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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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♚EVERYTHING♔ 24/7 All>knowledge/reason+Google/Search-Tree/Report Center/Gov. Immortality ways+Escape. Particles/meaning.

everything explanation knowledge explosion best government all immortality ways updated particles consciousnesses senses meaning of life

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 04:00 AM

Well we each have our own most attractive looks & voices, girls like boys as proof, the-see/hear sense of whatever your seeing/hearing is going to be made attractive vision instead of neutral vision and so you really like "that" "attractive" "vision" your seeing~
Have next "everything" post coming soon.
So let's look at just a few discoveries, 
1. Anything you say in space, exists, and is labelled "particle" no matter it's shape/size. Only particles exist.
2. There's many particles and many identical separate consciousnesses around eachother in space.
3. There has to be fundamental base-particles not made of smaller.
4. And types of them.
5. And the moving particle (photon).
6. Hard glass and water and air ect exist and zooming in finding worlds/particles would mean no physics and no hardness difference which we do have.
7. So that a particle can move, it must have a said number of locations between A to B, if seen-would see dot/ball move one dot over which you could not cut hence dot OR teleport. So if you zoomed in 22 times and viewed the bigger particle nowww it would "have" to be seen teleporting different distances from it's energy and teleporting may not be the case.
8. There only is indeed, a certain-amount of base-particles in an area.
9. People have lost all 4 limbs, lost and transplanted back in organs+robotic ones, face including bone-at least you could take it off and you-will still sense in your head and can think of pink grasslands, heads have been severed and surely you still sense, and a monkey's head was transplanted and it unfroze and was sensing, you can, and probably do, stay dormant-no sensing between your 200 conscious moments per sec and when frozen and when sleeping, because you don't rely on sensing to exist, and computing - base-particles moving around and building up at areas ect does not matter and only stores memories as right atomic/ect-neurons made and make you sense - you must exist wherever-they-are-stopped-at! You always stay existing safely at the moment and are at head in the skull.
10. I am the particles. At the moment you are still staying existing safely-and if died and don't exist then your gone. Either the base particles come apart and you don't exist for good now or being a base-particle it changes/joins another one and is a new base-particle and you don't exist for good now.
11. I am either many base-particles together (the brain) and they must combine and so you must say "they" "them" "the brain" is a particle and yep I am 1 particle OR I am a grown giant base-particle (a field) and am 1 particle. An organ is not and can't act like a particle unless a grown particle (field) was there, so don't say tissue and organs are special, there'd have to be a base-particle or is just the many base-particles there.
12. I have many reasons why out of the only 2 answers, I am the 2cd answer being a single grown huge base-particle in the brain, because in the 1st answer, the many base-particles even if they bond faded together at their sides stillll you can see a black dot on a apple and they do stay where at and all that really IS there is the many base-particles and there is no new particle anywhere yes zooming out and saying they are a 1 particle this is is false-all that's there is the many base-particles that's all. Choice as explained why since we make dedicated senses and being a sensing real consciousness should have it, also for sure requires that a single particle must exist to have choice and would stomp the 1st answer out for sure. Another big reason is two brain conjoined girls Krista and Tatiana have alot of brain right conjoined + thalamus line and watched and said in my writing is proof there is 2 consciousness particles. Not only should that have made 1 brain particle but also messed up one even being created, plus cells are round organelled things and would mess up everything too. All that's needed is to transfer yourself through an atom cord and only need solid-wired not cell-form wires~ to make senses in you the field single base-particle and where sense you choose at and send to move arm or neurons to play with senses otherwise known as "thinking", is sensing and choice to control matter.
Also a nice discovery written even better is why you want eternity & no killing ect:
No death of a consciousness/ruined body/bad senses of humans/animals-each one sees vision/tasting & wanting good & enjoyment & to stay existing-since extremely excitingly funner-read below-must sense to sense-& they're the meaning of life-& you keep having great senses+can erase memories.
Once immortal we will cooperate and create the organism ship and when it returns will be grown from eating planets ect and we will fly into it in our transferred to bodies and will be in the safe heaven and flying around in space growing bigger and making others.
What's cool about the transfer way already have is you can set neurons when thinking to fully create senses, and output/input for us to sense, and control machines, and communicate wirelessly, and speed up your con. moments as explained to possibly 150 million years a second and fast bodies maybe.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 12 January 2015 - 04:11 AM.


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 04:38 AM

Think of the brain particles stopped, which is true they must have a certain number of stops between A to B when moving so it can move, so imagine all these types of balls or even laces and strips ect. together stopped where at, which each stay where are and no 1 colour particle hence paper with a pencil line on it, so you exist without them moving/computing, you must always stay existing and are safe right now-once died is lost and don't exist, you can test you stay existing right now-you can sense still, so you must always be somewhere staying existing (head likely~).......So you the 1 particle that gets-5 senses-must always exist somewhere-at head-wherever the particles are stopped at. All the wiring and computing is for is to make point senses in you the particle, and stores varieties of them as different neurons for memories, and for you to control neurons/body, computing in a computer just moves particles around and building up and firing at screen which you sense since are a consciousness particle.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 13 January 2015 - 05:04 AM.


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Posted 14 January 2015 - 05:04 AM

REQUIRED>The most correct important unknown knowledge & we must governize it. Correct since I have full reason & can't disprove. Contribute. I'm ADVANCESSSS/Immortal Discoveries-19Y. Go slow+ReRead. The big bang/existence of universe-true-you can't keep going back-no when it began-nothing existed-just began, & will never happen again-the universe will always be now-can't 100% end since would keep happening since something exists. (god+rest would be at start). There's space, & ONLY these exist-always-where at & are you-types of+moving-photon certain-amount-in-area base-particles<must+density/ect varies+zooming-big particle must be teleporting-& may not be case-from its energy & of any shape(ball)/size around eachother, & many identical separate 100% real 5 sensing consciousness particles who each stay existing & sensing/dormant in con. moment<&between/sleep/after-sleep/frozen. If you were gone in one of those-you couldn't sense still, & it's obvious you sense a period and since birth. No info/data/#s or superstition. Creating & ending of a con. can happen & maybe not if we're god's spirits. One with a clone body+memories+planet is a new con. whether you exist or not. When dreaming some memories can be blocked, known/unknown ones added, and constantly/before wake up the memory is erased/not in long term memory and all/some/none is remembered but is-decreasingly when slept early. No death of a consciousness/ruined body/bad senses of humans/animals-each one sees vision/tasting & wanting good & enjoyment & to stay existing-since extremely excitingly funner-read below-must sense to sense-& they're the meaning of life-& you keep having great senses+can erase memories. I organized all ways to live forever & looking for the fastest route to advance technology for immortality for us consciousnesses before any more die, in case there is no spiritual god. Keep healthy & fit for more time. Below is main already & other experiments to do+others in the ways & three different routes to immortality. We should know where we're at with each of the ways. A consciousness is 1 big particle to identify only at head proven-limbs/face/head severed, organ+robotic/head transplant+1 in control-a field, brain not 1 higher particle-IS many-known particles+some spaced electron points + gaps & do stay in place from rest-can see mark, stopped-see the con.-since brain particles movements don't exist-don't create particles-nor do they change nor only found in brain, the random-birth-evolution made nerves to con. field-brain particle "sits" on major particle placement, living organ would be bigger-field particle, sight is just far view of many, & all of it must be the same advanced particle at any spot & all of them must combine somewhere-choice needs too-two girls brains 1 particle but there's 2 con. particles took turns talking+moving arms own way at same time-don't merge since atom-attached & overlap/repel/or gap, +your body & earth would be 1 weird particle but you & others still exist+separate. Magnetic & electric fields only attract-& repel magnets & can't be returning+re-adjusting to magnet balls it must be 1 particle-field-goes through walls, maybe gravity too besides general relativity-it attracts compass field, planet field would bend photons, water/solid stays attached & attaches, nuclei attract/repel & electrons attract/repel from a field particle+needed to hold together, all point-certain-amount-of-brain-particle/s get their effect combined at same time in the big grown dormant particle for points/wobbles body-shaped/not for senses. Con. exists or not. Only 5 senses-no thinking, they can be linked, vary-they recall right back, vision/hear/feel: neutral, +t/s exotic/attracted/pleasure +other peoples, +t/s disgusted, -v pain, scared, highest recall repetitive, bore, game vision/objects/8 sheets changing order, weight, temp. senses-different particle points change the sense of the sense+we choose=understanding. We have choice-made diamond castles/good music & all fits/many facial laughs/evolution picking/before eyebrows-we picked them-things do have universal sense, is so dedicated only a sensing consciousness would know-dreams are things & measures messed together/can-think & make, it makes sense a consciousness being conscious & that's a particle could do-also proves am a particle. Unpredictable-sense orientated. We move around matter/energy, maybe can enlarge it & change something-then can think and move/create things/anything. A con. particle stays existing in brain & when shrinks/grows-since attached to acceptable atoms or bigger than joining one or always has a wobble somewhere in it. So if we create/transfer con. to be integrated in high control we can make sure they don't kill/hurt, and if aliens exist & are so advanced & can come here, they would know this too including just stopping a problem we may create before it happens & would come down instantly saving as many humans and animals as possible, we'de be from self evolution. A con. can get all right rules & do anything. Only if there is a god it is reasonable that there may be evil consciousnesses-everyone is stuck where they go-or else all could change and are good & should be in the same best place-heaven-learning in low power bodies & no evil con.s/memory of anyhow-we'd be born to watch with no proof until god knows. No time/time travel, everything just (keeps) moving around in space, there's a limit how fast particles move+grow unless bigger photon balls=faster, particles can't freely move since infinite locations-particles are dots-all that's there+bigger ones at full zoom-move one over & idle & speed limit & rubiks cube direction & end rod ones move more+rotate later, and or particles, space or universe refresh them to location from speed <both on fastest conscious rate the smallest ones/fastest moment. Our conscious moments are slow-200 per sec & can lightspeed up-1Quint. per sec=150M years per sec & make fast orders+be in fast bodies. Read rest in #2 way. All particles move/idle at same time. When a photon size ball goes in at a point of a object in space-the more atoms the smaller each speed photon ball is=slower. No infinite past/future-start & present+no past/future at & a consciousness is always in 1 frozen space+particles, can die-join bigger ball-in next space. Space makes space & particle enters shifted & left identical particle-4 trillion a sec-each has 4 trillion a sec-overlayered or next-to universe spaces-separate & exist at same time, and all particles don't keep their movements+no point & only they exist finely+with no change from what's kept & with present interaction still & it'd tear the machine apart & stop it, no, & jet/tower clock would leave+never return to be rearranged-takes same time too or all particles would revert movements equally, handle varies since more/less photons from jet/earth, redshift doppler effect-different photon when leaves atom. Egg/body/papers crack/grow/mess-& can grow/stay/stack-way particles work, our particles will stay close + I could leave a multiverse space. The universe/s space/s is only 3-D and there's no other lower/higher number dimensions & if every point is connected to every point it's still 3-D & may need to be activated at one or two or more areas of space using matter/energy to have any effect & just involves teleporting or things linked, & there could be overlayed spaces over this space with the same or different physics that you can or can't enter into. Photon fields are attached to nucleons, electrons, and or atoms or travelling & makes fields being positive/negative & two opposites attract/same repel & add up like fluid making a bigger field, & individual ones stay travelling at the speed of light & the more energy the smaller wavelength & higher frequency, & when attach make a bigger field & moves the nucleons or detaches from & moves electrons as electricity & may stay attached to nucleons, they transfer between all & are the kinetic energy, photons can move a attached field & make it bigger & the stationary/moving host's field will give off more energy like moving a magnet to make energy. Electrons have a negative field & tend to move faster than nucleons & holds & releases single photons. Nucleons have a positive field & some may have no field & are the most mass (some things take more energy to move through space/or higgs field & the field may keep energy at lightspeed or speed is from being energy). Being smart is just if you have a good-not fly>retarded brain attached to you+training it to organize memory & automatic things+knowing lots/all correct knowledge+1 knowledge that helps is how to figure things out looking at all possibilities & reasons why x is the answer. Con. disorders-bad senses set by you/brain-must learn or fix damage-pointless repetitive sense(s) to do/boring\scary vision/ect/feel\hear pain/vision & sound same gender disgust-must erase. With AI-not a con. & being able to input & output things which are probably relevant (we have AI-it makes dreams) let it put together amazing things & figure things out faster+make better AI, maybe add better AI to a con. AI is easy to make sure no horrible commands get sent. Scanning+simulations & figuring out the brain & body+proteins. And a health system that monitors everything of you. And studying long living animals & their genes. Making organism systems with no con. to make things & cells. Can repel-& attract a frog. Boys & girls are same & neutral & love pink walls, glossy black/white palaces, wearing dresses/uniforms/ect & not supposed to look/act tough or act repulsed from-only loving anything from the opposite gender nor question if wants them-& wants them so much, equal gender friends, & should be able to work & be swift/smart & should be kind/nice & usually/when want be switching between all three; emotional & feminine/childish, neutral or neutral like a all knowing god/god ball, cool & strong. People & government must understand all this & take orders snap & put all money+work to immortality & broadcast/teach everyone on earth+lowest age to have more of us working on immortality. Money should be given for the work done+breakthroughs, +report center, but you still keep your house/or at least downsize from massive, corporations pass more money, gambling gone, & no fireworks/birthdays/christmas/halloween/pointless created things/work, only work on & create things we really want & need & when want, & should setup online a search-tree of all correct answers. Once have immortality way have army-everywhere & all (dying first) not-crowd & enter building 1 by 1 once room-opposite-gender-video+xRay-checked & fill stalls & immortalized & ultimate-tested by trusties, infrared search country, defiant not allowed in US+guarded, no more births, no heights/bugs/danger+only solid self-powered brain even in organism, now somewhat safe by protecting earth can either become big gods & (can revert back to a human/anything\eternal of any age again) fly to a probed planet & grow-can do now solar powered if losing earth, and or create the heaven spaceship sphere & eats planets/ect & we virtual-sense-live in it & returns good sized & we repel/not attract earth or rocket or climb diamond thread elevator & we photonicly/thrust fly into it-all organism & nanotechnology & hydrogen/any atom nuclear power, a thrust or photons shot out (possibly teleporting or space-warp travel) & just has to grab matter for energy/matter & will grow and make externals & can then have (I sense following) the huge heaven of many places & items+create & activities & be definitely safe in this big place & 0 work & real/virtual screen/full-vision 2/^ sense-links in link, have best never ending/multiplayer games which obviously get harder-in link, best food+keep eating, best music & sounds-my lists https://www.youtube....EMcG18hZpUBst_m, feeling/pleasure limbs&comfort&laughing/ect, smelling, movies/god ball & heaven, friends, repeated things are good, you can add/erase memories & have peace & even ones to play a game again like it's the first time, new senses+other peoples, any combination/order, anything, unpredictable-sense orientated, & be with your consciousness partner who's most attractive to you for eternity & can both change face/body/voice to those other desired ones, no personality-everybody can realize the right way to be-includes anything but this is the right best personality. Many partners at the same time if can brain wire everyone to be most attracted to the new identical/different faces/voice-then you're most attracted to you & the rest and can have any gender body, or make exact clones of you & most attractive partner, & if can add other creatures. A body can be made to have no consciousness, & a con. can enter/exit a changed brain. Any waist/breast/chest/hight/fat/health/strength size is attractive & not about reproduction-about senses. Your highest attraction usually is from your shapes blueprint & changes to opposite gender which you prefer more & is your highest attraction-not trust, cubes are seen as neutral & ok, any same gender faces are seen as disgusting-usually only your face & possibly look alikes, some further looks, or whole spectrum is neutral/attractive, having long hair & a fringe like naturally, we are straight & are/not disgusted by some looks, girls don't seek most cute look-there's many looks that can be seen as the only most attractive. I found my many! look alike-anime+real. You're more attractive if (but different can be as attractive-for occasions-unless some/all can be brain wired more attractive) you're you are thinner, not muscular, not tanned-well same color as partner's natural color, have no tattoos/piercings, and no scars. All hair is attractive all/some/0. Light & fuller mustaches/beards on a attractive face boy or girl varying fuller on certain faces look like cute whiskers & collars of fur-when young start off more under the neck. While could be said same thing-face/head, neck, hands, forarms, feet, forlegs, only the opposite gender faces you like/neutral or just your partner/s can ever see/touch/taste/smell/hear anywhere else of your body, same for what you can sense. With your partners the love, dedication, togetherness is extremely strong & can do anything together you can think of+alone time too if want. It's best for eternity to live together in your palace with no children nor having them ever since they are people & not compatible with you's or your palace, only create after-if the universe/s size is infinite. In cases where two heads are on a body, they should either look away & not have sex with someone until separated & is disgusting feeling the same body+attached, or if attracted-which look alikes should be-then they can have sex with eachother+ at the same time. God would be a friend/partner-boy/girl or big ball. Ideal-marriages get setup on earth/heaven where rows of faces slowly change until you find the best match-long hair & fringe+no makeup it must be real face, makeup is a dress up~ At a point must immortalize all big animals & no birth so no more die & maybe us few have been reincarnating & will stay, right to end all smaller when can-may trash earth, since they & more would die anyhow. The universe could be only expanding, or going to also close later, or a certain amount of space, or infinite, if will close we can live as long as possible, or maybe stop it, or move to new universe of space that's beside/overlayers ours-black holes maybe, or maybe can move everything in place after figured out so that it will re open & our consciousnesses will exist again.
1.Why do cells/neuron cells fail, is it DNA, organelles, membranes, proteins? Examine them under a microscope and with equipment such as genome sequencers!
2.What are the differences between human and for ex. long living water bear neurons? Examine them under a microscope and with equipment such as genome sequencers!
3.Where is the consciousness?
Is 1 particle somewhere, it might be in the thalamus or around there or the whole brain or maybe even the spinal cord.
4.What's really needed to make a consciousness?
People with half a brain/a little bit of brain, a small fish brain, a single celled protozoa like the euglena viridis, is a consciousness. If a consciousness is as small as a water bear or single cell, then making a consciousness or a transfer cord and transfer hold should be very easy since the size of the brain or cord is very thin/small. IBM has made a flat chip with 5.4 billion transistors with 5120 spaced apart transistors for a single neuron, no. First can add a open/close 2"W sphere & cerebral-atoms-liquid type to temperature. Don't need cell-form brain. 1,000/ect or one long thin as possible connected at points valid-robotic/synthetic sheathed wire/tube neurons or sponge maybe of neuron atoms and of any size/or small and close distance between the varying energies/or along the wire/tube as explained why below and in 3-d and maybe with right speed+types tube atoms, atomic reactions, interchanging fluids, last two mean no long wire/tube but many neurons. Maybe neuro shocked to grow field particle if not just right atoms+states-can narrow down. Many signals fired at the same time & all end on end connected/or at least very fast, being 200 or more per second or just "on". And one eye would do but when the 2 images get turned horizontal & vertical and the inner halves of the 4 cross so is on the end of opposite side and other 2 go in middle opposite too is because then when united they are the picture again though upside down in the brain and field changes & when memory is recalled too. Where a sense is the choice happens and sends a signal from there. And just one or up to 5 senses sent as different atom/electron speed energies-voltage & amount-current (researched for vision from a brain/or very low) for each pixel by a 200Ons 200Offs per sec. timer to a as fast 2 way relay to different resistors or square/circular pixeled rotating camera-4 directional, through 10x10/or more close lines at rear which are each connected or only at sponge, the vision energies enter as a lens shape being the picture when enters the field, and to a device at end that converts each energy set and sends to 200/or more memory devices from 1-200 and then overwrites and each one sends it converted back right back around and only a few pulses and less for less recent ones and maybe in 2cd quiet connected lines section.  And another section connected to the consciousness section always sending senses that let's you sense you can decide to open and branch through memories and further older ones ect & sense a vision of the eye moved, which are and have to be stored in synapses/devices, the first few are labelled with sense energies that then incomes such as all these main things - 10 years ago, 7, 4, work, partner, and other mains you maybe created containing pools or tasks or plans ect. Connected to the lines is a sensitive device waiting for a pulse to send our coded electric data to move the eye. Power to eye, the device at the end of the lines, and the memory devices. Wait for it to choose & follow with eye/make strange numbers on senitive device. Can have constant choose actions while transfering to know it stays existing. And my eye and sound test, it works with all senses, while you see more from the middle out, you can focus at any point all around circularly and you see the side spot more than the middle, or focus a certain instrument/sound. So can choose any data and multiply it more to focus more, and different than actual choice, if we have choice then it would control all plus this too. Plus concept of many intake neurons of the consciousness and the more filled with certain data you are conscious of it more. You do see many pixels/visual leaf objects at the same moment that get combined when enter you-the field, and can change where to look more without moving eyes-and is a small or big area-and can be different degrees throughout it.
How matter is connected to make a consciousness particle/law.
Electrons, and or protons and or neutrons, and or something unknown in atoms, or having to be in atoms, and or types of atoms, and or some same kind groups in places, and of different energies and or changing energies and or them moving and or them in the right places/path flowing system of them and or the right amount of them everywhere and or them reacting are all connected throughout and maybe even the cerebral fluid by bonded atoms and or unbonded atoms being close/far-which maybe have to be atoms that neurons are made of, and are related/combined by the fluid like laws combining since each being close enough which are virtual photon fields coming out of electrons, and or electrons being fields, and or gravity fields, and or a unknown field/s, or unlikely the universe detecting the connection, and a single new consciousness particle/law is created which is along/of the neuron branch shape or a ball around them or is in the universe-background connected to the matter & could be left behind somewhere.
The first route.
Firstly you can be in and switch between these below including receiving transplants ect, for 2 & 3 must keep right things going to the head or brain, and switching between 1, 2 & 3 including even using animals maybe only provides temporary extendedness, but also 2 & 3 have less problems and are ways to maybe go with and succeed and just keep the neuron cells or also the head cells too going and succeed to stay conscious: 
1.Whole body.
2.Head, maybe could try slowly inserting each needed (special) tube/piece into the neck until can remove the dying body.
4.In your brain or a outside brain be in robotic/synthetic/real neuron cells/solid stuff since brain ignores cell form!
-Using neuron cell cords/*cord from possible made neuron cells listed just below or solid stuff, can attach the neuron cord to the brain and maybe spine too, where the consciousness is and have the consciousness move through or extend through the cord, and to the new brain system of robotic/synthetic/real neuron cells/solid atoms to hold the consciousness.
Secondly we have to keep all different robotic/synthetic/real cells/tech parts alive and going for-the neuron cells, and definitely the robotic/synthetic/real neuron cells/solid stuff, so the atoms stay & the consciousness particle stays attached, and other needed brain cells/solid parts too maybe that are robotic/synthetic/real brain cells, and must either:
1.Keep repairing all or make new destination with repairing for transfer, the failing cells and or neuron cells so they are continuously getting repaired and keep working or keep multiplying.
2.Repair all or make new destination that's repaired for transfer, the failing cells and or neuron cells to permanent ones or permanently multiplying.
3.Keep replacing everywhere or make new destination with replacing for transfer, fresh cells/stem cells and or neuron cells/stem cells, or robotic/synthetic cells/solid parts, and or robotic/synthetic neuron cells/maybe bigger sized ones/solid parts, so that there is always ones that keep working or keep multiplying.
4.Replace all with or make new destination made of these for transfer, robotic/synthetic cells/tech-parts, and or robotic/synthetic neuron cells/maybe bigger sized ones/solid parts, or cells/stem cells and or neuron cells/stem cells, which are permanent or permanently multiplying.
Thirdly to do this we can with our present or to be worked on future technology/nanotechnology either try or try together as a combination (which may be required for some) the following. We'll always have lots of resources & energy to repeat any of the ways, or simply the cells/nanobots would keep alive and or keep multiplying, & one day 0 work.
1.Using a gas or liquid or solid or certain drugs and or magnetism and or electrical signals to keep repairing/cleaning or permanently repair your cells so they keep working or multiplying, and or make areas of your body grow new organs, brain, eyes, ect. and or stop the ageing and or revert back to young characteristics and maybe even change to a younger body, or to external cells/stem cells/genes ect. to create something.
*2.Robotic/synthetic cells/neuron-cells+bigger-ones\organelles in real cells/or solid stuff since brain ignores cell form! Maybe with wireless control. We should try creating a hundred or more robotic/synthetic neuron cells/solid cords with electrons and or atoms/neurotransmitters to replace our neurons with or create consciousnesses and to transfer to empty ones-read above for full instructions in the questions section #4. Or try making synthetic neuron cells of a slate/lattice or thicker and maybe make them act like so by manipulating things. No sleep+funner, 150M years a second, memory/created senses can be full sensed, output, input senses/all good recalling memories restored, can erase, can have all known senses+any shape, control machines intensely, communicate wirelessly.
3.Nanobots/3-d printers being either robotic/synthetic/real and replacing and repairing and constructing and printing anything including robotic/synthetic/real cells/tissue/organs/body parts, and maybe with wireless or wired control which would let the first one multiply, and all have controlled input and also output. And maybe act as cells too or add mechanisms to cells, and add missing DNA, repair DNA, add longevity DNA from humans/animals, fix the problem that makes them get worse so they divide and stay immortally young cells, and also make them have regenerative abilities, and clean the body and take out bad cells and add any type of cell and add proteins ect to stay young.
4.Grow and or change in you/clone/other human/animal/organism/bacteria's body-of-cells/genes/DNA/dish cells\stem cells/genes/DNA/molecules/atom(s)/dish any fresh or permanently working/multiplying known/new and maybe universal cells/stem cells-maybe from reverting, to make known/new/universal cells/tissues/organs/body parts within/outside, maybe by using things and or certain drugs and or electrical signals and or photons/field photons/field and or nanobots and or cells to do so and maybe held in bioreactors and can add on anywhere with precision or inject/deliver the known/new cells/stem cells/genes/special genes to change body/ect. Maybe try making the DNA of a cell massive to obtain special properties. figuring out which DNA leads to what and how to make them and how to take them out safely and how to combine them-virus maybe. Maybe a cell/s that never die/stop dividing & keeps evolving around induced things to make them or something still new. Faster DNA combine birth=faster evolution & ones that survive in enviroment/shape=immune.
5.Animal/human transfer by growing the immortal jellyfish or water bear or lobster or turtle or ect. which have a long living brain or a human/clone and possibly in the fetus, preferably with no consciousness in the consciousness section or it missing or the whole brain missing, and then open up both brains to where your consciousness is, and have either by a short or long neuron cell cord have the consciousness extend or travel to the new destination or put your brain in there including could leave it or take it out after you spread to the rest of the brain, the cord may be able to be as small as the smallest consciousness which may be the size of a water bear or smaller, maybe while thinking and bringing underlying important memories over too, and then either cut the rest off or might have to slowly shave off from your end side until only immortal brain is left, it may even be necessary to somehow have the consciousness in a round shape at all times and so as it enters further out the other end may have to add on/expand/ect. while being round-shaven at your end, and the consciousness section would look like a bulge moving through~ Although turning the neurons on/off may just do it. Or field pushing.
6.Create a advanced creature or cord or something from a single cell, to then multiply for everybody and to go around your body or keep just the head and keep you in a womb and heal you and or go over your head and insert many tentacles into the brain to then hence the above secondly ways~
The second route.
1.Cryonics, to freeze yourself. Should be put to sleep just before dying and frozen alive or just after dying and frozen immediately.
2.Destroying your body to get all the info to make it & then make it in something new or in the future, only works if the consciousness is left behind and kept probably in the universe-background which may not exist once the brain is gone. 
3.If the consciousness particles stay intact and come out like orbs then unless you have control you would want to surround it with something attachable, or if have control/no control but nothing that can attach to/lost then in the future we will make many different empty brains/or with face and head and maybe body on show which maybe is better to do on earth's surface and wait a long time and if they have to be working then at this point suddenly or slowly turn them on from side to side of brain until there is around trillions of people/consciousnesses and then stop because don't want too many unless infinite space and matter and then there is created consciousnesses and possibly all the old ones back.
Third route I was thinking about is if we could under a Ultra-High-Vacuum Atomic-Force-Microscopy (UHV AFM) or custom built one build at the atomic level something stationary connected to a power slate in the microscope that comes out to its source of energy & the atomic thing will shoot out focused photons (magnetism)-4 or 1 beams, or non-shot out fields, maybe from one at the top & bottom, at an atom to push it or above it's sides to pull it & can move the atom around anywhere above it except for the extreme sides, & with each atom-mover having 4 somewhat spaced apart photon shooters could fit more within the 4 photon shooters of itself to detect where the atoms are from registering when the photons come back to make images/data and then now by computer command send electricity and the photons shot out and it would move atoms quickly from element blocks inside to make a copy of itself above it connected to another energy slate at the top unless already constructed the two, then these two or one would make quadrillions more to make two visible sheets at the top & bottom & then we could maybe have them come out by setting them up to detect all oxygen atoms & shoot them away & then open the microscope up. Then we could move many atoms around to make things or move mass amounts of bonded atoms & should be able to fly things around & could hold stuff in place & could sit in the air & open walls ect. And then the next plan would be to have (donned) every cell opened up in mid space & every atom recorded to computer where they were and which one is what type of atom & then change all the cells on computer to make them never die so they would make us immortal, then open up every organ & record where each cell is which one is what type of cell & change the system too on computer & then the computer could control all the atom movers to instantly make any type of organ or cell OR eternal organ or eternal cell & could replace the ones in our bodies to these ones & be eternal, or other ways for ex. make a whole empty eternal body or brain and connect you to it to be in it. And yet even a further step with this is to have the sheets make a big sphere of them with possibly a layer of atom movers & atom see-er on the outside and inside and could make/move anything on the outside or inside & could open itself up to move it out of itself, & the sphere or two spheres could fly around by shooting out photons & could make each other grow bigger & could govern the asteroids/planets & people too, & could make endless energy in them by doing hydrogen fusion in them like the sun and take hydrogen or oxygen atoms & force them together % then those ones together until big energy released, even further we could become a being that's bigger, has this creation in us to control with our mind, or be in a flying sphere, & could make music from our bodies by vibrating the air atoms by thinking about it & control it, & could make heaven in space, & after making all that could possibly develop the ability to move the particles or more easily change atoms/particles into other types, could this work? We should maybe actually try this? Or on a larger level could photons and or fields move objects?
My Credits:
13-18 Third route.
14-[18-19] Everything.
18-19 Experiments & How matter is connected to make a consciousness particle/law.
18-19 First route - organizing & terms of Firstly, Secondly, and organizing & terms of Thirdly, including unknown things added to ways and almost whole ways such as lots of 2, some of 4, lots of 5, some of 6.
18-19 Second route - about, and organizing & terms, and (3).

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#34 Multivitz

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 08:01 PM

Ok good effort, but most of your ideas are a) unhealthy, b) already possible, c) not necessary, d) impossible, but possible through other means,  e) products of an immature mindset that adorns lazy, impatient ideals.

Don't lose any pride on the last one, I know it was a bit of a low shot. If you ask for, what you would call, my facts about your ideas then I hope you could comprehend them in context as they apear to me.

I just thought this is in the creative section, doh. Anyway the keen watchers among you will notice I DIDN'T say anything(in ADVANCESSSS idea proposals) was totally impossible, this wasn't to make me look like some sort of positive thinking mindset guru, or that the ideas were not possible and I was keeping an open mind on them. Some of the ideas are totally possible already, but somehow they are away from his grasp. I would put some things forward to help but cognative dissonance is so commen and the principles I hold true are only understandable once one has seen the light(quite literally) through natural methods!. High frequency brain waves can allow a person to see light that is normally invisible, search Harry Oldfield , him and his son some say are world leaders in the art(science). Maybe one day you could see the light, if you haven't already, and experience a bit of your true potential.

Example short answer for aspects of    a) Implants on or into the body disrupt its biofield.       Now you will get told that thats hogwash by a very many people who are handing you information they have gathered from another source, not there own first hand learning! Some points of view are dangerous, some wrong, some are the truth, some have varying degrees of truth.  You have to ask, what is a biofield, does it really exist, how can you prove it either way, will distruption of it cause ill health, how unhealthy can one get by its disruption, if its a load of tosh what could others lose if it turns out to be true later, what underlying reasons could someone warrent an implant/head removal? Theres loads of stuff missing in mainstream science taught at all levels these days, discoveries have always taken a long time to get into classroom, or they get supressed actively(I'd go with the later). Learning the Trivium would be a start, hopfully you can start getting fruit from your creativness. 

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 09:20 PM

And this is coming from someone who wants to die hm. (You have "no" to immortal life in your description). [If you don't want to kill yourself at the moment, then your suggesting your enjoying some things right now, and that you want to die later because what you can't enjoy any more luxuries (which I list in my writing)? A consciousness can always get the exciting best senses, so yep you want stay existing it's very fun. And yes I and we must I will not risk it there could be no god, there's no proof and evolution may be so, and you couldn't have proof-I proved the only reason we're here is to be watched. Fixed for you to read here - Only if god exists is it reasonable that your spirit-particle look is stuck & that there may be evil consciousnesses, if there is evil 5sensing consciousnesses which happen to like food, then good & evil are stuck where they go (yes I ammm good wanting good stuff not just doing it and can't ever go to hell [murder is not knowing the other person is seein visionnnn]-or else you can change-anytime-& are we are all! good & should be in the same best place-heaven-learning in low power bodies in rooms, & still should be in heaven even if there is evil con.s + no memory of them-in heaven I will not have painfull memory! So we'd be born & repeatingly if die to watch with no proof until god knows. And still the sabbath spaced out times wouldn't be nor killing animal people/circumcising pleasure skin/water dumping/cut your beautiful+filling hair/ect, we all are identical & are friends & are kind no matter boy body & no need to worship god, we can do whatever we want anytime, 55year spint up valley/or food/or simply no pun your life in spaced moments.


Those are all ways that will give immortality, including ways to add years-only have written be healthy. As for everything else, go ahead, I ask in my writing, disprove if you can or give a better answer, go through all of them, and if you can then I'll change it, or agree and back me up~ I am highly certain though and will prove a lot of mine such as social and others are true. Also one hidden one that's correct is the making of a everything writing you want on your like shirt, and another-it states it has the correct answers and will conversate and prove/disprove, ect. and the rest~ Just look at that one one, search tree website of all correct answers, soooo need that, goes to show how smart earthlings really are, they're identical and see vision, just either so fast and or brain not as good. Now take a huge halt, and think.



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#36 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 09:42 PM

I can admit, that in ADVANCESSSS writings not everything is illogical, and there are some interesting ideas. Simply the ideas, that are interesting, are represented in a very unusual way. I liked one, that may turn the point of the religion towards the immortality, actually. It is his idea, that if we become immortal we would be able to achieve everything, including to make the paradise on the place, where we live and have everything, that we like. I think, that this idea may finally make the religions accept the idea for the biological immortality, and to start supporting it. I even made a web site for it:


and posted a topic about that in the religion section of this forum, and thought, that it will be a hot topic, but instead it turned into one of the few unvisited topics there.



P.S. made the site with his permission, from the name of us both, so didn't stole his idea.

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#37 Avatar of Horus

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 09:57 PM

I can admit, that in ADVANCESSSS writings not everything is illogical, and there are some interesting ideas. Simply the ideas, that are interesting, are represented in a very unusual way. I liked one, that may turn the point of the religion towards the immortality, actually. It is his idea, that if we become immortal we would be able to achieve everything, including to make the paradise on the place, where we live and have everything, that we like. I think, that this idea may finally make the religions accept the idea for the biological immortality, and to start supporting it. I even made a web site for it:


and posted a topic about that in the religion section of this forum, and thought, that it will be a hot topic, but instead it turned into one of the few unvisited topics there.



P.S. made the site with his permission, from the name of us both, so didn't stole his idea.


(I would've answered in that topic but you created it as a group topic so I can't, so I answer here.)


This 'paradise' thing is a known subject in Transhumanism, sometimes called as the "Transhumanist Utopia", and has the characteristics of what you describe.

#38 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 10:18 PM

Lol :) What does it mean a group topic? lol How to change it, so it to become available to all?


Why not enlight the church about the transhumanist utopia, then?

#39 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 10:37 PM

I made another topic with the same name, that have to be normal, not a group one.




So, every one, who wants to comment may comment there.

#40 Multivitz

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Posted 27 January 2015 - 11:25 PM

Ok here's how I see it. Red dwarf stars are the birthplace of planets not dying stars. We were origanally orbiting Saturn until it came into the sun's solar system and had a few planet dramas, Signs of an Ancient Alien Sky goes a way to explain this theory with some pretty damning evidence. In bodies dug up they have found the ancient man had a diet that gave many times the vitamin intake than we see today. I found that given exercise and the right amount of vitamins, organic minerals, amino acids, oils(a natural stack) ones body does some amazing things. There are 4 states of matter, and there is space, and counter space as given in the Maxwell equations. Maxwells equations were the basis to solve the transatlantic telegraph line problems and many other electrical malfunctions. Spooky action at a distance is quantum waves moving at 20 billion times the speed of light. Its been observed and calculated by measuring star chains when they move position by the delay of surrounding plasma flux from one end to the other of the star chain. The connection we feel with other people in day to day life is instantanious. The cells in your body arrange themselves around a magnetic/plasma field, if we can maintain this field by being whole(all elements present i.e. all 4 states) then life becomes robust. There's accounts of a Jainist convent that got attacked, the rioters tryed to stab the nuns and inpale a nun on a spiked iron railling by banging a heavy stone on her chest, not even blood was drawn, but the nuns  had the effect of the 'Steel Jacket' a technique used in some martial arts. The things that happend in the riot was witnessed by dozens of people and went in the papers at the time all over Europe! I personally have experienced the effect otherwise I would think it was a myth. I have had a few unforeseen health issue from my environment which I'm getting over, but when I was forty I began riding BMX again and within a month I was as good as I was when I was fifteen!! So please keep an open mind with your own body and its capabilities of growth and change. I can't wait for the good weather and get back on my bikes :)

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 01:09 AM

We're not all connected, I only have 5 senses (yes the extra are in the feel sense ex. weight & cold/hot are at arm) and of them I get nothing from anyone, though memory neurons resend/randomize or get controlled around by you and make you sense-faintly, and full-in dream. And you don't depend on other con.s existing and could exist and sense without any other con.s existing.


Bikes? That's memory also~ How to use them~


Try this. We are identical because: I see vision and you see vision. If the both of those were incorrect, then one who sees and is a consciousness could kill the others. Retardation-baby/elder/damaged/fly brain only makes you get weird out of order vision and maybe happy vision. Vision exotic/attractive/ect senses tastes I explain, attractive vision sense of "this" face is what you get, but others get neutral/disgusting vision of "that" face, and you can get the attractive vision of "that" or any other face, brain must shakes/changes "that" vision and it is attractive/ect vision. Every boy or girl usually gets attractive vision of the girl looks or the boy looks, the brain gives the sense of vision~

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 28 January 2015 - 01:13 AM.

#42 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 03:00 AM

Not all memory, I did learn some new tricks I was unable to do when I was younger. Ok you are basing your view on your experiences, which I did myself for the first 25 years of my current life. For the first 25 years I believed that the way I felt had no effect on anyone around me, I looked at them, they looked at me. I was happy most of the time, I had a normal life with normal parents that brought me up as well as they could. Theres no way my emotions had any effect on someone elses feelings directly, is what I thought. :laugh:    I was soooo wrong. There's brain cells that detect animal magnetism, but thats basic stuff. Then there's the 100 monkey experiment, now you have to watch the encyclopedia entries on this one, theres an incredible amount of down play, but the data's there. You're still a boy, if and its a big if, if you manage to consume enough of the right minerals and get enough vitamin D3 you may get to open all your chakaras and chillout and grow up, mature. Till then you will find people who share your views and get on with them. Empathy, mirror neurons, morphic fields, they are just a few subjects you won't understand fully because you're not all there yet. If I threw a Chi ball at you, you would wonder what the hell was going on, if you didn't fall over! Im not asking you to go into a fairy land on DMT, think about eating rice 4 times a week and do some creative thinking on real subjects and not waste a lifetime.............in space.

#43 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 03:10 AM

Sorry folks, I don't believe in the bed side manner. Some have to get training for it. Its unethical in my own view, but in some cases it's necessary to calm others in special times.


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 05:34 AM

Oh you mean when a human or animal is in front of you.There's particles that go into your eyes or ears or at body anywhere and make you sense 1 or 5 of it. That's all we know that. Alone, you do not.


No, picks up chi ball, searches for instant answer, this is just a ball. Mirror neurons - Just that you see arm go up, and the vision is linked to the feeling of arm go up, and does it auto or from choice, solved. !Morphic time connecting fields an article says is your parents passed down tastes ex. partner-attraction & crystals/cells/molecules/animals repeat habits from time memory, I explain allll that, attraction/tastes senses you get like parents - explained in my writing+just above in reply, time -  I explain, base particles not made of smaller repeating their habit - they just move around and will a certain way from how placed + base particle fields may hold parts together & attract/repel, & as for animals repeating - we-we are not robots and info-evvverything is base particles including I the field ball & I actually see vision ect and see input/memory vision and decide from what I sense and am not a robot. And memories are neurons being just many base particles which can give you the same/new created with others sense-faintly and can be taken out of the brain. And a human/monkey social group s not connected there is many of them and each sense on own. Also a dog only knows someone's coming home if it hears/feels/sees from particles. Animals including humans are just base particles plus the huge con. field particle + cannot magically heal particles to reform correctly.


So you think I'm immature, a teen, a boy, I am passed everyone on earth right this moment, I would act like how I do even if I was in a girl body, or a 98 year old body, or a sleek glossy white goddess body, my current body does not effect me, I am everything, a silly child, a precise god, Rough & strong & cool bliss dog, neutral, feminine pretty. I can be a 55y cowboy rough en howdy oh ya, ya well this... anything, you can't beat this, there is no personality, just a sensing consciousness & there's a overall exactly correct way/personality to be, I am it.


You sense a sense-of-vision of-a face and think they are different, but you don't realize everybody else is seeing vision at their eyes for real, too! And also can get any other's sense of the vision sense of any sight.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 28 January 2015 - 05:39 AM.

#45 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 06:30 AM

Particle fan eh. Im a molecular memory fan. So you are empathetic cool, can you have meaningful conversations with fruit flies? Long term memories are kept in the plasmas counterspace, technically we have 4 mind centres, each explainable, each understood. Many millions of people have been before me and have taught my knowedge to those who would listen, just for the single satisfaction of helping someone else less fortunate. I look at someones face and my heart is still, waiting for them to open thier cake hole. Then I engage them as they deserve in respect to my Karma, ready for instantainious forgivness of thier BS.  A just and righteous event help both to improve and possibly thrive in the now time of plenty. Only the ones which chose the mid brain will bare the righteuos hate from the countless jilted souls. Oh how the TV barks at me, what insanity have we to exstingish, do you reach the fire regs. or are you burning already in your own created mixed up haze that no one but you, you can see the TV of your mind wondering, trying with no father to anchor your foundation to stop it washing away in the torent that is phsycological winds. To totally master ones body is to know ones self as a rock knows itself. Planets to you are rocks, past people in there millions liked the planets, were they all wrong? Could you stand in front of them all a say  'HA HA you thought the planets were alive'. Can you imagine the look on their forgiving faces?..... looking at a childs misconception.


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 06:57 AM

You saying planet not alive & am not alive? I & you reading this know and can test yourself you sense and are a real currently staying existing 5 sensing consciousness 1 thing/particle at the brain only. Anything that exists is something there and not made of smaller - base particles of any shape/size, you have to be either 44trillion or 1 huge base particle.

#47 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 05:14 PM

The 44trillion move together connected physically, they are touching. The forces vary, we can only sense the ones that are most prominent from our 5 senses that early on dominate our existance, and most of lifes experiences. Growing larger with foods chosen that we find, we only know what our parents tell us and clues left in us from previous times. Pain is electric leaking from membranes, we ignore as much as we are told, visiting others for chemical consumptions that disolve the senses. Some of us find eating simple whole food, nourishing the senses, so we keep doing as best as we can. Slowly our electrical leaks stop and our mind(the seat of our senses) gets more electric. It struggles with all the jumbled up forces it has collected, all the memories of pain, ilogical advice and asummed fallacies, to stop wasting its precious muched loved electric it looks more closely, with its surplus electric, and self organises with logic it knows from times past. Once its content, the mind lays still, as still as the rock. In the stillness it starts to check every input from the senses to make sure it(the mind) doesn't have loses caused by the pain again. One day the input was from the rock, "but how is this so?", the mind inquired, the pervaded information from the rock whispered, "many have stubbed there toes on me, please remember I'm here!". Ok, the causious mind theoriesed, did that just happen? It when to everyone asking for an answer to satisfy the information the rock seemingly had given out, some had no answer, some just laughed, some said they had hurt thier toe on it, some got angry and shouted, "don't be silly no one likes that rock". The shout hit through the senses as it normaly had, but this time was different. A wave of emotion had choice, was it to be accepted, was it to be returned twice fold, or was it to be matched, was it to be sent to the toe? In an instant the decision was made so fast, as if it had already been made beforehand, I'm going home for my tea! The next day was like any other, walking past the rock with an apology, the birds sang along, soon the birds were very noisy, "be quiet" the mind said without wasting a breath "I can't hear myself think", they stopped singing only to start again with more focus. They were singing the song of the earth, a strange noise that the mind heard when it was still. The song filled the mind's heart and was left there, slowly expanding over all. Am I dreaming? Was I right? Can I answer with logic? Is it fair? Could it be wrong? Will it happen to everyone, or just some?

    Many years past, the mind was so happy it felt like sex, but over the years the information got understood and the choices became beliefs, but their was still a naging sense that all alone, the mind would die as everyone had said. " We're here!, we're hear!" the birds tweeted, I know so you keep telling me, then for no reason they stopped. The mind felt eyes upon its back, it turned around only to see an old man. With out words the man said I hate those birds, "how did you do that?", said the demandful mind out loud, the old man smiled and started a conversation explaining how he had lived the same and told much wisdom, many of it the mind knew anyway. The old man had unlimited beliefs, and told the mind that he had felt the minds lonsome destress form many distances away, at that instant, the mind realised everyone had been trying to help him, in their own way. Oh how could I have been so blind, if I'm strong enough to help others, others may help me when they get strong enough. The mind tested as many beliefs as possible and sure enough with incouragement from the old man and logic that flowed with natrally tested truth, the beliefs come to fruit. Time didn't seem to matter, and patience was endless because the beliefs were so strong and tested, everythink took little effort, nothing was TRYING. Realising all that was needed was to chose foods, him and the old man knew were right, to be truly free , he went to his parents to explain everything. Some say good some say bad, to try is already showing a shadow of defeat, CAPACITY is only limited by reserves, and realised beliefs. Foods fills reserves, once full and complete and settled, only air(oxygen) is needed as a base(akali) to quench the acids of metabolism. Its all in beliefs, capacity and exercise of emotional limits, action based on respect of company and space. If you're lost in mind, the happy answer, its the right answer ONLY when still and calm inside, and fully contemplated. Answers obtained in other states of mind should be put on hold(slept on) until a time of calmness looks again at them before believing them. If I thought my actions typing on this keyboard would swerve someone away from truth then I would have to be obliged to feel a negative emotion like 'sorry' , I am not a sorry fool, everyone can be like they want, I will help if I have the capacity=time/knowledge/will. Its life, you ask, it comes. There are many many ways of asking, I maybe asking the reader something to propt us both into a new flow. Alot goes on in the background, are you still enough to notice what you might need? What stills the mind? Have you ever taken L-histidine? Did you know DMT is an anologue of Serotonin and formed by salmonella mainly in the lower Gi tract? They love alkali in the diet. Cats are covered in salmonella and are a cross between a snake and something else! binaural beats can join your left and right sides realising radiographical cross linking and encouraging potential nerve ways, but whats in the middle? There is a GREAT BIG effort to STOP freedom knowlege, be aware of this fact. I would go on about how to make little miracles happen and reverse, but thats scraping the barrel?


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 05:15 PM

Read above reply too.


Few days ago got a new big bang discovery, and many key words fixed ect.

The big bang/existence of universe-true-you can't keep tracing back-no when it began-nothing existed-just began & existed, & will always exist\stay now & particles keep-moving, can't 100% end-would keep happening, traceably, since something exists now, no more will began here. Or 1/all particles & (where together and-should add this lol?) no moves yet-no trace. (god+rest would be at start). There's space, & ONLY these exist-always-where at & are you-types of+moving-photon certain-amount-in-area base-particles<must+density/ect varies+zooming-big particle must be teleporting-& may not be case-from its energy & of any shape(ball)/size around eachother, & many identical separate 100% real 5 sensing consciousness particles who each stay existing & sensing/dormant in con. moment+between/sleep/after-sleep/frozen. If you were gone in one of those-you couldn't sense still, & it's obvious you sense a period, +since birth+below proves it. No info/data/#s/superstition/magic. Creating & ending of a con. can happen & maybe not if we're god's spirits. One with a clone body+memories+planet is a new con. whether you exist or not.

#49 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:30 PM

Lucky the old man knew his language eh? Transmutation is only evident with strong energy found in plasmas. Is plasma the forth state or should it be the first primary state of matter? Is conciousness a hidden matter in space. Cyrstaline structures hold energy. Energy is explained in electrical obsevation, there is a counter space. Gravity is a force explained through energy presence of a crystaline structure(Dan Winters, Victor Schaulberger) Electric Universe. Space is not foldable, some forces go through it much quicker that light. Plant shoots grow faster in red light, infared therapy works, was our old sky red? Clever people, some had mastered many arts and decided to share thier findings with us. So clever that they could explain it to others after a foundation was formed. Others were tempted by fame and used to misguide others. No one likes to be lied to, some may seen to like it, but you would have to ask them and go from there.                                                                                                                                                   The higher mind apears as an upside down subspace reflection extending above us to a certain degree interfacing with our upper mind giving access to VERY long term memories. Truth makes a frame work in the brain, open frame work and short circuits, are like empty answer boxes and frustration, ever stop mid train of thought and say 'nevermind'.                                                  Cognative dissonance is a result of this short circuiting in the brain hemispheres when truth entertains, once they have reached a level of exhaustion adrenaline will natrually be released causing the less exhausted aeras(nasty bits we don't use that often) of the CNS to react faster and stronger. The slower exhausted parts have no phsical connectional feeds to parts of brain that would restore vitality, poor efficiency of mental performance tries, but they have been trained into a poor framework by the hosts beliefs! In extreme cases, seen quite regular, the reptilian mind is left at the helm. Once the mid mind has exhausted the upper mind it takes over the spine drawing energy from the Thymus, parts of the upper and mid mind are still working at a reduced level and probably in 'a state of shock' or 'zombie like' say just asleep but dynamic. Access to long term memory has long been lost at this stage of mind function, but manners, basic logic, terrain skills, most very well learnt skills, can be performed remarkably well. Blood flow is altered and restricted to areas of the body at the eariest stages and can be a trigger for charactor change as much as will and chemistry, or other minds from other places/times?  Most people are prompted by their higher mind(plasma field, aura, are signs of the higher mind) and never live in it through their daily lives, the truth by my account is, it is accessable at any moment, just let the ego's emotions go into neutral(stillness) and try a bit of autopilot.   Ask for the right question, then use that to ask with, then if you're paying attention ___________<insert answer here?


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:52 PM

Rock-is memory and is a linked sense of seeing foot go over it and a linked sense of the feel of that and you choosing around with the neurons to either move body or faintly sense memory/or create.


Food will not change me what I am attracted to or my memories or my ability to understand anything. I am full grown ---genioussss---- in a exotic neoned voice. Can learn anything ya. Oh when older brain is better and can learn faster and remember, though younger can too, well at least if talk/visual taught everything in grade 1 you could. Knowing I want to be a furry standing cat or a sleek bean ect is because I sense vision or feel and know it's good and sense vision ect of that people drop and die and then hits me my good senses like fries and games and then I know all from senses-only that is that I want eternity~ Red light is more moving-photons makes things speed up. Frustrated/disagrement/frozen zombi is not sensing answers and sensing other things & just current vision ect more than the now short term faint memories. No, you-sense things, anything, not auro energy mind power ect.


You missed some points of the 44trillion base particles the brain is, cuten everything off but the brain I still exist and see, the brain is 44trillion base particles let's say, that includes all field particles, /////general relativity is space just making base particles move yaaaa that's all~ Now, what is me, I am the particles, I haven't died-not-exist yet, I ammm the clump of 44trillion base particles orr 1 huge overlaying base particle called a field which attract & repel and are the strong/weak fields, the electric, magnetic, and maybe separate con. fields. So that is me, either 2, if you add a bigger ball or clump you don't exist, so you can transfer out of brain -and wouldn'tt want to use a bigger cord lol-


No where here is expanding or creating particles, it'd be all walls expanding. I explain some things in my writing about teleporting. Mmm, I'v tried, no 6th sense....it's always a feel on my body or vision at eyes or sound hear in 2 brain middle ares, 5 senses~ which those are randomy/or in shape in the brain~ I can understand things, you's arn't, if you say something I won't miss it and not disprove it, you's do though.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 28 January 2015 - 09:04 PM.

#51 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:55 PM

Universe study has got the red shift blue shift WRONG, expanding here n there more like, more like lots of littler bangs eh? Teleporting or moving an altered state of matter real quick through solid objects? 6 sense is 100% real it takes a real strong one to work under 'judgment' I think its to do with potential(force) present, or otherwise in various forms, that puts the dampers on. Theres no superstition it was true for the original tellers, magic mmmmmm happens but you won't know unless your higher mind informs the upper mind, in other words you just know or you don't get told by yourself. Seeing is believing, you have got another eye you know.  Just watchout for those FAULSE flag fiascoes like most of the reported terror :ph34r:

#52 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 09:38 PM

So you think your memory is in your brain lol some of it is. So now you have limited yourself already. Ok so you cann't be botherd to learn to be healthy because you think you know best and have been told you can't live forever by someone else so you're going to help them work out a way to chop your head off, keep it alive, then glue it on to a clone body that is as good as anything available.  I feel like I will live forever and am happy too, if and when I die so what, the ones around me maybe sad. Maybe I will get bored and want to start over, have you read any past life accounts?? Have you seen the interviews with the tibetan monks, or even look into their 'Book of the dead'. Have you ever seen a real mirage? Have you had time yet to look at Harry Oldfield's work? Have you had anyone close to you die or commit suiside? Are you familiar with the frase 'Can't see the wood for the trees', thats you that is, at the moment, in my opinion.

Edited by Multivitz, 28 January 2015 - 09:43 PM.

#53 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 09:57 PM

Vanilla sky is a movie that will motivate you. Good acting, but the concept is driven by a hidden archetypes that have major flaws. This is the crux you and many people don't understand! And to all intended reason will never understand, even if I type forever. That a brash statement but it holds true if the person questioning it could adhere to the logical truth, most give up out of exhaustion through confusion. As above so below, if theres little connection with above the below bit has no chance. Ok :wub:


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 10:00 PM

I don't "grow", it's incoming senses and I can go blank right now, and could take out the neurons and not ever sense those things. No need then to be reborn. Of my like 324 discoveries, one says, I exist and am 1 particle being either 1 or 44trillion base-particles, I sense, and the problem is that you very likely can die and not exist, that means that if you screw up and die, you can't be reborn, because you have to exist always somewhere like I still safely am at the head, I still sense - you-can test, and that's the problem, of screwing up and dying and then you don't exist and can't ever be again since donnn't exist, even if putting the many base particles back together makes you that means you were waiting somewhere, but nah, your at the head, don't screw up, you the 1 thing you 1 particle proven being only at head must stay existing. I don't need to be close to dying/wanting to put knife into me~ +I sense a set of 1 or more senses that are linked to the lists of senses which are great tastes, girl face, fancy places, ect. and sense things to avoid danger senses~

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 28 January 2015 - 10:03 PM.

#55 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 10:26 PM

Theres plenty of poof the we can get reincarnated, you waste more effort discounting it that just letting it go. So you must be concerned about being good enough to come back? lol if you read into one of the books of the dead you would see instruction, as most souls hang about for quite a few weeks or more before they deside what to do. Time is fixed in the duality of upper mid dominated mind. It does limit expectations drastically. You will leave your body if it becomes no use, take the head off then reattach it to another body. You would have to find a way to incourage you to stay with your head, and then we would look at you and ask who made your body, did they mind giving it up. Remember the truth is available to all at some point in there existance :excl: We're all in this together, the ones that fight for material control will not want us to stay together. They want to divide and conque. Where have you been? There's enough to go round, why starve n kill by mucking around making fools do wrong? The needs of the many out weigh the want of the few.

#56 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 10:35 PM

Theres an experiment where they did something to some DNA then removed it from the tube, using a special camera they were still able to see light in the shape of the DNA, even though it wasn't there! I don't catalogue my references so you would have to hunt that one out. Plasma physics is a hard one to get a handle on, I don't know of any good teachers in the field yet.


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 10:52 PM

Plasma is probably just atoms, electrons, and the moving-kinetic-energy-photons fields (may be 2 types idk, one moves and one stays attached in magnet) You still didn't disprove/better answer/agree - Pointing at my head (only the brain we-know-proven) is 44trillion few-types of base particles that are of made of smaller and exist, I still atm stay existing and am either the 44trilion clump or the 1 huge ball field not made of smaller which overlayers, which am I?

#58 Multivitz

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Posted 28 January 2015 - 11:02 PM

Bits can break off the lump and it still works and has memory so maybe its holographic in structure? Wrong and right is the answer I can suggest, I would explain, but I can't see the point tonight, maybe soon. :)


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 11:15 PM

Exxxactly, well said, it'd only work if the bits were on the outside, which proves my answer I tend to more in my writing which is that you are a single grown base particle (a field) not made of smaller, it's a huge wobbly ball and when more attached and dies it attaches like water~ And you get bigger. So now see?

#60 Clacksberg

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Posted 29 January 2015 - 12:34 AM

Reincarnation has a thorn in it's side in that it can always be explained as just information transfer via some kind of resonance or PSI. Though just check out Mandy Seabrook video on you tube - :)

Edited by Cactus Fastback, 29 January 2015 - 12:36 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: everything, explanation, knowledge explosion, best government, all immortality ways, updated, particles, consciousnesses, senses, meaning of life

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