Hi RG,
my reply in red text below.
I think playground's method of transferring to a dropper bottle is a good idea. I probably didn't explain it in the video, but with the saline bottle, I was dripping into my nose from a few millimeters away, so I never did have it in contact with my nostril. But droppers are still more accurate, so I agree with that modification. Again, sterilization is paramount.
I also agree that 1 ug intranasal won't do anything. However, it might do something if delivered sublingually, where absorption efficiency would be much higher after a few minutes. I haven't tried anything sublingual yet, but it's on my list.
As I mentioned in my thread, I've stopped all NGF activators for several weeks now, in order to avoid neuroregeneration in my mouth and nose, where I least want it while healing from jaw surgery. I plan to resume in January.
I hope you make a speedy recovery.
As to Sudoku, 60 days of history is probably a good plateau. It's an excellent test because it provides not only a measurement of memory and executive function, but actively stimulates new neurons to integrate themselves into useful networks. We need to remember, in all this, that new neurons don't translate to better memory or intelligence unless they're forced to work for a living.
Yes, I'm sure that's correct.
One update... it only recently occurred to me that since my experiments in this thread, I have never again experienced parosmia, hyposmia, or anosmia. (Parosmia is the scariest of these. Imagine squirting out some liquid lemon soap that you've used for years, but smelling burning rubber instead. It's a jolting wakeup call that you have a serious neurological problem. I've been there.)
Did all smells smell different or just lemony smells ?
And is your sense of smell back to normal now ?
At some point, perhaps documented in the foregoing pages, I experienced my last episode, and that was it. This, despite having periodic attacks on and off since being infected by nasal bacteria in 10/2013. The episodes continued long after the infection was cured. I don't think it's a huge stretch to imagine that betaNGF and/or precursors like lion's mane or ashitaba chalcone regrew my olfactory network.
Seems entirely reasonable to me that NGF (and NGF promoters) helped mend those issues.
Perhaps NGF should be used for conditions like narcolepsy.
And, off the top of my head i wonder if..... putting NGF in your ear .... might fix tinnitus....
... or.... whether NGF in the ear might halt or reverse progressive deafness.
After such a long time without a lasting cure, bouncing back and forth between high and low function, the timing is rather coincidental.
Finally, readers here will no doubt want to have a look at the breakthrough research brought to us by mag1 regarding copper-2 exposure and AD risk. Bottom line: it's time to find a copper-free vitamin pill (e.g. LEF 2-per-day or others) and filter your way out of risks associated with copper plumbing. The discussion starts here on 12/12/2015.
This is interesting. I seem to remember that, in the UK, 50 years ago, they switched
from lead piping to copper piping because of the newly discovered risks with lead.
I wonder, what should domestic pipes be made of ?