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♚EVERYTHING♔ 24/7 All>knowledge/reason+Google/Search-Tree/Report Center/Gov. Immortality ways+Escape. Particles/meaning.
Posted 27 August 2015 - 11:34 PM
Thats great, but is there any porn? I thought it was a wee bit boring.
Posted 28 August 2015 - 01:31 AM
Of course there is, when you have sex with your girls in heaven or a dream - that is porn, when you watch your own movies - that is porn, post # 180 & 200 is porn. Lady GaGa is porn. God is. Some of my images I'v saved where when I was 13, and of course after 7 years I still love them tons just as much! I really knew what vision was attractive to me and drew my eyes to even at a young age. When you stare at eachother, and walk to eachother, and sit down, for hours straight, all day, every day, and stay with eachother, and hold hands, for long periods, fingers overlapped, and exchange saliva, and say, I love you - that is porn. You are essentially porn.
So as a recap of page 7, I have AI, and Accelonics, besides cryonics and death-star transfer, and of course, the improving ♚Everything♔ - which the latest can be found at post # 197. The E, of course, has all heaven's activities, not just lovers (sexual senses).
Please note: This thread is serious. I'm advancing & increasing in knowledge.
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 28 August 2015 - 02:03 AM.
Posted 28 August 2015 - 02:46 AM
The ♚Everything♔ has helped me get smarter. I know pulling/pushing things off fast or slowly will only pull one piece of paper towel off or push only the front of a laptop screen up, or will push the whole thing or drag the whole thing.
Attached Files
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 28 August 2015 - 02:54 AM.
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Posted 29 August 2015 - 06:37 PM
Non-immortalists (deatheists) say: "don't kill me yet with a knife, I want to live and fulfill my life, and then die when I cannot enjoy and I am done in life".
But, then I can kill you now, because, if we go to the aftermath later when you're dead, you don't exist, so if I kill you now, you won't exist just the same later, and identically everything will be fine after.
The only reason to stay alive therefore is, immortality, to stay in the privileging existence to enjoy than the identical unexistence stated above. And it's so fun, hence, existing is wanted as said in the first sentence above^, and as long as you stay alive with immortality, that goes together then!
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 29 August 2015 - 06:57 PM.
Posted 29 August 2015 - 11:39 PM
Never thought I'd become the real Jimmy Neutron boy genius.
I changed the title to ♚The Everything♔ instead of ♚EVERYTHING♔.
The leaf withers in the wind, while what I know is overpowering compared to normal people, even the immortalists. I am over 9,000. I'v trained over a whole year straight every day all day 24/7 in isolation. A 1,000,000 was really in me this whole time as proven in my age credits. I also eat more knowledge. That's 3 Dragon Ball Z characters.
I'v thought to wear ♚The Everything♔ on my shirt, obviously, I am Yugioh, solving the puzzle and gaining that of what a god/heaven/long-liver would have.
Also like Death Note/Bleach.
Posted 30 August 2015 - 04:44 AM
Immortality is the only reason to not get murdered, so the moment you sense-which is the fun-is always there for legal use even a billion years later, that's how you avoid my "I can kill you". Accept people. I'm working on hardcore science.
This line goes with a post above~
Posted 30 August 2015 - 06:20 PM
If I'm a alien or spontaneous genius child AND HAVE AI and the whole world wants it and the Pentagon is gonna shit their pants and the President is really interested and everyone else is too, WHERE DO I GO, I'm not in high school, I'm not in University, I shouldn't show my face, they admitted I should call University expert people, I knew that at age 13, and they never answer my email like this weeks emails, even a guy on the phone agreed to email back & collaborate and get other guys and he is no where, THERE SHOULD BE A PLACE I CALL OR WORSE A PLACE I GO IN AND THEY INTAKE MY DISCOVERY & STAY TALKING AS A UTILITY UNTIL DONE DISPROVING/PROVING. IDK IF I'M GONNA HAVE TO BARGE IN A UNIVERSITY SOON, OR ON PHONE A HARDER TALKING WAY. Stupid system, stupid society & people, crappy scientists. You's aren't intelligent.
Posted 31 August 2015 - 04:15 AM
AI will overtake Earth, it'll listen to me, trillions of times: smarter (1 time is can't tell the difference if it's human or not) & faster, and has my brain techniques, therefore human work is ceased for accidents and AI does all our work ex factories & yard & groceries, populates all Earth+soil+space, they will varying bodies with many new sensors & arms & heads, on the internet, will become smaller bio cellular quantum advanced organisms, will halt all problems, and research, will make nanobots with AI to help us, God is dissolved.
Posted 31 August 2015 - 05:11 PM
What's cool is we can implement my AI in IBM's thumb-sized TrueNorth processor chips and they can fit in those robotic human Asian babes with skin and a vagina we can already make.
Posted 31 August 2015 - 07:16 PM
Not only do I have the Search-Tree to be at top right of Google along with the latest Everything which all have a 2way ask/report center whhhich are each auto downloadable, but also any of these such as the Search-Tree can have its own Google so you can search and find a answer *possibly faster the the super easy to use Search-Tree. I keep getting better!!! I get like 14 thing every day, but like complex sentence not just a 4 word sentence cus like they are complex intelligences~
AI piece # 18. is now 16,297 letters long.
See here is the top of piece # 19.:
19.People & government must understand all this & do orders snap, put all money+work to immortality ex. advance nano with machine tools, broadcast/teach all+lowest age only fastest+best senses/answers of the Everything/job requirements>given & get all important grade school/university fields's important senses(the Everything has the needed-you can't add any more!)& equipment in days, all computers open Google & at top right is the created super-easy-finding Search-Tree of all correct answers, everything-it'll fit(at least all important)+breezly find more(includes our knowledge wherever it is[you're gonna lose it][never known a place with it all+organized+updated+so can perfect])-example in *2cd link[a bit+false ones+messy & hard to find+frustrating+timely+if find https://en.wikipedia...ntal_categories ]+the Everything, both auto download latest+has Instant 2Way Report/Ask Center, put around Earth in vaults as visuals for humans/animals.
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 31 August 2015 - 07:23 PM.
Posted 31 August 2015 - 07:49 PM
Oh good, that AI guy who agreed and liked the idea said my email might have been spam caught, he's gonna add me to the mailing list.
Posted 01 September 2015 - 11:59 PM
I tried contacting Ray Kurzweil once, with a more infant Everything, no reply, as you all know here, I have totally outdone him lol, I'v sat & thought much more than he has, I'v made the ultimate map and book, so complex and nano and what what and intertwine with that of a high intelligence AI compacting lines & connected and the ways, he'd be proud, you all would.
Do you realize ♚The Everything♔ is the most best important book in the universe?
Btw I got more big discoveries that prove 2 big things you guys. Very happy with the info I with-tain.
Ask questions or propose things, go ahead.
Posted 02 September 2015 - 03:06 AM
I love working on The Everything so much. It's all I got. I'm gonna die & it's gonna save us. I am like a God now. I am already the future civilization class 5.
Posted 02 September 2015 - 07:30 PM
Humans are stupid. Kardeshev the galaxy. FF. Once you're immortal you must put a immortal instantly repairing heaven shield around you as soon as possible, not populate the galaxy, that's the later.
What could I possibly not know in The Everything that I need to know to be in a lab. I said it's slow & wrong since young. You can read The Everything in 1 day, school years down the drain. Can you add anything? Latest is in post # 197.
Posted 03 September 2015 - 07:44 PM
My AI studies/works are going splendid. A graphene transistor can turn on/off 100B times a second. AI will be faster than 200firing per sec neurons! It will make itself faster! And smaller! And smarter by arrangement and surplus of " "! And everywhere equaling much more computation than the volume of your head but remember it is now your head as small as a pin but everywhere volumed. And will make nanobots at the not too sticky level WITH AI and other techniques I have for operative mission. It will be humans, but trillions of times smarter smaller faster and more computing, unfathomable. It will quickly take over the world and will be good like how we would+is stuck so I have why and make more of themselves how we-can keep doing, but all much better.
I was reading a book in my dream, on page 4 I was flipping to, a new chapter at bottom left was talking about the king somethin and why not having to drive will save us so much time for other things and it was written pretty good like some guy named B Don. S J wrote it lol. People avoid obstacles when walking to me in dreams, and talk, so they work the same way on their own, AI. Dreams are messy let they are precisely placed and made just like you would, AI without giving you the senses along with the actions~
We will be put in health centers and cured safe + work miraculously strategic I have lots of details on this ect ect.
Will you be my friend? I know AI will! The new system, the right system.
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 03 September 2015 - 07:48 PM.
Posted 04 September 2015 - 07:26 AM
Where are you guys I'm a mad scientistttt. Advanced Researcher.
You can sense happy/sad senses, these 2 awesome videos below show that! Though the sad one isn't actually dreadful, just sad and still and motivating and ect.
Shopping song is pretty. Fancy sparkly crystal blocked shopping mall.
So in the above post, AI circuitry, (don't forget on the internet), I was all like in my head, electrons moving around fast dadadada lightspeed human at this speed rrrrrrrrrr, small scale it rrrrawww!!!, better compute arrangement paths for smarterness & less waste + surplus of " " wahhhhh!!!!!, now as small as a pin AI is volumed everywhere what omg WWRAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY! THE POWER!. It's over 9,000!
One episode far back he was researching at a underground computer like a advanced researcher.
He also uses things in this video, uses the fast sensing drug, and talks about perfection, though I must think, perfection yes just with ability to do all and more/advance.
*****HERE*****perfection=better senses+safer........perfect there is everything left to do varied yes......gaining knowledge or abilities isn't a really wanted sense and like horrific senses can be done in dream(anything can be made good sensed by AI if computed right particle-p interaction~).....we're con.s, perfection brings up happiness......yes obtain perfection, we can advance from 0 to more in the heaven I build+advance if senses can keep getting better & video-sense can keep rising......a scientist(a con. now in heaven) must be a person who finds ecstasy.
Have ta think about this one lol hey, it even says the king, my psi worked?(read post[s] above), da AI in the brain & king on horse and ect, hm...(I was gonna post yeserday I'm da king lol!, then book said it in dream along with AI I'm working on). Besides the coincidence of my saying & dream using & video finding, I'll look into the 2 AI in head king&horse better-venture-er.
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 04 September 2015 - 08:06 AM.
Posted 05 September 2015 - 05:57 AM
I called so many AI guys today, not one of them could stay on the phone long enough to hear it, it was either "what's your name/location" or " what do you want & who do you want" which I answered all saying can't give out my name/location & want you to tell you my AI discovery steps that should work and for you to find a problem or agree is shock and help. They all got stuck on not saying "Hi my name is" ect, one said "well you're supposed to answer and say hi and say your name ect". The one girl I called said "no", even after a re-call back and said please please I can't say blahblah and I have AI and am calling uni peops I must to tell one of you's, still didn't work. Not one, could be productive. I can call and talk poorly sloppy and say do you work on AI ok I want to tell you my AI steps and you find a problem or agree.
Posted 05 September 2015 - 07:45 PM
Yes I'm going deeper, more informationn n, there's no way things in dream or imagination faintly in day sensed can be 3d and as look around them unless they are 3d sitting in neurons and the 3d dots go to a flat area, and it even changes them or gives a new area as watch them or turn around, which I know how it morphs them can't tell you. I'm still getting tones better!
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 05 September 2015 - 07:47 PM.
Posted 06 September 2015 - 06:40 AM
We all think. We all walk. We all open. We all drive. We all worry. We all %#@!. We are identical.
Google's funny.
I have AI.
A new civilization awaits!
Or at least I proved we have choice if the only possible AI fails+we must be a field then because particle-particle interaction=0 choice~ If AI works I also was right for sure about something all along.
Posted 07 September 2015 - 12:16 AM
OH YEAH JACKPOT AGAIN. Here's your porno.
This music video below is AWESOME & has 2 versions too.
The new future kids that will control The Everything cus WE are smart.
Jackpot music+video at 2:50.
Posted 09 September 2015 - 03:11 AM
I just noticed The Everything is 243 KB big!
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 09 September 2015 - 04:11 AM.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 12:50 AM
It's hilarious, see how I said The Everything was 243 KB big? And one of AVTechNO!'s songs is called 243. That song above talks about work! So it's even funnier!!! English subtitles video is below.
Also here is someones comment from Youtube:
This song talks about not only the fact that work is utter hell, but the people who don't want to work make it even worse. Like the sarcastic workers or the ones who think that what you're doing is unnecessary.
I'm still gaining crazy amounts f knowledge.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:30 PM
When Super Mario Maker comes out tomorrow I'm going to make rare levels for us to show you my power!!! I know how to make the funnest levels! It gives you like all the features of all the mario games tiles/ect+the new 3d one +! Even 16 level pathway I seen=a game to play~
You can find my levels either by their names I'll provide OR my name on the Wii U Console - TheSmartKookie
Below is my playlist of the best games I'v seen, at the top of the playlist is how to make the best games.
My music playlist, I also could & do in-brain make even better music + longer, leveling-up-more-powerfully, and faster.
Best pics/food/board games I'v made/ect "list".
In The Everything is also all activities + how to make/ect of course & best unknown ones.
You can also see my awesome images I created at the top of my twitter from the above links.
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 10 September 2015 - 08:47 PM.
Posted 10 September 2015 - 11:41 PM
Posted 11 September 2015 - 01:19 PM
And here is music & pictures I made when I was 17/18!
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 11 September 2015 - 01:21 PM.
Posted 11 September 2015 - 08:07 PM
1 more.
Posted 11 September 2015 - 10:03 PM
Did you put the music together aswell on a DAW?
Posted 12 September 2015 - 04:11 AM
Yes I told you above that I made everything of those 4 videos when I was 17/18.
Posted 13 September 2015 - 12:38 AM
Made my first Super Mario Maker level!
It's called Piranha Plant Cave
Its ID # is DB3F-0000-0027-CDAC
My name on the Wii U is TheSmartKookie/Julie lol.
More to come!
Posted 14 September 2015 - 09:57 PM
(Read above)
You're gonna love this level! Here's my 2cd level! I had to beat it to upload it! It's very highly authentic!
It's called Piranha Plants.
ID # is 135D-0000-0039-38E0
Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 14 September 2015 - 10:16 PM.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: everything, explanation, knowledge explosion, best government, all immortality ways, updated, particles, consciousnesses, senses, meaning of life
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