Hello I read through almost whole cere thread thanks everybody for their contribution, many good posts and insights I like it here a lot.
I thought I give it a try, we have ridiculously low price here, based on what prices have been posted i consider it low 5*10ml less then 35 $
it is legit source (neuro pharma) from drugstore.
Brief summary of my background:
Depressed since early teenage, my attitude has changed few years ago so depression is not a thing anymore, could say 90% is gone( i am not popping pills for two years), anxiety some particular things makes me anxious mostly social-based, when I drank it was a lot, always a lot, many many times I fainted or didn't remember a thing from the night before,
I was smoking since eighteen last year it was a pack-a-day but i quit, I also have smoked weed everyday for almost whole year, tried some other substances too (lsd,shrooms,ecstasy)
I am collage dropout trying to find a job, not manual labor( if someone from IT could recommend IT path what to learn and what certificates should I make would be much appreciated
) , I thought it is time to restore my brain also I have been diagnosed with ADD (sometimes it was like for one sentence read,
at least three thoughts came up, you know when you do something and someone is trying to interrupt you but you are in a zone
and you are not responding, that never happened to me I kid you not )
I am trying to learn new things everyday and follow my routine which is:
7.5-8 hours of sleep, gym every other day plus some aerobic exercise, cold showers, meditation, started with Brain Workshop (80 sessions so far)
trying to eat healthy no sugar no candy no sweetened-waters at all, trying to cut carbohydrates - I feel really good without sugars and without much carbs
Finally Cere experience: no filters 22g needle IM-administration
First day 10 ml dosage to my quad, felt like better vision and little more focused
second day off because i wanted to know how am I responding to it.
third day : 10ml maybe sharpened vision for some time but i went to gym then it disappeared
fourth day : 10 ml nothing special i was calmer a bit and anxiety could be decreased by 20%
my dual n back (brainworkshop) was slightly better but nothing worth-raving
fifth day : before i took 0.8-1.6g piracetam along with lecithin. Today i tried 2.4g piracetam then
10ml of cere I could push myself easier to do some planking (2 minutes 15 sec straight its not much but I am getting better)
It is somehow easier to do less comfortable things but it is not mind blowing but after cold shower
I did some meditation, during which i almost fell asleep it was weird usually I do not get sleepy throughout a day,
It was pretty intense so I decided to take a nap and suddenly I woke up 4 hours later...
so far my thoughts aren't fluent and clear , but my perception could be better.
If I should rate it it would be 20/100 but i believe it could get better.
Any insights ? Maybe too much piracetam because I feel like I don't respond to Cere that much, or it could be too much Cere?
Last thing I have been using MMS drops (sleep got better, time to fell-asleep shortened) if you heard of them they are alkali-based could it counteract in some way ?
last ampule is waiting until tomorrow then I am going off for three days or so and want to try just 5ml a day
Any questions and every comment is welcome( correction of grammar and phrase-use will be appreciated too