i was posting in an older d-serine related thread for a while, no responses there from what i assume is old outdated thread with 9 pages of discussions which probably scares people off to try and actually get to the bottom of it. so i decided to make a new thread relation serine and its nootropic effects.
this i found recently and its a very recent study; http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/24671106
there was an older study in which the d- part of serine was helpful in schizophrenia too.
im just curious to find out people who are interested in l-serine's nootropic qualities and its NGF (which seems quite potent from what i can gather) who have tried using it or want to try using it and report back here. im surprised people would much rather spend their time and money on research chemicals when there are substances which are more naturally compatable with the human system than most of the stuff that comes out as research chems and YET nobody really cares to discuss serine now for a bout 5 years or so since studies have been showing very positive results. i doubt its expensive to acquire and im sure at least few of you people have tried it BUT do not care to discuss it?? either way, please be helpful and try to add some information on this!