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9-me-BC Regeneration of dopaminergic neurons?

dopamine parkinsons adhd nootropic anhedonia

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#151 daimewaku

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 10:29 PM


I acquired them from THT as well.

What do you think of them, in general?




In general, so-far, I like them. I have had short dialog with them via email on occasion and have to say they're on the right track for customer service. Prices are high but reasonable.

Quality of the product is well enough that it works perfectly for me. However, when I told my girlfriend that I suspect the products origin is from a Chinese lab, she freaked the heck out and told me not to even touch it. She's Chinese btw and doesn't even trust her own country to produce "clean supplements". If I die, she can then tell me "I told you so!" Until then...


I do plan to try the other vender TLR as well.

Edited by daimewaku, 17 December 2014 - 10:31 PM.

#152 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:24 PM



#2) I noticed an immediate improvement of general coordination. I have always been clumsy to the extreme, probably due to my attention span. Suddenly I was able to multitask with my hands without thinking about it. By about day 3 my tremor disappeared. I have noticed much more 'body awareness' lately. When I close my eyes I no longer feel unstable. When I sing I can feel the vibration and can sense when I am on key(very rarely lol). I get tingles and goose bumps when I listen to music or see something cool. These things are all new to me. I am kind of shocked at the improvement



Strangely I have had the same effect on my voice. It's deeper than usual and I notice more 'reverberation', a interesting side effect. Tying in with the similarities made to nofap by another poster, I have heard reports of the same thing happening when addicts abstained from porn. I initially thought that was because of increased testosterone, but now I'm not sure sure. Perhaps dopamine is linked to testosterone somehow.



Dopamine is linked to testosterone.

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#153 Flex

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:28 PM

I´m glad that there are finally any comments on 9-me-BC. I guess I will try it too eventually.

Btw: I had great results in regards to concetration and cognition with Rhemania glutinosa ~3 grams per dose

It increases afaik GDNF in the mid brain, so the effects could be perhaps to this attributed. But dont mix it with coffeine, even not on the day after.




I thought that Mu opioid are responsible for the gabaergic dis-inhibition.
Thats is afaik the reason why Kratom isnt that much addictive because of the stronger delta agonsim and much weaker mu agonism

Yes, mu-opioids are very CNS depressing for that reason. Delta does inhibit GABA, but interestingly, also inhibits norep slightly.



The effects of delta on norep could be interresting for my chronic insomnia. Thanks


I´ve forgotten to add the information that I add usually:


Many herbs do have a blood thinning effect and those effects can differ.

So by mixing the one with the other, the different blood thinning effects could lead to dangerous bleedings.


Like if You take Aspirine ( cox-1) and Marcumar (anticoagulant) together.

since some herbs do affect e.g. coagulation and other ADP ( like plavix) or simply cox-1 ( Curcuma/Tumeric).


It could be annoying, but its better that someone is annoyed instead to call the emergency.

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#154 Area-1255

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 07:44 PM




#2) I noticed an immediate improvement of general coordination. I have always been clumsy to the extreme, probably due to my attention span. Suddenly I was able to multitask with my hands without thinking about it. By about day 3 my tremor disappeared. I have noticed much more 'body awareness' lately. When I close my eyes I no longer feel unstable. When I sing I can feel the vibration and can sense when I am on key(very rarely lol). I get tingles and goose bumps when I listen to music or see something cool. These things are all new to me. I am kind of shocked at the improvement



Strangely I have had the same effect on my voice. It's deeper than usual and I notice more 'reverberation', a interesting side effect. Tying in with the similarities made to nofap by another poster, I have heard reports of the same thing happening when addicts abstained from porn. I initially thought that was because of increased testosterone, but now I'm not sure sure. Perhaps dopamine is linked to testosterone somehow.



Dopamine is linked to testosterone.


Dopamine and testosterone have a very complex relationship. 

For example, dopamine is needed to sustain the inhibition of prolactin, and by its D2-like receptors is regulatory upon sympathetic input, that means that dopamine plays a role in increasing stress threshold and lowering excessive norepinephrine via those receptors.


Then interestingly, testosterone is needed (to an extent) to maintain, the receptor density and expression of some D2R's, and to maintain the synaptic plasticity in important endocrine regions like the hypothalamus and specifically the paraventrical nucleus.


Testosterone is not the only hormone influencing dopamine or dopamine receptor densities/expression , minerals and metals also play a role.


Dopamine on D1/D5 receptors increases cyclic AMP, GABA in the frontal  cortex and limbic area, and increases metabolism and testosterone synthesis without having an effect on prolactin.


Dopamine and glutamate both help maintain normal estrogen levels by stimulating aromatase.........leading to testosterone converting into estrogen..this doesn't mean if you have high dopamine you will have high estrogen, because there are other factors such as body fat and stress level that determine estrogen as well - but from an enzymatic level, dopamine certainly participates in the regulation of estradiol synthesis and testosterone activity as well.


You need one to sustain the other, dopamine sustains testosterone, testosterone sustains dopamine.


It is important to note though, that interestingly , some aromatization is needed for brain testosterone to exert it's pro-dopamine effects, as more potent and un-aromatizable androgens such as DHT fail to increase dopamine but do increase GABA and other important neurotransmitters.

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#155 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:06 PM

Dopamine and testosterone have a very complex relationship. 


For example, dopamine is needed to sustain the inhibition of prolactin, and by its D2-like receptors is regulatory upon sympathetic input, that means that dopamine plays a role in increasing stress threshold and lowering excessive norepinephrine via those receptors.


Then interestingly, testosterone is needed (to an extent) to maintain, the receptor density and expression of some D2R's, and to maintain the synaptic plasticity in important endocrine regions like the hypothalamus and specifically the paraventrical nucleus.



This much I knew, however, not the rest, very interesting.
What struck me though, is you mentioned dopamine and it's relation to minerals. Can you elaborate, or provide sources for such? This may be useful.
Also a very brief search turned up this.http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3866515/
Considering how I partially fixed my dopamine issues by increasing my testosterone, as I know a few people have(as well as through their doctors) done so for issues with opiates. (I have not had an obiate abuse issue myself:FYI)

Another reason this intrigues me, not just for another avenue of treatment, but I have hemochromatosis, so I have unusually high levels of iron.
There are other factors to consider as well, since apparently people with such               ^^^     have issues with oxidation, and as someone formerly prescribed amphetamines long term(hence the original problem... those bastards...)that probably bears considering as well.

Edited by HappyShoe, 18 December 2014 - 08:12 PM.

#156 daimewaku

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:12 PM

This much I knew, however, not the rest, very interesting.
What struck me though, is you mentioned dopamine and it's relation to minerals. Can you elaborate, or provide sources for such? This may be useful.
Also a very brief search turned up this.http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3866515/
Considering how I partially fixed my dopamine issues by increasing my testosterone, as I know a few people have(as well as through their doctors) done so for issues with opiates. (I have not had an obiate abuse issue myself:FYI)

Another reason this intrigues me, not just for another avenue of treatment, but I have hemochromatosis, so I have unnaturally high levels of iron.
There are other factors to consider as well, since apparently people with such               ^^^     have issues with oxidation, and as someone formerly prescribed amphetamines long term(hence the original problem... those bastards...)that probably bears considering as well.



Pardon me HappyShoe if I didn't see it in the whole dialog but are you taking any TRT?

#157 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:18 PM

My wording was intentional. I increased my testosterone. Infer away. =)
I will say that before such, my levels were naturally high. 833 ng/dl 2 years after, they're 995(which is very high for natural production, it came back flagged from an endo)This is my current natural production level, I'm currently 28. In high school(at 16 years old) I was given a boost of testosterone enanthate since I was under average height at the time and I had partial hypogonadism(1 testicle was underperforming). I'm currently 5' 9''.


Edited by HappyShoe, 18 December 2014 - 08:19 PM.

#158 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:24 PM

Clomid ;)
*Purely coincidental post, only to be informative XD

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#159 daimewaku

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:31 PM

Clomid ;)
*Purely coincidental post, only to be informative XD


I understand, hope I'm not going off topic too much asking - I just recently started TRT this year as my levels were excessively low. Now take 150mg T shot weekly and HCG twice a week.

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#160 Area-1255

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:47 PM


Dopamine and testosterone have a very complex relationship. 


For example, dopamine is needed to sustain the inhibition of prolactin, and by its D2-like receptors is regulatory upon sympathetic input, that means that dopamine plays a role in increasing stress threshold and lowering excessive norepinephrine via those receptors.


Then interestingly, testosterone is needed (to an extent) to maintain, the receptor density and expression of some D2R's, and to maintain the synaptic plasticity in important endocrine regions like the hypothalamus and specifically the paraventrical nucleus.



This much I knew, however, not the rest, very interesting.
What struck me though, is you mentioned dopamine and it's relation to minerals. Can you elaborate, or provide sources for such? This may be useful.
Also a very brief search turned up this.http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC3866515/
Considering how I partially fixed my dopamine issues by increasing my testosterone, as I know a few people have(as well as through their doctors) done so for issues with opiates. (I have not had an obiate abuse issue myself:FYI)

Another reason this intrigues me, not just for another avenue of treatment, but I have hemochromatosis, so I have unusually high levels of iron.
There are other factors to consider as well, since apparently people with such               ^^^     have issues with oxidation, and as someone formerly prescribed amphetamines long term(hence the original problem... those bastards...)that probably bears considering as well.


Zinc affects dopamine D2 expression, mainly to increase, and can inhibit the dopamine transporter, while vitamin D raises dopamine production. http://www.pnas.org/...3/7558.full.pdf

Also read this thread --> http://www.longecity...nsity/?p=703366





You also have to remember that some D2 receptors (D2S;D2Short) are AUTO-RECEPTORS, so paradoxically, iron deficiency might enhance dopamine levels by affecting the transcription of the autoreceptors, unfortunately , there isn't mention of whether it applies specifically to those D2 receptors or not, it's known that people with deviant/sociopathic personalities have less D2S receptors which gives them a greater boost from stimulants due to lack of autoreceptor inhibition.




Dopamine D2 Receptor Expression Is Altered by Changes in Cellular Iron Levels in PC12 Cells and Rat Brain Tissue1,2
  1. Erica L. Unger3
  2. Jason A. Wiesinger3,4
  3. Lei Hao3, and 
  4. John L. Beard3,*

+Author Affiliations

  1. 3Department of Nutritional Sciences and 4Intergrative Biosciences Graduate Program, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802
  1. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: jbeard@psu.edu.

Iron deficiency anemia in early life alters the development and functioning of the dopamine neurotransmitter system, but data regarding the specific effects of brain iron loss on dopamine D2 receptor regulation are lacking. Cell culture and animal models were employed in this study to determine whether D2 receptor expression is altered when cellular iron levels are depleted. Endogenous D2 receptor-expressing PC12 cells exposed to increasing concentrations of the iron chelator desferrioxamine (25–100 μmol/L) exhibited dose-dependent decreases in total D2receptor protein concentrations (20–65%), but there were minimal effects on D2receptor mRNA levels. When iron-deficient cells were repleted with ferric ammonium citrate for 24 h, D2 receptor protein densities were similar to control. Dietary iron deficiency for 6 wk in weanling rats also reduced regional iron concentrations by nearly 50% in the ventral midbrain and caudate but did not affect D2 receptor mRNA levels in the ventral midbrain. Iron deficiency significantly reduced membrane D2 receptor protein levels by >70% in caudate, whereas cytosolic concentrations showed only 25% losses. D2 receptor protein densities and regional iron concentrations were restored within 2 wk of dietary iron repletion. These results support the concept that D2 receptor gene expression is not significantly changed by iron deficiency, whereas dopamine receptor trafficking is affected and is likely related to known dopamine system alterations in iron deficiency.


Edited by Area-1255, 18 December 2014 - 08:49 PM.

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#161 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:47 PM


Clomid ;)
*Purely coincidental post, only to be informative XD


I understand, hope I'm not going off topic too much asking - I just recently started TRT this year as my levels were excessively low. Now take 150mg T shot weekly and HCG twice a week.


No worries.

Not only is clomid a viable long term solution for increasing your body's innate testosterone production, but so are high circulating levels of magnesium, consumption of monounsatured fats(avocado/olive oils), and a legit un-spoiled, high quality, raw royal jelly. I only trust Dutchman's Gold(bee-pollen-buzz.com), they're produced in the US, sold by canadians, and lab verified 10-HDA content(and one can assume AMP N1-Oxide consequently).
worth looking into.
Ok, I promise this is my last off topic comment. =P


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#162 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:56 PM

Thank you so much Area-1255. Another piece of the puzzle is a great help in my battle. This might explain why prior to being drugged against my will by those dangerous idiots we know as psychiatrists, I was naturally hypomanic(high natural test production, and too much iron). That and, when you're young you spend a lot more time outside. Nowadays I've apparently been vitamin D deficient for some years only to recently be made aware from the previously mentioned endocrinologist I had seen. I know one facet of my recovery has been inhibited by a terrible sleep schedule, and that dopamine is largely manufactured during deep, non REM sleep. A lack of exercise surely must factor in as well. This gives me more angles to approach from.
I think this is still partially on topic as it all related to dopamine production? If not I apologize. Area, do you know of any relation of DHEA/DHEAS levels to such things, but most importantly to dopamine, or perhaps to something else that could indirectly affect dopamine expression, particularly in a negative context. The blood test had shown I had low DHEA/DHEAS levels, but the endo never mentioned it or explained, and I no longer have insurance so I can't afford to go back and ask, nor would they probably know or care about such things.

Interesting about the auto-receptors. Amphetamines used to make me high as balls with low dosages(although now I'm nearly immune to them except for hypertension at higher doses). Sunlight made me cry tears of joy, and I was compulsed to buy people presents spontaneously.

Edited by HappyShoe, 18 December 2014 - 09:03 PM.

#163 HappyShoe

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 09:09 PM

I will eventually let everyone know how my crusade to restore proper dopamine function works out as well. I will clearly be able to know that a non-placebo effect has occurred in a few months as a result of my therapies, including 9-me-bc. I happen to have a sensory processing disorder, so I'm hyper aware of my own body, and I have had fatigue for a long time since these meds, and a lot of other causes have been ruled out with blood tests over the years. Much of the evidence gathered with such points clearly to endocrine/dopamine dysfunction, although the endocrine results are confusing and largely lacking, further leading me to think it's an issue of downregulation. As someone who used to naturally feel like I was on amphetamines normally, but had social restraint, and a disciplined composure, I feel like I've been robbed of something vital to my being, so as you can imagine I desperately wish to get back to where I was.

#164 Area-1255

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 09:10 PM

Thank you so much Area-1255. Another piece of the puzzle is a great help in my battle. This might explain why prior to being drugged against my will by those dangerous idiots we know as psychiatrists, I was naturally hypomanic(high natural test production, and too much iron). That and, when you're young you spend a lot more time outside. Nowadays I've apparently been vitamin D deficient for some years only to recently be made aware from the previously mentioned endocrinologist I had seen. I know one facet of my recovery has been inhibited by a terrible sleep schedule, and that dopamine is largely manufactured during deep, non REM sleep. A lack of exercise surely must factor in as well. This gives me more angles to approach from.
I think this is still partially on topic as it all related to dopamine production? If not I apologize. Area, do you know of any relation of DHEA/DHEAS levels to such things, but most importantly to dopamine, or perhaps to something else that could indirectly affect dopamine expression, particularly in a negative context. The blood test had shown I had low DHEA/DHEAS levels, but the endo never mentioned it or explained, and I no longer have insurance so I can't afford to go back and ask, nor would they probably know or care about such things.

Interesting about the auto-receptors. Amphetamines used to make me high as balls with low dosages(although now I'm nearly immune to them except for hypertension at higher doses). Sunlight made me cry tears of joy, and I was compulsed to buy people presents spontaneously.

DHEA/DHEA-S have opposing effects on cortisol, and modulatory effects on GABA, which would lead to enhanced dopamine release, so yes.

Growth Factor XT is a good product you should look into, it will raise DHEA-S, growth hormone and testosterone while lowering prolactin if it is an issue....take it before bed....helps relaxation and sleep as well but the next day you get plenty more energy/strength / libido etc....

#165 macropsia

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 06:41 AM

Does anyone have access to the full text of the article on photo excitation and 9 me BC? I'm trying to determine its safety with near infrared. The abstract only mentions UV, which makes me think that UV most efficiently produces this effect, but exclusively?

Edited by macropsia, 01 January 2015 - 06:54 AM.

#166 Babychris

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 01:08 PM

Pretty old thread. As usual people seems to get good results, then disapperead probably switching to another new exotic molecule. Anyway the dopaminergic and neurogenerative properties of this 9-methyl-beta-carboline has seems to me quite enough interesting to let me buy it. I will come back and report

#167 Area-1255

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 01:17 PM

Pretty old thread. As usual people seems to get good results, then disapperead probably switching to another new exotic molecule. Anyway the dopaminergic and neurogenerative properties of this 9-methyl-beta-carboline has seems to me quite enough interesting to let me buy it. I will come back and report

Where do you plan on buying it?

#168 daimewaku

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 01:27 PM

I was just about to report my recent experience that I've isolated this supplement to my recent high blood pressure. I've always had text book perfect blood pressure until recently. I stopped all noots which is phenylpiracetam, nsi and 9mebc. At 90mg my blood pressure has gone up to 180/100. Anything less than 90mg I really don't feel results of the supplement. Literally.
I eat healthy, do 45mins cardio 5 days a week and have always had perfect blood pressure. 115/70
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Perhaps it's my body chemistry.
I claim, it served its purpose well and I feel great even weeks after my cycle.
Don't think I'll experiment again until I understand better this reaction.

#169 macropsia

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 02:16 PM

I think its the photosensitization effects that scare people off of giving it a real try, honestly. Myself included. If the effects really are sustained, that might inspire me to be a little more adventurous.

#170 Area-1255

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 03:28 PM

I was just about to report my recent experience that I've isolated this supplement to my recent high blood pressure. I've always had text book perfect blood pressure until recently. I stopped all noots which is phenylpiracetam, nsi and 9mebc. At 90mg my blood pressure has gone up to 180/100. Anything less than 90mg I really don't feel results of the supplement. Literally.
I eat healthy, do 45mins cardio 5 days a week and have always had perfect blood pressure. 115/70
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Perhaps it's my body chemistry.
I claim, it served its purpose well and I feel great even weeks after my cycle.
Don't think I'll experiment again until I understand better this reaction.

9-me-BC is an MAO-B inhibitor ....so it makes sense it would raise blood pressure as PEA is no longer metabolized normally and thus stays in the blood stream longer ......

#171 Babychris

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 11:07 AM

I would think that taking an ACE with your 9-me-BC should not be a bad idea, since ACE are very well tolerate meds and quite usefull for a range of diseases or potential diseases

#172 Animal

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 06:44 PM


I was just about to report my recent experience that I've isolated this supplement to my recent high blood pressure. I've always had text book perfect blood pressure until recently. I stopped all noots which is phenylpiracetam, nsi and 9mebc. At 90mg my blood pressure has gone up to 180/100. Anything less than 90mg I really don't feel results of the supplement. Literally.
I eat healthy, do 45mins cardio 5 days a week and have always had perfect blood pressure. 115/70
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Perhaps it's my body chemistry.
I claim, it served its purpose well and I feel great even weeks after my cycle.
Don't think I'll experiment again until I understand better this reaction.

9-me-BC is an MAO-B inhibitor ....so it makes sense it would raise blood pressure as PEA is no longer metabolized normally and thus stays in the blood stream longer ......



Considering that he was consuming a high tyramine diet and also taking phenylpiracetam at the same time it's no surprise that 9-me-BC severely elevated his blood pressure. I think it prudent that people actually do a bit of research on the mechanism of action of a substance before ingesting it, especially in the case of novel neuromodulators without any clinical history.

#173 daimewaku

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 07:59 PM

Considering that he was consuming a high tyramine diet and also taking phenylpiracetam at the same time it's no surprise that 9-me-BC severely elevated his blood pressure. I think it prudent that people actually do a bit of research on the mechanism of action of a substance before ingesting it, especially in the case of novel neuromodulators without any clinical history.

You're so very right, I should have made a more concious effort before experimenting with experimental supplements.

My diet was high in tyramine?

#174 Animal

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 08:36 PM

Considering that he was consuming a high tyramine diet and also taking phenylpiracetam at the same time it's no surprise that 9-me-BC severely elevated his blood pressure. I think it prudent that people actually do a bit of research on the mechanism of action of a substance before ingesting it, especially in the case of novel neuromodulators without any clinical history.

You're so very right, I should have made a more concious effort before experimenting with experimental supplements.

My diet was high in tyramine?

You mentioned earlier that you've been doing a lot of baking with cheese. The more mature varieties have extremely high levels of tyramine.

Ultimately this has worked out well for you and hopefully you'll experience lasting benefits. Fortunately you had the presence of mind to monitor your blood pressure and so avoided any potential complications.

Would you go skydiving without a reserve parachute? It's a risk regardless, but you should take every precaution you can to avoid breaking something. :)

#175 Major Legend

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 09:36 PM

Anyone still on this substance? I am considering it. I don't think I could ever get enough dopamine, given my mental condition. Looking for a better solution than having to rely on stimulants and brain wave entrainment all the time. I would say I am functional, but not superb in the way I need to be. In general I feel like I am a slower and sleepier type of species

and when I get stimulated I only become functional like everyone else for a short period of time (though still better than nothing). I really want to be like one of those people who rocket around and get things done.


Also going to give royal jelly a shot.


Clomid works quite well for me testosterone wise, at least just for the sexual effects its worth it. I don't really "feel" it increases my dopamine. I wish I knew what my

problem actually is when it comes to dopamine. If I get into a good beta brainwave state my state doesn't last long enough, my dopamine depletes quickly it seems I need

alot of sleep to recover it. I would like to say I just have low dopamine production, but that seems a little unscientific - but if "wired" is the definition of normal dopamine function then "unwired" is the definition of my troubles.

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#176 Steve Zissou

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 06:23 AM

I still use this compound regularly, around once or twice a week. I think it works great, it has a real strong pronounced effect. I use about 10mg sublingually which means 1 gram lasts around 100 doses. I find it boosts sex drive, so it might help people who have come off antidepressants.

#177 serp777

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:22 AM

Is there any information regarding the safety of this? I'm always cautious when using drugs that affect dopamine receptors, or just dopamine in general.

#178 Babychris

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 12:17 PM

Mine is coming soon I will take it concomitaly with curcumin to avoid the potential increase of irritability that I use to experiment with dopamanergic molecules and because Curcumin Rocks^^

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#179 Animal

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 04:47 PM

I still use this compound regularly, around once or twice a week. I think it works great, it has a real strong pronounced effect. I use about 10mg sublingually which means 1 gram lasts around 100 doses. I find it boosts sex drive, so it might help people who have come off antidepressants.

Does it only have an acute effect? Or do you notice a difference even on the days you don't take it?

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#180 drg

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Posted 23 February 2015 - 08:27 PM

Mine is coming soon I will take it concomitaly with curcumin to avoid the potential increase of irritability that I use to experiment with dopamanergic molecules and because Curcumin Rocks^^

Wher are u getting it from?

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