or what not).
Posted 20 April 2014 - 10:40 PM
ORIGINAL POST: http://www.longecity...-14#entry657271
maxwatt, on 19 Apr 2014 - 7:16 PM, said:
I have been corresponding with a doctor ( M.D.) who has been taking NR for over four years at 7 grams a day. No ill effects. Absent controls, nothing positively positive, except his health by his evaluation is excellent given his age (sixties) and the fact he has been a type 2 diabetic for 30 years.
I conclude from his example that such large doses of NR are unlikely to be dangerous for the general population.
ORIGINAL POST: http://www.longecity...-14#entry657322
maxwatt, on 20 Apr 2014 - 06:00 AM, said:
The doctor acquired several kilos of NR years ago from a Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturer, and had it tested. The doctor had already been diabetic type 2. The condition is well controlled, and has not progressed the way it usuallly does in diabetics. I do not have specific measurements, but am inclined to take him at his word on that. There were sufficient papers published at that time, and I he was corresponding with Guarantee et al. to derive the dose, but still made some assumptions wrt. scaling.
His supply is running low, as one would expect at that dose after several years, so he recently purchased more, different source at a price considerably lower than his original purchase. I expect he'll have the test results shortly. So he will be taking it at that dose.
I found out about his purchase and plans first, and some time later that he had already been using NR. If one decides to follow his example, one will not be the first such pioneer. It is not acutely toxit, at least.
Posted 20 April 2014 - 11:12 PM
ORIGINAL POST: http://www.longecity...-14#entry657271
maxwatt, on 19 Apr 2014 - 7:16 PM, said:
I have been corresponding with a doctor ( M.D.) who has been taking NR for over four years at 7 grams a day. No ill effects. Absent controls, nothing positively positive, except his health by his evaluation is excellent given his age (sixties) and the fact he has been a type 2 diabetic for 30 years.
I conclude from his example that such large doses of NR are unlikely to be dangerous for the general population.
ORIGINAL POST: http://www.longecity...-14#entry657322
maxwatt, on 20 Apr 2014 - 06:00 AM, said:
The doctor acquired several kilos of NR years ago from a Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturer, and had it tested. The doctor had already been diabetic type 2. The condition is well controlled, and has not progressed the way it usuallly does in diabetics. I do not have specific measurements, but am inclined to take him at his word on that. There were sufficient papers published at that time, and I he was corresponding with Guarantee et al. to derive the dose, but still made some assumptions wrt. scaling.
His supply is running low, as one would expect at that dose after several years, so he recently purchased more, different source at a price considerably lower than his original purchase. I expect he'll have the test results shortly. So he will be taking it at that dose.
I found out about his purchase and plans first, and some time later that he had already been using NR. If one decides to follow his example, one will not be the first such pioneer. It is not acutely toxit, at least.
I don't think its very helpful on this thread for you to quote those two posts out of the context of the conversation they are involved in on the other thread!
Posted 21 April 2014 - 11:45 AM
The next day I missed the capsules altogether, not by design, but I missed them. To my displeasure I noticed my night vision and leg pain had returned to " normal".
Today I took 6 capsules with breakfast about 4.30 am and A further 6 with lunch about 2.00 pm.
On my way to work at 5.00 am i didnt notice any improvement in my vision and concluded it must have been the placebo effect. From my employers depot to my workplace for the day, I had to travel for another 45 minutes before dawn once again without any improvement in my vision, once at work I was on my feet for the next 7 hours, but my legs and feet didnt feel tired. I sat whilst eating for about 15 minutes and then was on my feet again for the next 3 hours 30 minutes.
My legs and feet still didnt hurt and i drove back to the depot in the dark between 6.00pm and 7.00 pm and from there to home (with a 1 hour stop midway) till 8.30pm. As i was driving back to the depot in the dark I realised my vision was once again very clear and in focus and it stayed that way all the way home.
I haven't noticed any negative effects, although my wife has.
On the first day, she complained of a sore jaw and worried she might be about to have a heart attack. The next day, the pain had passed and she said she felt very well indeed. The next day she developed a rash, which seems to be getting rapidly worse; we dont know if its related but the timing is odd to say the least.
I have a friend, a diabetic who has started taking progressively higher doses with an aim to to take 2 grams per day, told me,he feels really good, but couldn't point to any particular health issue that had noticably improved.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 12:41 PM
I have since started taking Nr again at 1 gram per day and have taken it for about 4 days now without any negative effects yet. Wonder if anyone else has developed a rash...
Posted 21 April 2014 - 12:43 PM
Beta-alanine is helpful for aging individuals whose levels of canosine have declined.
I mis-stated earlier my dosage. Not 4 times a day but 3 times a day and 1 time with taurine and vitamin c. I've had good results with increased performance since adding the supplement and it did take a couple of weeks to see the increase. The higher level of performance was a little surprising.
The beta alanine study is interesting - thank you for linking to that!
Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:01 PM
I'm not sure it's the NR, but I'm experiencing a rash too, on my face. There is itching without a visible rash present, and slight swelling of the lips.
Edited by stephen_b, 21 April 2014 - 02:01 PM.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 02:19 PM
The beta alanine study is interesting - thank you for linking to that!
Yes I found the study very interesting too. Good information.
Posted 21 April 2014 - 10:32 PM
] [quote name="stephen_b" post="657506" timestamp="1398088882"]I'm not sure it's the NR, but I'm experiencing a rash too, on my face. There is itching without a visible rash present, and slight swelling of the lips.[/quote]
Thanks for your replies, I'll have my wife stop all supplements for a while and see if that fixes things.
Posted 22 April 2014 - 02:01 AM
Monday night Update:
I've continued to take my 2-gram-per-day dose... no rash, no sore jaw, no swelling of lips. I haven't noticed any particular effects one way or the other... no boosts in energy, etc. (My face has itched a little at bedtime, although I don't know that this started with NR.)
I went to the Wellness Center today, but really didn't feel like running, so I aborted my daily laps and came back home.
I'd mentioned earlier having vivid nightmares two nights in a row just before I woke up in the morning. That started to happen to me again this morning, but it didn't have time to crescendo. Of course, this may have nothing to do with NR. I'll keep going, and we'll see if it continues.
Posted 23 April 2014 - 03:05 AM
Tuesday night: For the past couple of days, my right knee has hurt. I'm deucedly lucky that I can run full tilt at not-quite-85. I've had twinges on the side of my right knee from time to time, and so far, they've disappeared again. I'm being very careful with my knee, in case it's injured and needs to heal. My next step should probably to seek some expert medical guidance concerning what's going on, and what I should do to protect my knee. I won't be exercising until this either markedly improves, or I get a reading what's going on. (I want to be sure I don't damage the joint.)
I've also cut all supplements for a day or two in the spirit of stroking a rabbit's foot, and throwing a pinch of salt over my left shoulder.
P. S.: I had no bad dreams last night.
Posted 24 April 2014 - 03:05 AM
Wednesday night update: My right knee has improved dramatically. I won't start running on it for another day or two. I haven't taken NR again today (or anything else). .
Posted 25 April 2014 - 04:31 AM
Thursday night update: No more bad dreams. I took 750 mg. of NR today, but I felt uncharacteristically exhausted. It's probably not the NR, but as a matter of superstition, I didn't take my full two-gram dose.
Posted 26 April 2014 - 11:45 PM
I've been taking 4 tabs of Niagen SL in the morning for a week or so. Hasn't hurt me any, AFAICT. This morning I was surprised to find I could do about 1/3 more pull ups than usual. Other exercises (curls, presses, rows, etc..) did not seem to be improved. However, I think this improvement is more likely due to recent creatine supplementation than from NR.
Dreams have been variable- mostly good, occasionally unsettling, but nothing horrible.
Edited by tintinet, 26 April 2014 - 11:48 PM.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nicotinamide ribo, nr niagen, nad, niagen, sinclair, hpn, n(r), david sinclair, basis
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