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ImmInst Director (Jay Fox) on Daily Show

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#31 rillastate

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 09:43 PM

Nate Barna: There is no reason for a fuss. If at least there's mention of physical immortality (or the conceptual like) and a reference to the web site, it will or will not strike a latent chord. If it strikes a latent chord, out of curiosity and not rage will one visit ImmInst. If it doesn't strike a latent chord, out of effective indifference will one just go along with the skit and immediately forget.

Yea, you are right.

#32 jaydfox

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Posted 11 July 2005 - 08:36 PM

While still subject to change, the Daily Show has informed me that the segment is currently scheduled for Wednesday night's show. This will be broadcast at 11 PM, EDT, on Wednesday, July 13th. Everybody set your VCR's or DVR's, or tune in live if you stay up that late.

If I find out the schedule has changed, I shall post another update here.

#33 caribou

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:03 PM

I believe this is one of the greatest media successes that could happen for imminst. Many JS viewers have an implicit understanding that all topics presented on the show are subject to satire etc., whether or not it is warranted -- thus a deeper-level parady of mainstream news/analysis shows. The intelligent viewer of the show can enjoy this satire without letting it affect his interpretation of the substantive material. I think the shear enormity of the audience is worth any possible diminution of the actual material that may or may not arise!

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#34 jaydfox

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 04:17 PM

Yeah, and keep in mind, I was told by Ed after the interview that they typically use anywhere between 5 and 40 seconds' worth of material from each person they interview. In preparing myself mentally for the humiliation that might come, I've been preparing for the 40-second version. But I could just get 5 seconds.

#35 JMorgan

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 07:52 PM

Hehe, you also need to practice saying things that can't be taken out of context or sound ludicrous if edited down to 5 seconds. ;)

#36 jaydfox

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:35 AM

Hmm, I just saw the piece that Ed Helms did last night with the "Controversy" art exhibit in Florida... I'm getting worried...

#37 jaydfox

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:36 AM

I must admit though, watching him on TV after you've interviewed him in person for an hour and a half is kind of weird.

#38 Mark Hamalainen

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:55 AM

An hour and a half? what did he ask you about?

#39 jaydfox

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 03:31 AM

Did you see the preview! He calls her a MILF!

#40 123456

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 03:42 AM

Did you see the preview! He calls her a MILF!

Wasn't that you? The guy with the glasses interviewing the MILF, uh, I mean lady.[sfty] Thanks to great films such as "American Pie", my vocabulary is increasing. Hopefully I get to see it tomorrow at 11:00PM, I get it on the Comedy Channel here in Canada.

#41 jaydfox

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 04:19 AM

No, that was Ed Helms. Funny guy.

We both were wearing glasses, but I'll be sporting a beard in the interview, if that helps people remember which one is me. [glasses]

#42 Shepard

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 05:15 AM

Is anyone going upload this to site after it airs? I'll be at a concert and will probably miss it.

#43 Cyto

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 06:19 AM

(paces around the room)

Counting down to see what this could bring....

Posted Image


#44 mrfesta

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 01:46 PM

Could someone please email me about 1min to 3 hours before the program starts? I really would like to watch but know I will forget since I moved the television out of my room.

Thanks =)

email: jfesta2@gmail.com
AIM: mrfesta
Yahoo: sillyfesta78

#45 celindra

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 05:28 PM

Well, well. I step away for a few months, and you guys are all famous now.

I'll be *really* impressed when one of you guys ends up on Capital Hill testifying before Congress.

#46 Bruce Klein

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 05:38 PM

Won't be too long... Suan and I are moving to D.C. soon.

#47 JonesGuy

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 06:21 PM

I think I have access to the Comedy Network ("Time well wasted"?) here in Canada - will it be playing tonight on that network? I thought that the network received all their programming a week late.

#48 jaydfox

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 06:29 PM

Well, did you watch last night's episode? It was mostly about the Valerie Plame, Karl Rove, White House leak scandal. It was hilarious, by the way. My favorite line was the Folger's satire: (in a deep, whispered voice) "The White House Press Corps has secretly been replaced by real reporters".

If this is what was on last night, then you're on our schedule. If not, then you're behind.

#49 mikelorrey

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 06:50 PM

I hope it comes out well, but do not expect it to be. The Daily Show went fishing around the FSP movement a few years ago looking for likely suspects. Nobody would bite. Fortunately for us, comedian and co-host of The Man Show, Doug Stanhope, is an FSP member. Jason and I appointed him our rep to the Daily Show and said we wanted him on the show with an in-studio interview, the star treatment, etc because they never make those mocking. Doug did some checking with the show and reported back they said clearly they were only interested in mocking us.
In-studio interview: no mocking, serious.
In-field interview: always mocking.

#50 123456

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 07:39 PM

I think I have access to the Comedy Network ("Time well wasted"?) here in Canada - will it be playing tonight on that network?  I thought that the network received all their programming a week late.

Yes, you on track. Unless you in Quebec, those French do everything on their own. Hell, I heard you get prosecuted it your store sign not in French, everything has to be french, french there.[8)] Going back, don't know if they have the same network, tv tingy, setup as the rest of Canada.

#51 jaydfox

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Posted 13 July 2005 - 11:54 PM


July 13, 2005

Abort! Abort! Abort!

Abort the launch! Recall the bombers! Have the boomers stand down!

The segment on "The Fountain of Youth", in which I will appear, and which was originally scheduled to air tonight, has been rescheduled. It is tentatively scheduled for Monday, July 18th. Tentatively.

Posted by Jay at July 13, 2005 07:43 PM

#52 Kalepha

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 12:21 AM

Damn. The anticipation was already killing me as it was.

#53 rillastate

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 12:49 AM

Good luck JayFox,

I watch the Daily Show a lot and there are times when Ed Helmes' interviewees are not represented in a negative or not-so-serious way . Lets hope this will be one of those occasions.

Wish you the best,

#54 allanrandall

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 02:10 AM

It's been a while since I saw a Daily Show interview, but the ones I've seen in the past, while they mock, do not generally do so by twisting what the person said, quoting out of context, et cetera. They tend to interview people or groups who are wacky and weird enough that they are just inherently funny without such misrepresentation. At least this was the case with the interviews I've seen.

If they try to take that tack here, and presuming Jay's responses are reasonably mainstream immortalist/transhumanist thinking, then the piece will generally only make us look bad to those who are not naturally sympathetic to us in the first place.

And if they are mocking us, isn't it kind of a sad testament to our society that people find the idea of scientific progress to radically extend people's lives to be funny? Could you imagine a Daily Show 'mocking' interview of cancer researchers or artificial heart manufacturers? Makes about as much sense.

Hopefully, if it does mock us, it will fall flat on all but illiterate ears.

There is some hope that they may mock respectfully, and in a way that implies it might not be so funny after all (but don't get your hopes up)!

Allan Randall

PS: I love the Daily Show!

#55 justinb

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 02:16 AM

43 minutes to go!

#56 Kalepha

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 02:24 AM

jaydfox wrote:

The segment on "The Fountain of Youth", in which I will appear, and which was originally scheduled to air tonight, has been rescheduled. It is tentatively scheduled for Monday, July 18th. Tentatively.

justinb wrote:

43 minutes to go!

Get a life. [tung]

#57 justinb

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 02:31 AM

Nate, sit on it and twirl!

Damn bastards, rescheduled the show! [ang]

#58 jaydfox

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 03:15 AM

Thanks for having me out after the vagina cream segment."

"We're nothing if not classy, my friend. We are in fact... aiming to get in your next book."

There you have it folks. If you wanted to know what the segment was about, now you know. Unfortunately, they didn't show that segment tonight. They tried, but ran over on time, and had to cut it after the fact.

#59 DJS

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 03:24 AM

Doah! Oh well, it will air soon. I can feel the anticipation building...

#60 jaydfox

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Posted 14 July 2005 - 03:27 AM

After hearing what his book is about, I can see why he was pissed for being after my segment. Hehe.

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