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my stack

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#91 Introspecta

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 05:05 PM

While this stack is extreme and I'd never do it I find this thread pretty interesting. Possibly because I"m an addict myself and like extremes but it seems you at least research what your doing and may have an idea what your doing though your idea could be slightly delusional due to your schizo and any negative effects of the 10 chemicals your putting into you. Your definetly like most people on here addicted to trying new drugs to feel better when in fact sometimes its best to take nothing and deal with life as it comes. A few questions though.



Why are you using ethylphenidate as a long term stim when you could be using 3,4 ctmp? Are you aware of this fairly new RC. One dose lasts the whole day and is active at 1mg. Most people take 5-10mgs. Its cleaner than eth. Takes quite a long time to kick in though. PM me if any questions.


Are you considering 9 methyl b carboline for stim tolerance. Some are reporting good effects. I'm on my second day and after an adderall binge today I feel quite fine and Up as opposed to the normal down in the dumps after dumping all my dopamine out from adderall and hours and hours of porn,lol.


Have you been taking Phenibut longterm? You realize that overtime it screws up your dopamine response. Higher doses cause stimulation due to gaba b being downregulated and when the gaba agonism wears of there is a PEA rebound... You'd be better off detoxing yourself off it which is quite easy with benzos but it seems your dependent on benzos too? So you'd have to use lyrica or neurontin. Wait a few weeks and use it as needed which can be up to 4 days with a 3 day break.. You prob know all about this so if you do ignore. I'm just saying that at this point the Phenibut really isn't doing you any good if you've been using it daily for this long. You already have the K-pins to counteract anxiety.


What happens when you take nothing? Aside from what your dependent on and possibly a stim. Thats not good enough? I'm sure you could find a new doctor and look up all the symptoms of adhd and get a script but i don't know what you've tried.

#92 medievil

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 07:45 PM

First of all sorry for commas but I can't turn this android autocorrection off and after every space half my words get changed in bullshit, but I'm still happy with this improved computer I made out of a broken tablet lol

I'm not addicted to trying new drugs to feel better but I'd say I'm addicted to trying different things for the nootropic,or other effects, not just to feel better, I feel Allright on just dex amphetamine with dex amphetamine as it takes the brutal torture of an anhedonia, away.

I don't have any shizo delusions I'm positive symptom free so that's not the case I never got passed predromal,shizophrenia which means I don't get positive symptoms unprovoked.

I thought that stuff was overpriced anyway the stimulant I actually want is alphapvp, however no site ships it to the Uk so that's why I use mpa,and ethylphenidate as I can get them here with next day delivery, also I really hate ritalin,while I quite like ethyl end I thought that analogue looked more simular to crappy ritalin.

I take phenibut,pretty much daily long term I never noticed any tolerance with it combined with stimulants also we order 100 gram every 2 weeks and the last days we run out but Klonopin, wipes any possible withdrawal away, being addicted to Benzos is not a problem as switching to Etizolam,for 2 days allows me to suddenly stop without withdreasals.

benzos, don't work for anxiety caused by dopamine reuptake,inhibitors,inshizophrenia,asbenzos,simply,dont,do anything,in,shizos,due,to,nmda,hypoactivity,leading,to,gaba,defiency,so,pam,activity,of,benzos,wont,have,much,effect.
Amphetamine releases gaba,and,glutamate,allowing,benzos,to,work,thats,why,i,need,phenibut,with,ethyl.

Also phenibut,has definite positive effects for me, anhedonia,wise,gabab,agonism,is,highly,therapeutic,for,shizophrenia,its,one,of,the,reasons,clozapine,is,by,far,a,superior,antipsychotic.

When I take nothing I scream,and try to endure the horrible torture that is anhedonia, it's horrific and unbearable, I cope with it mostly by trying to sleep all day it's just brutal.

Not in the Uk mate, healthcare here is horrible, you can't imagine how bad it is unless you are confronted with it, there's no way I can get dex amphetamine here except with identify fraud, and fake doctors letters claiming I just moved I got dex that way before but never really faked a doctersletter, I recently did one so I'm gonna attempt to get dex long term, without that letter I only ever got a 2 week supply until I can get evidence sorted I had it prescribed in the country I moved from.

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#93 medievil

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 08:26 PM

Thank god i figured out how to turn off this autocorrection thing, most of my posts are like unreadable because it switched my words to like really uncommen strange words lol

#94 medievil

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 09:23 PM

This anecdotes is interesting, nmda antagonists dont work well for gabab tolerance and withdrawals, fasoracetam seems like it could be the solution for tolerance and this anecdote may indicate sjw may be extremely interesting for gabab withdrawals.

"That said, SWIM first encountered SJW when attempting to quit GBL. SWIM didn't notice any change in the GBL high at the time but, after taking it for a week, missing a dose of GBL became significantly less stressful and, although SWIM never successfully quit GBL (SWIM replaced it with phenibut), SWIM continued using it everyday. Recently SWIM ended this Phenibut habit cold turkey with very minimal withdrawals thanks to SJW."

#95 Galaxyshock

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:24 AM

Hypericin (from SJW) is GABA-B ligand:

Hypericin may also affect activity at GABA receptor level. The effect at the GABA-A receptor subtype is shown with an IC50 of 75 ng ml-1and that at the GABA-B receptor is seen at 6 ng ml-1 which is the most potent effect reported to date8.

→ source (external link)



I believe the key to gaba-b tolerance/wds is in metabotropic glutamate receptors.


Suma root is some sort of mGlu-antagonist and seemed to temporary halt phenibut wds at acute phase. Can't say this for sure though as I took other stuff too.

#96 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 04:27 AM

Ill read up on suma root, my knowledge about the metabotropic glut receptors is limited ill read up some more about it, one thing is for sure and that is that glut is implicated, but its implicated is about everything as the main neurotransmitter in the brain, i dont know wheter those glut receptors are part of the cellular cascade (with nmda the domino block we remove) as with other drugs, if they are normally involved in tolerance to all other drugs then id see it as unlikely.

AMPA antagonism, mglur2/3 activation has simular effects to memantine, its just removing another domino peice.

After some sleep im curious how i made my point come across lol

#97 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 04:57 AM

Rereading some ports i suddenly notice entire sentences i completely missed before, this improvement in focus only became apparent entering the fifth night of no sleep.

HOWEVER it may be my fluvoxamine kicking in as i recently started this antidepressant, also while at first it caused extreme exhaustion i beleive its implicated in me staying up this long. i need to try and get myself to sleep, stimulants dont even do this to me as theres nothing better as going to sleep on them actually in my case lol.

Tomorrow ill be able to asses what caused this dramatic improvement in focus. It could be a mild form of mania as i seem to be posting alot, sometimes making pointless posts, if that caused the improvent in focus that would be disappointing.

#98 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 05:01 AM

night folks

#99 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 08:55 AM

Well in the morning after some sleep and i can still focus, i posted it must be the fluvoxamine however i forgot i have been taking 2 gram of resveratrol since the last 2 days, fluvox inhibition of liver enzymes may increase that dose im not sure so it could be that.

Yesterday 4 at night i randomly decided to take amt lol, i could feel it this morning, its a potent anti anhedonic stim on my combo, its cool stuff ive allways been a fan of it.

#100 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 09:00 AM

Seriously, how many times have you been to the ER? I'm honestly surprised you are still alive with the cocktails you make, especially with schizophrenia. 

#101 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 09:04 AM

Seriously, how many times have you been to the ER? I'm honestly surprised you are still alive with the cocktails you make, especially with schizophrenia.

Only for a panic attack or benzo withdrawal in the uk because the healthcare system is terrible and you cant get your own repeat prescriptions if you miss going to your own gp on friday as an example.

#102 Flex

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 01:55 PM

I would try to get a good sleep (7-8 hours)

It has been reported that loss of sleeping hours damages the brain over the time.

It cant be good for the circulation as well, maybe You are increasing the risk of strokes or bleedings when You are too often awake for such times.

But admittely I cant guarantee this second claim.

#103 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:06 PM

medievil, interested in what kind of stack or natural herbs do you recc. for schizo? I have:




and possibly, Pregnenolone.



#104 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 05:04 PM

I highly recomenned against focussing on either natural stacks, synethetic meds, chinese medicine etc, what works is combining well what works, that usually are things that come from differened worlds.

Saying sups are bullshit and only taking meds is just as bad as trying to only have a natural stack.

Either way

DHEA or pregnenolone
Uridine, fish oil, choline
L methylfolate

Are what come to mind, nefiracetam and piracetam you suggested yourself is not natural.

#105 medievil

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 11:43 PM

Despite sleeping last night abd being on stims i feel extremely sleep deprived, it could be fluvoxamine at first it allways caused exhaustion.

As an experiment i just took a megadose of phenylpiracetam to test wheter it can make me feel awake and alert when i feel like this, testing it under those conditions can make me uncover more of its potential.

#106 ZHMike

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 11:57 PM

For me pheny always worked best in smaller doses ~100mg.. Either way it wears out to fast.. I needed a month off before I could feel it again after 2-3 doses

#107 medievil

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 12:06 AM

I started taking it in megadoses togheter with 5 other racetams in huge doses a while ago, i was soo impatient to test stuff on its own, thats changed, i havent taken it for a while so im curious what it will do.

It should be kicking it now.

#108 medievil

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:59 AM

I just feel a bit more alert, got that typical mild phenylpiracetam effect, weird how i feel so sleep deprived i norally dont get tolerance to stims, i snorted some diphenexidine or whatever its called, its simular to methoxetamine to hopefully potentiate ethyl and mpa.

I normally take fluvox in the evenings tough today took it this morning.

#109 Babychris

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 06:09 AM

yesterday I have eyeballed a dose of sunifiram certainly something between 20 and 40 mg, felt asleep veryyyyyy fast like usual, gave me back the "image of sex", I mean by this that I can have mental fantasy now since I didn't had sex for a while, I usually can't imagine mentally this action, it's far in my brain that's the same for a lot of things overshadowed by my mental OCD. So that's funny.

Nevertheless I don't feel like I can take this stuff everyday or find it pleasant but I already knew it . Subjectively I don't feel smarter but paradoxally I feel fogged but more in shape to write longer and more express myself.


I'm really aware you that EPH is bad ! What can you expect from this ? You will just find all sadness, emptyness and rage

#110 medievil

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 11:21 AM


You will just find all sadness, emptyness and rage

Wtf, ive been using it for years, it feels a bit like coke and is good stuff.


I never tried sunifram but liked unifram, it makes everything crisp but feels a bit anxiogenic stimulating.


I threw phenylpiracetam, DXM and AMT in the mix, so far liking the combo.


I stopped taking resveratrol i think i supressed my libido too much but im not sure, i need a good addition for libido.

#111 medicineman

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 12:16 PM

I just came out of a few terrible weeks,

First it started by ordering ethylphenidate without MPA, i did this shortly after my last post, the ethylphenidate on its own caused anxiety and paranoia, i know verapamil counteracts this but i couldnt get it (i got it now so ive finally come out of a few disaster weeks).

Basicly for the whole week i was feeling anxious and paranoid and started screwing things up, then ive been several days without stims and then we ordered phenibut and ethyl however the phenibut was delevired at a wrong adress and just ethyl on its own was pretty awefull, interestingly i didnt get anxiety that time.

And now im back only on ethyl, phenylpiracetam, noopept, phenibut, 5 meo dalt and verapamil and thx to verapamil i feel back fine and im back on the right track, ill keep you guys updated, i was fine for months i have no idea why i couldnt tolerate ethyl without mpa anymore i could in the past, but not after ive used mpa with ethyl for several weeks.

Take care guys.

Just for the case, that You have´nt heard this:
Methylphenidate induces lipid and protein damage in prefrontal cortex, but not in cerebellum, striatum and hippocampus of juvenile rats.

Phew, glad the cerebellum is unharmed.

#112 medicineman

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 12:19 PM

I just feel a bit more alert, got that typical mild phenylpiracetam effect, weird how i feel so sleep deprived i norally dont get tolerance to stims, i snorted some diphenexidine or whatever its called, its simular to methoxetamine to hopefully potentiate ethyl and mpa.

I normally take fluvox in the evenings tough today took it this morning.

Wow. Fluvox keeps me up and alert for around 6-8 hours. If I take it at night, I'm getting no sleep.

#113 medievil

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 07:26 PM

Woohoo i pulled of a dex script, just for 3 days tough while that docter had a warning letter with all my fake names, adresses and a fuckload of meds ive gotten under differened aliasses.

Anyone that for some money wants to pretend hes my doc prescribing me dexamphetamine?

#114 medievil

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 07:31 PM

Amt in higher doses with dxm feels fucking dirty but phenylpiracetam makes it feel alot cleaner.

Lol this amt really put me in a partymood im jumping around on crazy belguim dancemusic.

I remember the days i was there every fucking week, taking and selling mdma haha

#115 medievil

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 07:37 PM

Been ordering loads of stuff and reported it all as fraud to my bank, made about 400 pounds in profit, good shit.
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#116 medievil

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 08:13 PM

Orexin a is on the top of my most wanted list, it theoretically abolishes the need for sleep, its known because of a certain desease that you only die after 10 months of no sleep, so i think i can safely experiment with not sleeping for a month at a time or so.
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#117 medievil

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:50 PM

Whats up with stims actually supressing libido? can anyone explain this?

#118 agora

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 12:18 AM

Vasoconstriction is a part of it

#119 Flex

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 01:09 PM


Cocaine damages at least the vessels

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#120 medievil

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Posted 18 September 2014 - 01:16 PM

I acted like an idiot on that amt lol.


No its not that at all, nothing related to blood vessels, actual libido decrease in the brain, read it could be related to hormones?

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