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Help with nootropic+all around stack

nootropic stack supplementation vitamins antioxidants firstpost neuro ltp vegetarian adaptogens

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#1 noolini

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:57 PM

Hello. This is the blueprint for my premilinary "all around" stack.

I've been planning to start taking all of these supps in capsule form (divided doses morning/midday/afternoon/night).


Ideas? Comments? No-nos? Yes-yes'!?

Also posting this in case I'm meddling with some interactions I'm unaware of. Or just being plain fool with some of these.

Help me dosage-wise and in all other ways you see nootropically fit. Here's my list, all together.




Thank you.




multivitamin etc

Vitamin A 7800 IU
Vitamin C 500 mg
Vitamin D3 1000 IU
Vitamin E 209 IU
Vitamin K1 325 mcg
Thiamin (B1) 50 mg
Riboflavin (B2)    10 mg
Niacin (B3) 50 mg
Vitamin (B6) 52 mg
Folic Acid 800 mcg
Vitamin B12 1030 mcg
Biotin    1000 mcg
Pantothenic Acid (B5) 150 mg
Calcium    1030 mg
Iodine 175 mcg
Magnesium 500 mg
Zinc 30 mg
Selenium 200 mcg
Copper 1 mg
Manganese 5 mg
Chromium 400 mcg
Molybdenum 75 mcg
Chloride 1370 mg
Sodium 270 mg
Potassium 590 mg
Iron 7,2 mg


EPA /DHA (Omega-3)    300 mg    
Oleic Acid (Omega-9)    150 mg    
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6)    150 mg


4,2g creatine
2,5g inositol
250mg CDP choline
500mg choline bitartate
500mg artichoke extract
3,85mg forskohlii
1,5g Acetyl L-carnitine
300mg bacopa monnieri
120mg ginkgo biloba
100mg PS
50mg DMAE
10mg vinpocetine
100mcg huperzine A
350mg L-theanine
250mg uridine


5g L-arginine
950mg L-tyrosine
500mg L-tryptophan
550mg taurine
1g L-Phenylalanine
800mg Beta-Alanine
75mg L-Histidine


200mg SAM-e
2,5mg lithium arginate


25mg DHEA
25mg DIM
50mg pregnenolone


750mg maca
400mg panax/american/chinese red ginseng
200mg rhodiola rosea
250mg aswagandha
100mg holy basil


2mg royal jelly concentrate
1g lions mane


340mg blueberry concentrate (anthocyanins, flavonoids and polyphenols)
250mg resveratrol
500mg green tea extract
100mg quercetin
420mg turmeric
50mg grape seed
300mcg zeaxanthin
175mcg carotenoids
4mg lycopene
700mg organic cocoa powder (EGCG, catechin, epicatechin)
600mg N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine
300mg ALA
100mg q10
50mg pycnogenol


770mg fructooligosaccharides
575mg absorp enzyme blend
224mg probiotic blend
15mg black pepper
800mg malic acid


520mg  Gymnema Sylvestre Extract (blood sugar level stabilizer)
75mg  Butterbur Extract (respiratory)
150mg Magnolia officinalis & Phellodendron amutense
1350mg cranberry/dandelion/marshmellow/cleavers/cornsilk/goldenseal
6mg lutein
4mg boron
800mg chlorella
800mg rosemary
100mg kelp
75mg sulfate
1tsp sea water trace minerals
2,5g organic greens blend
coffee with unsalted almond butter and 1tsp coconut MCT oil




Got recipe pending for galantamine and piracetam because of my brain scan results pending too. I potentially have a CNS abnormality or something like that. I could say that I've been suffering from anxiety and cognitive sluggishness for some time now.

I'm not scientific in a way most of active users here seem to be, nor a English native speaker but am very interested in some entry level neurology & beyond, also nootropism in general; in all the ways that I am able to comprehend.
Then again I'm a very lazy vegetarian (for now). Also recovering weed addict. I recently ditched my SSRI meds.
Also, recipe recommendations?


PS. First post. :)

#2 AmpleBeingdotcom

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Posted 15 April 2014 - 02:20 AM

Hey noolini welcome to the forum!


Quite the list you have there, that is going to be a very time consuming and expensive combination of everything. 


I noticed you had Artichoke and Forskolin included in your stack. Have you ever tried an LTP stack before? If so, how did it go for you?


Also, just curious how you are planning on ordering/capping all of these ingredients?

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#3 Ritchie

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 02:33 AM

WOW! are you trying to be Superman???

That is a lot of supplements for one person!

Anyways, right of the bat you should cut out the tobacco.

Also, try to limit the DMAE and huperzine a to only use as needed because they have been shown to cause negative health effects in the long term.

It's going to take me a while to sort through all of this...

#4 Ritchie

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 04:52 AM

Also to add on my last post, if you are addicted to nicotine, ditch the tobacco and pick up a nicotine vaporiser(ecig). It avoids combustion and reduces cancer risk by up to 95% while at the same time being significantly better for your cardiovascular as vapor is a gas which does not build up in your veins like smoke does. In general though, pure nicotine while being non-carcinogenic and being relatively safe, has been associated with micro vascular damage so quitting nicotine would probably improve longevity.

Try to replace the GABA in your stack with phenibut. It's a derivative of GABA that crosses the BBB better but please use as needed because many people report withdrawal symptoms from prolonged use.

Edited by Ritchie, 22 April 2014 - 05:01 AM.

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#5 noolini

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:40 PM

This stack draft ended up being too carried away and unrealistic after thinking about it seriously. I'm starting a new topic regarding my current approach to aid my current condition and goals. Thanks for recommending e-cig, I already got one, yet I can't quit smoking cigarettes. My premilinary estimate for the cost of this stack was around 300 dollars per month if I recall correctly. Of course the investment would have been much bigger in the first place. Currently, I favor vitacost.com for these products. All of these we're pre-capped on my shopping cart except inositol.


I have not taken a LTP stack before.

#6 Methodician

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:50 PM

I'd be wary of piling down handfulls of pills every day in hopes of enhanced longevity and performance. A few can be great but there's something to be said for eating lots of whole, unprocessed veggies and fruits, and animal products in moderation, and getting sufficient sleep and exercise. Most studies on supplements find them to be either ineffective or harmful, or are inconclusive or poorly constructed. I take supplements, don't get me wrong, but it's a short list of things I know for a fact won't do me any harm.


Things like magnesium and vitamin D3 for instance have been repeatedly shown to have numerous benefits and minimal downsides. You've got folic acid in your list. Folate found naturally in real foods is vital but folic acid has been repeatedly called into question. It's safety is uncertain. I could fill a page with critique but I'll just leave you with a touch of wisdom and a word of caution.


Get as many nutrients as you can from food. Avoid processed foods. Sleep well. Exercise. Supplement only a few things that are well-backed by the science and not provided by your diet.

Edited by Methodician, 13 May 2014 - 06:55 PM.

#7 noolini

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:59 PM

Rather than starting a new topic, I'd see that I should keep this one going.


My current symptoms are laziness, depression, not being able to concentrate and so on. I have spent the last two months as an outpatient under hospital supervision. During that time, I've got multiple diagnoses. The first one basically stated that my previous drug use (cannabis) has blurred my reality and is the main cause for every issue I've got. In the second one they we're monitoring me in case I am developing psychosis. Also, that I've got mild depression and anxiety. The funny thing was that in this diagnosis they also stated I've got schizotypal personality disorder and Asperger's syndrome with a question mark. Later on they removed those suspicions, that I'm not developing psychosis, nor am I schizotypal or have Asberger's. Now I'm just lazy and depressed.


I'm posting the stack for the sake of curiosity, in case someone can point out some faults with interactions or synergies. The stack is still quite large and is combining few selections I've read about before. It's still a blueprint. My current stack is much smaller, consisting mainly just of some adaptogens, vitamins and minerals. I'm not sure about which ones I should have with food and which on a empty stomach. Now, here's the stack.


Inspired by fellow stacks, The Edge Effect, drlwilson.com, my current condition and personal research.

citicoline 250mg
ginkgo biloba 450mg
artichoke 300mg
milk thistle 150mg
schisandra 600mg
pycnogenol 100mg
butterbur 75mg
ginseng 800mg
beta-alanine 750mg
l-arginine 1800mg
dl-phenylalanine 500mg
creatine 800mg
omega 2000mg EPA/DHA 800/400
satori vocal rescue -spray
inositol 3,5g
calcium 600mg
lithium arginate 2,5mg
pregnenolone 10mg
multivita (vitamins&minerals each plenty over RDA +ALA,ALCAR,CoQ10,quercetin,lutein,lycopene,EGCG,turmeric,grape seed)
digestive enzyme blend 500mg


d-ribose 850mg
l-carnitine fumarate 500mg
D-aspartic acid 780mg    
zembrin 25mg
forskolin 3,85mg
maca 4:1 500mg
creatine 800mg
garlic 500mg
royal jelly concentrate 152mg
NAC 600mg
pqq 10mg
uridine 250mg
sam-e 200mg
RALA 100mg
digestive enzyme blend 500mg

bacopa 300mg
reishi 500mg
sage 570mg
rhodiola rosea 350mg
ashwagandha 470mg
magnesium malate 215mg
+1750mg malic acid
shilajit 10:1 250mg
TMG 750mg
taurine 1000mg
kava kava 450mg

suntheanine 200mg
plantery herbals mullein lung complex blend 850mg
l-tryptophan 500mg
lion's mane 20:1 250mg
chlorella 1200mg
probiotic (14 billion lactobacillus&bifidobacterium) blend 224mg
(melatonin 1-3mg)
(futurebiotics relax&sleep valerian/chamomille/skullcap blend 860mg)

Accompanied by organic low-acid coffee with MCT oil, 2-stage filter for water, eye pillow, plenty of tea (yerba,green,black,herbal), gluten and wheat free flexitarian diet.

#8 noolini

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 07:12 PM

I'd be wary of piling down handfulls of pills every day in hopes of enhanced longevity and performance. A few can be great but there's something to be said for eating lots of whole, unprocessed veggies and fruits, and animal products in moderation, and getting sufficient sleep and exercise. Most studies on supplements find them to be either ineffective or harmful, or are inconclusive or poorly constructed. I take supplements, don't get me wrong, but it's a short list of things I know for a fact won't do me any harm.


Things like magnesium and vitamin D3 for instance have been repeatedly shown to have numerous benefits and minimal downsides. You've got folic acid in your list. Folate found naturally in real foods is vital but folic acid has been repeatedly called into question. It's safety is uncertain. I could fill a page with critique but I'll just leave you with a touch of wisdom and a word of caution.


Get as many nutrients as you can from food. Avoid processed foods. Sleep well. Exercise. Supplement only a few things that are well-backed by the science and not provided by your diet.


Thanks. I get that a lot and I've been thinking about this too. I'm both concerned and eager about the possible results. Of course any negative symptoms from supplementing are very much unwanted features. I have got D3 as a spray and haven't heard about folic acid being unsafe, so thanks for pointing that one out. I'm planning my diet to be "optimal" in means of both nutrition and digestion. It is very true that food, sleep and exercise form the real way to create a lifestyle "towards the mind", so to speak. The intriguing possibility of a shortcut enhancement like this has been hard to shake off after reading lots of material on examine.com.


Also, I've read something about that nootropics can be detrimental for your sense of humour?

Edited by noolini, 13 May 2014 - 07:13 PM.

#9 Methodician

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 09:40 PM


I'd be wary of piling down handfulls of pills every day in hopes of enhanced longevity and performance. A few can be great but there's something to be said for eating lots of whole, unprocessed veggies and fruits, and animal products in moderation, and getting sufficient sleep and exercise. Most studies on supplements find them to be either ineffective or harmful, or are inconclusive or poorly constructed. I take supplements, don't get me wrong, but it's a short list of things I know for a fact won't do me any harm.


Things like magnesium and vitamin D3 for instance have been repeatedly shown to have numerous benefits and minimal downsides. You've got folic acid in your list. Folate found naturally in real foods is vital but folic acid has been repeatedly called into question. It's safety is uncertain. I could fill a page with critique but I'll just leave you with a touch of wisdom and a word of caution.


Get as many nutrients as you can from food. Avoid processed foods. Sleep well. Exercise. Supplement only a few things that are well-backed by the science and not provided by your diet.


Thanks. I get that a lot and I've been thinking about this too. I'm both concerned and eager about the possible results. Of course any negative symptoms from supplementing are very much unwanted features. I have got D3 as a spray and haven't heard about folic acid being unsafe, so thanks for pointing that one out. I'm planning my diet to be "optimal" in means of both nutrition and digestion. It is very true that food, sleep and exercise form the real way to create a lifestyle "towards the mind", so to speak. The intriguing possibility of a shortcut enhancement like this has been hard to shake off after reading lots of material on examine.com.


Also, I've read something about that nootropics can be detrimental for your sense of humour?



I'm happy to hear you're keeping an open mind about it. Was afraid I'd get an unfriendly retort. Anyway, I too find the idea of a shortcut appealing. If a handful of capsules could supplement, if not replace, certain foods I'd be all for it. I eat to live, not the other way around. If said capsules were proven to reliably improve performance and longevity with a minimum of side effects I'd be in. I'm curious what you've been reading that's got you going down this path. Mind sharing a couple links?


I'v been adding and subtracting supplements over time as I gather more info. I found studies and articles making much of what I used to take suspect but others that lead me to introduce new things.


For instance, I readily supplement large doses of D3 (about 2000 UI per day) and magnesium (500-1000 mg per day) and iodine (I forget how much but a few drops is a lot)...


With considerable daily variability I use things like vitamin E (for when I eat too much PUFA's) and selenium (to soften the blow of all the iodine and mitigate exposure to mercury from fillings, sea food, etc...) and b-vitamins (for when I don't get enough from food) and antioxidants (when I suspect oxidative stress or haven't gotten enough from food). There are a number of things I take on an as-needed basis. If you get to know the uses/effects of your long list better, you may want to take some of them as-needed rather than a sticking to a strict regimen, though I don't know enough to suggest which ones when (why I'd like to read what you've been reading).


Haven't heard nootropics mess up sense of humor but it's not surprising. Drugs that interfere with neurotransmitters can have some long-term negative effects on mood and motivation (call it addiction if you will), and I don't hesitate to presume that being under the influence of drugs designed to enhance productivity and focus would detract from one's natural frivolity.

#10 noolini

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 03:57 PM



I'd be wary of piling down handfulls of pills every day in hopes of enhanced longevity and performance. A few can be great but there's something to be said for eating lots of whole, unprocessed veggies and fruits, and animal products in moderation, and getting sufficient sleep and exercise. Most studies on supplements find them to be either ineffective or harmful, or are inconclusive or poorly constructed. I take supplements, don't get me wrong, but it's a short list of things I know for a fact won't do me any harm.


Things like magnesium and vitamin D3 for instance have been repeatedly shown to have numerous benefits and minimal downsides. You've got folic acid in your list. Folate found naturally in real foods is vital but folic acid has been repeatedly called into question. It's safety is uncertain. I could fill a page with critique but I'll just leave you with a touch of wisdom and a word of caution.


Get as many nutrients as you can from food. Avoid processed foods. Sleep well. Exercise. Supplement only a few things that are well-backed by the science and not provided by your diet.


Thanks. I get that a lot and I've been thinking about this too. I'm both concerned and eager about the possible results. Of course any negative symptoms from supplementing are very much unwanted features. I have got D3 as a spray and haven't heard about folic acid being unsafe, so thanks for pointing that one out. I'm planning my diet to be "optimal" in means of both nutrition and digestion. It is very true that food, sleep and exercise form the real way to create a lifestyle "towards the mind", so to speak. The intriguing possibility of a shortcut enhancement like this has been hard to shake off after reading lots of material on examine.com.


Also, I've read something about that nootropics can be detrimental for your sense of humour?



I'm happy to hear you're keeping an open mind about it. Was afraid I'd get an unfriendly retort. Anyway, I too find the idea of a shortcut appealing. If a handful of capsules could supplement, if not replace, certain foods I'd be all for it. I eat to live, not the other way around. If said capsules were proven to reliably improve performance and longevity with a minimum of side effects I'd be in. I'm curious what you've been reading that's got you going down this path. Mind sharing a couple links?


I'v been adding and subtracting supplements over time as I gather more info. I found studies and articles making much of what I used to take suspect but others that lead me to introduce new things.


For instance, I readily supplement large doses of D3 (about 2000 UI per day) and magnesium (500-1000 mg per day) and iodine (I forget how much but a few drops is a lot)...


With considerable daily variability I use things like vitamin E (for when I eat too much PUFA's) and selenium (to soften the blow of all the iodine and mitigate exposure to mercury from fillings, sea food, etc...) and b-vitamins (for when I don't get enough from food) and antioxidants (when I suspect oxidative stress or haven't gotten enough from food). There are a number of things I take on an as-needed basis. If you get to know the uses/effects of your long list better, you may want to take some of them as-needed rather than a sticking to a strict regimen, though I don't know enough to suggest which ones when (why I'd like to read what you've been reading).


Haven't heard nootropics mess up sense of humor but it's not surprising. Drugs that interfere with neurotransmitters can have some long-term negative effects on mood and motivation (call it addiction if you will), and I don't hesitate to presume that being under the influence of drugs designed to enhance productivity and focus would detract from one's natural frivolity.


citicoline 250mg


There has been a lot of research and discussion of the benefits concerning choline and uridine. Nothing to add.

ginkgo biloba 3x120mg


For the possible nootropic effect. May be synergistic with phosphatidylserine and ginseng according to examine.com.

artichoke 300mg


For the sake of PDE inhibition.

milk thistle 150mg


To avoid liver stress and possible toxicity.

schisandra 600mg


Adaptogenic properties. It has a nice legacy deriving from the traditional chinese medicine. Also, what a beautiful name!

pycnogenol 100mg


For the possible vocal fluency effect, antioxidant properties, blood flow and general well-being increase.

butterbur 75mg


For my seasonal allergy. Also has some qualities against head discomfort.


beta-alanine 750mg


Beta-Alanine is a precursor to carnosine. Fair enough,

l-arginine 1800mg



dl-phenylalanine 500mg


Precursor for a lot of monoamines.

omega 2000mg EPA/DHA 800/400




inositol 3,5g


For balance. Should help against neurotic/OCD-like behaviour.

lithium arginate 2,5mg


For evening out the mood.

pregnenolone 10mg


A slight boost.

multivita (vitamins&minerals each plenty over RDA +ALA,ALCAR,CoQ10,quercetin,lutein,lycopene,EGCG,turmeric,grape seed)


All around goodness.

digestive enzyme blend 500mg
ox bile 500mg


For smoother digestion and better absorption.


d-ribose 850mg


ATP boost.

l-carnitine fumarate 500mg


For acetylcholine production and as a ATP booster.

D-aspartic acid 780mg 


For athletic improvement.

zembrin 25mg


For subjective well-being and CiLTeP

forskolin 3,85mg


cAMP booster.

creatine 1600mg


To support my diet.

garlic 500mg


A good supplement for any diet

royal jelly concentrate 152mg



uridine 250mg

sam-e 200mg


For energy.

digestive enzyme blend 500mg




cruciferous vegetables blend 900mg


For the sake of vegetables

bacopa 300mg


For the possible nootropic effect.

Reishi 500mg

sage 275mg


Sage seems good. Sage needs some hype.

rhodiola rosea 350mg

ashwagandha 470mg


Well-researched effects. Adaptogen. For calming down and stress reduction.

magnesium malate 215mg
+1750mg malic acid


Magnesium is good. Alkalizing malic acid is also good against excess acidity.

shilajit 10:1 250mg


Anti-anxiety. I saw this one on a stack that seemed decent. Seems to effect energy.

taurine 1000mg


Because of my diet. I've read it's great for relaxation, like magnesium.

kava kava 450mg



suntheanine 200mg



plantery herbals mullein lung complex blend 850mg


For my lungs.

l-tryptophan 500mg


For serotonin production.

lion's mane 20:1 250mg



chlorella 1200mg



probiotic (14 billion lactobacillus&bifidobacterium) blend 224mg


Some research point out that probiotics aid the CNS in many ways. Best to take for the night, it seems.

(melatonin 1-3mg)
(futurebiotics relax&sleep valerian/chamomille/skullcap blend 860mg)


For sleeping.

Accompanied by organic low-acid coffee with MCT oil+stevia+cocoa powder, 2-stage filter for water, eye pillow for quality sleep, plenty of tea (yerba,green,black,herbal), enriched honey, gluten and wheat free flexitarian diet (lots of different whole-grains, cooked vegetables, sardines, eggs, legumes, kelp, nuts, some fruit etc)

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#11 noolini

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Posted 18 May 2014 - 07:22 PM

I'm going for a general increase in well-being, energy, productivity, alertness, processing speed and capability, while decreasing fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Edited by noolini, 18 May 2014 - 07:28 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropic, stack, supplementation, vitamins, antioxidants, firstpost, neuro, ltp, vegetarian, adaptogens

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