Yea, nucleus accumbens, not hippocampus, sorry, dunno why I wrote that.
All SSRI show clinical benefits only as CREB gets reduced in NAS AFAIK. This is infact what's anti depressive about SSRIs. Pushing serotonin gets CREB cycle reduced in NAS in most cases. If it doesn't the AD doesn't work pretty much.
Where did you read that SSRIs reduce cAMP in the NAcSh and that this reduction shows clinical benefits? This study say the opposite:
summary: social isolation lowers cAMP in NAcSh --> anxiety and anhedonia, antidepressants reverse it
This URL explains it nicely
It also explains that low CREB in NAS actually causes anxiety and is invoked by prolonged social isolation.
It states ADs can usually normalise both states.
That link doesn't cite a source on the claim that antidepressants normalize both high and low cAMP.
I get that you're saying that both high and low cAMP in the NAc is a bad thing and antidepressants fix both cases, but I can't find evidence for the claim that high cAMP is bad and antidepressants lower it, only the opposite case.
Edited by Jbac, 06 April 2014 - 11:25 PM.