Although filled with invaluable information, I found the Main Cerebrolysin Thread a bit overwhelming at times. Below is my best attempt to consolidate the personal experiences from that thread into one place.
It is not conclusive. Although the majority of individuals had noticeable positive effects, there were a handful of non-responders who received minimal or no effects from Cerebrolysin. I have not included their posts in this compilation.
I also have not included posts regarding the physical injection process. This is another topic which is covered substantially in the main thread.
Important: This is not a substitute for the main thread. If you are considering using Cerebrolysin, I highly suggest you read through the main thread numerous times. It contains a mountain of information, statistics, studies, and instruction regarding the use of Cerebrolysin.
Here goes....
As far as Cerebrolysine goes, yeah it's expensive as **** and it's also very effective. I've worked an incredibly stressful job where you have to work very very fast under enormous amounts of pressure, and one even small mistake can lead to you being fired or worse. Basically doing something that takes 10-15 minutes in 30 seconds was the absolute norm in the workplace at the time (24-hour television news, working in the directors gallery where the stuff airs from, what can I say it was crazy, glad I moved to a lower-stress department).
I was taking up to 10 ml of cerebrolysine daily at work though I/M injections, easily for a good 6 months if not more. (Usually in 2 injections, although I've shot 10ml straight up before in one large syringe) Since I worked in 4-day shifts, I'd usually go 4 days on and then 4 days off to cool off my neuronsThat easily allowed me to handle all the stresses, and I was one of the best at that particular job. Despite having abused illegal drugs in the past and being a frequent cannabis smoker, I experienced little to no "stoner burnout" and was able to concentrate and perform tasks faster than most of my colleagues at the same experience level. After a long 12-hour work day, after which a normal brain turns to mush, I was still fresh and eager to go out with friends/ see girls etc, while otherwise I'd be drained and only wanting to sleep.
So instead of rambling on further, let me just break down some effects and side-effects, short and long term:
-This stuff has a MARKED anti-depressant effect. You basically feel like back in the happiest moments of your childhood. Everyone has had one of those days when they're just "on fire" and "on top of the game". With Cerebrolysine, pretty much every day is like that - you're not overly happy or vegetated like off standard anti-depressants, but you're "on point" at whatever you do. Stuff like your subconscious and conscious fears all go right out of the window, and it has a bit of a socially-inhibiting effect too.
-If you thought weed gets you the munchies, wait till you try this stuff. When you first start on this cycle, you get hungry as a SAVAGE. I usually eat just enough to be full, not overly gorged, but this stuff had me tearing up huge meals and not even feeling incapacitated by everything I just ate. I'd attribute this to the fact that with all the additional peptides and stuff, your body needs more nutrition. Sort of like adding B-vitamins to stuff like Pyritinol or even good old 5-HTP.
-Cerebrolysine helps alleviate most, if not all symptoms of post-intoxication syndrome for illicit drugs. I once gave my friend a shot after his most recent cocaine binge and he turned from a pale shadow who was about to pass out back to his normal self - energetic, enthusiastic, and motivated. Plus his foul mood and edginess were completely gone. It also seems to ease the alcohol-related hangover better than some other substances (although many nootropics are much better for that IMO since they're GABA-active). My other friend also liked taking it as a "corrector agent" for other nootropics/supplements, claiming it helped alleviate certain unwanted effects of piracetam, while preventing one from overloading on one particular amino acid too much. I personally avoid ALL other substances when doing cerebrolysine. It simply overshadows them all for me.
-They definitely put some kind of a painkiller in there. Shooting cortexin (which is similar, but I like it alot less, as it "vegetates" and sedates me too much to where I'm more mentally capable, but simply don't care) without a novacaine solution is literally a huge pain in the rear, while shooting straight cerebrolysine into my tiny tricep with a huge needle made my whole arm go numb for a short time, like an anastetic would.
-I've measured my blood pressure several times before and after the injections, and there is a slight blood pressure elevation. If you inject too fast, the heart rate jumps and you may sweat profusely. However it gives you a nice sort of a "rush" to where you feel very relaxed, but not incapacitated or drugged by any stretch of imagination. The headaches are there, but are very slight, and usually start about 2-3 hours after the injection.
-The long-term effects aren't so pleasant. There is an increasing feeling of "mounting personal hell" as I like to call it. Basically, all the negative traits of one's character seem to be unnaturally emphasized and underlined in your mind, while the positives seem little and insignificant. It doesn't really manifest itself in a severe form to others, but you may feel "grumpy" and "dissatisfied" even when you seem to be razor-sharp mentally. A good comparision would be some rich spoiled kid who has everything throwing tantrums and breaking stuff, just because he is rich and spoiled. Several of my friends reported very similar mental side effects. This is what initially led me to stop taking it by "tapering down" (I don't think it's a good method by the way, but since I was doin it daily for a while I decided for a slower descent). A .5 ml less every day for several days, then a week at 1ml and then 0.5 and then you're shooting colored water for placebo effects
- Some people report a HUGE boost in their sexual activity. I noticed only a slight boost![]()
- When you're off the cerebrolysine, you feel like it's a bad day for no reason (see above having a top of your game day for no reason lol). I didn't notice any significant negative long-term effects on my cognitive processes. On the contrary I seem to be able to concentrate better at any time, without taking any substances, or even after smoking a lot of weed. I'm now able to "zone in" on something more completely and do better at focusing.
-This stuff has very strong and powerful overall effects, it is the most effective out of injectable nootropics/smart drugs that I've tried. Cortexin doesn't even come close, and various Cerebrolysine derivatives (we ahve a Cerebrolysate here) are nothin more than cheap imitations.
I've decided for another mini-cycle just now, about 3 years after that last lengthy episode. I'm sticking to what the doctors here recommend: 5ml every OTHER day. Seems to be the correct dosage and schedule.
I hope it doesn't sound too much like promo for the Austrian pharmaceuticals company which makes this stuff. It's really not somethin you want to mess around with if you don't know what you're doing.
I took another 8 ampules of 5ml recently - doing one a day. I also found some "expert opinion".
Turns out the official line on Cerebrolysin in Russia is: It is weak and only suitable for children; or It is totally placebo and not effective. None of those doctors who said it were neurochemists, I think one was a cardiologist, among other doctors my grandma visits - since she told me this.
They all tow the company line like good boys though and promote the hell out of Russian-made Mexidol, which I dislike for various reasons, such as it's action on benzodiazepine receptors and on dopamine.
Either way, I completely disagree with them on CL
My brain is not very well balanced due to past substance abuse, but CL seems to "restore defaults" in terms of balancing the brain the way it should be in it's "virgin state" if you will, for lack of a better term. Thus, if your psychological faculties are more or less intact, you may not notice a significant effect. You have to be pretty sensitive and aware of your own body and brain to notice it regardless...otherwise you'll mostly see the difference without, once it's gone...
However, if you don't think there's an effect...try adding some substance to the mix...Weed gets me waaay higher, I don't even think I'm supposed to be that emotionally lifted, but yet that mentally sharp at once, the euphoria is ridiculous and I've been smoking almost every day for a decade! You get way less intoxicated from alcohol too, and can maintain a clear train of thought even when you're barely able to walk straight...the hangover is also significantly less...
Basically the effects other substances/supplements have are similar to when you're trying them for the first time - that's why I came up with the idea that it restores defaults in the brain.
Since this is not my first time using the substance, I'm more desensetized to it, but also get more side-effects - as is the case with taking anything over a long period of time.
Agression is definitely increased, but very controllable, sleep problems are possible, and the antidepressant effect is deceivingly addicting psychologically. It is a very powerful substance, and to be honest, I'm not going to be taking it for quite some time now, if ever. You can also get stuck in hardcore, nasty "thought loops" amidst sleepless nights, and I have a feeling if you do this stuff too much, you may not be able to get out.
There is a pronounced neurotrophic effect which only becomes evident about a week or so after you seize use. I don't know how to explain it really, but I definitely feel like I'm developing faster, in terms of some concepts and other things I've wanted to apply to my life, but was struggling with.
The biggest drawback: This stuff allows you to drift through your life effortlessly, and it's almost like "hacking the matrix". Seriously, I've come to a conclusion that it is just "too good".
You have to be careful with that stuff, and you gotta know EXACTLY what you want to get out of it and be very comfortable with yourself. It's deceivingly addictive due to its anti-depressant effects, and one injection easily lasts around 48 hours...basically - it fucks with your mind...big-time...
To be honest, I underestimated how powerful CL is before. It's been a great catalyst for changes I've already wanted to make in my life, but it is a very powerful substance and best used in extreme stress situations.
Again, I'm worried about people following my advice as far as choosing noots/supplements, because you have to realize that I'm not qualified and a lot of this could be a figment of my imagination - since my brain has been through a whole lot of everything and I might as well be a delusional psycho by now.
But watch it with CL - it's deceptively powerful and can sneak up on you. I have weed which will always be my number one substance of choice, so I'm not too worried about problems with other things. But this stuff had me thinkin: "Boy how nice would it be to just always be on top your game like that?"
I got the best results out of it when I was using it in extreme-stress situations. It's probably the only good way to use it.
How cere helped:
I was working in a television studio where it's do or die under ridiculous circumstances, when stuff is happening live...I had tons of responsibility, about 30 seconds on average to complete a task taking 2-3 minutes of normal pace, and literally ZERO room for error, as it would mess up the rest of the "team". The shifts were 12 hours, 4 of those would be spent on air in said environment, while I had other responsibilities elsewhere.
Now, to use a sports-related term, I was straight up CLUTCH under all the said circumstances. I'd have to report upstairs to the studio at 12:00 AM sharp and would have a list of assignments before that.
I would routinely finish the assignment and report at 11:59:52 or so feeling relaxed and super confident that I'd make it the whole time. I'd even have time to make a few jokes with the sound engineer before going on about my business.
When the going got tough, I was a straight up MACHINE too, just working away...then I still had enough in me to go sex some girl, or get drunk and high with my friends (usually both)...I got tons of praise from very experienced colleagues too, so I know it wasn't just my illusion.
Nowadays I work in a much less stressful department and still excel at my job without any "help".
That's why I'm vary of revving up your brain to these extremes - that stuff really only asserts itself in extreme stress situations and I don't see why you'd want to take it in situations other than that.
The first injection to thigh went really smooth yesterday and I didn't feel any pain at all.
The aspiration did not go how it was supposed because I couldn't get the syringe's cylinder to move backwards once the needle was in my thigh. Anyway I decided to start inject veeery slowly because cerebrolysin is not oil based preparation and thus it would not be so devastating if I were to inject it in the vein for 0.001 ml. Everything went very well. I need to work on that aspiration next shot, I will try to pull the syringe's cylinder back and forth when it's empty so it would loosen up a bit.
Last night I had little feverish feeling. It passed in the morning but I still have a slight headache and I'm kind of tired because of that. These are also the most common side effects of Cerebrolysin. Maybe these adverse side effects go away now once my body gets adjusted to it.
Well, tomorrow is the time for 2nd shot.
This is the fourth day after starting Cerebro, and I have felt great past two days, effect is gradually building up. Especially listening to music has been enjoyable, not in the way when you are stoned but you notice music's nuances somehow better. And this is just after two shots, I'm wondering could this be placebo
Btw, after 2nd shot I got no fever or temperatura raise.
Yesterday my girlfriend did the first injection in my buttox. I did not feel anything. After the injection I think I felt a small anesthetic effect my butt. I did not experience any side effects at all.
Afterall injecting isn't a big thing at all, propably that is why most American are on steriods. (your welcome)
I can't say if I really felt something from the Cerebrolysin, maybe a little bit more relaxed.
I have been under very much stress the last couple of months and it seems the pressure I felt on my chest somehow disseapered after an hour. This might be placebo effect.
Yesterday evening I have had diner with some friends, I drink some wine and coffee. When I went to bed but I could not sleep. This morning I saw in the cerebrolysin thread that the effect of caffeine is enhanced a lot. Normally I don't have any problems with falling a sleep.
This morning I took another shot. I just feel fine today and also I am relaxed. I have the feeling that I am more aware. Something I notice a small headache, I can't says if this is related to the cerebrosylin.
Tomorrow it will be the third day and normally then the effect should kick in.
Today (Friday) I took the fifth injection, I started with the first one on Monday.
I take the injection around nine o clock in the morning, 40 minutes after the injection I start feeling "really, really" great. You can't compare this with anything else.
I have a feeling that the last two days the effect did not last the complete day, at 14.00 hours I could redose.
Maybe I should take a little more because I am around 100 kg.
The quality of sleep seems to be improved, I think sleeping time is reduce.
Anxiety is totally gone and stress is almost reduced to zero.
I can focus much better then normally, brain fog is completely gone.
My ability to speak is improved also, maybe I can start improving my English and Spanish.
Yesterday I drink half of bottle of wine during diner. The Cerebrolysin counteracts the effects of small amount of alcohol.
The effects of caffeine are increased.
I will test the effects on GBL/GHB soon and maybe something with a c later this month.
I will do some sport this weekend. I hope Cerebrolysin would give a little push in the right direction.
Next week I am planning to take it on Mon-Wed-Fry.
I am thinking about adding a choline source in the future.
I am thinking off adding a choline source and maybe some piracetam. I think this combines perfect with piracetam.
Beside this I only take: vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C, omega 3, spirulina, chlorella, curricum, resveratrol for my general health.
This is my second week on it, I don't know what will happen when I stop with it.
It feels like the most natural approach for my ADD. I feel just normal but with a great focus.
In sport I don't feel a difference, but a fast car their is a very big difference. Your totally in control of the car.
I think it will be it defintely is somekind of doping for racing or playing golf.
I am located in the Netherlands.
I don't know people who have used it beside the some people of the Imminst forum.
I suspose/hope this stuff has been tested on BSE like prions.
I am using cerebrolysin for a week now. This is my third cycle. I have to say it is a life changing substance for me. It really makes me change my life.
I notice last weekend a "side effect". I have got the flu/a cold, but after the injection I did not feel sick anymore. This happened also the second day. Today I feel fine again.
Did my first injection this morning, used a 5 micron filter needle to draw up 5mL (ampoules can leave glass shards in the fluid!), then a 1" 23 gauge thin wall needle to inject in the vastus lateralis site. (I'm a tall guy, but have little fat in my outer thigh, so I think 1" is sufficient.) I inserted the needle extremely slowly (~60 sec) and injected equally slowly. Other than the initial needle prick, I experienced no pain or numbness.
"The authors found that patients develop several different strategies for the injection. Some insert the needle quickly, whereas others insert the needle slowly, perhaps taking 30 seconds or longer to reach the muscle, for an IM injection. Although injecting this slowly is certainly not taught in nursing school and may increase pain in patients who increase muscle tension in response to inserting the needle, there is no hygienic reason to avoid it." - Self-Injection Difficulties in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting MS: Treatment of Self-Injection Anxiety
I was a little agitated for a few hours after the injection, but that's easily attributed to self-injection anxiety. The rest of today, no notable effects, positive or negative, other than excitement about trying the drug.
5th shot this morning, maybe there's an effect, maybe there's not, but I'm kind of sad that I'm not raving about it yet. *shrug*
I'm gonna go straight through the weekend and not suspend the injections for 2 days.
7th injection completed this morning.
It's a subtle effect, but I wanted to share what I've noticed that seems a bit out of the ordinary.
Due to my current schedule, I don't tend to get much sleep on Wednesday or Thursday nights, and so by Friday I'm usually falling asleep all over the place by mid-afternoon. This week, despite staying out later than usual on Thursday night, I still felt very tired by Friday afternoon, but took a quick nap and then ended up staying out very late Friday night as well. Got some (but not a LOT of) sleep that night, and then went on a first date Saturday afternoon. Normally I'd expect to be completely zoned out due to sleep deficit by that point, but I was surprisingly alert and cogent for a good 8 hours. I also felt unusually calm and confident throughout the date.
Also, I tend to sleep in as a mild depression-related "trying to avoid the world" type thing, and that desire to sleep in seems to be noticeably reduced.
Time seems to pass somewhat more slowly, I'll frequently look at the clock and it's somewhat earlier than I expect. (Even in the middle of the night; I doubt it's a daylight-savings-time effect.)
So it's not automatically making me psyched about studying for my other midterm next week as I hoped, but it does seem to have a subtle, pleasant balancing effect so far. I'm not sure I'd recommend it at this point given the need for injections, but I'm getting used to the injection process and will definitely continue to take it for the time being.
Full disclosure: I also got some blood tests back on Friday, which indicated the possibility of a reactivated EBV infection (equivocal early antigen IgG), and I immediately started Valtrex 1g twice daily. I also got some new shirts that I really like, and wore one on the date.
Thanks for the update, 2150. I've dosed 5mL/day for the past 17 days, and I have a hard time positively attributing any effect to CL. It's possible there is an effect -- slighly less brain fog, better clarity, etc. -- but it is not a night-and-day difference. I am definitely not any more motivated to do the things that I don't want to do, and definitely still prone to a hangover after a night of heavy drinking.
I will note that I weigh about 110kg, so I'm probably dosing on the low end of the scale.
I have ordered some more, and will try 10mL at some point after it gets in.
I do have copies of some of the old (1970's) articles in German and Russian; I don't read either, but if someone who does wants to take a look to see if they reveal anything about the manufacturing process, I'm happy to forward them on.
Update: Took 5 mL/day for 20 days, then ran out.
Today is my third day with no CL. There's no obvious crash, but I'm starting to feel a little less "on point", and am definitely eager to get my restock package so that I can continue.
In retrospect, I seem to have been making more "life decisions" than usual these past three weeks, moving forward the things that will get me to where I want to be.
Update: Took 5 mL/day for 20 days, then ran out.
Today is my third day with no CL. There's no obvious crash, but I'm starting to feel a little less "on point", and am definitely eager to get my restock package so that I can continue.
In retrospect, I seem to have been making more "life decisions" than usual these past three weeks, moving forward the things that will get me to where I want to be.
After a few days of no dosing, it feels more like a return to baseline than a crash. The effect isn't immediate; I can skip a day without noticing it, but after 2-3 days of no dosing, it becomes apparent. In general, I tend towards mild depression (haven't taken any antidepressants for 10+ years), it's been dark and rainy here for the last month or so, and the CL seems to prevent me from getting too moody. It was only unpleasant in the sense that I was a little crankier, quieter, and less funny when talking with friends.
The two biggest effects I've noticed from Cerebrolysin are mood stabilization and increased facility with spoken language; I'm much more verbal and have an easier time putting complex sentences and thoughts together.
After 2 weeks of no dosing, I did 10mL/day for 5 days with no problem. The effect did not seem substantially more pronounced, but it usually takes a few days to kick in anyway. I reordered enough to do 10mL/day on a consistent basis, and plan to do that when the order arrives. Until then, I'm doing 10mL every other day just so I don't run out.
The lump from the 10mL injections is the injected fluid, and goes away in 10-15 minutes without issue.
I thought I would post some of the effects I noticed since I took my last dose of 10mL on Friday last week.
My dosing schedule was not regular but went something like this:
week 1:Fri 5mL
Wed 9mL, Fri 9.5mL
Mon 5mL, Wed 4mL, Fri 10mL
So I took about 45mL in two weeks.
The 10mL days were noticably different than the 5mL days.
The most distinct effect was how much it increased my productivity. Subjectively I might attribute the difference in feeling between the previous 2 weeks and this week to circumstances rather than the cerebrolysin, however, I think looking at it subjectivley is useless. Objectivley, the fact is that I probably had two of the most productive days of my life while I was taking the cerebrolysin, I belive 1 day was when I took 9.5 and the other was the day after that, and in fact that entire week was very productive. During that day, I thought that maybe this was just me reaching a turning point in my time management because I had had some insights into time management the previous day while reading a book, however now that I have some prespective, it seems that the difference was not the insight, I have had many insights about time management before but it had never changed my behavior significantly, but it was the feeling and effects of the cerebrolysin.
On that day that I considered the most productive I wrote a to do list and finished probably 23 out of 25 things, only skipping a few things I decided were not neccessary, and the next day was similar. That was amazing because there were many, varied things on that list which normally I would not be able to shift gears and do these different things. Normally what would happen when I would write a to do list is I would either give up on it after a couple hours of not really finishing anything, or I would finish a few things and then get into a overly pleased state and would waste the rest of the day. However, on cerebrolysin I do not think this ever happened which is amazing. Instead I would just keep doing things and if I finished everything I wrote down, my first thought would be "what else can I do?" Normally, if I finished everything I wrote down (don't know if that has ever happened), I would feel exhausted and just want to surf the internet or watch tv.
On one of the days I had been doing things for about 10 hours straight and still felt completely energized.
I would say that after taking it a few times the effect was to the point of being as effective as a 200mg caffine pill, as far as increasing my activity, except it seemed that unlike with caffine, that activity was being directed toward completing the things I wanted to comlpete with focus and efficiency, wheras with caffine I might be highly active, but doing something I don't need to do.
Only negitive I can think of is that it increased my OCD almost as much as caffine does.
Overall, I am very interested in getting some more. Does anyone know of a research article which mentions in the materials or procedures section that they used some cerebrolysin from a chinese manufacturer? I would like to see if the effects with the chinese cerebrolysin are the same or similar to real cerebrolysin because from what I have seen the chinese cerebrolysin is much cheaper. It cant be that hard to make if they have been making it for 40 years, and they don't even know what is in it, and don't understand how it works, meaning they must have simply stumbled into it, when applying some basic procedures to pig brains.
Ok, day two i am using cerebrolysin. As i inject in the morning, i can definetly feel extra energy and less anxiety during the day. Interesting thing, that i felt this effect even on the first day. Also this extra energy has helped me with concentration and motivation during lectures writing down notes, as usualy i don't write much of them, but on cerebrolysin it is much easier and not so tiresome to do it.
Also there is a feeling i can't describe... Like something is different, i just can't identify what. For me it seems that this unnatural feeling somehow really reduces my anxiety. Its somehow like being drunk without dizzyness? Also i haven't noticed any mood improvement.
So i just ended my last injection of Cerebrolysin today. It was 5 ampoules of 5ml each for 5 days, 25ml total. The first day of injection of what i felt all that reduced anxiety and energy was probably only placebo, as injecting expensive drug into muscle seemed something that should really work. Now i can say that it hasn't done much to me. Maybie the effects will come later, or maybie they already are there just i don't recognize them as they are subtle or need specific situation to show up. The only effects i can recognize are that i can wake up easier in the morning. Sometimes i see more rich colors. Also sometimes i get really annoyed about someone for no reason, glad i don't express that
- almost a month have passed, and only 2 of 20 ampoules (5ml each) are left to go, so i think i can post the results for one month of cerebrolysin use as i don't think these 2 ampoules left will change anything.Ok, since i can get cerebrolysin quite cheap, i decided to continue using it for one month. It will be 5 days 5ml each, 2 days off, then repeat this for 4 weeks. I have used 7 ampules so far, 13 to go... As i got pissed that cerebrolysin still haven't done much for me except for the first day, i also added pramiracetam (600mg), lecithin(2400mg), omega 3 fish oil, amino acids complex in tablet form and a nicotine patch.
In first uses there were reduced anxiety and increased ability to stay focused during quite boring lectures, both of them vanished after few days.
Sometimes i can see richer colors. I can wake up early more easily.
However sadly i can't recognize any significant improvements in cognition or attention. Also it must be kept in mind that later i added other nootrops as i couldn't feel much of effect from cerebrolysin. Now that sucks, because if i would feel the effect, i wouldn't know to what drug i should address it.
Maybie i am too young (23 years) and there is not much cerebrolysin can do to repair my brains, as there is not much to repair?
Overall sadly month usage (5 days on, 2 days off) of cerebrolysin didn't do much to me.
Update on my CRB Therapy:
I have injected all 20 5ml ampoules. It was a great experience. Myself and my girlfriend agree that I was and am far calmer/less worried now than ever before.
My story: 10 years of extremely high stress seemed to have left me neurotic, something I never was when I was younger.
I also have been experiencing memory problems for the last 5 years or so. Things that I know I know, but can't think of (tip of the tongue) were happening way too frequently.
This was very disturbing and sad for me, because my brain was always my best asset.
It was so frustrating to not be able to think of a famous actors name, like John Travolta, and to have this happen to you over and over again.
I may have had sleep apnea for about 5 months 2 years ago when I gained a lot of weight. That is when the bad memory problems started happening.
During my treatment I definitely did not have tip of the tongue moments like I have been having.
I have tried almost every racetam there is, and hydergine, but cerebrolysin is definitely a more powerful nootropic than any of them.
It didn't make me feel sharp like adderal or adrafinil does, it just made me feel calm and contented and creative. I still have a motivational deficit sometimes, which leads me to drink coffee which doesn't realy ehlp
This calmness has stayed with me for a week now after I stopped injecting. I know that I need to shoot more though to get the full regenerative effects.
Does anyone know how to get a prescription for this in the US? I would love to order from that Austrian pharmacy, because the prices are half what the others charge.
5ml vs 10ml: 10ml is a pain as a dose because you have to do two injections. 10ml in one spot is doable, but you can feel that it is too much, and your thigh will hurt for a while after.
INJECTION TECHNIQUE: Definitely use filtered needles. I felt almost no pain in the injection areas after I started using filtered needles. Before, I was having thigh pain for a day after injecting sometimes. The filter needles I used were stainless steel monoject 5um ones, be very sure to get all the air bubbles out if you go this route as the filter seemed to make the solution bubbly.
I just injected 5ml of CRB into my right thigh, massaged the area and hot damn I feel great! I feel so fucking good right now.
I'm going to turn on Brainworkshop and try to bump my dual 4 back score from ~ 50-60% to 80%.
Also, every night I watch jeopardy and keep score with a Ruby on Rails app I created. I track how many I get right in single jeopardy, double jeopardy and whether or not I get final jeopardy right.
Before CRB treatment I was averaging about 25 correct per game. Now I am almost done with my second course of CRB and am averaging about 33 right per game.
I have a lot of knowledge in my head, many of the questions I get right on jeopardy are through deduction, elimination and educated guessing.
CRB has definitely helped me eliminate possible answers quicker, and make the associations needed to get more answers right.
This is not a subtle effect.
CRB, meditation and dual n back really work.
I don't know if everyone would have the same results, I was born gifted and suffered some brain damage along the way, and CRB has been the best therapy I have found.
I want to thank RussianBear and everyone else who gave their reports on CRB. Thank you for all of your research, it made me feel comfortable injecting pig brain soup into my thighs.
My life has changed, I feel like I have my brain back now. Thank you imminst!
I have been very busy working on my new business, and I am about to move to a new city with my girl and the future looks very bright.
I am very much looking forward to my next rendez-vous with cerebrolysin. Cerebro is the kind of drug that I would like to hole up with in a lakeside cabin for a few weeks and write a novel on. I think I will do that this summer.
I think that I will do a cycle every three months for the next couple years or so. The original problem that I started nootropics for (tip-of-the-tongue too often) has been solved, but I see no reason not to continue.
It's been almost two months since I took any cerebro, but much of the improvement remains. On cerebro I averaged 33 right per jeopardy game. I now average 30 correct per game, which is a good improvement from my pre-cerebro average.
The days you use cerebro, you are totally on, but lasting positive changes are made. I hope that the effect is cumulative over a period of years. I will see.
Your jeopardy score can be improved by studying certain topics that come up often on the show. I have not done that so far. I find my jeopardy scores are pretty consistent and a good indicator of my cognitive health on any given day.
Being stressed or worried will cost me 5-10 correct answers, as will sleep deprivation.
I have about 23 kilos of piracetam from Smart Powders left. They are sealed in 3 kilo jugs that I bought when the FDA ban was announced last summer. If anyone wants any, I've got the hookup.
It would be a win-win, you would get cheap bulk piracetam, and I would use the money to buy my next round of cerebrolysin
Thanks for the report Aldousnow !
Finally ! i received 10 vials of cerebrolysin from antyaging systems and am expecting 10 more from drugspro. It took 15 days for antiaging to deliver to canada (I was beginning to think it would never get here) Both companies have a pretty good customer service and both replied to my concerns.
My goal for the 1st cycle is to note observations on the desired following improvements:
- better memory (Right now I feel slightly below average, maybe beacause of stress)
- remove "tip of the tong" issues (happening more and more but normal i guess)
- Augmenting speed of thought (I hate having to think for too long when being asked a spontaneous question)
- clarity of thought
- general well being
- verbal skills (good choice of wording ...dont judge me here cuz I speak mostly french)
- motivation
- social skills
- physical skills
- meditation and mindfulness skills
- comprehension
- intuition
let me know if you have other interesting aspects you would like me to keep in mind. I can comment on the short and long term benefits/side-effects
I took 5 ml today and definitly felt something. Even if this is placebo, I have clear thoughts and a some energy. it's too soon to comment on my improvements but 1 thing i can says is i felt compelled to clean up the whole place around here, but it just may be my present state.
I will take the 2nd vial tomorow am and update the forum.
Bonne Nuit !
OK 2nd injection, and 3rd today... and nothing. The first reaction was definitely placebo. I'll keep you posted when i notice changes/improvements
4th injection done 1h ago.
I feel energized but i'm unsure if it's the cafeine. I'm clear, no anxiety... but that's it. I was expecting something more drastic but this is fine for now because i'm not looking for a buzz... From the posts i've read earlier there is a buildup aspect with Cerebro.
I am starting a day of work. I will update you on my productivity at the end of the day.
5th vial taken earlier today.
I'm still at work today and I'm now able to discern some accentuated concentration. I would compare the feeling to piracetam. I see a slight clarity improvement and speed of thought but I don't notice any verbal skills improvements like piracetam provides. I feel a bit agitated but, again, this may be caused by cafeine from green tea.
Some improvements from yesterday but not much. Neuroplasticity may be going on at this time so i try to stay sharp, concentrated and use my mind as much as I can.
I may try another 5 ml ampoule around 5pm.
after 2 weeks (10 vials) it's still hard to pin-point improvements. I see some but they are not as evident as I thought they would be. the benefits appear after the 5th and seems to accumulate slowly.
I have a bit more energy (a lot more on caffeine), I wake up slightly more rested, i don't fall asleep around 2 pm at the job, little to no anxiolitic effect and hangovers are almost not existant... almost. My concentration levels seem to be the same but i'm able to keep it up a bit more sustained, this may be because of increased energy ?
No verbal skills improvements, no noticable speed of thought improvement, ... in short, so far, I only see a general well being improvement. I had higher expectations from cerebrolysin but keep in mind that i still have 10 other ampoules to go.
the so-called "improvements" seem to stay during the "off" days.
we'll see
after 16/20 ampoules I clearly feel the difference.
It took 13 doses to see that this nootropic is actually effective. All my personal test points seem to be affected when on it. I remember Russian Bear saying he was able to go through stressful periods without feeling too tired and exhausted and I have to says that this is very true. I don't have a stressful job but I can definitely say that I have been on top of my game for the past weeks.
For concentration it's pretty hard to describe the improvements. I still have to work at it but i feel i'm able to sustain the effort for longer periods which allows me to observe/study more deeply. in a related subject, tip of the tong syndrome seems to have dissipated. Even if I have difficulty finding a word I seem to be able to drive my concentration up a notch and I come up with a name or a word I wanted to use.
My memory is better. clearly.
oh and hangovers are still non-existant (almost) and i remember every details of the night.
That's pretty much it... concentration, general well-being and confidence clearly improved so everything else is affected positively.
If I notice anything else i'll post. If not I will let you know if the improvements stay after the cycle is done
By the way, anyone knows how often I can cycle cerebrolysin ?
Continued in next post
Edited by cryonicsculture, 08 May 2014 - 05:38 AM.