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Biggest map of research drugs, methods with nootropic effects

research nootropic best nzt stack map new potent drug upgrade

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#1 3dbrainarray

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 07:27 PM

Let's make impossible map of new drugs, methods to reach new edge of strong cognition.

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#2 FW900

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Posted 27 April 2014 - 09:50 PM

Excellent idea!


I suggest it be password protected for use by Longecity users to prevent any potential abuse.

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#3 3dbrainarray

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 08:13 AM

This doc can't deleted by editors, and I make reserve copy everyday. I think it's enough protection:)

#4 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 11:09 AM

I think you should combine efforts with this spreadsheet :)


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#5 Jeoshua

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:26 PM

There might also be some information that would be useful for building upon in cryonicsculture's abbreviations guide:

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#6 3dbrainarray

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:41 PM

Thanks for the info:)
What do you think about a single sheet which integrates all the others like: longevity; nootropics( research, officials);hard and soft techniques, methods, methodics with rating, colors for benefits?

#7 formergenius

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 08:06 PM

This is great! I'll add a few that a know shortly. Is there a way to alphabetize it?


edit: I removed the doubles and alphabetized it by substance name.. Hope that wasn't too bold, but it looks much better now.

Edited by formergenius, 28 April 2014 - 08:53 PM.

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#8 HappyShoe

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 10:44 PM

Add 10-HDA and AMP N1-Oxide. (Both from Royal Jelly) Act on NGF, also good evidence for improving cholesterol and increasing testosterone(possible HPA axis benefits in general).

Edit: Nvm I see it's open, added.


Edited by HappyShoe, 28 April 2014 - 10:47 PM.

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#9 Flex

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Posted 30 April 2014 - 07:51 AM

Cool !

#10 Adam Dowthwaite

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Posted 30 April 2014 - 10:32 PM

thanks for this, very helpful for a nootropic newbie like me  :)

#11 normalizing

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Posted 01 May 2014 - 06:29 PM

there is tons of information on popular, legal or illegal, older and regularly used nootropics hence why not concentrate on newer, mostly research chems on this spreadsheet? its because people always crave new infos on whats new out there, not whats old because older stuff is written all over the place with a simple search on this forum or simple google search. those new chems though, real tough to keep updated on. its going to be a tremendous help if this is solely concentrated on those alone.

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#12 3dbrainarray

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Posted 01 May 2014 - 07:15 PM

I want to offer on this occasion to introduce group stickers:
1.New drug.(with investigation data)
2.Potent.(have strong nootropic effect or/and have very located effect)
3.Let's accelerate future(LAF). This ones not excited yet, but can be created with our efforts and resources (DIY or in special lab, crowdfunding etc.)
4.Have strong derivatives
Etc... turn on your creativity and offer more

#13 socialpiranha

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Posted 03 May 2014 - 03:46 PM

cool spreadsheet, i'm gonna unload on it as soon as i get the time, it could be cleaned up a bit, couple repeats and lack of info etc. It might be best to stick to individual chemicals when it comes to plants just to make the information more concise. Awesome initiative 

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#14 3dbrainarray

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 12:25 PM

Recently I add some cool noots.
In the July I will add many gene doping things for whole body to reach super iq and better brain metabolism.
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#15 Phoenicis

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Posted 06 August 2014 - 05:42 PM

added a few

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#16 uralsky

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 02:06 AM

The link does not work
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#17 3dbrainarray

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 03:47 AM

All links is working:)

Found very interesting research by Dave Pearce (Collaborative Hedonistic Imperative author)
Sorry for unformat I have very bad internet connection:(

As part of creating 100 or more new nootropic compounds as well as directions  it occurred to me that the simple size of the nucleus accumbens among different humans might have discernable genetics thus an opportunity to see if persons with bigger nucleus accumbens have more blissful pleasurable happier lives then bring that to a gene that parents could purposefully give their kids
The nootropic part is the idea that people with bigger nucleus accumbens might have more pleasurably reinforced learning thus be more effective learners  A pleasure gene is also an IQ gene 
  Here are a few of the items from the list of more than 100 new nootropics as well as cleverness genes. 
G coupled Protein receptor struts change receptivity 
or strut changes the shape of the receptor that the nootropics attach to.
A number of nootropics effect receptors, some of these are known as G coupled Protein receptors.  There are chemicals that glom onto the middle part of protein rather than the receptor part. This is known as intercalation  One published variety of intercalation is using ethidium bromide on DNA Reshaping the shape of the receptor molecule cayses receptor effect to vary.
Sexy function nootropics
Clitorises as well as nipples are more sensitive when engorged with blood. Finding the mechanism that causes this neuron behavior like: turgor directs cytokines, or pressure causes synaptic osmotic pressure then applying these mechanisms to the CNS creates new nootropic drug forms as well as creates a genetic technology of higher pleasure as well as higher IQ with the new chemicals.
Change nootropic cycle size from benzene to heptene
Many nootropics have 6 carbon cycles like Benzene as part of their structure  Changing these to 7 carbon cycles or 5 carbon cycles changes the amount that the functional groups that have receptor affinity overlap thus causing different effects at the receptor; just making variants of all the known nootropics yet using heptene cycles gives different compounds with new effects.

Saccade nootropics or genetics mimic rapid reading
When people follow their finger during rapid reading they can absorb knowlege tens or hundreds of times more rapidly with similar comprehension.  This suggests that a brain system waits on the saccade eye movement cueing from a different system, the genetics of the speed of saccades as well as chemicals that beneficially heighten saccade rate may make the aquisition of visual knowledge 11 or more times faster just like rapid reading. Similarly deeper social knowledge from the eye viewing the area with a cueing laser dot visiting things ordinarily omitted could increase visual area social intelligence.
Make those lipid loving nootropics water loving when they reach the brain
An approach to greater specificity as well as strength of nootropics is to link an enzyme changeable group to a lipophilic nootropic such that enzymes at the neuron change the nootropic to hydrophilic thus giving higher activity at the cytoplasm or between synapses or giving longer duration of nootropic effect
3d polarized glasses send different material to the different cognitive hemisheres of the brain
Creative: Use 3d TV with polarized glasses to build creativity, the 3d glasses could put more images per moment to the creative right brain hemishpere causing the video to get most of its interprative treatment as well as meaning from the creative hemisphere. thus giving people greater mental capacity as an eNootropic
Data utility: 3d office computers with polarized glasses could deliver more data to the cognitive reasoning hemisphere of the brain giving greater facility of data or data absorption as well as numeric cognition  this may work with educational uses as well
creating Face to Face or back to back dimer nootropics emphasize functional groups

Create Nootropic dimers to study structure function relationships
Dimers are two identical molecules attached to each other, depending on the linkage point they show varied response at a receptor.  When a nootropic has a big structure creating a variety of dimers at different compass positions is used to find which parts of the molecule actuall activates the receptor  Viewing huperzine that looks a little like >-   dimers like >--< or -<>- or VV may be used to find the active area as a way of creating new nootropics
Nootropics as well as IQ genes

it is published that removing histones causes RNA to be transcribed from DNA 3 to 5 times more rapidly A neuron specific histone minimizing gene or siRNA to histone production creates 3 to five times more RNA transcripts from DNA creating a richer amount of memory neurochemicals as well as more rapid creation of any neural protein Reducing histones at neurons is an IQ gene as well as nootropic  Area specificity gives particular amplification of particular brain functions

To create large numbers of regiospecific nootropics as well as IQ genes is to create new proteins that effect neurotransmitter receptors like neurotransmitter variations  This a multipart process  First create protein fragments of neurotransmitter receptor functional areas  Then use these to create antibodies at a lab mammal  The lab mammal thus creates a variety of proteins that attach to the neurotransmiteers protein structure parts Then see which of these antibodies actual effect neural activation rate at a tissue culture Those proteins are effectively new replacements of neurotransmitters as deciphered proteins they can be coded as genes to create artificial neurotransmitters shown to be active at a portion or an order of magnitude greater effect than the usual neurotransmitter  These new protein neurotransmitters are then screened to see if they have area particular activation Radiolabelling then seeing if variations on these proteins only glom to particular areas of the brain that physiologists have previously linked to particular functions  Also literally millions of radiolabelled new protein neurotransmitter functionalikes could be given at the circulatory system then screened to see whicxh actuall pass the blood brain barrier Thus creating Oral area specific artificial neurotransmitters

It is obvious that doubling the size or the number of synaptic vesicles at a neuron would have an emotive as well as cognitive effect What are the ways to find the genes as well as cytokines that effect neuron form What are the morphology active proteins coded with which genes of a wide variety of neural form variation like thick or thin myelin synaptic vesicle character or length It is possible that known pharmaceutical compounds that change synaptic vesicle morphology could be administered then samples of the messenger RNA made at those moments would characterize the gene coded proteins causing the morphology effect It is also possible that radiolabelling a lipid membrane to be fused to the cyte or radiolabelling the neurotransmitters then finding the near area protein structures that the radioisotopes migrate to (there are hydrogen deuterium migrations between separate big molecules published) finds the most communicated with cytostructures those cytostructures are then linked to the genes that produce them giving neuron morphology genetics These neuron morphology genes like synaptice vesicle size or number are IQ genes  It is possible that an electrochemical neuronal genetics of synaptic vesicle formation is what actually happens Circles of preproduced protein at the surface of a lipid layer permit bulges of lipid membrane to occur if the entire cyte plumps or shrinks as the result of an electrical field at a larger membrane  This is a much more rapid way to make synaptic vesicles that RNA directed effects  Finding the size or shape of those protein circles goes with the genetics of IQ

Heptacycle rather than benzene of 5ene peptides would create sizes as well as pliancies of alpha helices as well as beta sheets with novel effects on the full protein as well as engineering effects at system These heptene peptides make different undulatory shapes at the protein creating different tertiary shapes

Finding a wider variety of naturally occuring IQ genes goes with finding new superclever wild type mice then comparing their novel genetics to human gene sequences then verifying that at humans those genes have cleverness effects  Building completely voluntary environments like the mouse dorm that collects shed fur samples then making their surplus of food as well as comfiness attract a variety of mice with only the cleverest mouse out a few thousand able to solve the entry puzzle then placing these at widely genetically different mouse populations finds the varied mice that have these genes as well as rather importantly multigene group effects To create greater effectiveness as well as breed the mice that have the most effectrive gene groupings upper tenth of a pt solvable mouse dorms are near the area creating a large enough population to find the hyperclever mice to study their genes to make humans hyperclever

An animal model of the Idiot savant effect where humans have the ability to memorize plus use entire new languages with 14 days of study or memorize city directories creates the ability to find Savant genetics at mice then move their form towards socially competent savant  We cant actually breed Daniel Tannet with Britney Spears to create a socially functional person that learns entire languages with 14 days of effort yet with mice these gene groupings can be created then cautiously used with human volunteers



microglia edit the developing brain The genetics as well as pharmacology of microglia affect cognition microglia find neurons to edit with 2 or 3 peptide an analog of that tripeptide could minimize or specify editing to give greater IQ compare the fluid intellect of a 9 year old with that of a 14 year old keeping the high slope of development from 10 to 20 as occurred from 2 to 10 could double IQ creating a virus that makes the competing receptor tripeptide is a virus that doubles IQ a plant or fruit could make an oral version of the microglial steering peptide that doubles IQ

A fluorinated version of Nerve Growth Factor NGF could have long residence time creating a more effective developmental period nootropic rather like the NGF superclever mice as a one dose nootropic

I favor genetically engineering humans to be kinder happier calmer cleverer more beautiful more truthful with superlongevity as well as greater musical ability

Childrens nootropics have developmental benefits as well as benefit ability at education More

I favor genetically engineering humans to make their own ascorbic acid with genes from bonobos

Engineer GI tract bacteria to make different amounts of propionic as well as butyric acid to benefit cardiovascular well being as well as making people the mass they prefer to be

Use 3d TV with polarized glasses to build creativity rthe 3d glasses could put more images per moment to the creative right brain hemishpere causing the video to get morst of its interprative treatment as well as meaning from the creative hemisphere thats giving people greater mental capacity as an eNootropic

3d office computers with polarized glasses could deliver more data to the cognitive reasoning hemisphere of the brain giving greater facility of data or data absorption as well as numeric cognition this may work with educational uses as well

New nootropic from DEET the bug zap chemical DEET looks a lot like the cocaine molecule thus a DEET dimer with modifications as well as blood brain barrier passage may be a new nootropic DEET looks like what a published reference describes as the pleasurable part of the cocaine molecule

CART peptide active vat just the body side of the blood brain barrier causes a surplus of of opposite effect chemicals as well as plasma transportable cytokines giving calmness of high feeling to brain Or possibly creates greater sensitivity to the Cocaine Amphetamine Related Transcript peptide naturally produced which may be nootropic

Scopalamine linked to high AMU neutral chemical stays at the body side of the blood brain barrier causes the body to make more chemicals as well as plasma transported cytokines that say to the brain Make more memory chemicals as scopalamine causes forgetfulness Finding those cytokines that say Make more memory neurochemicals gives a number of new memory building nootropics

The genetic source of those cytokines may be measured as IQ genes among a population then verified with lab mammals

It is published that placing drugs or neurochemicals at cerebrospinal fluid CSF affects behavior Making a chemical profile of the brains CSF at three seven eleven twenty thirty three eighty then above a century would characterize the way CSF shifts its composition Cytokines proteins ions Then shifting the CSF of lab mammals towards their higher learning younger version could be measured as to nootropic or longefying effect The genetics of what causes shifts of CSF chemicals are found then linked to actual human behavioral IQ to find IQ genes Nootropic drugs are created to shift the CSF towards the most effective chemicals possible

Peoples microglia that edit the brain are passed from the babys bloodstream during the first few hours or month of living Microglia actively reproduce once passed the the blood brain barrier then reproduce from the early progenitors throughout a persons life Thus immunotransparent genetically preferred microglia shown to edit brains to make them clever are developed as a perinatal nootropic where one dose permanantly gives the brain beneficial architecture

A kind of reverse editing microglia that cause ne4rve growth is accomplished with engineering the custom microglia to make NGF as well as various growth factors thus trimming their preprogrammed areas could actually cause growth to regrow neurons where at places where editing was nonadvantageous like alzheimers Photoactived gene cassettes have been described perhaps the microglia could be turned on up or down with an outside the brain light or radiation bean giving greater area specificity

leukocytes like microglia are published as developing from progenitor cytes thus engineered progenitor cytes could be engineered could be dosed at the brain to provide to create different editing updated editing or NGF regrowth at particular areas from the microglia this is a trivial variation of published progenitor cyte neuron studies on lab mammals which have given beneficial cognitive effects

Clitorises as well as nipples are more sensitive when engorged with blood finding the mechanism that causes this neuron behavior like turgor directs cytokines or or pressure causes synaptic osmotic pressure then applying the mechanism to the CNS creates new nootropic drug forms as well as creates a genetic technology of higher pleasure as well as higher IQ with the new chemicals

The "wonderberry" that causes all foods to taste sweet about .5 an hour potentiates the nerves of taste perception it is possible that this neuron potentiator would also be active on nerves at the CNS if a version that passes the blood brain barrier is engineered This may also be true of sucronic acid as well as structural variants which gets taste neurons to note a taste 200k times sweeter than sugar Passing the blood brain barrier as well as testing structural variants on othjer nerve types generates new nootropics

When people follow their finger during rapid reading they can absorb knowlege tens or hundreds of times more rapidly with similar comprehension This suggests the brain system waits on the saccade eye movement cueing of a different system The genetics of the speed of saccades as well as chemicals that beneficially heighten saccade rate may make the aquisition of visual knowledge 11 or more times faster similarly deeper social knowledge from the eye viewing the area with a cueing laser dot on things ordinarily omitted could increase visual area social intelligence When I view a treat at a tree near a ladder a kind of pure knowing that is like TreatTreeUpLadderGo happens from visuals absent words or narrative thoughts I think a mechanism that provides views of near middle as well as further distances simultaneously could provide a richer data group to have spontaneous realizations with Polarized glasses that have a software relayering effect of objects could generate greater cognitive capability with multiple focal depths

Augmented Reality computer applications could cause a larger number of simultaneously viewed things that just as viewing a leaderform while rapid reading causes wider higher knowledge transmission to cause greater cognitive AHA! (martinGardener phrase) structures from nonconscious mental processing

B vitamins are nootropics Time to study the structural variation between vitamin activity as well as nootropic activity as separable effects to create new nootropics based on the vitamins nonvitamin nyet nootropic structure effects It is possible that B vitamins amp up the citric acid cycleto produce more energy however the doses that are nootropic are much bigger than those that make the ATP cycle function

The body makes some B vitamins Use genetics to amplify the amount to nootropic levels as well as copy genes from nonhuman organisms to make these chemicals as well as make humans B vitamin autosufficient Engineering GI tract bacteria to make nootropic amounts of B vitamins as a probiotic goes rather well with the way Yeast make lots of B vitamins as well as have much genetic engineering capability more benefixcial would be to create a B vitamin like chemical yeast coukld make ten or a hundred times more nootropically effective per milligram then copy that gene to the GI tract bacteria as a probiotic

There are people that remember physical sensations like actual sex These people have a particular pharmacology as well as genetics of memory that is a kind of intelligence Finding those genes then giving them to the general population muchly deepens being as well as cognition With the chemistry characterized sensation replay nootropics are developed giving authentically refeeling of the pleasures of sex food or thrilling movement

There are nonhuman species that are two or three orders of magnitude cleverer than their same mass near species relatives Compare the developmental genetics as well as regular gene differences between these similar speciesto find those genes that most rapidly changed between the previous to high cleverness variations then see if similar gene groups between people as well as other primates have have yet to develop at that direction then test new high IQ directions on mice tothen transfer to humans Birds like corvidae as well as different parrot varieties as well as different cleverness variants between marsupials like kangaroos as well as squid or octopi Noting that mental effect genes have actually been traced to bugs finding IQ genes at diverse mammals as well as birds is a nearer thing Finding cleverness differences between nonhuman species could find IQ gene areas conserved between the various species Cleverness genetics from cephalopods may be transferred to honeybees to their benefit Noting that Resveratrol SIRT genes make everything from yeast to mammals live longer it is possible cephalopod cleverness genes apply to humans

Kittens apparently learn gymnastics 20 times more rapidly than humans Squirrels are published as as processing sight ten times more rapidly than humans What is their genetics Compare the near species gene shifts then look as similar human gene sequences

Immunotransparent nonhuman mammals possibly absent microglia could be given human microglia such that nonhuman brains were edited along human lines this is an approach to intelligence as well as super intelligence research further with P-zombie effects at the nonhuman mammal ntelligence developmental forms could be characterized what does a P-Zombie elephant with a human microglia edited 7 Kg brain have to say

An approach to greater specificity as well as strength of nootropics is to link an enzyme changeable group to a lipophilic nootropic such that enzymes at the neuron change it to hydrophilic thus giving higher activity at the cytoplasm or between synapses or giving longer duration of nootropic effect

Link nootropic B vitamin to cancer preventing vitamin D halogenate to amplify effect also para chlorophenoxy group to pass blood brain barrier

Beauty Nootropic Certain kinds of natural beauty like water are published as being hereditary as nearness to water promotes reproduction as well as living find these genes trhen concentrate them to to create even higher appreciation of natural beauty as a nootropic this could be applied to humans as well as numerous different species a kind of benetropic Similarly neoteny beauty as well as lush grazing beauty may have a genetically amplifiable source at the brain

Nerve center or ganglia at the base of the spine goes with sexual pelvic movements characterizing the genetics of this sexual nerve structure then finding genes to amplify its effects creates higher sexual function with more pleasure Drugs that beneficially affect this area are also valuable new drugs

Isosexies map the contours of erogenous zones of women as well as their genetics Then Lesbians could practice their lovers isosexy regions of their own bodies to create greater pleasure as well as voluntary togetherness of being with knowing the other persons sensations goes well with tantric yoga

Any prenatal peptide nootropic can be measured as entire life beneficial effect like the published choline on mammals then produced with artificial DNA located nearly anywhere at the gamete to create an artificial IQ genes Note this anyplacement of a peptide gene with promoter is simpler than editing an existing gene

Two or three nootropic genes choline super production during pregnancy works like published supplementation of pregnant lab mammal;s to raise cognitive scores of babies Also phosphatidylserine as well as vasopressin or a variant of the peptide orexin

Are there variations among humans at the number of audio sensing hairs at the cochlea if there are then these would be genes to have as they give higher richer sensation of sound with greater appreciation of music

Estrogen receptors are mappable at the brain estrogen creates different flavors of being as well as different feelings is there a preferred estrogen receptor locationality at the brain to create a femininity humans prefer then translate that to genetics to give people the femininity they prefer as well as the feeling structure they prefer

It is published that women have ten times the ability to detect scent at particular times of the month It is also published that college SAT scores vary a tenth to a fifth at particular times of the month Estrogen is published as a mild nootropic thus the genetically controllable amount of estrogen receptors at places like the corpus callosum or the neocortex is an IQ or cleverness raising gene Modified estrogens may be nootropics Of note is that the steroid core of estrogen is similar to ergocalciferol which prevents cancer Thus there may be a nootropic that prevents cancer with a molecular form similar to both ergocalciferol as well as estrogen

A pattern resonance nootropic could be placing things at the attic like brains as well as tomes of ability I noticed a tome rapidviz about rapid visualization placed at an attic as well as on the room I was at as part of pattern resonance craft Purposefully sleeping with a tome about supergeniuses on the room at the attic could cause them to resonate with supergeniusness

Use functional resonance imaging to find dreaming areas of the brain characterize the genetics of these to create a genetics of happy vivid memorable dreaming that parents can give to their kids on purpose

Removing warmth lethargy is nootropic When it is about 5c degrees less than body core temperature outside people historically became languid or lethargic I think thats a historical physiological organism preservation system with pharmacological as well as genetic addressability Finding genes that direct warmth lethargy creates drugs that minimize the lethargy response as well as creates drugs that minimize the warmth lethargy response It is possible that even at cooler temperatures there is a baseload of this response which if removed creates greater cognitive ability Bringing minimized warmth lethargy response genes to humans brings them greater quality of life as well Journal articles note 14 to 20 pt higher rate of math processing at cool rooms with fresh air thus a minimized warmth lethargy response is likely efeective even near 79F

Quantum dots placed at neurons could absorb as well as emit energy that passes through tissue possibly reemitting light or warmth to activate neuron systems or photoactive drugs

Prenatal choline given to lab mammals makes them cleverer their entire lives thus childrens nootropics that build lifelong cognitive ability could be centrophenoxine a choline functionalike that is particularly effective at reaching the brain as well as new varieties of DHA as well as oxyracetam as well as huperzine that when given prenatally give lifelong benefit to lab mammals Perinatal persons using these chemical attain benefit

Find a new variety of nootropics with the radiolabelling of NGF serotonin acetylcholine dopamine as the physical tissue grows with learning the radiolabelled areas accumulate Then find the cytokines that go with the physical changes associated with learning at the radiolabelled areas These accumulated cytokines are highly linked to nootropic effects

Is there a known optimal number of dendrites or synapses per cubic mm Generally use NGF gene copy quantity a kind of variation on the superclever NGF mouse to find this optimal number of neuronal forms per mm The ratio of vascular tissue to neurons may also be optimizable note different species variation between the capillary to neuron ration then transfer these genes to lab mammals to see if these are IQ genes

Use codon optimization to build neurons as well as receptors from the most highly available amino acids thus making neural growth less dependent on nutrient availability Removing limiting factor amino acids yet maintaining cognitive function This goes well with recoding things like beta sheets or alpha helices from slightly different amino acids to either change their function or use more plentiful resources It is published that human stress Tyrosine deficit causes tiredness yet if a different amino acid could take tyrosine place there would be greater liveliness

The Dura as well as different membranes of the CNS filter the cerebrospinal fluid effecting the amount of various ions as well as proteins thus the genetics of these filtration membranes may be cleverness as well as personality genes Noting that the cerebral cortex is at the brain surface the CSF fluid has published bring the pharmacological material to the brain effect

It is published that the brain uses lactic acid Rather than glucose as fuel although the ions dissociate it is possile that there is a difference between Klactic acid NaLactic acid CaLactic acid MgLactic acid at the neuron I do not know how to make such a chemical yet it is possible that a potassium or calcium atom could be made a nonionizing part of a molecule such that K as well as Ca ion channels prefer to transport that nonionic molecule

Lactic acid that the brain uses as fuel that gets preferential membrane transport could be a nootropic find the genes that go with lactic acid transport between cytes as well as hyperproduction at citric acid cycle these could be Cleverness genes as glucose is published as a mild nootropic thus hyperavailable modified lactic acid may be nootropic

Different albumins have different genetics They glom onto proteins as well as little molecules thus the genetically variant albumins may glom differently to neurochemicals as well as preneurochemicals at the blood causing IQ as well as personality differences There may be nootropics that competitively presaturate albumen permitting the circulating neurochemical to have greater availability to the CNS as well as different tissue specificity

Glucose receptor genetics may cause variable energy availability at the brain as well as vary neuron development Noting that diabetes during human pregnancy causes the brain to be three to five times larger at birth Genetic variation among neuronal glucose transport as well as receptors could strongly affect brain growth during the developmental period as well as cognitive development throughout lifespan Glucose like molecules could cause brain growth among kids

Relating to the idea of a bigger nucleus accumbens being more pleasurable thus more strongly reinforcing of learning as an IQ gene The size of the physical communications channel between the nucleus accumbens as well as hippocampus affects the ability of a meory to cause pleasure thus powering learning reinforcement Building an electronic project causes pleasure thus reinforcing the material The genes that direct the size of the hipocampus to nucleus accumbens pathway are thus higher function IQ genes as they reward considered activities as compared with just affecting vigilance or activity rate Also the size of the hippocampus nucleus accumbens pathway may make pleasurable memories as well as pleasurable happening more memorable thus building a majority of pleasuable memories that may give the person the general worldview that being alive is pleasant as the nucleus accumbens directed memories strongly outnumber the amygdalas startle memories This creates an apparently natural expectation of hapy social presence as well as happy worldview with all learning majority pleasant These are genes that make people think the universe likes them as that is what they are prone to learn

The NGF mouse with higher cognitive ability suggests that the various different nerve growth factors be used on a variety of mice Then the varying mice are characterized as to varied cognitive amplifications The effect of NGFs at differing brain regions are described with photactivatable NGFs that hypergrow just particular areas of the brain

Immunizations that have nootropic effects Immunizing against sleepiness chemicals or hunger distraction chemicals that may be chemically linked to a full tummy or a hungry one causes less of these circulating chemicals to reach the brain providing greater mental quality There may also be a kind of baseload of the chemicals that if neutralized permit the brain to have higher focusing ability or nonjangly alertness Immunizing against hunger goes well with keeping a preferred body mass tus also prevents much heart disease as well as diabetes

Are there SNPs of Oxytocin as well as vasopressin receptor genes Natural Varieties of these receptors that were much more strongly affinitive to just oxytocin or just vasopressin would give people all of the oxytocin social warmth with all of the vasopressin memory heightening rather than have these receptors slightly affinitive to both peptides simultaneously

Quantify with numbers then find optimal places at the ATP citric acid cycle to give a surplus of chemistry to what were rate limitig places There may be genes or SNPs now that create a surplus at particular parts of the citric acid cycle that were rate limiters Find those genes then verify that lab mammals benefit cognitively as well throughout all tissues

It is published that removing histones causes RNA to be transcribed from DNA 3 to 5 times more rapidly A neuron specific histone minimizing gene or siRNA to histone production creates 3 to five times more RNA transcripts from DNA creating a richer amount of memory neurochemicals as well as more rapid creation of any neural protein Reducing histones at neurons is an IQ gene as well as nootropic  Area specificity gives particular amplification of particular brain functions

To create large numbers of regiospecific nootropics as well as IQ genes is to create new proteins that effect neurotransmitter receptors like neurotransmitter variations  This a multipart process  First create protein fragments of neurotransmitter receptor functional areas  Then use these to create antibodies at a lab mammal  The lab mammal thus creates a variety of proteins that attach to the neurotransmiteers protein structure parts Then see which of these antibodies actual effect neural activation rate at a tissue culture Those proteins are effectively new replacements of neurotransmitters as deciphered proteins they can be coded as genes to create artificial neurotransmitters shown to be active at a portion or an order of magnitude greater effect than the usual neurotransmitter  These new protein neurotransmitters are then screened to see if they have area particular activation Radiolabelling then seeing if variations on these proteins only glom to particular areas of the brain that physiologists have previously linked to particular functions  Also literally millions of radiolabelled new protein neurotransmitter functionalikes could be given at the circulatory system then screened to see whicxh actuall pass the blood brain barrier Thus creating Oral area specific artificial neurotransmitters

It is obvious that doubling the size or the number of synaptic vesicles at a neuron would have an emotive as well as cognitive effect What are the ways to find the genes as well as cytokines that effect neuron form What are the morphology active proteins coded with which genes of a wide variety of neural form variation like thick or thin myelin synaptic vesicle character or length It is possible that known pharmaceutical compounds that change synaptic vesicle morphology could be administered then samples of the messenger RNA made at those moments would characterize the gene coded proteins causing the morphology effect It is also possible that radiolabelling a lipid membrane to be fused to the cyte or radiolabelling the neurotransmitters then finding the near area protein structures that the radioisotopes migrate to (there are hydrogen deuterium migrations between separate big molecules published) finds the most communicated with cytostructures those cytostructures are then linked to the genes that produce them giving neuron morphology genetics These neuron morphology genes like synaptice vesicle size or number are IQ genes  It is possible that an electrochemical neuronal genetics of synaptic vesicle formation is what actually happens Circles of preproduced protein at the surface of a lipid layer permit bulges of lipid membrane to occur if the entire cyte plumps or shrinks as the result of an electrical field at a larger membrane  This is a much more rapid way to make synaptic vesicles that RNA directed effects  Finding the size or shape of those protein circles goes with the genetics of IQ

Heptacycle rather than benzene of 5ene peptides would create sizes as well as pliancies of alpha helices as well as beta sheets with novel effects on the full protein as well as engineering effects at system These heptene peptides make different undulatory shapes at the protein creating different tertiary shapes

Finding a wider variety of naturally occuring IQ genes goes with finding new superclever wild type mice then comparing their novel genetics to human gene sequences then verifying that at humans those genes have cleverness effects  Building completely voluntary environments like the mouse dorm that collects shed fur samples then making their surplus of food as well as comfiness attract a variety of mice with only the cleverest mouse out a few thousand able to solve the entry puzzle then placing these at widely genetically different mouse populations finds the varied mice that have these genes as well as rather importantly multigene group effects To create greater effectiveness as well as breed the mice that have the most effectrive gene groupings upper tenth of a pt solvable mouse dorms are near the area creating a large enough population to find the hyperclever mice to study their genes to make humans hyperclever

An animal model of the Idiot savant effect where humans have the ability to memorize plus use entire new languages with 14 days of study or memorize city directories creates the ability to find Savant genetics at mice then move their form towards socially competent savantism  We cant actually breed Daniel Tannet with Britney Spears to create a socially functional person that learns entire languages with 14 days of effort yet with mice these gene groupings can be created then cautiously used with human volunteers




The genes as well as chemicals that effect ATP transport from mitochondria to the stuctures that actually use the ATP with hydrolysis Those genes effect the rate of energy movement at a neuron  Noting that atp moves more rapidly than diffusion optimizing these genes at neurons bring more ATP availability throughout the neoron numerous neuons are cm or even if I read it right Meters long (there are particular brain neurons that actually reach the hips) Giving these long neurons greater ATP transport ability is nootropic it may be an IQ gene  Bodywise more rapid movement of ATP is generally vitalitytropic
It may be that giving a lab mammal a surplus of AMP or ADP will communicate to cytes that they are to make more ATP regenerating structures Thus causing ATP to be regenated more rapidly At neurons a nootropic at the body a vitalitytropic

Does Nerve conduction velocity correlate with IQ is so then these are IQ genes to be found with twin studies

There is a keypress measure where a 20th century human on caffeine presses a key about 300 times a minute Make a version of caffeine that stays at the body side of the blood brain barrier (say caffeine with higher amu)thewn compare keypress test to see if body side only stimulation gives gives higher rapidity a kind of gymnasticstropic as well as a source of gymastictropic genes when the genes that cause body side only higher neuron response rate are found

Microglia are published as editing the brain turning off microglial editing between ages 7 to 11 permits cognitive growth as rapid as that from 2 to 7 thus doubling IQ as a teenager Microglia can be turned off with a tripeptide that occupies the recptors of the microglias normal edit tripeptide thus precluding editing Trend Neuroscience As a virus produced peptide  this doubles IQ or oral fruit version could also be produced

There are genes that determine the number of mitochondria per cyte Choosing gene variants that double the number of mitochondria per neuron benefits cognition These cytokines are also nootropics as drugs that pass the the blood brain barrier

Areas between cytes like areas between synapses may be viscid It is possible that mucoproteins Are present at the brain Mucoproteins cause gooiness whicxh affects the diffusion kinetics of things like neurotransmitters Thus thinner or thicker mucoproteins may affect cognitional well as personality Mucoprotein genes may be IQ genes Note that Guaifenesin is a mucolytic psychoactive chemical

Swapping Na or K with strontium or rubidium could create higher electrical activity at neurons perhaps like bromine compared with chlorine changes at bromides although Na or K to strontium or rubidium would actually raise electrical power

If the Gene ray thing works on messenger RNA it would be a kind of virtual reality emotive cognitive gestalt maker as it could cause neurotransmitter production amino acid production or entheogen activity at neurons it is aimed at

Yay Entheogens

Lifting the gaze to the upper right causes happy feelings It is possible that the genetics of these Outside the CNS creators of feeling have a genetic basis like the strength or size of the nerve directing the facial movement There may be a cognitive look or cognitive face movement that improves cognition There the genetics of those outside of CNS nerves may be IQ genes Note it is published that chewing gum raises test scores n its simple to make up a narrative to say why a creature eating would be at a particularly valuable time to be cognitively efficient thus these non CNS nerves may actually affect cognition

Chromosomes are light viewable structures Fungi make Huperzine as well as lions mane as well as hydregine nootropics Use flow cytometry with a computer controlled laser like a UV laser to zap those parts of fungal chromosomes that make the nootropic product to create mutations of the fungis nootropic producing genes  then grow colonies of these mutant nootropic fungi then place them on a neural tissue culture to which newly produced chemicals produce neural responses that are new compared with the source fungi  10 fungal culture blobs per ml gives 10k new possibilities per liter or a billion or more new possibilities if screened at 300 batches per 24 hours  This is also an approach to creating new antibiotics  Flow cytometry with laser directed mutagenesis could also be used on hybidized fungi

There are CYP enzymes at neurons with names like this or that hydroxylase that effect the restructuring or cycling of neurotransmitters The COMT Met Met SNP codes an enzyme that rebuilds a neurotransmitter more rapidly Screen the genetics of all these CYP or other neural enzymes to see if they affect cognition or if they are IQ genes Nootropics could build or compete with enzymes to create the same effect as the preferred high IQ variation of the CYP enzyme genes

Well Rested persons may have different amounts of CYP enzymes compared with persons that have skipped sleeping this could be reflected at the amount of CYP enzymes the genetics of this could be adjusted so people always had the neurochemistry profiles of the well rested which would be an IQ gene group effect Tyrosine regeneration or amount is published as affecting tiredness thus Tyrosine regeneration genetics are cognitive vitality genes

An obvious way to make new nootropics is to make a grid of the nootropics as well as their functional groups then hybridize them putting huperzines receptor affinity group on oxiracetam or centrophenoxine on hydergine to develop hundreds of new nootropics at the grid

The ratio of neurons oe the two colors pf brain tisuue to vascularization is a food to production ratio different species may have different ratios as well as different people having different ratios find the genetics of the optimal ratio a developmental time nootropic as well as an IQ gene

Dimethylaminoethanol variants like dimethylaminopropanol dimethylaminoglycerol could be characterized as to their effects on cultured lab neurons then given to lab mammals if beneficial Dimethylaminotrehalose may be a nootropic that combines the ischemia minimization of of trehalose even though it differs from choline metabolite Dimethylaminochloroethanol is DMAE chloral hydrate what is the effect of the chloroethanol which is the chloral hydrate part of the molecule this creates a sedative that makes people cleverer or possible a calming nootropic

Bees as well as flowers have coevolved physical structures like pollen pouches as well as UV visible runways on flowers Rheingold has written about bees learning which flowers have the better nectar then passing that learning to the hive Thus it is plausible that flower nectar would be advantaged to coevolve nootropic effect The flower nectar minus glucose as well as dextrose could be characterized with cultured neurons to verify it is a nootropic then the particular nootropic chemicals purified  The receptors that resond to these nootropics are IQ genes that cover a wide variety of species to make super clever bees as well as humans

The network equations that describe a multiconductor system as applied to a multiconductor aqueous system have calculus as well as differential equation solutions where effects vary an order of magnitude thus neuron morphology like on big dendrite could have large effects simulate neurons with the network equations then find genes that go with the general morphology of hypercognition Find the genes that cause neuron variation that would cause an order of magnitude difference at a math model then verify the effect at lab mammals

I think the body produces sleepiness chemicals different than benzodiazapenes possibly creating a baseline of sleepiness all the time Finding what those chemicals are then immunizing against them would cause antibodies to absorb those chemicals creater greater alertness  less Tyrosine causes sleepiness are the after tyrosine reaction products sleepiness causing does immunizing against them give people greater vitality

Squirrels from notably different natural environments may jhave notably different hereditary sedd storage strategies that is different gebnetics of long memory Find the genetic differences between squirrels that have high capability at retrieving seeds as well as varied strategies to find IQ as well as cognitive strategy genes  Compare as well as verify the effects of those genes among humans Also squirrels may have 11 generations or more per human generation thus cognitive adaption to place may have hundreds of times more development creating novel ntelligence genes

Dendritic polymers may be pasrticularly effective at giving nootropic drugs the particular molecular receptor spacing to be most active they are also a kind of developmental angle characterizer on any drug that attaches to a protein receptor

Kittens as well as children are particularly likely what is the physiological basis of juvenile high energy is it brain to bodymass ratio or a few porevious averaged connections effect or a thing that causes more noticing per moment thus a kind of high IQ hyperprocessing This juvenile energy effect appears true even among nonmammals is there a genetic basis Humans are juvenile much longer than most mammals perhaps there is a plasticity variation gene or development program
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#18 3dbrainarray

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Posted 16 January 2018 - 04:54 PM

1. My iniative about great nootropics map started in 2012 is died:) But aviable in google spreadsheet form!

Let's bring more fresh ideas!

Many years have passed since the launch of the map - the results are deplorable :)
But during this time I gained a lot of experience in promoting similar projects in business through the initial offering of coins(ICO).
2. Decentralized meta-organization for ICOs
And I came up with the idea of creating a meta-organization that help to promote projects, businesses from the following spheres:
  • life expectancy,
  • improvement of intellect (nootropics, gene therapy, brain hacking training, education programs)
  • mind upload  ,  
  • and all kind of infrastructure, support projects(services, tech).

Another functions is auditing, creation of standards, decentralization of productions, research, open source for participating, etc;)



We have everything from ICO marketers, my own ICO sites to full-stack programmers, solidity programmers, chemistry scientists for this.
The main idea of ​​this organization corresponds to a selfish human nature - this is the percentage of ICO coins, tokens and insider practical information about developments(ex. tech process of making nootropics).

I have everything from marketers, my own ICO sites to solidity programmers for this begining.




I already see the possibility of accelerating the onset of the future where we can make

vital investments with the best KPI.

Firstly we make for this organization something like finance advisor bot, that make best possible investments in the longevity, brain technologies like a investment portfolio.

Before important steps for our life, we want more of your ideas.


Sorry, for my english)))


P.s. now we making parser for research nootropic and longevity drugs - It is necessary that nothing be hidden from us ( ͡ʘ╭͜ʖ╮͡ʘ)

Edited by 3dbrainarray, 16 January 2018 - 05:54 PM.

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#19 3dbrainarray

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Posted 17 January 2018 - 05:29 PM

Secondly, we can make ensuring the safety of people anonimously receiving nootropics and research drugs through blockchain certificates across the entire(!) developing, packing, supply chain processes and track effects of noots to the map.

Edited by 3dbrainarray, 17 January 2018 - 05:31 PM.

#20 3dbrainarray

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Posted 31 January 2018 - 09:16 PM

Creating cooperative map of brain training games for each brain region, function.

What it needed?
How integrate it with nootropics map and brain atlases like those?

Does it need a function to create trainings?
AI bot in telegram?

questons, questons, questons..

Edited by 3dbrainarray, 31 January 2018 - 09:59 PM.

#21 3dbrainarray

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Posted 01 March 2019 - 08:13 PM

I have some good news!

1) One of the biggest Russian biohacking group OpenLongevity helps to complement, improve the largest map of research nootropic drugs https://docs.google....dit?usp=sharing


2) I spent several guerrilla marketing campaigns to create and get a social order for research & implement our biggest nootropic map from Nvidia, BioViva and SciHub

3) Some updates in the table columns W-X and usability

4) Now everyone can edit! Enjoy!

#22 3dbrainarray

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Posted 09 April 2019 - 01:14 AM

1. Biggest map of noots now rebranded to "Research nootropic tools ver.2". Anyone can edit it! 

2. We integrating in another services. First one is BioMindMap 
It create from simple nodes X(something)->Y(affects)->Z(something) very visual maps of interactions.
You can see examples in video
Also, it free to edit:)
3. Changes in Biggest Research Nootropics Tools Map:
added "The level of effectiveness based on nootropic activity (---, --, -, 0, +, ++, +++) Leave a link to proof of effectiveness!"
added "Group of drug, tool or therapy"
added "conditional "safety" green=safe, yellow=safe but, orange=prescription level drugs, red=unsafe research drugs, brown=don't use it!"
added from 523 to 545 nootropics tools, mostly "not drug" meta group

Enjoy, edit, share!

#23 kurdishfella

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Posted 21 December 2020 - 06:44 PM

also all drugs cause are harmful / oxidiative stress it uses up your body resources immune system since the body treats it like an invader. Which coud be counter productive in the long term for nootropic purposes cus your health declines

#24 3dbrainarray

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Posted 26 December 2020 - 10:37 AM

You can always compensate for the disadvantages for most nootropics. For example, eat powerful antioxidants and curcumin during your cycle.
Now I solve problems with side effects more cunningly by creating custom peptides, microproteins and proteins for the narrow tasks. I collaborate with several protein folding machine learning teams and one company that designs and manufactures DNA and peptides. Thus, it turns out to get a little less risky nootropics from the most promising, but also the most dangerous groups. But it’s still a long way off to try it out on myself.

#25 kurdishfella

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Posted 08 April 2021 - 10:01 AM



Does Nerve conduction velocity correlate with IQ is so then these are IQ genes to be found with twin studies

I have always wondered why when twins get a mutation in their dna/genes both on the same one but the opposite. So one twin could get higher dopamine and the other gets lower.

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#26 cloudcell

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Posted 22 October 2021 - 01:16 AM

This is a very good initiative. I wonder if the non-profit project that I am running https://usolve.io can incorporate in a wiki format. I think this would be of great benefit to everyone.

All we need are writers with sufficient level of expertise who could substantiate what's in that spreadsheet by peer-reviewed research articles.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: research, nootropic, best, nzt, stack, map, new, potent, drug, upgrade

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