Oops, I guess if it was on the Discovery Channel, that means it's true!
Does that logic work for the History Channel too?
And are you having problems with a woman right now, that's prompting this and that other thread where you talk about trashy white women being with ghetto black men?
Because from what I've seen so far, it seems as if the real problem is YOU.
I wouldn't say it's HIM, it's one of his misconceptions. One of those social traps that get placed in media which loners often fall prey to is the cause of this. The social traps (trappings as they say) are designed to be righteous, or maybe just look that way. In the end it comes down to distance members of society are expected to go for their fellow human's socioemotional wellbeing and an animal judgement as to who is salvageable and who is not. An so we dawn the "trappings" of good men in our daily lives and it indicates our range of social selfishness and the amount of time we allocate to others in order to favor our own personal network. The more self absorbed a culture is the more people it will abandon to become loners in the name of "doing the most good" rather than limiting the number of problems it creates (which is IMO the better way of doing the most good). I guess it's something of a compromise that a society chooses to make. What's evil is that people profit from things that don't improve the lives of socioemotionally abandoned people and more than likely make their lives worse or more difficult to understand. As I said in my previous long post, it takes alot of effort to bring someone into social cohesion and most don't care enough about the socioemotionally abandoned to make a difference or realize that they have neither the time or resources to do that and live with the co-morbidity of aging/death which they are facing, and that is where the unlimited lifespan movement is the most humanist. Along with controlling reproduction, we can ensure that no one is socioemotionally abandoned and we will be able to afford the time and resources to fix the problems that occur with co-morbid aging, or which the aforementioned has prevented a solution. It is for reasons like this that we must find a cure for aging and defeat death.
Today we rightfully look upon people of the past who did thing which in their time were acceptable. Likewise, what is acceptable today will be tomorrows barbarism. But the better we are as a people, the easier it will be to live in the future, and that's why I'm not afraid to be a cryonicist.
I don't mind personal discussion on this. Feel free to contact me via PM.
Are you implying that I am "socio-emotionally abandoned"?
And if this is your implication, what is its basis exactly?
I know we are all part time therapists on the internet, but really, do we truly believe that the 2% of one another we see here in this context entitles us to a far fetched opinion?
Of course, the thread content we're creating here may apply to someone who needs help or it may not. But someone who isn't dating much or hasn't dated in a long time and no one has reconnecting them to dating is abandoned. At some point they may accept the abandonment and live with it (give up) rather than waste unnecessary resources that won't give them sexual or socioemotional fulfillment, but that doesn't mean they weren't abandoned at some point prior.
The social cohesion that is required to be successful at dating and such things is formed through a lifelong process. Women especially are trained to recognize those who don't fit into the social cohesion. Men know it too and will be rejected by women if they don't help to perpetuate it and it destroys existences. Futurists on the other hand must realize that this activity will be one of those which the future will undoubtedly see as genocide and that's where cryonics offers a solution to this particular ethical problem among many others. We can offer freedom from the oppression of ignorance and hope for a better life in the future. I bet if Elliot Rodger had been a cryonicist, he wouldn't have suffered as he did, and he wouldn't have murdered as he did. The problem here IMO, is that cryonics isn't a greater part of the solution and isn't a more well known part of our culture. We don't have to have people who suffer socioemotional abandonment as Elliot Rodger did (actually, he was very wealthy, and wasn't so much abandoned as he was... sorry, don't have a fancy term for this... but despite all his family's wealth, he didn't have the human investment from his peers, which had it been as affluent (in terms of human investment) might have been the cure he needed. The money alone was just palliative care that, while sparing everyone else from facing the social reality of his existence, was making him hurt more on the inside. He had no peers to associate his identity with. He was what he had and it was a sad existence that lead to deaths by furthering his isolation through the distraction of material wealth. It didn't have to end this way. I would have been honored to have him among us working for the future that would be his cure.
As for whether you're socioemotionally abandoned, that's up for you to decide. As virtually all faith books say "we're always planting seeds" it means that we're all the product of some pathology or another in the sense that we're created by the series of events that are our lives. We eventually become aware of it and I suppose that's when we have "mustard seed faith" or the ability to reorient our lives. Either that, or we don't have faith that it's enough to bring us satisfaction. Either way, cryonics and radical life extension futurism brings us improved solutions that I feel can give us better lives than previously available to us and that we'll be obligated to undergo recohesion as the remaining imperfections in our unlimited lifespans will necessitate re-experiencing life to prevent schisms and such things that would lead to war and the resulting malignant conditions that would reverse our progress.
I think I'm a little more than a part time psychologist... I studied psychology academically and on my own and put the context of my 220+ credit curriculum in the context of psychology. I've gone as far as to reverse engineer my life in it's entirety. I may not be as skillfully trained, but what sets me apart is that I'm a futurist and I look for today's barbarisms. My strength is in having abandoned social cohesion which allowed me to arrive at novel solutions to this problem. This is one where I know we can help right now (and have been able for around 40 years) with cryonics and can put an end to unnecessary human suffering. The technology is here, we just aren't using it enough. If we had the socioemotional investment that went towards oppressing Elliot Rodger and people like him, cryonics would be proven to greater extents that it is currently (look at all the new cryoprotectants and theorized processes we haven't even put to use yet, they're piling up), age reversal would be near to solved. Where we could be working to solve a problem we are making people suffer for our socioemotional opulence and peace of mind and it isn't even working. People are dying and I guess that's acceptable if you're looking through the lens of death (and can keep doing the same because you think it's working and there isn't better), but I'm not. I filmed that shit (the death lens) gettin hit with a gavel
(at least proverbially speaking).
How did this thread evoke a social commentary on Elliot Rodgers? Are you saying you feel like you identify with him on the "socio-emotional" level? And because of this you want to go into cryogenic suspension till you feel more at ease with women and society?
I'm saying that Elliot Rodger's problems are co-morbid conditions to aging and death, and that's how it's relevant. Remove aging and death, and he wouldn't have gone on a rampage as he did. I feel deeply for someone like him, because as a futurist, I want a better future, and that's somewhere where Elliot Rodger doesn't suffer and environment never "pulls the trigger" (from the phrase, "genetics set the stage, and environment pulls the trigger").
When I read this post it reminded me of the Elliot Rodger videos I had seen. But someone like him doesn't even understand himself. He's blinded by his newness to things and his arrogance. He doesn't realize that a loner isn't on a level playing field in terms of knowledge that can give an average person an intellectual advantage over a genius and it's sort of like a feedback loop that perpetuates his "bad luck" with women and that on at least some level ties in to the original post.
But yeah, I prospect threads to bring more eyes to our forum when our culture has something to offer which conventional culture lacks or does poorly at.
If I had known Elliot Rodger, I would have levelled with him as well as I could and explained his situation. I'd have freed him from his ignorance, and yes, it would be painful for him. But I'd rather see him live. We're on the precipice of unlimited lifespans and we have the ambulance ride to the future (cryonics) that will bring new and better solutions which will be more acceptable to someone like Elliot Rodgers and something worth living for. If he understood his situation and could live his life accordingly, he wouldn't be wasting his time on all the things that didn't work or only made things worse for him.
Someone in his position of socioemotional abandonment can have an improved life by the standards of mental health. However socioemotional abandonment will effect someone for the rest of their lives and impair their parenting experience and make parenting more difficult. Their reality is less than equal to someone who had never experienced this and from my vantage point, it looks like they are being thrown out by society with their only value being to create the next generation and put them in "God's hands." Life is just better when you have a continuous social cohesion. In ER's case, it was just the opposite. Cryonics offers a better outcome as I've explained prior and ER should have at least known about his options and I don't think any of his mental health professionals would have given him anything but reassurance in deathism that would never give him a life that was equivalent to one which was continuously socially cohesive. This is chiefly important to RLE futurism school of thought and why we should change what we have.
Sorry if you feel like I'm comparing you to ER... But the topic was pretty silly to begin with and needed a new direction. I do also feel for ER's victims, but they all share a conceptual victimizer as I've explained which is the root of all of this and truly the primary cause of death. The RLE futurism I'm thinking of solves this.