I have taken Inositol for the past three nights (before bed). I have only taken 1/4 teaspoon, which is 600 mg. From what I understand, that is a very small dose. I'm not sure why, but it is making me extremely tired. I can barely get out of bed, and I feel foggy the entire day. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with having ADHD-like issues. I have a lot of trouble with concentration, focus, and various other executive functions.
I've been trying to find a solution to this strange issue that I have. I guess it's related to IBS. Whenever I get nervous, or think about certain things, it somehow triggers discomfort in my gut. A lot of times, the thoughts aren't even anxiety provoking. I've tried so many different supplements and nothing has worked. I feel like this problem controls my life. I'm convinced that it's my mind causing the problem. I know that there's a strong brain/gut connection.
Does anyone have any insight or possible suggestions?