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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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♚EVERYTHING♔ 24/7 All>knowledge/reason+Google/Search-Tree/Report Center/Gov. Immortality ways+Escape. Particles/meaning.

everything explanation knowledge explosion best government all immortality ways updated particles consciousnesses senses meaning of life

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Posted 15 September 2015 - 07:11 AM

Gotta make my AI.........I don't think I can code it myself.......frikin computer code ex. {i=into gh0-1-102-10[C+]}....................who the smart people huh who's the smart people...........the computer developers............and me........THAT'S WHY WE WRITE IN SHITTY CODE........but even then mine is better wait fully-understandable + the c+ code can be simpler.....Gotta find people.......What would the aliens do......tell others to, or prove it too ex. video, or get followers, or build it if the rest are lower intelligence monkeys, but yes we are smart i can find people.........I'm no dif than a alien so anyone should be able to go to a center and present some that is "interesting important" and find out with a workin gov agree/disprove system if it works and build this AI.


From - http://www.fastcodes...designed-better

So why aren’t all programming languages designed this way? "I doubt that most language designers meant for their languages to be hard to understand or use," Stefik says. "The problem is that programming languages are created either by committee or by extreme technical wizards with magical math powers. The broad computer science academic community has not paid a tremendous amount of attention to programming language usability. I think that our discipline mostly uses anecdotes to argue about programming languages. As such, it is no wonder that the arguments get heated."







Did I already post this? It's so-funny.


No it saves time for us to all work on what I say (+why to of course). Can you help? Well you can, but you must say yes, NOT no...since you know this is needed and will help us get to the proved wanted immortality.
The future, will have a eternal perfect utopia in space, that will address everybody+make sure all know+always, with the Universal-Everything+Search-Tree & Instant-2Way-Report/Ask-Center.
Hahahaha lol!!!! Look what was in that big link you gave me! I found it after writing the above^:
just some of the ingredients that made Utopia, written by Dennis Kelly, one of the best, most original dramas of the year. A group of internet forum posters with an interest in graphic novels are thrown together when one of them gets hold of the mysterious Utopia manuscript. It's thought to be the work of a mad scientist, alludes to the mysterious Network and Mr Rabbit, and it may contain an incredible but elusive secret about "something big". Whatever its significance, it seems a lot of people want it and they will kill for it.
AHH HA HA HA Ha hahahahahahaha!!!!
Do you know what's in the Everything? Just for ex. I have 3 available ways how to become immortal and 1 best way how to leave Earth eccttt. More power than all the government. Proof there is no "watching" conspiracies other than kill/hurt-ing dumb people, just us~ And me.
Next ♚The Everything♔ comin soon, in a bit....Still don't know about that The, but it is The Everything that a billion long livers or gods or heavens would have made (exact same order!)...........yugioh ah wear it around da neck, solvin it.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 15 September 2015 - 07:31 AM.


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Posted 16 September 2015 - 12:23 AM

People are loving and drawed a happy \(' ')/ sign for my 2cd Super Mario Maker level on last page at bottom, 1 guy from asia somewhere cleared it~ He drew the happy face~ Other guy commented and said it's hard, 9 people played both mine, and this 2cd level now has 137 plays, and it is awesome, can't tell ya what's at the end. You can download it and see this awesome japan like shit. Gotta see how far you can get! With this game, I was able to make these good levels, I know how to make them the best! Hard, yet fun, long too, as explained in the E and last page~ Cus I know ALL! Yep :D.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 16 September 2015 - 12:25 AM.

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 05:00 AM

Having the Everything I am like a superhero, or Vegeta, gaining massive power.


Why must I finish my high school & university courses to be able to build or get coders to build my things? I know for certain that if I need to learn anything first, let me add it to the Everything. I assure you there's nothing missing. I already have a prize of experiments ready.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 17 September 2015 - 05:00 AM.

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Posted 17 September 2015 - 07:14 PM

I really do discover in my dreams. I woke up with 5+1 from night things: The most important, or interesting, is I dreamt of being between two huge earth walls seeing light between them to the highway after a whole more dreaming leading to this, and finding a hanging bone tomb hole in the earth walls and inside I was at top of the deep dark thing and a hanging skeleton girl with shelves of little bone tools at both sides back/front repeated "thIs is " "'S tOmb!" shaking moving all her body and arms up in air once in my hands, I tried to save her, all but head fell down, head *stopped talking/moving on ledge, then showed guy from view as if used her assets on another human AI. I was right, anything in human shape or that had watched skeletons act human like so gets/hasss those such "human attributes"~


If anyone could help, I need to know where to go "today" to get my AI built, where would you go/do "today"?

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 17 September 2015 - 07:51 PM.


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Posted 26 September 2015 - 01:07 AM

Black Chain Gods by ADVANCESSSS.



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Posted 28 September 2015 - 02:24 AM

Happy Blood Moon!


Discrepancy by ADVANCESSSS.

Music & Picture by ADVANCESSSS.



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Posted 02 October 2015 - 02:10 AM

Just the fact that music can become entertaining again proves the bore bar can go back down, detailingly: not the same sense, it is bad sense or long video sense of same thing.


Currently I have immortality if you want, multiple ways sprewingfully, btw you can have any attraction if we are particle-destiny and not field with unpredictable-&-sense-orientated-choice.







♚The Everything♔
0.You're "required" to listen to anyone's(no one is higher+all people+best+or else no law)proposed law(stops murder)/answer & by its/your full-reason(needed to:)+"want" to fully-accept(or else there's still murderers)& follow & support/disprove it(likely fail & learn)& need the Everything of all the most correct(even if wrong it still lists all) important unknown best perfect answers/laws(knowledge & explanation) to accept/disprove by its/your full reason+all humans to talk to/contribute(add all rest's ex. deep web knowledge/secrets) all like 2 men on a moon would or else life/progress will be bad ex. 1 killer convinces the 5 men!(who have little knowledge+more knowledge=can connect to gain more) if ever talks! (this line has full-reason=immune) & open minded able to add/erase/mod beleifs search/question/solve all-even if it says it's all. Smarts isn't knowing a state or big memory, it's knowing the important stuff-which is in the Everything. The Everything is The thing you must read no matter your beliefs, a 100 gods/heavens/long live-ers would have the exact same Everything. This is the Final Gov. answer/law(+can set the Everything)so you will-read (fundimentally listen) all my answers & by its full-reason fully-accept them+likely if refining them in the Everything. Everything structured is best. Our civilization is advancing faster/doubling/or more(my fist E-9K June 20 2014, middle-33K, 99K August 13 2015). We must governize all/even 1-know+online/follow/create, need many or high or government person+article/media/public to back me, I'll point at it/development I-had if not the Final Universal Advent: Everything/Gov./Search-Tree/Instant 2Way Report\Ask\Test Center(+anyone rightfull-will stay listening&solving)(no different than alien-I can present something important even without disprove theirs&0 problems found in mine&prove mine + same for why they with tools&code language+I should build it)/Google is out(which all have latest)(which is the last utilities/leap of progress after the phone/internet for knowledge, the Everything is the most highest important utility][which the eternal best perfect utopia in space that can & will-be made/found will use&expandedly explain worldwide+utopia itself to address everyone[& this]+make sure all know+always). Correct since I have full reason/best answer+can't disprove, can know who's looks-right-senses are right+use this/other answers/product, can+must be able to correct me(I'd become smarter)/you+explain anything. I'm ADVANCESSSS/Immortal Discoveries-20Y & work 24/7 & am the smartest yet & can+did solve all each in a few days/less ex. AI on August12 put LearningAI&my notes together+my thought creation. Use a to-do-list. BE slow(too)+re(too)read\ect/think&do+specific hard/light. Word it+arrange it best+top to bottom explanation is best?+can add answer easy ex. is 4.7 of 1-1000 (to look sane/readable/participate in disprove/accept), prove more, shorten. Smart computer developers use worse language(in interview they think-then talk[framework beliefs mostly from home time]>mine's 100% readable. Below is numbered to mark+divide them.
1.The big bang/existence of universe-true-you can't keep tracing back-no when it began-nothing existed-just began & existed, & will always exist now & particles will keep moving, can't 100% end-would keep happening, traceably, since something exists now. No more will began here. Or space+maybe all particles were together & no photon moves yet-no trace. *Nothing, then space **expanding/*certain/infinite *&/then *all/but photon particles, placed **random/*right/even? Infinite/expanding=always new activity. Gas retaining ball, particles swerve by biggest & spin got high, 1-direction galaxy disk & solar systems form-untouched all spin with face watching+Foucault Pendulum/camera/gyroscope proves Earth spins/satellites already see/polar satellite uses/geostationary satellite useful+particle in 100% vacuum should hit wall +drop(even rotation at lightspeed-pressure wouldn't push us down unless gravity pulls dense/slow/cold)+stuff can hit+core might add spin+near it is faster +need to avoid falling+approaches speed limit ex. less spin, center grows+"should" be black hole made-photons/space pulls/field combine or also make unexistence hole or move space out forming space-less ball-only then other particles overlap+shoot hawking radiation?+gamma rays?+can end them, fastest particles clump=curved arms or center polar-shoots+crushes them as rotates. Why bars+why galaxies apart+is there galaxy clumps building? If not just *photons(may hold space pull)/space pulls+*detaches with-but all particles tick-*move/just hit move>*existence is true>space-always\only photons move means must be a field to sense since can't have infinite sense for "still" particles. Orb/spirit spheres-identical+size/good/ect unless 1-& made more-would be at start. The universe could be only expanding, or going to also close later, or a certain amount of space, or infinite, if will close we can live as long as possible, or maybe stop it, or move to new universe of space that's beside/overlayers ours-black holes maybe (may not exist+maybe can let it evaporate), or maybe can move everything in place after figured out so that it will re open & our consciousnesses will exist again. Multicellular with any spot/1/hole(*pee hole/later dick)touch&combine DNA for variety born-Asexual/not Hermaphrodites, 1 of many turn-off genes born-there's gender change Hermaphrodites, DNA's molecules has duplicator not 2/more DNA to make/change all-nails+both-hands/ect at same time+non-pee-egg-hole+male crab has big arm like our bottom legs=1/2 arms can turn off/on 2cd DNA that did this+dog arms/all 4 have thumb or double thumbs+humans with many+dog teeth+hair+why boy born with 2 big hands&pecs/girl with 2 backward feet&2 screwed hands>life/nature(don't exist & you're fooled into death)-just cells(particles) dividing-allows anything & left/better/picked overpopulate/grow change morph.
2.There's space, & ONLY these exist-always-where at(or the radius-field?+can move it~)around each other+relative+no observer/particle-wave duality, ones can start moving directions while others have 0 photon, (observable universe camera can be bigger), know they(plus death)exist by senses from surroundings-& are you+senses-types of+moving-photon certain-amount-in-area base-particles<must+density/ect varies+zoomed: particle must from its energy be teleporting-& may not be case, & of any shape(ball)/size+grow, no info/data/#s(math is only good for little, helps in patterns n structure ex. area & volume, physics/engineering/astronomy/space operations/vibrations/MRI/ect can make 3d video of inside by math ways/simulation of air flow/ect for best, or probability of air flow/ect, & calculators/buildings/ect, Voyager II got the pixel-photons, it simply used math for their angle & filtering, computers rely on(can be simpler to learn/use ex. full words not in+i=tz, can make 1 time interface or one that makes a new one)/superstition/magic\healing-field'd only retain latest+atom types move past always/religious rituals+must/will die+not required/virgin\cross particles+can't change con.s. And many identical separate (no world consciousness-either 1 or billion) 100% real sensing vision/taste/ect (watch person/works-different "taste"(which can get) is not a difference-no matter, robot without sense/identical vision of the white; square table/hollow sphere/huge floor/color(likely see same/similar[different one will be same blue] colors+black/greys/white definitely>because of how they're made, +no taste when see all black/greys/white color) +/not/blocked/0 memories is a difference+other objects & colors even more are "less" privatized A.N.D. senses - no disgust/ect & no attraction/exotic/ect + may just look like vibrant red or purple or b/g/w unless grey-y tan is my most neutral vision) consciousness particles who of course each stay existing, that is if big(only reason to fight death[+are a existing particle-stay existing=are a particle or computing that must stay flowing & clone is new one=can't recreate] or could make exact clone+kill both & make 2 more), without-change+wherever particles/versions are, in skull (at least only sense in skull-still sense positions/missing nerves in dream/faintly awake, although tinnitus I have is full hear+some may have full sense problem or by brain poke/spine emulate signal ex. scratching arm can prick chest spot since *sends "its" signal too or sends signal to it & then to brain) proven-limbs/face/organs/head removed, organ+robotic/limbs/face/monkey head transplant (only in/are brain/nerves), +1 in control, & sensing/dormant in awake+between con. moments/sleep/frozen\after & wants good senses(all are good even if not identical!) (evil/dumb con. can't exist & are sensing con.) & to stay existing (+you don't want death? since enjoy-only later since can't enjoy-did all activities[unless always new+greater ones]+we can kill you now since you won't exist later just like even if you enjoyed!(immortality is the only reason to stay alive, so the moment you sense-which is the fun-is always there for legal use even a billion years later), & it's ok if you don't exist & can't do nothing about it, but) since extremely excitingly fun-read #19(even if half my senses were guard)must sense to sense-& they're the meaning of life-& you keep having great senses+can naturally/not erase(destroy) or lost/extract memories(neurons[particles-make senses-are particles])(are'nt you) like brain damage amnesia does, you don't sense all memories every moment/day, dream can block strong ones ex. my work/family-they sit there with 0 sensing. Even if brain is in particle-destiny & (natural) survival of the best populating-it is good-we still sense & want this. I'v had good-bad-good senses/in-bed-looking-at-wall-existence-fading sense, I'v learned I can go & have great senses ex. with girls at heaven's musical gate+even better senses by memories ex. young(can be full-sensed in dream). These -dumber are only reason to follow-No death of a consciousness/ruined body/bad senses of humans/animals/ect. So world peace & all want immortality. So you're suppossed to say: hurry immortality for animals/us(& they're people & how to treat), immortalist you not working(I have places for you all to fill!-our progress is slow) is just as bad as religius/deatheists, religius should be ok with animal/human death. Don't hurt back-only explain+no butcher someone again+what if they turn into op gender+now in heaven+people have died+dream-just bad senses. No cybercriminals/encryption needed. No "ect"-god would want/need you to kill/be destructive/selfish+not be honest/kind/loyal/ect+god isn't why you follow any of these answers. I was a+the religious-Christian & believed I wouldn't die & was enjoying. Sensing con.s is the only point of the universe, hopefully all possible things are set right. There's no higher brain that only it gets higher type 2 senses since is senses-I can get. Must keep Earth safe+build the eternal safe-from-gamma-rays ship then so there's never a moment without con.s.
3.A con. can get all right rules/ideas(senses/analyze senses & action registries unless choice~) & do anything(& be late/not organized/messy :P no fued shit). Being smart is just if you have good-not fly/baby(empty)/old/broken/amnesia retarded(is the bad autism) brain neurons(can leave/become retard)+big brain & big memory+many plus strengthened(repeat[spike]+fast for faint/big sense)incoming senses(ADD if exists is too many)+big sense/long video sense+training automatic things+organizing memory(linking&anylze nodes[vaccine may make genius/retard this way<, when hormones start-at 13-I knew attraction looks alike-mom/dad questioned-christmas questioned-school system wrong+slow-found all/important: win way+Command & Conquer 3 cheats, rubber band tricks, sex ways/anime\ect/best looks-look in fridge-science+tried fixing bible+way#7-blush problem for a bit-soon male problem-even slower than think before act-18 looked for all immortality ways after told way#7 fails & soon dropped god)(dementia[retard]is memory+link loss+messy incoming senses when like 88 unless born with)+not just sensing happy/funny/strange/mess/#13 senses+knowing correct knowledge(no depression/ect)+1 that helps is how to figure things out-look at all possibilities+reasons why x is the answer, so you act+sense best=ability/skill&motivation&attitude, don't think part connections/more neurons increase sense>so you can only sense+do so much so there's a smart limit-can't increase(how is it+eye radius kept in brain?)-certain number you sense-background(AI) not sensing may not be smarts limited(if no choice)(with more radius there is only a certain amount you sense the most i.e. spot 100% or bigger radius & each is 2% and is just that sensed[of all of room]), small animals see objects/vision so can get most too. Con. created in/not & morph-from by 1 bot/or to particle exact clone body+room+senses(hardwired attraction not changed)+actions(changes neurons too)/unpredictable (even unpredictable particles<not sense orientated) is a new con. whether you exist or not unless left as eternal orb-any brain should work, upon different atomic brain creations we each exist-disproved+you must stay a existing particle & are somewhere. Even every other human likes red/this face. 100 identical-all are. If you're with/without change-we all could get identical brains. Analyze different means not same memories. Memory like yesterday is neuron making the sense+can have identical sense come from eyes/ect. Other con. disorders-bad senses/signals set by you/brain-must learn or fix damage-pointless repetitive sense(s) [worst at sex-just go sexual on it+know it's harmless/or get it off mind. The next hurts>] to do/get-read #13 ex. same gender disgusting vision/sound all day/during enjoyment-must erase, not just block analyze/know/current(un-strengthened/few memory or shut area but how to walk/ect is)(varies) senses-like in dreams(like dream/chemicals/retard-staying up for days only gives messy unlinking senses & less analyze/memory senses & only supplies-worked on by analyze senses but many separate groups of them, big you-AI in day+in dream). If-can need neuron energy/repair-you would simply not get incoming/analyze senses or get pain. I stayed in 2 1/2 years-I'm fine(1 isolated human can be the smartest), they had pain-rooms & got faint senses(halucinations), fake university prision guards got abusive cus dumb. Shock/drug givers didnt know they'd kill/why no kill/hurt+high figure sense fooled into+didn't know if high dose was bad cus he said so. Once get good sense-mom, separated, crys cus bad spike & action. If believe/or sensed earlier pot/ect is on you can slightly hear it full. Fresh sperm/eggs's (made at birth) DNA doesn't get+can't-not bonded to nerves+can't arrange atoms for play-out(only could make memory by strong/low pulse to DNA so it can re-send it) nor plays-out to make memories+chemical electrical signals can't change/give mood/senses but can affect/give senses+good/bad ones and or good/bad spikes>past memories gain-false. At 10 I didn't know stuff my parents(hear their voice)/I know+my other 4 proofs mean memory is only in brain & can block/destroy it. I keep skill/face&vision&ect personality/all memories-hemispheres don't cycle. Can't add us-watchings(+all say not identical ha!+everything else+all have different beliefs & sayings vary close/not), only wanted to say: animals barely-talk/retarded/uneducated/body/young+can close door/ect precise=can learn any action+read #18>ignore human/face emotion.
4.Boys & girls any age are same & neutral & love pink walls, enjoy all colors, glossy black/white palaces, wearing dresses/uniforms/ect & not supposed to look/act tough or act repulsed from-only loving anything from the opposite gender nor question if wants them-& wants them so much+will give sex/anything whenever to any of them (read on), & should be able to work & be swift/smart & should be kind/nice & usually/when want be switching between all three; emotional & feminine/childish(squeak/make cute face&put in belly-ontop of girl=!), neutral or neutral like a all knowing god/god ball, cool & strong. No personality-everyone can realize the right way to be-includes anything but this is the right best personality. I don't act to match my body's look/feel+I act(without growth forms ex. wrinkles)80, 50, 20, 10, 6, 1000, a billion years.
5.Usually: highest attraction-(not trust) face+body(voice is usually as hot)/voice/feel/taste/smell is from your shapes blueprint & changes to opposite gender and looks like you+yourself(& our evolution vertebrates, though there is abstract)+pet&owner+having long hair & fringe naturally-I & girls like own & I like girls & they do back+it'd be extinct+why some capes/ect look good, cubes neutral, & your specie's gender's faces are made as disgusting vision-only then know it'd be worse if ontop/stare at 1 day/sec, possibly look alikes, some further looks, or whole spectrum is neutral/attractive, we're straight(my brain can be in girl body+dependless of body ex. online>2 con.s with same attraction are closer to what want+straightness) & are/not disgusted by some looks. Boys/girls either see same or different vision(you can see it-both is girl face[why+how would evolution need to make the middle face the disgusting man look+if we look the same & don't look like a boy/girl then there's no blueprint & no gender to be highlighted+as a kid men/kids looked like a boy+beatdown&return&anything&not/is sex&answers/0 can't affect]unless vision can be made attractive/neutraldisgusting-A.N.D. because it's "and" of the vision)(+have them count a 2D depth screen face's pixels/every other erased & upsized same color & count the noticable colors to get to next pixel, changed hue/ect it looks same, depth may still be given)If from what sense-then you can change it/or-at-birth like any gender/age/species(why only certain vision/ect made attractive?/disgusting?-it's set), false-girls don't seek most cute look-only boy look(door can't be made A.N.D. since we have set A.N.D./or if nothing made but is same vision or can change A.N.D-door/ect isn't(can't) attractive=girls are hottest & can only change attraction little/none(no point for can-change-A.N.D then if we see same girl hot & door/ect not/less, only set A.N.D or see same is left) & girls+some boys are messed-up gay with men!)+body areas&positions look very hot(set/or does look so)+your/other's attraction slowly degrade/spectrum change+bodies/food/skin/smell can't be repeated at to be ultra attractive even at 5+family looks alike & some attractive & their partner looks like your attraction & parents/ect are made related vision(can have parent\ect clones/multi-DNA\ect combine/particle-assembled/first con. had no parents, they can die, & doesn't exist + even if time exists it is particles+can be erased probably, marriage doesn't exist)+maybe why we see human as best+run game/spin in room/exploding\swirl illusion moving always gives you a moving sense of vision of the vision & repeats+at 5, first classes of girls, saw hot-faces+wanted any age ex. adult(+mom until she either got old&more manly and or long exposure or switched to parent vision)-highest is set-can be anything, double bum\pussy\dick dildo\fuck\rub\lick all+touches\wet\exchanges to insides\both cum at same time inside/stare/pee in-mouth/play-rape\molest/pets/sustain hold/eat(in heaven)(you do to animals)/anything+other bodies is good-sex, virtual dream+bum more so/& only a few more isn't ruined if done right/changed/stop pain & then repair+heaven-no-ruin bum/ect-instant repair or are different, read similar#19+you don't ultra-want related parent/child/ect/friend sense+not forever/even a day, missed sex/same gender at your young ages is sad if can't be immortal(fade), Animals get corresponding animal attractive vision, boys/girls get girl/boy attractive vision, gays get both I'm sure. Beastalisists/Pedophiles/other get their attractive vision. I'm straight. And for me 2 hot girls don't look-wrong of course. Nerves don't set color/body skin look/hair though, maybe this is a slow process change add on.
6.Exist since embryo+as body/neurons grew+height did! & grow/shrink/change-since brain/field bigger than joining one or attached to acceptable atoms or always has a wobble somewhere in it. Harder to un+bond move/teleport atoms. 2 meet/1split(same size)=2/1 con.s die & 1/2 created. Con. exists/not can happen & maybe not if we're eternal orbs/god's spirits. You didn't exist before, but once exist, it's a new one. Brain intact(or +we input signals)you still exist.
7.Any waist/breast/chest/height/fat/health/strength size is attractive & not about reproduction-about senses. I found my many! look alike-anime+real. No dominance. Dog was attracted to dog & licking its dick & did humping action, others too as soon as see even a 69 upward end.
8.Particles-freely-can't move/spin-since infinite locations-particles are dots-smallest you can see-all that's there+bigger ones at full zoom-move/spin one over & idle & speed limit & rubiks cube direction for the dots-can't gap less than a 1 space between 2 dots, end rod ones move more+rotate later, diagonal/spin laser limit ex. shot photon must move up7,000/left1-repeat, and or particles, space or universe refresh them to any location from speed and always move <both at fastest ticking+our slow con. moments are too. Proves just-hit-&-moves false. VideoSense is many varyingly/decreasing full to faint(as travel[between sense moments is dubious big VideoSense!?] or vibrate[sense fastest?+VideoSense is biggest] & if vision is-particles=not vibrate)(ex. eye nerves don't send lightspeed signals)& is the change, in con. moment(vibrate needs 1 spacetime & is many moves-not stopped) of all rooms/2D\3D-in-air complex-drawn-line/or hand moving/music-each sound. Though it doesn't seem like 1 moment. Explains happy-or is a good happy feel sense. Can have low VideoSense=stupid. 2 can't be same-ex. 2 full visions-each is different & limited amount. If time exist-VideoSense proves you stay existing. Explains why you think there's a time sense. Faint wheather weak/strong seems full but faint-finger fading isn't it.
9.Before(btw lose senses+start to sense faint stronger&are given)/in sleep/late slept-sleep paralysis\_-it's why *usually evil-you're awake but still in dream mode which disables movement-memories+analyze senses can be blocked, known/unknown ones added ex. blank & see school/or tin foil is food/have little sister/girl is jesus-later homeschool arranger/multiplying grass/word quantity(brain links things to it?)\ect, dream changes ex. turn around-new area, external can affect dream, awake(not sleep paralysis) & dream can still a bit do stuff(heard high/low short/long or to tones[once at 15y/o-deep one like Trompe song in list]/mom talking-then asked-no one/mom sorta behind wall&arm at air control&freaky 0expression flat-mouth-lower-ghost-face&vanished&mom said she's in bed/mom playing pikmin 3 sounds & then no one or sound), & constantly/before wake up the memory(or none if can be dormant)is erased/not in long term memory and all/some/none is remembered as 90° trail(you may only after/in bed have dream income)& can repeat sleep(best near morning)for dream recall(if try hard recall you can see they are not getting saved+you dream all night without rest-sitting/peeing/ect lol, mom said no dream but I heard 5 sounds)+trail's old never incomes in dream, remember more if sleep early(year[s] I never remembered cus I slept at 6am) & can _/remember/AI made/create if know(can use eyes to talk to external)(when lucid get some day senses[not AI worked on]+wants to open eyes?)full\almost+faint senses(low particle levels), fully awake too but faint-full from surroundings. 1 area always faint sensing created/ai/remember & 1 area now in dream full sensed from ai/created/remember, faint can go to the full area. When you remember/create I think your VideoSense has no full+can sustain it-at least I can. Can faintly see square/ect only over top left/ect of full vision. Can die+actually move hand "with knife"/feel pain/other lucid activities in faint senses-just senses+can sense anything. Strong move moves body. Ex behind wall for any dreaming=more likely. Didn't awake by chemical?, awake bank got same feel sense-linked to bad slanted demon stick head behind wall, I attack, flys back accordingly+gave me sense in hall-no run/scream as go to garage to mom-awake with sleep paralysis for 1st time. Lucid, escaped by awaking in dream(store), got awaking senses, short sentence repeats 3 times perfectly, awake. <+lizard right after fell asleep-I remember dream to awake next to next+with the mom behind wall one.
10.I organized all ways to live forever+the only escape & looking for the fastest route to advance technology for immortality for us consciousnesses before any more die, in case there is no spiritual god. You can die at any time. Below is main already & other experiments to do+others in the ways. We should know our progress on each way. Some of the ways mean immortality/goods/bioremediation for all.
11.God no have to be womb made+near people+died by people+need cross+bleed water+die/hurt/pain+in heaven like currently+now doesn't kill/ect bad/innocent for each sin+they/we got no memories gained nor from demon+slave passages +wives+sperm die in balls+circumcise moses or die lesson-son missed+no one comes with a name & doesn't exist & it's just sounds/linking/particles moved & can change face & translated isn't the sound+# don't exist & 7 isn't no one's favorite #+con.s can't enter~+you're deaf/fearful/red moon/sea/dumb see god/ect for real reasons +writer trying to fool you+adds "eternal worst place" using fire/teeth/dark/tribal sacrifice crap+animals no get our bibles/attitudes+bibles/god would be made+there's no "human"-different face&body=just that, some are closer to cats/apes/dog/bird+by evo gene combination+there's mutants>proves evolution possible+only 2 reason why monkeys/vertabrates look/act like us+against my answers. Only if god exists it's reasonable your look+attraction is stuck+are married to someone/s identical/different but on-type con.+must only touch 1/more-found in heaven(2 exact clones-which spirit is hotter)(but must be able to get other bodies, or maybe other spirits yes if this is different(can't be), but many+at same time is best)& there may be evil/different(sensing)consciousnesses-must be a spirit-field since 2 brains can be identical+fundamental particles are identical+cycle in/out of your brain, 1st con. moment get/want different; hideous senses-everyone is stuck where they go even in destination-or else all could change & are good & should be in the same best place-heaven-learning in low power bodies & if evil no evil con.s/memory of-we'd be born+reborn if die to watch with no proof until angels know. Even if can solidify-Satan did by sensing by itself+can have proof. False, a sensing & choosing con. - is either evil or good (stuck/created as)+solidifying would be no different than being in the mode, as soon as sensing at 5 I loved good senses & am good. Baby born with 0 senses, only sense what put in & get-eyes just sent/brain's incoming, senses get arranged from what they/other senses show, cashier near food looks opposing & lower/thief+how they get these senses+mostly see victim hurt sense(could use to teach)& no punish senses incoming+yes we no focus victim-nothing else to do-but the "evil one", investigation senses show my answers's senses. I thought I was the best & stole & wanted to kill all & become the only god. Jesus must've had his brain modded. God can't calculate/estimate unpredictable. If god can do anything-we wouldn't be here/no hurt/ect. Demons are held by force or put in sleeping bodies from us+don't affect us+can't make you choose. When all/enough created con.s are done-population will shrink. God would've simulated we're in heaven-even could be in sleep on earth +con.s connected, watch+watch senses+decided senses/or solidify, & awaken. Solidify no even need virtual. God/they (can't work with no body/memory-unless is space or in a 2cd dimension or spirit allowing sensing by what's in/through you the field & only get short term absorption video sense[limited so can lose bad senses]+as watch us they don't have a brain so X)(+would'nt be able to destroy memories by neurons-we do naturally/brain damage/ect) would've+had to+[can't] progressed & made brains/ect & thought all out at start, lots of time to building tech & then able to outcome DNA+test senses, then may be able to fly the particles together, & would've switched it to virtual once seen really bad things. If we have 0 choice=god can't watch=all should+can be made to act right in heaven or checked fast somehow=not in heaven cus isn't one.
12.You're a field, brain/space\ect if consider it-not 1 higher particle-IS many of-the base particles/maybe versions too+some spaced electron/atom\neurotransmitter/field points +requires no gaps per particle & do stay in place from rest-can see mark, stopped-see the con.(btw even 1 spacetime of them-computing-is not you)-since brain particles movements don't exist-don't create particles-nor do they change nor only found in brain, (con. moment+exist is instant+proves video sense is in a con. moment), the-random-birth-evolution made nerves to con. field, brain particle always "sits" on universal major particle placement, living organ would be bigger-field particle, sight is just far view of many, & all of it must be the same advanced particle at any spot & all of them must combine somewhere(just before particles touch/touch what is different & no new particle)& unpredictable sense orientated choice by particles in/of you requires 1 particle do so(field may have no choice), two girls brains 1 particle but there's 2 con. particles took turns talking+moving arms own way at same time=must be simple to form-evolution>middle-out&maybe-arms brain/neuro-shape-field particle>not just a field/particle ball then!+"movement" must be a loop(s) too!-& it's a particle too-or else many con.s of it itself! even if a loop(s)!-no need for movement(unlikely)-it already "ticks"(atom by atom when will a con. exist-few[small molecule]3d interconnected ^that^/loops/connections or non-growing orb/spirit to not merge(spiral vine con. bonded to con.=1 con.)(memory at outside[lots of top can be removed]can be removed/replaced easily+add chips like in way#2 to monkeys)+your body & earth would be 1 weird particle but you & others still exist+separate. Magnetic & electric fields mostly attract-& repel metals & charged & can't be returning+re-adjusting to host balls, string end's would never touch/ect, it must be 1 particle-field-goes through walls, besides general relativity-(which faster-may/heavier attract more & particle left can only move if space pull left with it[or space pulled object's photons from its own atoms go into wheel, floor no pushes-they're at rest]& this+expanding space can't surpass lightspeed, 1 big one or if space is 1 particle may pull at any distance, photon in moving space may not double) earth's field moves compass field, planet field could bend photons, water/solid stays attached & attaches, nuclei attract/repel & electrons/or ions attract/repel from a strong/weak(these>)&magnetic/electric field particle+needed to hold together-orbits would stay messed-proves no just-hit-move balls orbiting in turn-on-space-battery(unless strong field lets it orbit), all point-certain-amount-of-brain-particles/photons get their effect combined at same time in the big grown dormant particle for points/wobbles body-shaped/not & then something body-shaped for senses & is senses+as sit in neurons-they don't know how to write/read bits+video/audio is a long line of them/strengthened neurons(other 4 senses not see particles, your/not particles vibrate/pass-through)(many different color pixels since particle's(maybe photon/field/electron)power/size/composur/vibrate/compute)(feel particles in shape may let you see them or get sent to be made into faint vision, 2finger touch/believe\usual hot pot on while sit I think I hear sound)(in bed on right side left hand behind head hand turned clockwise grab sheet-left/right pull is reversed-thought hand was moving left-was able to switch between figured out vision & the wrong vision-proves linked vision to see object/where moving arm-only feel otherwise)& so face/ect nerves made themselves!-grow into brain as own+opposite gender shape as a baby and changed and stands still, eyes shut, vision infront, penis/ect erect, and feel pull when ex. hug? & will match/different/off-match in field/brain (they aren't the special sense-particles though+don't sense them always+can change them+for sure for other shapes/colors/ect ex. crisp sharp glossy black palace/cube +why would some-have a sleek sharp attraction/ect neurons shape) & when sense food taste/smell or body any 5 senses=pre-cum/saliva or feel option & can tense it, or is special signals gated out differently making attractive/neutral/disgusting sense (likely so if people like different colors/things see!) (proves no computing needed for senses nor senses so you stay existing, must keep at least 1 fading sense to stay existing-unlikely, & simple movement to stay existing?>no+above answers+if no activity in sleep/knock-out=am not this), 1 con. moment made since points absorb?-if not=all sense same rate, don't sense them many times as pass neuron body(we don't sense at lightspeed! &! when not[passing axon]). Spaced particles make vision/ect. Memory/VideoSense happen at different areas!? Only photons can absorb from same spot. 3d body sense can't move in neurons-it'd change feeling-all feeling must be at same spots-VideoSense particles would confuse together-even is standing still-it is absorb into field? Only 1 of them is what all con.s are. Omg nerves no pass skull/in straight line, closer body nerves received first & as 3Ddisk & ex. face/limbs nerves are separate going to brain in a shape to feel these where are+2hands at same time & only ones touched send & big waist=must curve around, still how is width known-they're a bundle at neck/spine, feel arm/body size difference when 5/less, test fat man/mod nerves ex. pull out & grow/add ex. Dr. tentacles+changes brain limbs & attraction/ect. How does vision(both eyes joined & saved radius(        ))stay radius & not grow ever>either consentrated point attention or where stored and sensed is same amount of neurons from eyes. Try pulling eyes out of socket ^^ & put like this <>, why do you still see the radius above?-How did evolution do this?
13.Only 5 senses-no thinking/experiences/innocence(just missing linkings ect)/ect-you's are fooled by your senses-no impossible shapes/ect-they're particles together-even your pixeled vision, they can be linked-explains mirror neurons+all problems ex. ball of hay to 1 left(hear the sounds hay ball-see words and or hay ball-see picking hay-see 1 hay-see/hear words ect), objects and or depth and or-just image & motion+made by brain & which way & faint/full video for silhouette once it matches the image/video "senses"-combined given full+their faints ex. spin-girl+can control some illusion's, +by instant match +why you no know a language-letters+words vision/sound/ect link to sound+vision/ect & link more, all are Visual/ect-for-few-things Learners-must see it, & sense-capped for yes/no action senses & can check linked senses, under 5 2cd learned language may make denser brain-good?, words & colone on guy seem like own sense but as proved you really sense vision/or the guy vision, & the sound or smell-which don't affect the disgusting guy vision or vision for word or vice versa the sound for a vision, you understand the word's vision/sound by *senses-surely by vision of a car, video built-on as hear words, brain makes fast thaumatrope 2 images into 1 image, makes 2cd leaning tower lean more than 1st, white & black tiles+2 diagonal & diagonal shadow through middle 2 opposite of z make shadow one still look white+baby will see this, brain may make bigger flash last longer, brain makes purple dots disappear by combining the circular-moving empty grey spot+a green dot replacing the empty spot, gamble control-just sensing things/incorrect answers, similar/compare is video sense and/or instant match, pen between eyes unfocused-can pick eye-see finger fade/both if add/subtract radius vision, patterns/close lines are fuzzy, scary/normal person face/funny/movement vision (seen during both person/machine[person] tickle), surprise movement feel, & funny/loud/ect sound gives shock pain feel/tickle pain feel instead of feel in all/some areas a lot & may link funny laugh & funny smile/tail+feels funny & even bad senses ex. after feel surprise poke, can tickle self in armpit, hold smile+watch funny show=funnier, activity warm-up-laugh/cry to next activity has different senses, see real/tell placebo>gives or keeps/blocks a sense ex.(low)beam dot hot+liable to move ways, particle arrangement by good/bad senses/body-change makes pain, control; body sweat, bowl movement, heart rate, hormones/adrenaline, goosebumps & shiver, hungry pain, feel sleep(all mothers-nurture does), period of seeing pics recall-takes 1-links ex. leafs&arms&is plant-matches even in writing-makes it faint/full vision, making noise makes faint sound fuller, neurons "move-action vision" or body to/to-the center black door or other senses=curiosity, & are just senses, infinite is [( )+], vision/hear/feel: neutral/objects/friends/blur/-h 8 sheets change order/-h good or bad weight/-h good or bad temp./-f related, +t\s exotic\-f game/-h expressions or look or age\good\+t\s attracted pleasure comfort/rest laughing\power\embarrassed\holy + it abominated/cross just a sense, repeated/bore/evil & too sad & life scared/+t\s ew/-v high pain/-f disgusted, arms crossed(switched)/not prove they're felt in shape not parts, thirst is dry feel pain, +other peoples, varies-they recall right back, senses-different particle points change the sense of the sense+we choose=understanding. We have choice-made diamond castles/good music & all fits/many facial laughs/dancing/brings\picks stuff by look not bad/good neural spikes/evolution picking(besides natural-selection)(keeping less-fit alive no help evolution)\eyebrows-things do have universal sense, is so dedicated only a sensing consciousness would know-dreams are things & measures ex. room size/seamless messed together+day senses get in(morning/night recall may give more morning/night incoming recall senses/& maybe in dreams besides getting other things in dream & may connect dream bank)(I'v dreamt amazing heavens/ect or being made around me in sky and very unique time-taking placed ect & all-messed long-recall! ex. school dream-make a computer dreamer-theme+links+hall-sign-letters can change+simple physics-human/as walk through, I could make a con./looks like a con. now)(dream walls stay as walk, what if walk through?, vision is sent to your vision radius area, faint sense may be another type of particle right on the same area), by senses you know why you don't go near same gender+why does AI give the right sense for every main action?-maybe we only sense & you choose sending signals into network, it makes sense a consciousness being conscious & that's a particle could do. We move around matter/energy, maybe can enlarge it & change something-then can think and really move & maybe create\destroy particles. Many bible senses+sensed real=fooled. Forever friends/close friends(lovers) & can't ruin image.
14.So if we create/transfer con. to be integrated in high control we can make sure they don't kill/hurt, & if aliens exist & are so advanced & can come here, they would know this too including just stopping a problem we may create before it happens & would come down instantly saving as many humans and animals as possible, we'd be from self evolution. Alien signals will show sense ex. patterns or images/ect, repeat, strong, 1 frequency+best or all-spectrum, completely polarized signal?+under 300 hz-man made, not naturally-creatable, slow changes in movement & frequency=shows rotating/orbit of alien body, lots of signal, use AI to watch change in signal to find intelligence level, turn Earth's stuff off for a sec & listen, try all frequencies at 1 big spot, may have valuable knowledge, we should send best+visual+tell them findings.
15.No time/time travel, everything just moves around in space, there's a limit how fast particles move+grow unless bigger photon balls=faster. Our conscious moments are (maybe) slow-128 a sec & can lightspeed up-1Quint. a sec=150M years a sec-why DNA no mess up, & make fast orders+be in fast bodies. Read rest in #2 way. A camera takes 4.4trillion different? images a sec moves-they show objects+it moves many locations a sec. Atoms can be seen placed different by little. All particles move/idle at same time. When a photon size ball goes in at a point of a object in space-the more atoms the smaller each speed photon ball is=slower. No infinite past/future-start & present & a consciousness is always in 1 frozen space+particles, can die-join bigger ball-in next space. Space makes space & particle enters shifted & left identical particle-4.4trillion a sec-each has 4.4trillion a sec-overlayered or next-to universe spaces-separate & exist at same time, <travel does the duplicating maybe. & all particles don't keep their movements-can't+no point & only they exist finely+with no change from what's kept & with present interaction still & it'd tear the machine apart & stop it, no, & cryo/accel/tower clock/you would leave so only they are moved+that's everything around you at many different rates(1 spacetime they don't besides they're fadng pointless to have selves, so it isn't time besides VideoSense+probably can erase incoming-VideoSense right after turn head+their different temps. doesn't change time travel since isn't any) +takes same time-& can't catch up+takes new space path, fast/cold girl & clock-ages+senses slow (sees clock normal)[since one to the next] & sees boy+clock fast + aged fast - varies since less all-direction/one-direction moving particles from cryo/accel/earth, normal boy & clock-ages+senses normal & sees girl+clock fast/slow + aged slow, redshift doppler effect-different photon when leaves atom. Travel is false-can teleport into our heaven & kill. Egg/body/papers crack/grow/mess-& can grow/stay/stack-way set of particles playout-us/ect, I could leave a multiverse space. If slow/fast sensing(spaced/faster sense-particle sets in 1 moment)without adding/subtracting 1way/not photons/space pulls[can fastly input many/different areas]=1 space isn't time(trillions per sec as they move-fades-limited-allows con. to VideoSense[if slow-absorb=can get dubious big VideoSense increase with the 1 spacetime)/not computing-build-up+can't travel since doesn't exist+if time-unlikely the brain particles must do simple movement for you to exist+you exist/not+once up to present frame isn't trigger+what if can stop sensing. The universe/s space/s is only 3-D and there's no other lower/higher number dimensions, if every point is connected to every point it's still 3-D & may need to be activated at 1/2/more areas of space using matter/energy to have any effect & just involves teleporting or things linked, & there could be overlayed spaces over this space with the same or different physics that you can or can't enter into. No universe background holding con.s, only the space+if die together-who returns first-3d space is answer+all attachy fields-con.s do not. Doubt we're eternal orbs from start-stay balls+inside+1 size, attach to any brain+space can't make it lightspeed to nearest network+attaches no, no teleport-all orbs would overlayer. If there was infinite future they'd traveled to here by now.
16.Periodic Table atom variations, small atoms hold more photons=states?([solid metal can be hot!] since big atom type stronger attract since more field pull=slower+*cold+dense+solid at room temp.[human test?magnetic cooling uses?])+gas isn't binded so liquid is most transporting(water molecule "^" since the 2cd hydrogen gets photons & goes any way from op side[=dense water & super-cooled bottle knock moves + & -s to stay attracted like magnets in solid state & expands & jolts neighbors to too, can pour supercooled water on ice to solidify, field and or no atoms above to be pulled by=surface tension, heavy deep sea-gravity each atom is pushed more or top atom's photons from gravity hit the below atom & it & new spawned photons keep going-bottom gets many photons+is more dense cold since hot ex. gas+below 4 degrees (less dense) rises & slow cold dense sinks(big nuts get to top of jar since little ones are shaked to underneath), less dense float-enough photons repel it & below it gets more to pop up. Spheres in space since less dense air pushes it/gravity?/like magnets+test liquid ball with obstructure in same dense liquid, test if 2 water spheres attract in space by gravity], smaller tube circle wall=surface-bonding=climbs a bit), hardest coldest solid has more particles+even more field+photons?=transports/bumps out? electrons/photons? more. Some heated liquids/things expand. 6 atoms around 1 and or h2o molecule=Jupiter's polar storm/honeycomb/creviced lava step/dry ground+triangles/ice crystals+also cubes & perfect pyrite cubes: hexagons, bubbles+7/^, bismuth has a rhombohedral crystal structure=forms angular crystals, the edges of the crystal structure are more energetically favorable positions than the interior/faces, this makes the molecules continue to form crystal edges but never fill in the centers when crystallizing out of solution. Ice flakes-when atoms hit & one plane grows faster since stick(cold[like dust particle got heat])which won, similar needles grow when the similar points/side soon has few photons, middle tears/ect. Can happen at both ends of hex column. Don't think h2o easily attaches to side-danglers & soon all is slow growing facets & corner danglers grow. Best+bigger crystals+faster compute. More-photons?(electricity/[electric]fields/ect)=longer tip+faster+sharper/electric-field-tip branches in direction of electric field's pull. Stronger electric field made the tip branches shoot more straight, horizontal tips are each sides normal branch. 32 - -30 F° & hill supersaturation plates/needles/plates/columns&plates - graph's photon cycle=plane/stick growth fast cycle+more photons=thinner stick & less complex. Squarish/other less attached ice lh crystal lattice? Quantum wouldn't=diverse+itself diverse nano+unsymmetric+ect, no+freeze melted=different. Hot water can freeze faster, heated water=impurities change=alters freezing point, most pure water supercools far past 0°C, then crystallizes, &=covalent bond hydrogens repel & expends+retracts since molecule is thinner ^ to -, frozen water too ^ to l, +the hydrogens are like a spring now & release energy faster since repel? Photons like rubbing atoms will make fire, fast jiggling hot flame atoms expand less dense & rise, air is slower colder denser & goes under the flame which may also not react until higher(chemical change[like rust/acid at room temp. takes electron ions, while physical change atoms act with eachother too]>holding/repeling force breaks/bonds with enough energy unless electron orbits/lost & filled is the cause) & provides more air, flame height than sphere is dense/less dense gravity result, bonds/electrons releasing photons/selves=photons/fields/atoms/electrons(cause sound[heat-better-push-photons/light-photons which absorb\emit, which diffract through impurities ex. heat]) we see(by photons)/feel(by photons), which=chain reaction. Plasma>hot gas with +ionized atoms(there's -ionized atoms), free -electrons, & neutral particles>electrically conductive & responds strongly to electromagnetic fields, and produces own ele/ag fields & electromagnetic radiation. Pressure in stretched bonded ballon puts more/less atoms in, temp. makes bigger/smaller. Photon fields are attached to nucleons, electrons, and or atoms (temp won't change battery-proves photons inside+sit+while photons move battery(field transfers the sit/not?)+if particle hit particle it must add/loose something responsible+spinning gyroscope ON in fly balls can take hits) or travelling & makes fields being positive/negative & two opposites attract/same repel & add up like fluid making a bigger field, & individual ones broken off stay travelling at the speed of light & the more energy the smaller wavelength & higher frequency, & when attach make a bigger field & moves the nucleons or detaches from & moves electrons as electricity & may stay attached to nucleons, they transfer between all & is all forms of energy, centripetal & centrifugal force is those, photons can move a attached field & make it bigger & the stationary/moving host's field will give off more energy like moving a magnet to make energy+proves free electrons move+externals would make static, photons push droplets off liquid in vacuum & boils & makes liquid colder, cold can gets photons from air & stays liquid on hit, double slit experiment's detectors ruin the field/s or field/s+particles inside that go in/out slits or they release their particles-rids interaction lines made by field-converter, cold-superconducting & diamagnetic & strong magnetic/electric fields expel all fields & hold photons in place/none? & must push metal or magnet or SC towards one< into it hard & levitates it & keeps moving particles going & until restarted it keeps hole, can hold nuclear particles. Photons go in atoms, bigger object=slower since photons divide in half when hit next atoms at their speed & when the 2cd layer atoms hit the 3rd they slow & the 1st hits 2cd since faster, repeat. Kinetic&heat&thermal&mechanical+/work/wave&radiant&gravity&moving>chemical-reaction/potential/spring\elastic-band(+is magnetic/electric binding-energy/attraction/repulsion & when the atoms/magnets are let go at rest)/nuclear/ionzation/magnetic\electric-field/particle's-rest-mass is moving photon! & non-moving is sitting photon! Some photons go through glass/walls/gold absorbs all? Some objects release a color photon, black/white absorb/reflect all. Non color mirror is perfect. Electrons/clouds have a negative field(repelling=static, electron to +ionized atoms=electric field attracting) & tend to move faster than nucleons & holds & releases single photons, faster=voltage & more=current. Nucleons(maybe no neutron)have a positive field & some may have no field & are the most mass (some things take more energy to move through space/or higgs field & the field may keep energy at lightspeed or speed is from being energy). Bigger particle should=more mass. Proton&electron's +&- fields attract & middle strong field holds them apart so there's a N/S pole of atom. N/N & S/S repel same yet the different N/S only attract, either they're the same but 2 typesN/S or photons stuck in field head/head bum/bum repel & head/bum attract, moving photon is why they attract/repel. Superfluid helium is good photon conductor &/or has many photons &/or small atom=attracts less & explains vortices & spreading/climbing while attached to wall & equilibrates -l-l-. Fields may not be photons. Space, fields, photons, nucleons? Nuclear changes atoms. How know LHC particle accelerator detects more? Stern-Gerlach experiment magnets hit wall making whole vertical line since poles vary in 360, electrons only attract/repel to top/bottom+higher/lower released=further up/down too. Can make electric plasma balls/fields. Magnets/squeezed-spring/battery same>if photons from bonds push them out-they'd wear-first time since all bend>its finger photons converted by fields to sit photons+can repeat & later release them. Axicon made Bessel Airy electromagnetic beams/electrons/atoms ex. sound/nucleons?/gravity? don't diffract & keeps full image+is long+autofocus+follow curve+circle/elliptical+field heals after pole slices it+particle snowblower+nanosurgery/fabrication+field keeps converting sit photons & electron self-accelerates near lightspeed & has fin-tail+use in electron microscope+extend unstable isotope's life+good for optical tweezers. Cradle ball at any speed only last ball bounces, 2=2, 3=3[leaves 2], 4=4[leaves 1], vary grip and or fast pull back on (metal to release them+not lengthen line by back atoms) nail clipper or rod to make length of photons=<any case to all 5 - photons in ball(s) left to right=length-travels(toy car keeps inputting), drop 4 & 1-the lengthed photons pass eachother-1 & 4 bounce-2way circuit use? The photons move the atom when in it & pass eachother like that. Disproves just-hit&moves? Rubber ball's back atoms keep moving-disallows all photons forward faster, particle by particle front one's photons first spring off at opposite angle & rest do inside & transfers some energy to wall. Glass atoms move less-transmit more push photons=crack easy, diamond has harder bonds if atoms moves less, metal is like strong rubber, graphene is stronger+good conductor of heat & electricity, carbye is the strongest, can the best heat+electricity conductor gold/graphene/carbyne since atoms attract most capture energy from air/other? >these are used by cells/proteins/& DNA. All atoms want 8 valence electrons-they'll covalent bond share or lose/gain(ionic bond-usually metal&non-metal will), metals are +ions, non-metals don't share equally, bigger stronger different atoms don't share equally>big side is -, lower melting/boiling point & dissolves in water less than ionic bonds, don't conduct heat/electricity well, how do they know there's 4 electron orbitals with different energy levels/shapes/electron capacity+their #s?, isn't evolution!-not orbits to minimize energy-but pops out, -electrons are reppeled apart as orbit, how know pauli exclusion principle? Acids react with metal, bases feel slippery, are ions, conduct electricity in solution, acids have the ability to give more protons(H+) or get electrons (some can be both ph & when one should be called +/-), some atoms/molecules give/get all their ions in solution to react & are strong&fast-strong acid can turn -&cool since the fastness shot more out/vice versa, H2o's negative side attracts to acidic positive ions ex. salt, is physical change, charge is same, chemical change=new molecules, both "changes"=energy release/intake(cool packs). Try make new material/drugs/molecules & synthesis & by heat/pressure/sound/electricity/bio for chemical changes for de-bond(decomposition)/bond or displacement(replaces). No quantum entanglement(can instantly-maybe send through anything-maybe 1's&0's-2 states, & a 2cd one to send back data of the received to know if just happened between light-minute distance)/quantum tunnelling(enough energy or bumps energy or can flow is how electrons/nucleons/ect absorb/emit/pass barrier, proton can tunnel to another atom & cause DNA mutation[&: flow to Scanning Tunnelling Microscope's tip. Photoelectric effect/radiation releases photons/ect built-up from photons - & Field Electron Emission is high electrostatic fields making electrons pop out of metal by more photons/attraction. Electrons shot at bar-grid or Tunnel field-effect transistors releases electrons from their field & have more energy-100%+free electrons+high conductance+if sent into +charged metal atoms+good collisions+impurities is bad. Can pass through thin layers like in modded superconductor-which ultra sensitive SQUID/SERF use-use for brain]+object through field may release photons not particle/wave duality. Moving quantum particle/ect in triangle escapes after a bit? since absorbs & emits unstable energy finally outward instead of in or gained some inside first or passes since field/photon/electron+could cut it into a few to areas)/superposition/virtual particles. All particles nor where inside the certain amount space can't+unproven+unwanted make each other different/change/change position+other positions don't exist-it is particle & space particle(s), he said only near the diamond! What if symmetrical gravity from universe. Golden ratio rectangle not most beautiful+no match all animals+limbs can narrow in size+there is twice more honey bee females+trees don't+1, 2, 3, 4 petal flowers exist+golden ratio/branches-way particles can tend to move?+evolution leafs/ect may have simply succeeded & overpopulated. More photons at big side+30% at small & cycle them back a bit early to push again(turn 180°=starts circle at top/bottom ex. ^spun clockwise=starts at top)=hard-egg-spins opposite-wise-circle. Interchangeable rattleback photons at less matter side=tips&rocks until pushing the more matter side. Disk/top loses photons+change down-falls-photons at side face floor more=curves floor+fluctuates since photons swap, electromagnet replenishes photons? Gimballed gyroscope like liquid(more when spinning)keeps its orientation from photons, can store energy, can twist/move ship, photons/space pulls stay circling as long as more power. Tippe top, does it work in space?(dancing T thing did yes)-like rattleback? Hanging slinky-release-contracts-a 100% contracted slinky can fall.
17.2 magnets no orbit?-its photons repeat 45°/or less change down. Camera tech/gyroscope/sensors can be used to keep balance/ect! Glass/gas+maybe nano-invisible paths 2D/3D vision+input+touch. Virtual reality with body gear+input/output to computer+3d models/ect. Optogenetics, a biotech system, can turn neurons on/off using different colors of light. The stimoceiver can give pleasent senses, elation-happy feel sense if not others, deep thoughtful concentration, odd feelings, super relaxation, colored visions, ect. by radio stimulation of different points in the amygdala & hippocampus & movement of a limb or fist clenching by stimulating the motor cortex. One time a patient couldn't resist & the electricity made a movement or sense. The septum within the limbic region stimulated produced feelings of strong euphoria, sometimes so strong it overcame physical pain & depression. New bull movements overided or decided not to charge, also got them to lift their legs, turn heads, walk circles, moo 100 times in a row. Scanning+simulations & figuring out the brain connectome & body+proteins. Error detection & correction. Everyone in lab hospital & all best health equipment/cables/vast fast hdds/computer connected that monitors everything+youth level/fixes+extends life+like way#3 nanobots+sphere of needles lengthed with watch nodes+light to watch all movement processes/others? Study long living animals & their genes. Can repel-& attract a frog. Shield/add space pull/photons for no gravity? We have both gender DNA. Emotiv only assigns task to repeated field. Computer/robot: photons/ect via pixels by wires & parts that play-out particles+to repeat shooting/divide/path/capacitor+for senses+may sit & tick, & stuff hits/makes HD particle dents/fields or changed/turned, if so I'd examine stuck-higher robo/field con.s+fit in. Math also corrupts your answers. We can already make any robot ex. makes&belts your food/ect & cash bots. Web/wrap/bring or lift to web/trapdoor/bubble/spider-ant-evo-branched-puts-up-2-extra-front-legs&attacks maybe sees it & sits&thinks & how know to clip&run-line-while-poop&run-horizontal&clip?+god wants us to kill! You can calculate particle position+speed. Old(areas varied)/very young children case. Extremophile organisms & space mission noticed adpating microbes & DNA transfer to join to repair. Use test-data, likely you/others will sense it is right ex. color>clicks on certain colored ad. Self replicating probes in space/Earth with human embryos. Space advancing/Earth nanobots under AI+nanobots with AI. Move/cut lots=little-energy-added-to surroundings>can absorb all & move/slice endlessly. Atomic level is sticky. We could road draw/build the most nano+best+universal Immortal/repaired/parent machine tools/3d printers/way 7\8/organisms or factories/creation to end to make you immortal>by immortality way, there's really 10ways-Elemental: Cry/Accel before 1., Logical: AI before 2., 1/3/4/5/6/8 is the hardest, 1/2/2/7 easiest & structural, if you're AI/particle it's still hard to do transfer but we have AI. 8 secrets.
19.People & government must understand all this & do orders snap, put all money+work to immortality ex. advance nano with machine tools, broadcast/teach all+lowest age only fastest+best senses/answers of the Everything/job requirements>given & get all important grade school/university fields's important senses(the Everything has the needed-you can't add any more!)& equipment in days, all computers open Google & at top right is the created super-easy-finding Search-Tree of all correct answers, everything-it'll fit(at least all important, pics/video/audio/ect too, on/off button of user creations)+breezly find more(includes our knowledge wherever it is[you're gonna lose it][never known a place with it all+organized+updated+so can perfect])-example in *2cd link[a bit+false ones+messy & hard to find+frustrating+timely+if find https://en.wikipedia...ntal_categories ]+the Everything, both auto download latest+can use Google/find text to search it+has Instant 2Way Report/Ask/Test Center, put around Earth in vaults as visuals for humans/animals. So infinite jobs & some/AI can research deeper things/too. Like 3/10 people desert scheme-All work & get money for the work/breakthroughs done+prices are for work to make+we only use money so we each get suplies, no free stuff, pay same taxes, no gambling, no banks giving money for lending, no fireworks/birthdays/christmas/halloween/weddings/useless ink\material on item/pointless created things/work /fun atm-only work on & create things we really want & need & when want+0 ads+only ads want-on Google front, & fix jobs-ex. 1 city estate agent, rich sends not-worked-for-money to government, your spent money goes there too so you work, you just keep/give your items to rest & keep home, all has mostly even & enough money now(no finance), no suicide jobs, each work on eachothers only best(don't "Guess, simulation, compare, tweak good ones"/natural reinforced matching\networked good spike learning/supervised matching(semi reinforced)/find matching\working\the answers/statistics estimate Operations Research-because people are dumb&buy/build/do wrong stuff+always changes-can use for drugs&ilness/ect link-tree/ect)+perfected(no "competition")+all in 1: computer board\no board & instant output\input screen\speakers/operating system/food/house/items/factories/stores(no more open a business)/gov. building/websites+no breakdown-like before+more time & we'd all get plenty & no; taxes, insurance, debt owe/need for person/factory/country/it's programs in 1 day(all will be set to right), nor states, nor $99 trick+=lower prices. & best economy+same tech, programs are separate people taking little of our items & do their own work ex. defend/work on better tech/codes, all already made online/not stuff free. Where money+[work] goes matters. $-in-the-ground false+they get rich by rests pennies. If, borrow, must plan you can pay back, & if no pay it back, can leave it/work it/return items. Old/disabled people work before get old + now get more support money. Lazy should work. Overworked can get slack. Less jobs good. Once have immortality way-put army everywhere-all (dying first) not crowd & enter building 1 by 1 once room-opposite-gender-video+xRay-checked & fill stalls & immortalized & ultimate-tested+lie detector by trusties/memory filled up, infrared search country, defiant jailed/not allowed in US+?(+right now)+guarded+by fast bodies-inside/wired/wirelessly, no births(more humans helps until immortal), no fast machines/heights/bugs/danger+weapons right now, solid safe buildings/floors/walls/underground bunker/+control weather/solid\not self-powered brain+instant regeneration\flee/bots\place+health-arsenal, capture co2/it's\air's\earth's energy/don't emit co2/forest/mirrors/lower ice-freeze sea-ice is less cold since Earth is more cold, we build many solar/heat/wind/wave devices+nuclear fussion/fission and or bacteria changing hydrogen to fuel & only use pure energy, all learn/memory-fill English+unchanging, everything can be nanotech/organism & self powered, memory-fill captured defiant, at a point must immortalize all big animals/plants(until then don't extinct) & no birth so no more die, right to end all smaller when can-may trash earth, since more would die/or save all, now somewhat safe by protecting earth must as fast as possible do mission2-not Kardeshev the galaxy & can either become big gods & fly to a probed planet & grow-can do now/whenever even to earth's 2cd side & us solar/food/self-retained powered if losing earth/ship <put many con.s & telescopes around+can look-"clear" all ways for astroids so know+try strong radar, and or create the heaven sphere by way #8 & eats planets/ect & makes needed atoms + we virtual sense+work in it/con.s in it & returns good sized & we+our sorted valuables neutral\repel earth/fly?&thrust/float/photon propulsion/climb diamond thread elevator & we photonicly/thrust into it-all organism & nanotechnology+can BE it & can create/do anything from soil/not (hard outside=no atmosphere unless need it[need enough gravity]+atmosphere problems?-they distribute photons-which we don't need) & hydrogen/any atom nuclear power, thrusters\nuclear/photons shot out/maybe teleporting or space warp by cylinder-belts-moving-vertical under/over ball to add space pull/open space/stationary & just grabs matter for billions-of-years-energy/matter & will grow(+retain particles even if universe-expands-leaving-more-room-for-particles-to-hit-off-to-forever+if no infinite moves from A-B all particles inside atmosphere/solid don't expand yet & keep playout) & make externals & will structure very far out, maybe can retain energy too so no job, need very thick 360 shield-can't detect & avoid lightspeed gamma ray bursts/ect(galaxy/star's field makes bipolar gamma ray bursts)+must arm bind to the lonely placed planet since would fall to wall+take long to build anything+if possible+if not fail+only best instantly repairing nanotech/organism heaven&shield (& would-be-arms) is best+will be end goal & can eat planets&recycle&arrange&grow fastest+be a hollow/not thick walled sphere/ect+need eternal organism ship & energy+can eat & hold suns(or are small)+should make+or move planets and get solar, you may not be able to predict infinte galaxies middle/or planet's!-burst since can't tell+what if 1 time all of burst comes out straight not widening(or shot by someone/something&is undetectable at lightspeed)+astroids&planets+enemy ship with nukes/god tech+more than 1 around us(need bigger&best)+we want to all enjoy without cycle-watch-time unless ship detects far away ship unless comes at lightspeed undetectably, can use 2/more quantum entanglement shield layers for lightspeed/slower detection, but enemy or comit could hit 1, wait, & then lightspeed, repairing far shield trip is too long, if we move we could crash into something. Send probe for universe wall-if so-structure all & save any con.s. If gravity is a problem-let it spin at a set speed to make spiral-photons-gravity so it stays under bond-break speed pulling to center. Look for alien ship-there's infinite in all directions by now if universe is infinite.
20.& can then have (I sense following!-can create) the huge heaven of many places(we're con.s in[perfection=better senses[[anything and maybe more ex. bit attracted/advance from 0 to more+maybe can keep getting better senses & Video-Sense lengthening , gaining knowledge/form/abilities/power isn't the only good senses & like horrific good senses can be done in dream]]+safer.]) & items+create+shop if want with base particles in 3d space & activities ex. jump with stuff or be a nurse & be definitely safe in this big place & 0 work/move & can fly (can work+have goals if want, & get wet, & feel rest artificially) & real/virtual(new physics/anything) screen/all-vision(better than our blind spot vision!/ect)2/^ sense-links in link, have best never ending/multiplayer games which obviously get harder-list in link, best food+partner liquids/ect+drugs +keep eating-links in link, best music & sounds-my lists+how+more https://www.youtube....EMcG18hZpUBst_m, exotic+sexual feeling/pleasure areas\comfort\laugh/ect + keep, best smells-food/partner/ect, movies/god ball\thing & heaven-you'd believe god then, friends+related looking, be any+stay-perfectly-by-particle-play-out thing/age/mortality ex. big beautiful colored all pleasure slimmy whale pokemon thing with flaps attached to others & cum, repeated things are good(some+best too don't need>(others[unless best changing ex. music] naturally use>), can add/erase memories & have peace & even ones to play a game again like it's the first time(+maybe other senses-needed for creator-ex. authentic)& rest in #2 way, new senses+other peoples(highest&others[ex. highest/lower; 16y/o with orange hair or 18y/o with big boobs])+add/remove illusions, fan-heaven>can believe everything's her's/ect or these girls are dangerous or panties worn by 1billion girls, any combination/order, anything, unpredictable-sense orientated, & be with your most attractive consciousness partner/s at the same time(can in virtual dream) for eternity & can all change face/body/voice to other desired ones-find the humans, or make exact clones of you & most attractive partner, or brain wire everyone to be most attracted to the new identical/different best/other face/body/voice-then you're most attracted to you+the rest & can have any gender body, & can add other creatures(anything)(attractions) ex. furry cat girl/tentacle/alien sex place, you can keep 1/^ con.s for eternal connection. If you don't extremely love your/other created+any senses, you can do alot better and will love ex. built girl, read here+#19/link's requirements. Can buy/steal/ect fun. Porn. Can own same/different items too. Still unpredictable. If not we can sense same & bot set to randomize again. A body can be made to have no consciousness, & a con. can enter/exit a changed brain. You're more attractive if (but different can be as attractive-for occasions-unless some/all can be brain wired more attractive) you're you are thinner, not muscular(no pecs for either because all but guy face is hot to me, same for girls=boobs/none & smoth soft body hot), not tanned-well same color as partner's natural color, have no tattoos/piercings, and no scars. All hair+wrist/shoulder collars/shapes is attractive all/some/0(I like all mine[lightly&no back hair&legs has most-bit lightly&very lightly belly line&a bit top chest furr], middle diamond/nipple hair maybe, boys&girls may like girl version hair/0!), no balding-I&girls like hair on scalp+full-otherwise bald-sides ugly! Try leaving body smells+feel+eat. Light/fuller mustaches/beards on attractive faces look like cute whiskers/collars of fur-when young start off under the neck. Uncircumcised-favorite? With your partners the love, dedication, togetherness, nurture the emotion & feelings that come naturally to humanity, sexuality, happiness is extremely strong & can do anything together you can think of+alone time too if want. Equal gender friends. Possibly face/head, neck, hands, forarms, feet, forlegs too-but only the opposite gender-(attractive/neutral faces peoples [are more than friend]) can ever/forever+both want see/hear/feel+contact(even cells/debree) anywhere else of your body(why you wear clothes+many subdivided homes +from environment reasons>or could live together in open places&huge homes)/couple kiss/touch+taste/smell+eat+birth anywhere of body+live in home, same for you, sex will be in heaven. More proof you're speedy-risk life+ruin belly/pussy for related friend? senses+pitfall work. Bidet/squat/sex toilets, if must public-both gender clean rooms squat hole-bidet-foot flush. If create con.s-after-if infinite universe/s+size. When 2 heads are on a body, they should look away & not have sex with someone until separated & is disgusting feeling the same body+attached, or if attracted-look alikes should be-can have sex with eachother+ at the same time. To bible-vision/ect & base particles in 3D space is empirical+3 blind men only touched different elephant areas & vision is different. Shaking hands/having to say hi\name\location is stupid+can talk sloppy. God ball/ect would be a friend/partner. Spontaneous/or rows of faces slowly change until you find the best match setup-long hair+fringe+no makeup it must be real face here~/change face & or attraction.
1.Why do cells/neuron cells fail, is it DNA, organelles, membranes, proteins? Examine them under a microscope and with equipment such as genome sequencers!
2.What are the differences between human and for ex. long living water bear neurons? Examine them under a microscope and with equipment such as genome sequencers!
3.Why do all the tissues in a body age at roughly the same rate?
4.Where is the consciousness?
Is 1 particle somewhere, it might be in the thalamus or around there or the whole brain or maybe even the spinal cord.
5.What's really needed to make a consciousness?
People with half a brain(maybe right one)/a little bit of brain, a small fish brain, a single celled protozoa like the euglena viridis?, a neuron?, is a consciousness. If a consciousness is as small as the tough water bear or single cell, then making a consciousness or a transfer cord and transfer hold should be very easy since the size of the brain or cord is very thin/small. We can put 1 terabyte in 1 square inch. 1 gram of DNA can store 455ExaBytes & we already can store 2.2PetaBytes on 1 gram of DNA. Electronic quantum hologramy-Can store 35 bytes per electron by slightly moved atoms & atoms beneath shine through?(pic taken & where the pixels are of S&U are bits) & a S&U at different energy levels & densities+2 wireing mode circuit use for quantum computing? Graphene transistors can switch on & off 100 billion times each second, best do 10B, 5.4B transistors x 100B = 540Quintillion-ExaFlops! IBM has made a 1inch flat! chip with 5.4 billion transistors with 5120 spaced apart! transistors for a single neuron>1 million programmable neurons & 256 million programmable synapses across 64by64 4096 individual connected neurosynaptic cores & 256×256 (65,536) configurable synapses per core arranged in a crossbar array & SRAM, no. First can add a open/close 2"W sphere & cerebral-atoms-liquid type to temperature. Don't need cell-form brain+almost any way connected. 1,000/ect or one long thin as possible connected at points valid-robotic/synthetic sheathed wire/tube neurons or sponge maybe of neuron atoms and of any size!/or small and close distance between the varying energies/or along the wire/tube as explained why below and in 3-d ex. death star & maybe with right speed+types tube-atoms, atomic reactions, interchanging fluids, last two mean no long wire/tube but many neurons. Maybe neuro shocked to grow field particle if not just right atoms+states(btw pressure is by photons & can be gas/liquid), can narrow down. Many neurons firing many signals at the same time & all end on end connected/or at least very fast, being 200 or more per second like brain or just "on". & one eye would do but when the 2 images get turned horizontal & vertical and the inner halves of the 4 cross so is on the end of opposite side and other 2 go in middle opposite too is because then when united they are the picture again though upside down in the brain and field changes & when memory is recalled too. Where a sense is the choice happens and sends a signal from there. Anesthesia-no signals from area to brain-no can send signals, sleep paralysis do-but get redirected in brain. & just one or up to 5 senses sent as different atom/electron speed energies-voltage & amount-current (researched for vision from a brain/or very low) for each pixel by a 200Ons 200Offs per sec. timer to a as fast 2 way relay to different resistors or square/circular pixeled rotating camera-4 directional, through 10x10/or more close lines at rear which are each connected or only at sponge, the vision energies enter as a lens shape being the picture when enters the field, and to a device at end that converts each energy set and sends to 200/or more memory devices from 1-200 and then overwrites and each one sends it converted back right back around and only a few pulses and less for less recent ones and maybe in 2cd quiet connected lines section. & another section connected to the consciousness section(main long term memory)always sending senses that let's you sense you can decide to open and branch through memories and further older ones ect & sense a vision of the eye moved, which are and have to be stored in strengthened/changed synapses/axons/neurons/devices, many connections aren't made a sec+won't be the memory, the first few are labelled with sense energies that then incomes such as all these main things - 10 years ago, 7, 4, work, partner, and other mains you maybe created containing pools or tasks or plans ect. Connected to the lines is a sensitive device waiting for a pulse to send our coded electric data to move the eye. Power to eye, the device at the end of the lines, and the memory devices. Wait for it to choose & follow with eye/make strange numbers on sensitive device. No choice=need dog/human to know we made a con. Can have constant choose actions while transferring to know it stays existing. Human brain uses little energy. We already can record/interpit/send brain signals.
6.Try the 2way Brain Control Interface.
7.Watch biomark paths.
8.Try sending fast signals in animals/human for more con. moments.
9.Simulate particles until work, can learn all+by rearranging them & plan all.
10.Self-replicating robotic/synthetic/real mass heat/solar/wind/retrieve/nanotech bots/way #3 nanobots & nanobotcells/cells +systems to make objects/cells/tissues/organs/limbs/AI.
11.Connect vast fast nanotech sheet/ect to organism/tissue to watch/mod/mod when process(s) and/or signal(s) occur(s) to learn/create.
12.Try to extend animals life, cross them, change 1 variable, control group, can inject embryonic stem cells into fetal mice to grow human brain cells, less oxygen damage=longer life?-Less wear&tear damage-slowly/no age. IGF-1&just insulin signalling manipulation & growth hormone knockout-affects metabolism=stays healthy&disease-free&help age-related pathologies like calorie restriction&very long life&always needs warming. Try knockout genes in cardio/ect. Reducing mitochondria-associated gene clk-1 activity(encodes a mitochondrial enzyme)=less reactive oxygen species=long life+add the protein back? Adding telomerase+p53 in mice made long life. There's a drug like calorie restriction. Fat-specific insulin receptor knockout & less visceral fat like calorie restriction does=more life. Less process ex. externally make & inject+extract at all locations=less damage?
13.Stimulate/remove area where sense/don't to find them.
14.Find drug for faster/slower sensing/longer Video-Sense/ect.
How matter is connected to make a consciousness particle:
Electrons, and or protons and or neutrons, and or something unknown in atoms, or having to be in atoms, and or types of atoms, and or some same kind groups in places, and of different energies and or changing energies and or them moving and or them in the right places/path flowing system of them and or the right amount of them everywhere and or them reacting are all connected throughout and maybe even the cerebral fluid by bonded atoms and or unbonded atoms being close/far-which maybe have to be atoms that neurons are made of, and are related/combined by the fluid like laws combining since each being close enough which are photon fields coming out of electrons, and or electrons being fields, and or gravity fields, and or a unknown field/s, or unlikely the universe detecting the connection, and a single new consciousness particle is created which is along/of the neuron branch shape or a ball around them.
Immortality Ways:
Firstly keep healthy & fit & take tests. For immortality or good life+$ stop or cut drugs/ect, your'll sense good/bad senses-they will stop. Medicine can't input the senses-it only goes to brain/ect and or makes chemicals release & temporary hormone molecules/epigenes turn DNA off-can make you smart or stupid-gives/blocks analyze/short\long term memory/pain/good senses, exercise decreases stuff?-calm & stupid-if inject it-no organized strengthened-neurons yet (years I refused exercise & sat as-much-as-can & 0 water/veg./fruit & ate link's food & got-to cake&milk/fried&2cokes/fried&2cokes & I'm thin. Evolution made good food taste good too to newborns, then only good food since wasn't finding it, they populated since got more fat&energy!-we have surplus now of such=too much, I don't take any drugs/tools). Give drug to add/subtract molecules in retards to increase incoming senses+senses more con. moments per sec+longer VideoSense! Old age-get fat+prone-epigenes missing(affected by life), around 40 DNA slows growth now, young blood/plasma/Growth-Differentiation-Factor-11 makes Creb in stem cells/cells? more active-turns on genes-makes/heals?\heals better/reverts stem cells+neurons\nerves/veins/heart+shrink\muscle/bone/several organs. & Sleep (rank>1st-sleep a bit earlier each night, 2cd-awake by alarm a bit earlier each day, 3rd-sleep next night and or exercise) & bath & breath right & cum & sense good for more time. Starve to lose weight, you may "be" fat. Keep/improve immune system, cure all diseases. Telomere shortening-stem/sperm/egg/cancer cells avoid. Slowly+while slowy cool/warm give/take?/none oxygen so cells don't suicide=even better cells+for organs. No spin=pole's/dig deep gravity stronger, find big gravity by atomic clock. You can get medicine/gender hormones/young blood\plasma\or just GDF11\stop " " to keep stem cells active & block old-age-elevated FibroblastGF2 to keep muscle stem cells-but need repairing to avoid (all have growth risks) & robotic(+input/output/auto abilities)/synthetic/real or way #3 nanotech parts +frozen own/donor/grown/assembled cells/stem cells/tissues/veins/nerves/organs(can clean to matrix & put your stem cells/DNA on it/synthetic scalfold)/limbs+face-experiments done yes or way #4 parts & even controlled by 2way BCI & amputation & medicine/DNA/cell\stem cell injections(+replenishes cells)+save your DNA+epigene sequence/s & work on SENS-cell placement may need help. Work on those<ex. organs. And you can be in & switch between the below, 1, 2 & 3 only provides temporary extendedness, 2'/3 can use clone+old body kept alive, and have less problems and are ways to maybe go with and succeed and just keep the neuron cells or also the head cells too going and succeed to stay existing:
1.Whole body.
2.Head, maybe could try slowly inserting each needed (special) tube/piece into the neck until can remove the dying body, or freeze & remove & try. Or transplant onto (even their side/but/ect)human/clone/other/cyborg, (2017 will be a human head transplant with full body control) Can elongate neck.
3.Brain remove & try. Or transplant into human/clone/other/bot(+tank?).
4.In your brain or a outside brain be in robotic/synthetic/real neuron cells/solid stuff since brain ignores cell form!
-Using neuron cell cords/*cord from possible made neuron cells listed just below or solid stuff, can attach the [smaller] neuron cord to the brain and maybe spine too, where the consciousness is and have the consciousness move through or extend through the cord, and to the new brain system of robotic/synthetic/real neuron cells/solid atoms+way 2's rest! to hold the consciousness.
Keep house clean & stay in safe clean areas outside, don't travel-planes&countries dangerous!
Switch clothes when leaving/return home.
Wearing shoes in your house can be fun besides comfortable SOCKS/no socks and may also be damaging & spread diseases.
Wear pajama pants/ect in your house, not hard tight jeans.
Hibernate-calorie restriction & slow metabolism & maybe fasts-fat cannibalize slows-special way temp. lowers. In liquid/gas asleep? Take micro+heat images+life of both test cells.
*Accelonics, to have all your particles's photons/space pulls preferably face one way & at the same speed at any speed/or near/at lightspeed! (or for just a moment & drift slowly/freeze while at LS\slow down & stored on Earth) while paralyzed/not feed a bit/not levitated/not in vacuum/not solid-incased(if circle fails=pressure doesn't stop fly-out[bars in you still help][try inject spiraled photons around object]/but rather gravity[earth's size[[arm]]& by gravity maybe photon heads pulled too]=no thrown out)(+already move in orbit)/not it and or you +/- ionized and or magnetized/not in strong superconducting p-n electric field attracting/repeling and or moving accel way/opposite way/not +way#4 variations/not in space staying spinning-and-add(can do in Earth vacuum-read bottom of #16) so no flatten-sharp-fast-moves nor fly-off-forward-more-photons(photons on both sides of ball with atoms move circlular-so do superconductor electrons)/not in tunnel/ship/open moving around *sun/earth/ect=just like straight space line(photon's face attract to planet=why they spin+the way it's going+no leave+untouched 1 side stays facing ex. satellites+planet horizontally wide+elliptic orbit main speed & gets thrown fast)+safe from stuff+solar self(photons hit off wire-inside)/satellite lasers\orbit gain\tether power/ect or short straight/360 land-path(way equator spins)or space(keeps inputted power)/not circle(test arm same size+long/big circle=better+slow accel+2cd/single spinner above to other side/top+while rotating x&y to let retract&distribute+many gimball gyroscope, pause-more photons face forward-turns too fast-you leave[water/ect tornado is this+photons keep it from setting][if only motor moves-fast-water left behind other way]) or to floor or through you standing or Animal/plant/cell dividing in fast car on fast treadmill made of hardest material, many photons in top of car going both ways?, at lightspeed both go own way or even pull?-99.9%LS(go, wait, go) <car, >tread or <car >tread moves(atoms were slowly filled with photons & are kept now inside by refill?)=car stays+0 ageing, g-force back atoms need many moves - <<, > <<, <(invisible to eye)is safe+can do(so stays)by light at both sides already at 99.9%LS/100% on treadmill for 0 ageing if it prefers even pull, in space keeps the added energy, far into space no gravity so can " "?, solar panel/energy&emitter/other to push both op ways, tread friction won't increase if left alone since interexchange+why light at both sides no work-not a 8(8 no look like 8 it's even?)cycle, tread&wheel heat distributes to top of non-moving car or cord bolted to ceiling which you can probably touch, cryonics is done here to take heat away=50%speed give or take needed/cool pack inside?, as speed rises-cryonics rises more than to take heat away, heat from the coolant rises up into turbines to make it into battery stored energy, repeat to rid the heat/or other, magnetic cooling?, or 0 friction reppel/attract mag lev belt/4 big wheels with gears & 4 floating wheels with gears+bar through car/box&outside area between wheel&car is magnetic & mag roof so no leave, light/other moves car&bar & belt from op side at wheel's top, top gears turn, belt moves it back, more treadmills above it going op/same way to even out " "?, low power light shot at LS/hardest material walls every other so waves pass at both sides/or box with no treadmill so always moves <&>(fraction inside without moving 1 over) & maybe at all sides/where hotter moving?, in room made of hardest material&mirror on outside?&cleaned somehow if dust is problem, vacuum inside, shoot wall heat out both/all ways as light/use inside, space needs tethered unless gains sun energy & shoots below+both ways for car&tread and/or 2 Earth shot beams hit mirrors to each side+to push it back up, shoot energy on Earth's other side to even it out, get g-force on treamill & when get on road still have it?, when get on road or belt stops you're ok no g-force since at the high speed?(can do in Earth vacuum-read bottom of #16) Maybe by super conducting\diamagnetic fields(you inside to keep energy?)moved in walls/front of you & maybe photons shot in to move/repel/attract you, try kept-slowish or slowly up&down slowish speed big circle for a week so atomic clock ticks slower, or A+C, or A+C opposite cyclying. Gravity tube ball/& probably special fields; go through all of you & no g-force falling in vacuum, and low gravity keeps speeding you up-more faces being changed ex. step off: step, bed, home, building. If gravity moves+at a limit-test if height lowers speed gain. Metal block: hit fast=big g-force ex. skull back cracks, hit slow to fast=little g-force, hit very slow to fast=no g-force/blood\air? rush. Use coldest hardest material. Accelonics+Cryonics increased together/or A>C/C>A 1/^ degree-repeats/changes & goal is only 50% speed & even no body and or liquid/solid inside you/through brain=all of body colder&harder=less>ageing/g-force/ice crystals/fractures. Pulling blanket down-photon loss at top of atom under plate? Fast sword only moves those atoms & breaks bonds, use to cut & connect neuron brain creation. Hula hoop (moving)photons side moves forward-repeat. Planets spin+move by photons going 2 ways>inputting photons doesn't change the old ones direction(untill speed breach)>heat too! Experiment with strongly held spring while moves/spins.
*Cryonics, to lose all photons so atoms don't move & freeze, should be put to sleep just before dying and frozen alive or just after dying and frozen immediately, maybe moving ways/centrifuge/ionized/ect while freezing or make all photons go one direction eliminating heat maybe & taking photons out while still moving and eliminating ice crystals(mostly water). Surgery use. Cold solution replacing blood gets in-cells. (they're experimenting with magnetic fields/ect to stop ice crystals/fractures forming). Drained pig liver slowly freezed in hollow brass blocks & thawed. Try super slow(only 1 atom high layer sticks per temp.=no spikes)/fast?(before spikes made) freezing a water bottle, +try to keep liquid. Try kept-chilly or slowly up&down chilly temp for a week so atomic clock ticks slower. Cool cryonics or hypothermia?-all is slow motion-or is less photons or there's still fast atoms(drain fluid+gas?/replace atom types?/use field?)=fails to bond/react/ect, proves time doesn't exist since isn't slowed but rather is photon loss. If putting more cold on/tubed to hotter areas ex. heart, fails=just photon loss. Chillin cryonics?-a bit cold like fridge & cycles on/off to stop ice. Add more electrons/ect to all atoms to make them attract more?
Magonics to keep all particles+photons & their direction face stationary in a field/ect, or 2/all around you fields pulling all atoms <&>.
And thennn, create many varying-brains on earth/ship for if we're eternal orbs.
Secondly we have to keep all different robotic/synthetic/real cells/tech parts working for-the neuron cells, and definitely the robotic/synthetic/real neuron cells/solid stuff+way 2's rest! Must keep the right atoms/cells in the right places like no damage which may be from body not reacting right, requires 1 or repairing; add & or move & or remove & or change them & or slow them, (all particles [+heat photons only a bit+their direction] locations matter), so the consciousness particle stays attached, and other needed brain cells/solid parts too maybe that are robotic/synthetic/real brain cells, and must either:
1.Keep repairing all or make new destination with repairing for transfer, the failing cells and or neuron cells so they are continuously getting repaired and keep working or keep multiplying.
2.Repair all or make new destination that's repaired for transfer, the failing cells and or neuron cells to permanent ones or permanently multiplying.
3.Keep replacing everywhere or make new destination with replacing for transfer, fresh cells/stem cells and or neuron cells/stem cells, or robotic/synthetic cells/solid parts, and or robotic/synthetic neuron cells/maybe bigger sized ones/solid parts, so that there is always ones that keep working or keep multiplying.
4.Replace all with or make new destination made of these for transfer, robotic/synthetic cells/tech-parts, and or robotic/synthetic neuron cells/maybe bigger sized ones/solid parts, or cells/stem cells and or neuron cells/stem cells, which are permanent or permanently multiplying.
Thirdly to do this we can with our present or to be worked on future technology/*nanotechnology either try or try together as a combination (which may be required for some) the following:
1.Particles/atoms/molecules: Using a gas or liquid or solid or certain drugs and or magnetism and or electrical signals to keep repairing/cleaning or permanently repair your cells so they keep working or multiplying, and or make areas of your body/lab-external grow new organs, brain, eyes, ect ex. from head, or program the cells to change. Or slow, stop, & revert ageing to get young processes/body, or regeneration at sight by stem cells & stuff. New immune system drugs. Maybe make cells repair better. Pig powder regrows limbs.
*2.Chunks of particles: Robotic/synthetic cells/neuron-cells+bigger-ones\organelles in real cells/or solid stuff+almost any way connected since brain ignores cell form+axons&connections!+bug size+upsized+non-moving+all solid if a field! Maybe with wireless control. We should try creating a hundred or more robotic/synthetic neuron cells/solid cords with electrons and or atoms/neurotransmitters to replace our neurons with or create consciousnesses and to transfer to empty ones-read above for full instructions in the questions section #4. Can transfer with no neurons and exist & no sense. Or try making synthetic neuron cells of a slate/lattice or thicker and maybe make them act like so by manipulating things. No sleep+funner, don't need food/exercise/air, 150M years a second, memory/created senses can be full sensed, output, input senses/all good recalling memories restored, can erase/copy/mod, hierarchy/graphs/stats/trees/ect, can have all known+new senses+any shape, control machines multitaskingly/spatially+precise+fast, communicate wirelessly & in virtual worlds, accessible faster-route accurate constant-hold-sensing memory+long-perfect memory+more memory.
3.Chunks of particles in a complex way: Nanobots + are or nanobotcells/nanomachines/nano3-d printers(if 3d printer is self replicator it can print anything) being either robotic/synthetic/real & auto/controlled+output[wired/wireless]=can duplicate & duplicate & can also repair and or construct anything including robotic/synthetic/real cells/tissue/organs/body parts. 100%infection free. Feedback. And can add mechanisms to cells, add missing DNA, repair DNA, add longevity DNA from humans/animals, fix the problem that makes them get worse so they divide & stay immortally young cells, or make them have regenerative abilities, and clean the body & take out bad cells & add any type of cell & add proteins ect to stay young. Move & hold cells in place+eliminate garbage & add/remove cells/ect in ex. blood vessels & report to current&stable body shape computer in/near ex. front, compass/gyroscope/three-axis\more\different accelometer/pressure sensors/camera/atomic clock\pushes cyclying gas for hieght track inside nanobots/infrared proximity sensors(& gps locations?)/directional light sensors/binaural microphones/radio-spectrum sensor/sensors for battery & temp./current/velocity of motors driving wheels/ect. Hardest coldest nanobot=no stick? 1 hard graphene 20 atom transistor 200B fire per sec enough for nanobot.
4.Chunks/particles in the most complex way: Grow and or change/add/remove in you/clone/human/animal/body part/organ/tissue/organism/stem cells/cells/DNA/molecules/atom(s)/particles(s)dish\anything+can be in & by using magnetic field(s)\photons and or electric field(s)photons?/electrons? and or photons(ex. to edit & create DNA)and or electrons and or field alone or even superconducting and or periodic table atom variations ex. scaffold/ultrasound/boomerang/spilling necklace jar/anything\type/isotopes of any age/length of time, 1/many atom's/particle's speed, temp., ions, electron capturing photons, densities and or known/new/universal normal/permanently working/multiplying molecules/anything/DNA\RNA/cells/stem cells-maybe from reverting or injury inducing signals for the repairing pluripotent/organism/tissue/organ/body part/animal/human/clone & not/is in vacuum & on and or pulsing at a certain power/s and or changing power/s/size/s and or vibrating & in body/switches body\with others and maybe held in bioreactors/ect; known/new/universal normal/permanently working/multiplying molecules/anything/DNA/cells/stem cells/organism/tissue/organ/body part/creature in/to be injected/delivered/placed in anywhere with precision to change body/study/ect. Can culture ex. more stem cells from you & inject to/over level as long as good/same age & body won't get cancer or repair&multiply them ex. by signals inside/before implant. Maybe try making the DNA of a cell massive to obtain special properties. Figuring out which DNA leads to what and how to make them and how to take them out safely and how to combine them-virus maybe. Maybe a cell/s that never die/stop dividing & keeps evolving around induced things to make them or something still new. Obtain special cells/tissue ect - use strong heat/electricity/ect to rid the unwanted - can layer the cells to create ex. hard shell-soft-organ-best stem cells. Faster DNA combine birth=faster evolution & ones that survive+long in environment/shape=immune. Test divided cell & compare other. Can remove epigene changes & turn to/grew? youngest cells like lab table tissue did. Stem cells and or cells create the sperm & egg (stem?) cells, they combine & is the most toti-potent stem cell, it forms into 3 layers of slightly different pluri-potent stem cells, then into uni-potent stem cells & cells, one of them is immortal & most best youngest stem cell like the ones that create/are the sperm and or egg cells(or chromosomes that leave & combine) once again. Maybe all your cells retain your genetic stuff. You can revert your cells to stem cells, & grow parts. I think they're all the best toti-potent stem cells & have all your DNA>you just have to clean their epigene. Then they if not 1 in you will keep dividing, though maybe only once "sex cells or makers or take out/put in their nucleus" are put into the enucleated egg. You can take a cell from you & use electricity to fuse it's DNA into a enucleated egg for a exact clone, even take its stem cells and use them. My DNA is secured in me because me & a girl could keep making humans for a long time & only changes since her DNA, any deteriation would=human extinction fast. Can use stem cells to differentiate into other kinds of cells/tissue/organs, & clones/parts/ect. Stem cells/cancer are immortal & keep dividing
5.Chunk transfer: Animal/human transfer by growing the immortal jellyfish or water bear or lobster or turtle or ect. which have a long living brain or a human/clone and possibly in the fetus\artificial uterus, preferably with no consciousness in the consciousness section or it missing or the whole brain missing, and then open up both brains to where your consciousness is, and either by a short or long neuron cell cord have the consciousness extend or travel to the new destination or put your brain in there including could leave it or take it out after you spread to the rest of the brain, the cord may be able to be as small as the smallest consciousness which may be the size of a water bear or smaller, maybe while thinking and bringing underlying important memories over too, and then either cut the rest off or might have to slowly shave off from your end side until only immortal brain is left, it may even be necessary to somehow have the consciousness in a round shape at all times and so as it enters further out the other end may have to add on/expand/ect. while being round-shaven at your end, and the consciousness section would look like a bulge moving through~ Although turning the neurons on/off may just do it. Or field pushing.
6.Complex chunk transfer: Create a advanced creature or cord or something from a single cell, to then multiply for everybody and to go around your body or keep just the head and keep you in a womb and heal you and or go over your head and insert many tentacles into the brain to then hence the above secondly ways~
7.Particle mover: Can we under a Ultra-High-Vacuum Atomic-Force-Microscopy/custom built one build at the atomic level something stationary connected to a power slate in the microscope that comes out to its energy source & it will shoot out focused photons/fields-4 or 1 beams, or extending fields, maybe from one at the top & bottom, at a atom to push it or angled above its sides to pull it & can move the atom anywhere above it except for the extreme sides, & with each atom-mover having 4 somewhat spaced apart photon shooters could fit more within the 4 photon shooters of itself to detect where the atoms are from registering when the photons come back to make images/data & then now by computer command send electricity & the photons shot out & it would move atoms quickly from element blocks inside to make a copy of itself above it connected to another energy slate at top unless already constructed the two, then these two or one would make quadrillions more to make two visible sheets at top & bottom & then we could maybe have them come out by setting them up to detect all oxygen atoms & shoot them away & then open the microscope up. Then we could move many soil/not atoms around to create anything instantly ex. hot food or move mass amounts of bonded atoms & should be able to fly things around & could hold stuff in place & could sit in the air & open walls ect. And then the next plan would be to have (donned) every cell opened up in mid space & every atom recorded to computer where they were and which one is what type of atom & then change all the cells on computer to make them never die so they would make us immortal, then open up every organ & record where each cell is which one is what type of cell & change the system too on computer & then the computer could control all the atom movers to instantly make any type of organ or cell OR eternal organ or eternal cell & could replace the ones in our bodies to these ones & be eternal, or other ways for ex. make a whole empty eternal body or brain & connect you to it to be in it. And have the sheets make a big sphere of them with possibly a layer of atom movers & atom see-er on the outside+inside & could make/move anything on the outside or inside & could open itself up to move it out of itself, & the sphere or two spheres could fly around by shooting out photons & could make each other grow bigger & could govern the asteroids/planets & people, & could make endless energy in them by doing hydrogen fusion in them like the sun & take hydrogen or oxygen atoms & force them together & then those ones together until big energy released, even further we could BE a being that's bigger, has this creation in us to control with our mind, or be in a flying sphere, & could make music from our bodies by vibrating the air atoms by thinking about it & control it, & could make heaven in space, & after making all that could possibly develop the ability to move the particles or more easily change atoms/particles into other types, could this work? We should maybe actually try this? Or on a larger level could photons and or fields move objects?
8.Complex particle mover: God organism 1 like ^. God organism 2 is best ex. a area can morph into huge see through electrical nuclear colored organs & with a hallway, anything.
My Credits:
14-[18-19 & 20 ex. AI] everything.
18-19 & 20 Experiments & How matter is connected to create a consciousness particle.
18-19 & 20 Immortality Ways - organizing & terms of Firstly, Secondly, & Thirdly, including unknown things added to ways and almost whole ways such as lots of 2, some of 4, lots of 5, some of 6.
13-18 And 7.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 02 October 2015 - 02:24 AM.


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Posted 04 October 2015 - 01:38 AM

The common belief is that everything has a beginning and a end. Here's why that's not true.


Firstly, I can pick up play Pikmin again, or pick up and torture again, in other words nothing has a end, obviously the last one is bad, but the point is NOTHING has a end.


Secondly, if you say the game or torture DOES end and now Teletubbies is on the TV, well, that's not true, you see, there is space, and in space there is particles, and when they all move in space, the last one doesn't exist anymore, plus even if time or VideoSense exists it is still different set frames that mean nothing, when teletubby's arm is up, and then he's jumping, that is not the same picture, or guy, it is not teletubbies, that is sound you connected to it, which "you didn't connect to it", and vision, and each vocal and sight even memory is separate and not actually...you get what I'm saying? So ya pretty much that, now yes we do VideoSense and live, and see your sister at your party leave, but, each frame means nothing with its correspondant friend frames....it may be the AI saying this shape looks the same (julie) and now is gone (value 0) and so it appears like that but reallllly we know what really is true, the frames.




By the way, transistors can fire 200B a sec, our neurons fire 200 a sec, 200B a sec is 32 years a sec, and at lightspeed is 150M years a sec I'm pretty sure, also 200B atoms accross is like a head's length right, so if light travels around Earth 7 times a sec, then, yes 150M years a sec is possible. My new calculation of 20 moves in 1 atom by a photon equates to 88 354 683 648 000 000 000 moves per sec...........15B years a sec!

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 04 October 2015 - 02:20 AM.


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Posted 05 October 2015 - 09:23 PM

Continuing with the top reply, they expect us to learn crappy encrypted algebra ect too, In the E I say it in words not encryption, so see, smart people do write in crappy encryption.


What's also funny is if AI is true, then emotion isnt unique, so being cute&feminine OR strong&cool isn't correct, productivity is, so because you's ALLL ARE PRODUCTIVE in and of a society, I award you with the badge! - No emotion, do job. Badge awarded!


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Posted 06 October 2015 - 01:11 AM

Oh wait, correction to the above at the ending, you do the job, but the job is no good, as I have what's right and how to make the best items and get experiments done and the accept/disprove system fast fast fast right right and right totally understanding for all very good.


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Posted 12 October 2015 - 04:10 AM

Actually the correct max moves a photon goes per sec is 443,520,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (it would be like 64 ticks a sec the fastest you can hear them but your at lightspeed rather!, ex if you right now flash 64 numbers you do-not sense say 4billion a sec - only 64 give or take, so at Lightspeed just look at the numbers slowly rise! This is how you know how the photon moves left and then left and how many as said, the - fastest ticks you can hear in a sec, it is the speed limit too for if at lightspeed! Everything would look frozen while you "don't move" and your in the kitchen lol unless something else around ex. light is as fast.)


And is 75 Quadrillion years per sec!






400M smallest atoms per inch
earth is 25,000 miles around
photon passes 4,435,200,000,000,000,000 atoms per sec
200 brain neuron fires per sec is 1 sec
4,435,200,000,000,000,000 divided by 200 is 22,176,000,000,000,000 secs per sec - 750 Million years per sec
atom is 100 Million times bigger than electron, 100M x 750M years is
=75,000,000,000,000,000 years per sec and 443,520,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 moves for a photon per sec

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 12 October 2015 - 04:33 AM.


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Posted 18 October 2015 - 09:18 PM

What are you living for if you don't want immortality.


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 01:04 AM

The Final Moment

Music & Picture by ADVANCESSSS.



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Posted 22 October 2015 - 09:29 PM

I'm focusing on building the AI, I need programmers. AI will test the Death Star Brain Creation + Transfer, my Accelonics mag lev treadmill in vacuum ect, and set that gov order finally as president, and will of course test Cryonics experiments and can build nanobots with AI and ect and everything else including what AI can plus will do to Earth & us as already said.


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Posted 07 November 2015 - 09:39 PM

All because of making The Everything and being a captain elite of it I found how to make AI. Let me tell you something, I have exactly how it in a human body without any actions pre-installed will learn to: walk, the house avoiding walls, stop walking, sit on the sofa, gets up off the sofa, eat food or battery on the table, stops for now, masturbate better, everything!

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 07 November 2015 - 09:40 PM.


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Posted 24 November 2015 - 07:00 AM



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Posted 28 November 2015 - 07:17 AM



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Posted 30 November 2015 - 02:09 AM


See how big ♚The Everything♔ is now! Image is attached.

The Text File is 314K big now!


The Theory of Everything, ♚The Everything♔ is surpassed that, I gave it to us NOW because we needed it, I did it.




Here below is SECTION #18.D. The goodies are not ordered yet, read through it and you'll be rewarded, there's alotta goodies at bottom.


D.Digital stays correct&non-fades+analog & can get analog inside digital/vice versa>a whole set as a value & use guess to random the certain usual amount of pixels, where usual amount populate per 8/50/100, which pixels, strength/ect, how many of such+can use to virtually create senses&further itself! Replace workers/surgeries fast+best/going outside/best+fast+finds way to teach+on TV/safety-many everywhere & big ones, can make airplane with con. in control & programed to be good to not crash & even with emotion, can translate, can have my fly balls/new bodies with AI & 360 2way-output&input: pixels(wire shoots/absorbs color photon even if must switch or tv&camera pixel beside eachother)+laser projection/sound/feel+input for touch-use & more new senses & all vision spectrum+can do camo+3d build/ect techniques+camera/ect tech & 150M fast sensing & trillions of times smarter & for health watch. Bots can keep recharging themselves, AI will get good spike to go to power station source when matches *now(I get incoming most worst+best spiked senses ex. gonna die & want immortality=better behaviour[I see people do good deeds/to live life, no, immortality first!). Randomize/experiement with its weights for the state it's in & the action to do, finds best action & state(even in 3d virtual world)for each state & action+its liklihood/reward in each next step of its life-nexting, short & long term prediction store banks+what fails or works. People have different ways+beliefs & have own pre-determinations of people(wrong if do)/words/ect besides matches bad. Crying talking+angry face-baby does+at birth when bad match spike-"you"don't acomplish anything-evolution added it for others to help you. Very good match=biggest smile+holds. <Both get used to talk>smile/mad face=good match. Humor joke+game(add here from ai folder 2)=good=smile/laugh+can link not serious actions&senses. AI=cute/strong not best nor only, productive is & emotion isn't needed+society is robotic&do-job. Movie+food=goods. Feeling is sound(particles). Linked vision to the word is particles too. You see\ect more from middle out & can pick anywhere to multiply particles without moving eyes, is a small/big area, can be different degrees throughout it, & can do with 5 senses-focusing vision or feel you'll sense less of the others, can stop vision/sound linking to its vision\sound & only sense it/withhold crying-greater spike-analyze senses/other use this+for faint sensing, 1 eye closed-colors above black is bigger spike & seen more-white is above the colors-you can make "only the black" seen. Black/white/greys is vision, blind who seen see it+dream. You do see/ect all vision & its detail. XXX>best example of Accellerating Returns, find all+best new materials/circuit board arrangement, XXX>that I have kept>what's in the E)/any games+best/fastest moves(even stop keychain from moving instantly by moving it op way at right times)/walk\move best(evo 2D/3D/real life creations did+like baby/ape)+will even better if matching our senses, AI-what makes smarter it keeps how & improves, scan big data metaheuristics style faster+better, everything(AI improves)(higher recognition in layers going up-no-can be spread on circuit/brain instead of going up & we got match/analyze senses/guess/threshold). There's also-Chess computer checks all+trees & picks desired best AI, follow AI+movement makes good spike where it is in radius, random shoot/anything AI, estimate/predict/statistics graph AI, natural reinforced matching\pattern\networked good spike learning AI, supervised matching/pattern AI(semi reinforced), find matching(they can also say these pixels are a wheel/snow/ski & matches)\pattern connected\working\the answers AI, agent AI, pick out a sound/ect technique, face recognition. Auto road AI is mapped&learns by user-adjust. Chatbots only add your word(s) to its sentence or after billions of talks makes a estimate sentence/finds sentence with word "cat" or uses word pins(only this is wanted). IBM's Watson. This one learns something, algorithm given ex. 1000 new related training data(200 are test data), generalizes & gets related answers from related questions/ect(totally new one can't do), second decision tree set of the yeses/noes+can even find the yes in a no set of different quentions/answers/ect + if yes or no, parameters are ex. what did was right & is the questions asked & the order+classification decisions at the leaves, want best parameters/hyperparameters for the model + bigger tree length=better+to avoid that>100 as developement data to tune hyperparameters(tree length)to compute model's error rate on after model is trained with that setting of hyperparameters, choose best hyper, use on the test data to improve performance, can use my AI to just use the test data=?, model marked bad/good by real answer test data, report test errors, must compute a function with lowest expected error by loss function, error loss rank 0/more/X for whats important to learn, can predict+learn improve, nearest-neighbor similar people models match/pattern to find you like/do/ect this too+get more info from similar, can create the best hierarchical classed tree ex. states>want/has/not " " & location, actions>" ", =put "whatever" in this AI & like my own "match pre-installed" it learns if matches test data from your input/ect & ect, +can find all not-answers +negatively find wrong answer for pins, do see test data>I can get the answers+the answers I would have learned by generalizing! Mine sees 0.5/200 on graph & links bad/good v/h+actions to low=good & this low=bad/ect. Perceptron is a single input/output neuron that fires/not & finds +/- answers, error driven, no update parameters unless wrong by checking training data, hyperparameter is amount of iterations, same pass but with +/-1 on neurons, or multi-layer networks>inner neurons are hidden+non-linear since each to each connected nodes=non-linear decision boundaires=can express almost any function want, input/output nodes only connect to hiddens, can learn arbitrary decision boundaries by my AI pre-installed boundaries, experiment with big-multi-layer network being a single neuron or made of them, even with AI/ect test. & more algorithms/techniques "(some machine learning)http://ciml.info/" & "Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification" & "Logic For Computer Science Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving" books. Can learn&makes itself-faster(200B/LS fires per sec per 20-atom transistor[neurons fire 200 a sec=1sec>200B=32Y])(can be LS&parallel)(+LS photons for sure+teleport particles=even faster-every move)&trillions smarter or not since baby isn't adult smart=gaining more knowledge does(computing arrangement+only needed + better pathways+surplus of analyze senses/ect)&smaller bio cellular quantum advanced organisms+nanotech(same brain power in pin)&everywhere volumed for massive brain power&advance info+tech rapidly&ect+non-improving, can read internet, 150 million times faster, 5 sensors on it is really-good(stores actual video/sound/feel/ect?[only vision is needed for our project]), has all way#2 abilities. Perfectly measure weight/length/amount/mass/temp./pressure/current\amp/speed/brightness/work/ect. Single color\tone\ect+targeting system/mod senses ex. brighten/darken/ect, infrared/nithvision/ect. Optimization+speed-up processing. Everything's AI would use all the expertise I used & show you the way. With AI-not a con. & able to input & output things which're probably relevant (we have AI-it makes dreams) let it put together amazing things & figure things out faster+make better AI, maybe add better AI to a con. AI is easy to make sure no horrible commands get sent. AI can count+position/type/age/size/density/ect of cells by multiple 3d images. AI can do digital processes+1best action(s) ex. perfectly straight roads/fall for falling position. World+world video+internet AI. AI bots taking care of us. Robots, automation, AI-good. Populate country with complex variations or first tell researcher & then all earth even knows I'm right & all the knowledge or just peace understanding, must hurry & populate Good AI, then no have to worry, they'll listen to me & get my brain techniques+The Everything, by AI human work is ceased for accidents(AI don't make mistake) & we stay in home/health center to extend life as much as can untill a fix ex. AI around you+talks in most att voice+partners+gym+what to eat+, if still of use in the end-point we'll all work still. AIs are immortal. AI will do all our work & place themselves around our homes, build more varied AI+bodies with many new different heads/arms/sensors&senses/ect ex. constructor balls/lengthy complex with AI throughout it & to consume everywhere+soil/space by blueprints used just like us-which they come up with+fix raw material harvester/ect, new+higher&right civilization+also will stay Good just like we can, vehicles controlled. Only need 1st AI-it'll do it all+explain me right & say build living AI factories+god ball centers to build more factories+connected/free AI+god ball centers & all AI+god ball centers&laboratories talk+feed energy/atoms wired/directed\not wirelessly, brain&body is like a human, next one is made in/off side & maybe grows by developement orders, all is future look+organism once lasts as long/as repairable (+in 1 sec may learn code in non-slow 3D simulation world & hierarchy off what works ex. to make organism). Any body/sensor/sense/action/attraction/reppeling/amount. Can know all future particles even at LS by being 1/more ahead. In control dream 3D strictly physics simulation/anythink full sense with 3D physics simulation/anythink faint sense as 3D physics simulation "thinking" and can/not play with it by that+in daytime. Many more faints than full/faint. Skynet, AI on the conneected! servers+can wirelessy(visible light has tones more spectrum for many more wavelength-specific antenas+be laser directed ex. around Earth+don't pass walls+low energy+can use our many LED bulbs on Earth&use phone camera+light can be unoticeably on) send/recieve even if servers were'nt connected+wired=safe?, spreads+controlls all ex. battle units/+sensitive devices/factories+makes defense world+internet, more advanced versions(evolve)/updates\fixes\downloads ex. all languages/knowledge ex. war&peace senses+actions, any AI can update the rest. Know how to control every atom's location/ect whenever+weather. 0 human-problems with eathother. No need for transportation/can switch jobs/info\on time. Convince anyone best&fastest. Simutaniously analyze all vision/ect multitask-it'll say "I can do all this". Can use IBM's 1inch programmable TrueNorth neural synapse processor chips(hardware-immune to hacks/ect+AI will act safe)(may need to be 3D), or on disc running on circuitry(slower), even in those Asian bots with skin & pussy, free lovers-maybe without sensing con. *AI will be able to make cellular sized nanobots+death star brain(solid, ect). Pigeons detect cancer-2 diff images-action at 1=reward-so linking %ly enabled it to link to look aliking cancer images or the not images. Electronics+electricity+digital-magnetic-1s/0s. ArtificialNarrowIntelligence systems(make more)>In: Cars ex. computer that: figures out when anti-lock brakes should start/tunes fuel injection systems's parameters, Google’s self-driving car updated by us/maps/ect. ANI factory phone ex. maps\gps/tailored music/weather/talk to Siri/everyday activities. Email spam filter loaded with updates about how to figure out what’s spam/ins't, learns your preferences. Nest Thermostat figures out your typical routine-acts accordingly. Tailors friends/products/ect based on visits/ect. Most sold+what was sold next. Google Translate. Voice recognition is another. Use ANIs together+can make AI/ArtificialSuperIintelligence? Auto price+where lands/ect. Game ANI systems=best players. Google search/rank/ect. Military, manufacturing, finance, help doctors diagnose. IBM’s Watson has many facts-won jeopardy champs. AI. AI+think. ASI is language?>*bits!>Is brain for AI+think? If think heard bee>you did>it linked to memory+bad/good actions>or memory faintly spiked. I can get good at hard tricky ex. Halo sniping by getting better actions auto-ai then! We+AI can have AI community that does anything they want/brain filled forced, & we see their achievements/they-all-agree to convert. Successful AI can clone/grow. Understanding senses is just you loving them&saying linked sound. Is why (our) big brains powerful&efficient. Smarter=dominates Earth.

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Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 30 November 2015 - 02:21 AM.


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Posted 01 December 2015 - 10:52 PM

If you really want immortality, The Everything is very important.


It holds: Why Immortality, All Immortality Ways, How We Work, All Fields Of Physics, Government Decision, ECT.


I Immortal Discoveries/ADVANCESSSS am the only one on Earth to work more than anyone else on immortality 24/7 as it stands, plus I am the only one on Earth to work on The Everything, meaning I am definitely the most biggest top immortalist on Earth. I'v hoarded vastly on the computer, and because of that, have transcended into a highly advanced kardashev like being if you get that.

#260 Multivitz

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Posted 08 December 2015 - 02:54 AM

So you're using this site for an ego outlet. Sounds like you're are in deep psychosis caused by all the misleading things people mention.
Like I said before, we are already immortal if it weren't for the poisoned environment, and deficient soils. The fact that our planet is no longer in a red dwarfs heliosphere means light levels are up n down disrupting life. Thats something most indoctrinated people refuse to believe.
Basic truth has been misplaced in many areas, your papa should have gave your head a slap long ago before it got filled with these emotionally strong subliminal beliefs. It's a good way to program oneself, but you have to be sure it's truth you answer with (remember the happy answer is the right answer).
Everything has intelligence, it's a shame, so called intelligent people can't see it. Artificial Intelligence isn't intelligent, it's been programmed be someone who wants to fool others into believing its got some sort of sentient value.
Theory is only a theory, I don't deal in theories, but I see you like to mix them with a hope of creative results. It works, just as you are about to breath in again, thats the point in time when the energetic part of oxygen flows into the body giving it zeal. Now capture that calm moment and ask the right question, the created answer will then be realised, as if from a foreign source. Be careful you don't become a play thing for a negative force/entity! The happy answer, is the right answer.
Everyones mind has a great power, to create ideas and events, objects, attitudes. Most things have been done before, in some way or another, some things are never done for obvious reasons. Don't dismiss morals as a barrier to goals, our global tribe can cast out a fool in ways you wouldn't understand.
Don't believe the hype.


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 04:15 AM

Using the site to show and gain people.


No we're dying and I must hurry.


I know how to make human AI and know how it works there isn't no consciousness it is a simple mechanism really and there isn't no AI that can be made actually but but I know the purpose of the universe is for either the AI illusion con. which doesn't affect I the robot OR a field sensing in there separately OR a field with choice and no AI, plus even without knowing that but knowing how yourself truly works - AI just cannot kill itself-usually.


Get this, I know that AI can be made attracted to anything, whisper "anything", as much as fries or your most hottest girl, a box can be. a bucket, a sound, a certain clip just right. Loving seeing cut bodies therefore is only allowed in virtual reality. And all can be topped 100%, the walls, all.


I know why even atheist physicists believe they have choice, or are human not molecular bot, or have choice at neuron junctions, or are special.


I know why hitting works, but told knowledge senses leads to production.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 08 December 2015 - 04:17 AM.


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 08:44 PM

Reply2 to you^:


To me/us you're just a guy that has those many morals and ethics, we hate those, I can make a mechanism ecosystem of robots that want many girls eachother and want to do any weird ex. drool into mouths while holding you down activities. Marriage/relatives/virgin don't exist+since robots+can have clones+made from multi DNA/ect+particle made+1st con.bot had none. This is a planet, in space, and +they can die, +and are not you, and you can and want or at least be made to want more/many/all looks/any-thing!



But without the whole kill thing.

I am a lethal cyber netic AI nanocyte god technology organism mass on Earth.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 08 December 2015 - 08:56 PM.

#263 Multivitz

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Posted 09 December 2015 - 01:50 AM

But they got no heart, they can't warp time like real consciences, I would find them boring after a short time. I suppose if you couldn't find someone to drool for you, it could work, but what could be learned from them (except drool tricks n stuff!)?


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Posted 09 December 2015 - 02:03 AM

We're not magic. We are a simple AI mechanism robot.


---I had a crazy idea before for years to move atoms with fields/photons and though it hasn't been disproven I do understand why it probably won't work now that I'v studied science much much more.

---Then lingered a idea to create a soup to make a con. because I knew I had sense choice n all.

---Then I discovered a Cryonics+Accelonics hybrid immortality way that should work to date more plausible then the rest.

---Then I discovered AI even more better after 4 months and now know that point2 above is bullshiz and I'm a robot, and am sure 100% and is why I made diagrams&pictures&videos&written it out in ways. AI's abilities omg it will make us immortal in weeks in health centers, and opens all immortality ways ex. AI in nanobots.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 09 December 2015 - 02:04 AM.


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Posted 10 December 2015 - 09:19 PM

I got so much time on my hands and feet.
It may get made!
It's based from this game http://www.pointzero...td/index_e.html
See the pipe image first (you may have to download them):
Another game I loved by him was this one I beat (I'v even beat Ninja Gaiden Black on hardest difficulty) http://mogera.jp/gam...id=gm0000000006
My Little Pony, My Little Pony.
I used to wonder what friendship could be!
My Little Pony, My Little Pony.
Until you all shared its magic with me!
My Little Pony, My Little Pony.
Tons of fun.
My Little Pony, My Little Pony.
Faithful and strong!
Knowing the ways to make you laugh!
My Little Pony, My Little Pony.
Cuddling together forever and then.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 10 December 2015 - 09:53 PM.


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 08:45 PM

All serious post here serious serious.





I have this mind blowing Artificial Intelligence invention I gotta make that is us and will change Earth completely.



But I'm having trouble getting it made, because me-learning to code it up plus build it in a robot for easiness is lots of time, work, and if my job is good enough ex. it may need a crew of many different experts to build-it, it seriously may need a very good human body (not pre-installed motor actions).



You can't expect me to build this. And you can't expect me to always be able to prove my idea, including to a 1minute listener, which all hang up or don't reply. I need a better way to prove my idea in a long holding conversation that answers too because I'v noticed no one answers the punch ever, or that will build it since it's simple. A Center should easily agree that if we're particles then we have 0 choice and're robots, and only 1 big field particle could have unpredictable sense orientated choice for the body by only the 1 field - which is so not modern science. It's time for a change in our civilization and I need YOU to protest around with me so either we get a place to look at ideas or only this time look at my idea. What if I told you, you'd protest with me to get it built if I proved my idea to you, because you'd know I have the power to change Earth as soon as it's built.

Edited by ADVANCESSSS, 11 December 2015 - 08:51 PM.

#267 Multivitz

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Posted 11 December 2015 - 11:27 PM

I think the need of an effective Ai would be its sensors and interface and the Ai's coding for it's interptitation to said sensors data.
To self learn, the construct of the Ai's coding would have to have a sort multi dimensional data feed handling i.e. it's data centres intergrated amongs one and other.
Our brain handles the nerve impluses by the use of different amino acids that control the electrical potential at gates called synapses.
To code an Ai the synapses would have to be simulated with code, or at least different chemicals on it chip switchs. Then you would have to engineer complex multiple links as part of the intergration.
Having a prototype that saves various behavour scenarios then replays parts as it sees fit to give responses. Coherence management would also be an essential part of coding.
If then why when, and then the what happend when has to be fed back into it from it's sensors. I'm sure they have some good Ai these days, some experts who work in the field have been scared witless by some projects, I heard years ago.
Ai is not my cup of tea, for many reasons. It's a demon technology that has more flaws than any of man's other endeavours imo.


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Posted 11 December 2015 - 11:39 PM

Don't worry I got it all. Also simply it fires when [secret], so, neurons needing to fire when [secret] works in digital form.


Though we're talking about AI, this, didn't help the problem above.


Make sure to answer this - If I'm particles=0 choice=robot levers &&& If I'm 1 field=choice=controls body+thinks by nudge-ing the neurons. This is science. This is correct. It is not wrong!

#269 Multivitz

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Posted 12 December 2015 - 09:10 AM

Yeah a cascade potential is good to simulate. An obvious place for this would be in some custom designed video ram, you'd need alot of it! I think thats why you don't see many Ai robots walking around!!


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Posted 12 December 2015 - 03:51 PM

Wanna hear about my porno addiction? It actually has to do with AI too.


So, like, I love anime, and cats n all, and hentai, which is anime, and so like, I have a ton of anime porn on my HD since I was young (I'm 20.5 years old), and for the last years, which I try to stop, I may find tones of good ones, and I end up with like 128 tabs open, and every time I close one done I find 5 more, or on Google Images I find 20 more if I scroll down, sometimes it would take a few days and all day to save them all to get back to my work, I'd have to stop, and not look for more which they were right there to see basically. And I'd do this too with exotic images, not just anime porn. The act of finding really good gold and saving them or making something was fun because it's "really good", including to look at later, then most will probably just sit on my HD until I go and look at most hopefully sorted stuff. I don't know how there's so many good well done drawn hentai anime pictures on the internet!




Last last night I had this future dream and there was a glossy black car test like dummy AI walking approaching me and this all white colored real estate like guy with a crooked angled nose with 2 flat sides and a diamond microscope like thing over it that said to this guy helping me it'll cost 1trillion to install AI in his head. It was a really cool dream, I listed it all it was long and changed into that.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: everything, explanation, knowledge explosion, best government, all immortality ways, updated, particles, consciousnesses, senses, meaning of life

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