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ImmInst Director (Jay Fox) on Daily Show

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 06 July 2005 - 07:28 PM

Posted Image
ImmInst Director, Jay Fox

On Jun 24 ImmInst Director, Jay Fox, was interviewed in Atlanta by Ed Helms of the Daily Show. Jay's interview airs on the Comedy Channel on Tues July 19th @ 11 PM ED.

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Daily Show, Ed Helms

Posted Image
Daily Show, Jon Stewart

Edit: Fixed spelling of Jon Stewart's name, to appease the CKG's

#2 ddhewitt

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Posted 06 July 2005 - 10:24 PM

This is quite the coup for Imminst.

Good job guys! [thumb]

#3 Mind

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Posted 06 July 2005 - 10:38 PM

Do we have enough bandwidth to handle all the traffic? We might get several thousand hits at one time. Maybe I'll check with our ISP.

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#4 JonesGuy

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Posted 06 July 2005 - 10:45 PM

Could we hear whether the interviewer was hostile or open-minded? I'd be curious to know how Jay was interpreted.

#5 jaydfox

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 02:08 AM

It's the Daily Show. How do you think it went?

#6 eternaltraveler

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 03:07 AM

it went funny.


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Posted 07 July 2005 - 03:31 AM

I'm impressed.

#8 Bruce Klein

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 03:43 AM

I've had the pleasure of interviewing Jay for the ImmInst Film Project. He's an eloquent spokesperson for the longevity movement. ImmInst is fortunate to have his support.

Last year, ImmInst Treasurer & Spokesperson, Justin Loew (Mind) participated in a live interview on June 1, 2004 for TechTV's Martin Sargent. Justin is also an exceptional on-screen talent to which ImmInst is fortunate to have as our official spokesperson.

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ImmInst Treasurer & Spokesperson, Justin Loew

#9 justinb

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 05:36 AM

I can't wait to see it, hopefully they didn't make you look too bad. [tung]

#10 manowater989

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 08:03 AM

Do you KNOW what the Daily Show is? The interviews are hilarious precisely because they totally mock and make whatever they're doing a story on look ridiculous and un-respectable. This isn't a good thing: don't say any publicity is good publicity, that's simply not the case with this, we have enough problems trying to get anyone to take us seriously, this could push us down in the public opinion and ultimately contribute to potentially costing generations of people their lives! I'm sorry if I seem hysterical, but that's how I view it.

#11 justinb

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 10:43 AM

Do you KNOW what the Daily Show is? The interviews are hilarious precisely because they totally mock and make whatever they're doing a story on look ridiculous and un-respectable. This isn't a good thing: don't say any publicity is good publicity, that's simply not the case with this, we have enough problems trying to get anyone to take us seriously, this could push us down in the public opinion and ultimately contribute to potentially costing generations of people their lives! I'm sorry if I seem hysterical, but that's how I view it.

I view it the same way... that is why I responded with humor. [wis]

#12 JonesGuy

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 03:31 PM

Sorry, I have no idea what the Daily Show is. Do they just mock the interviewees, or do they edit the interview to falsify what was said?

#13 Bruce Klein

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 03:57 PM

QJones, I've seen the Daily Show a few times. Very funny. It's a one hour comedy news and interview program usually centered around political topics and current events.

Seems the success of the Daily Show rests upon their ability to "poke fun at how cheesy the regular news shows are." In return, more young people are turning to comedy shows for their news information:

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A poll released earlier this year by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 21 percent of people aged 18 to 29 cited "The Daily Show" and "Saturday Night Live" as a place where they regularly learned presidential campaign news.

By contrast, 23 percent of the young people mentioned ABC, CBS or NBC's nightly news broadcasts as a source.

Even more startling is the change from just four years ago. When the same question was asked in 2000, Pew found only 9 percent of young people pointing to the comedy shows and 39 percent to the network news shows.

#14 Mark Hamalainen

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 04:09 PM

The daily show is the only TV news I watch! The interviews are usually the more serious part of the show... mocking is generally reserved for people who deserve or are just asking for it.

#15 jaydfox

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 05:13 PM

mocking is generally reserved for people who deserve or are just asking for it.

I'm not sure this observation makes me feel much better... in the context of what Americans think is natural and what they think is a sign of possible mental illness, how would you rate a director for the "Immortality" Institute?

#16 justinb

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 07:28 PM

Yeah, it was done by Ed Helms, so..... you are probably screwed.

#17 Karomesis

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 08:30 PM

what I see here is the potential to make lemonade out of lemons. If pushed far enough, well respected brilliant people like cynthia kenyon will admit to the desire to overcome our ancient adversary,if we get even a few new minds working on our dillema, we can halt aging that much sooner. In much the same analogy as kurzweils stones in the river of progress, a few new minds can be likened to streams or brooks feeding that same river of progress, causing it to reach the desired goal.

i know they made a mockery of the desire to overcome death, but of the hundreds of thousands who veiw that program what are the odds that no one will see our plight as worth pursuing. Publicity is our friend and it is only a matter of time before those who once laughed are the ones who support the cause with almost religious fervor. [lol]

#18 lightowl

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 08:45 PM

i know they made a mockery of the desire to overcome death, but of the hundreds of thousands who veiw that program what are the odds that no one will see our plight as worth pursuing. Publicity is our friend and it is only a matter of time before those who once laughed are the ones who support the cause with almost religious fervor.  [lol]

I agree. Those who does not care about the message will probably forget the interview very fast, while people who find it interesting might investigate further. In any case the desire to overcome death will eventually prevail when it becomes sufficiently clear that something can be done about it.

#19 jaydfox

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 09:03 PM

It is my sincere hope that—regardless of how much ImmInst members will laugh at the segment (oh, all right, I'm just concerned you're going to laugh at me)—nobody is so offended as to leave ImmInst.

As long as no one leaves ImmInst, then even if only 1 out of 100,000 viewers of the show becomes interested enough in what we do to become Full Members at some point in the coming weeks or months, then that could mean dozens of new Full Members of ImmInst, representing $2,500 a year in membership dues to help us do projects like the books or the documentary or the conference. As embarrassed as I am to be made the butt of multiple jokes on national television, I'm very optimistic about how this will benefit ImmInst in the short term, and enough short term successes can lead to long term victory in the scientific conquest of death.

#20 Cyto

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 10:16 PM

Looking forward to those who come here thinking we are "easy-pickings." I simply await all this with the most sinister of grins. I mean, we are getting a premium way of adding more “zest” to the forums.

#21 jaydfox

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Posted 07 July 2005 - 10:46 PM

Bates, you have a twisted mind. I like it!

Yes, now that you mention it, we will get a spike of people coming here to make fun of us or try to prove to us how silly we are. We should be prepared, and not take it too seriously; the more serious and uptight our response, the less they'll listen.

So take the jokes, and joke back at them, but not too much. Lure them in, then see if we can get them to stop and think about the possibility, and maybe we'll win some respect.

#22 Chip

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Posted 08 July 2005 - 02:51 AM

I can hardly wait. I don't even get cable and I make sure I don't miss an episode of the Daily Show. Being interviewed there is to be in the company of the genious. If they mock Imminst it will be hollow and contrite. People see through that stuff. If their mockery touches upon something real, Imminst can learn and grow. This could be an avenue to becoming main stream, ugh, is that a good thing? I hope Imminst doesn't have to sink to the level of what makes up main stream media today. :)

#23 Kalepha

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Posted 08 July 2005 - 03:53 AM

This is big, in a net positive.

#24 rillastate

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Posted 08 July 2005 - 08:03 PM

I am actually quite saddened to hear everybody's negative attitude on this momentous breakthrough. I have only been an observer of this website but must add my opinion to this topic.

Before turning this media even into something less than amazing, please take the time to get to know Jon Stewart and what he is about.

First and Foremost,

Please take the time to watch C-Span's 1 hour special "American Perspectives" interview between C-span and Jon Stewart.
http://www.c-span.or...eryText=Stewart (it's the first link)

Now take a look at the famous (infamous for the manipulative news journals) interveiw on CNN's Crossfire.

Also just skim quickly through this interveiw done over at PBS

Now that you know some of his opinions, do a little more searching on your own....trust me, in the big scheme of things, the political scheme of things, Jon Stewart IS ON OUR SIDE.

I and many hold the utmost respect for jon stewart. This is a bigger deal than you guys realize. In the media world and the political world - the political media world, he is big time and his largest audience is young liberal/democratic open minded guys like you and me.

#25 manowater989

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 05:50 AM

Yes, Jon Stewart himself is a good guy who's on the correct side of the ideological spectrum, BUT, on his show, he has to seem unbiased, making fun of causes and even candidates he might personally respect as much as the ones he's against- just take a look at his coverage of the '04 election. Nothing is spared the sarcastic, satirical treatment. I don't think the impression will be a positive one, people will probably think ImmInst is itself an actual made-up joke, since it's always hard to tell if anything on there is at all real, and the interviews always look like they're edited-together (that is, from pieces of a REAL interview and their gag one). It's especially unfortunate that this is our FIRST real mainstream coverage of any type, now we may never be able to shake off the initial stigma of being presented as a laughingstock.

#26 rillastate

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 06:24 AM

manowater989: Yes, Jon Stewart himself is a good guy who's on the correct side of the ideological spectrum, BUT, on his show, he has to seem unbiased, making fun of causes and even candidates he might personally respect as much as the ones he's against- just take a look at his coverage of the '04 election. Nothing is spared the sarcastic, satirical treatment. I don't think the impression will be a positive one, people will probably think ImmInst is itself an actual made-up joke, since it's always hard to tell if anything on there is at all real, and the interviews always look like they're edited-together (that is, from pieces of a REAL interview and their gag one). It's especially unfortunate that this is our FIRST real mainstream coverage of any type, now we may never be able to shake off the initial stigma of being presented as a laughingstock.

Well, if he actually gets to sit on the big couch for the main interview with Jon Stewart in the last 15 minutes of the show I think we will be either alright or extremely well off, I doubt it will be anything negative. BUT, if the interview is actually part of one of the edited skits then we are most likely doomed to be made fun of.

We will just have to wait and see how it goes. Talk to you then.

#27 rillastate

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 06:32 AM

Oops, my bad. I didn't take the time to read that the interveiw is actually with ed helms. This is definately going to be a mocking skit. I'm not sure why anyone would want to be interviewed by him on the dailyshow.

Sorry for not originally being negative...now I see what all the fuss is about.

Maybe we can set up sort of a crash course in the future technologies to come and the important and credible people and research behind it all.

#28 Kalepha

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 12:06 PM

There is no reason for a fuss. If at least there's mention of physical immortality (or the conceptual like) and a reference to the web site, it will or will not strike a latent chord. If it strikes a latent chord, out of curiosity and not rage will one visit ImmInst. If it doesn't strike a latent chord, out of effective indifference will one just go along with the skit and immediately forget.

#29 Matt

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 12:32 PM

The Daily show is funny :)

I hope I get to see this... Would of been better if you had got interviewed by John Stewart

#30 tyleremerson

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 02:18 PM

JustinB wrote:
> Yeah, it was done by Ed Helms, so..... you are probably screwed.

ROFL! Nice meta-reference.

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