I have discovered at the end of a fairly normal life that I might have this. I have signed up and paid for cryonics. If I am Downs then I would like to be cured of it before reanimation. Also is there anything around that could help me now? I'm in my mid 50s and beginning to become demented. I would be most grateful for any help or advice. I believed I was normal until recently. but now really questioning this. i have always been teased about the extremely flat bridge on my nose, battled with minor memory problems too. I'm sad to be dying at a time when longevity research is beginning to take off. I feel I have really missed my chance at life as if it has been cut short but if I have Downs I have already lived an average life span so the unpleasant changes I'm going through should not come as a surprise except I did not know the prognosis until recently
Any advice would be gratefully recieved