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Niagen Nicotinamide Riboside LONGECITY Group Buy

niagen nicotinamide niacin group buy hpn

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#1 Bryan_S

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Posted 23 July 2014 - 10:14 PM

This forum is for the High Performance Nutrition (HPN) Niagen Nicotinamide Riboside offering for LONGECITY members.


This discount offer is made every 2 months and the minimum buy-in is 6 bottles at 30% off. You can purchase more but that's the minimum. Our group needs to purchase at least 100 bottles for HPN to repeat this offer. So far we've exceeded that the last 2 times. It's a direct sale offering from (HPN) "NO Middle Man" and they extend to us as their "Team pricing" for members on Longecity. They handle everything including shipping. 




No individual at Longecity is offered an incentive for organizing this other than the same discount everyone else enjoys.


The last purchase ran thru Wednesday 6/25 for $33.60 per bottle. The Normal price was $47.99 at the time of the offering. We'll be setting up the next purchase for August 15-20th. I'll start dropping the word on the other (NR) forums as we near the August 15th date. When the time arrives we are given a discount code for the sales time window and I'll post that info when (HPN) makes the announcement. Then that code will work until the cut-off date.


Here is the main product page.



Follow this topic if you'd like to be notified about the next group purchase.


Be well guys!

Edited by Bryan_S, 23 July 2014 - 10:22 PM.

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#2 chrisp2

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Posted 31 July 2014 - 10:28 PM

So I'm in for 6...  No one else so far?

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#3 Bryan_S

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Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:36 AM

chrisp2, I didn't expect to see a lot of traffic on this topic forum until we hit out purchase period. I'll post more information when we get closer to the August 15-20th date. At the moment we are on target for the next buy.

#4 Asor

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Posted 02 August 2014 - 02:30 PM

im in for 6

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#5 tintinet

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Posted 02 August 2014 - 05:44 PM

In for 6!

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#6 Asor

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Posted 03 August 2014 - 01:00 AM

im in for 6


sorry, i got to withdraw my commitment due to news i received just minutes ago.

Im going, with good probabilities, be part of a study on patients with mitochondrial miopathies that involves NR, and if im taking NR by myself i wont be eligible to be part of such study.

#7 rluscomb

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 10:22 AM

I am in for 6 or 12, depending on how my testing goes this week... I was able to get a shipment of Niacel by Thorne Research shipped from a good supplier two days ago. Certainly with the group buy the price for Niagen is much better! 

#8 Bryan_S

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 03:32 PM


im in for 6


sorry, i got to withdraw my commitment due to news i received just minutes ago.

Im going, with good probabilities, be part of a study on patients with mitochondrial miopathies that involves NR, and if im taking NR by myself i wont be eligible to be part of such study.




Good luck Asor!

#9 Bryan_S

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 06:19 PM

OK guys High Performance Nutrition (HPN) sent me the specifics of this months 30% discount offering. 


August 14th through the 20th, "Longecity3" will be the discount code.


Here is the main product page.



So as of this posting the discount will begin in one week and the offering will last for just one week.

Please pass this offering on to our other members so we can meet our 100 bottle quota and be able to repeat this again in mid October.



This discount offer is made every 2 months and the minimum buy-in is 6 bottles at 30% off. You can purchase more but that's the minimum. Our group needs to purchase at least 100 bottles for HPN to repeat this offer. So far we've exceeded that the last 2 times. It's a direct sale offering from (HPN) "NO Middle Man" and they extend to us as their "Team pricing" for members on Longecity. They handle everything including shipping. 




No individual at Longecity is offered an incentive for organizing this other than the same discount everyone else enjoys.


The last purchase ran thru Wednesday 6/25 for $33.60 per bottle. The Normal price was $47.99 at the time of the offering. We'll be setting up the next purchase for August 15-20th. I'll start dropping the word on the other (NR) forums as we near the August 15th date. When the time arrives we are given a discount code for the sales time window and I'll post that info when (HPN) makes the announcement. Then that code will work until the cut-off date.


Here is the main product page.



Follow this topic if you'd like to be notified about the next group purchase.


Be well guys!




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#10 gnappi

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 06:44 PM

Well, I want to buy 2 bottles but I live in Brazil so who will send the Niagen to me??? HPN??? Some forumer???

#11 nbourbaki

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 07:45 PM

Brian,  Thanks again for keeping this going!

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#12 Bryan_S

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 07:11 PM

Brian,  Thanks again for keeping this going!


Sure I'll keep this going as long as there is continued interest or until I get tired of organizing this, then I'll pass it off to one of you. So this is now the official thread for the High Performance Nutrition (HPN) team offering. There were so many off-topic posts on the other (NR) Group-buy threads that it was difficult to find the information everybody was looking for, mainly when can I order next and how much money. Now with a set 60-day cycle Mid October this will be our next opportunity to order provided we meet our quota this month. If we miss our quota I will try and push our purchase out to 90-days to drive the demand but in the end that will be a (HPN) decision. Last month we made it but only by a narrow margin, to be honest I was rather disappointed. So spread the word, recruit members, pull in other interested NR buyers. For those who are on the fence because of the price a 30% discount can be pretty persuasive. This is your call to action "guys/girls" because I'm already doing my part.


I know this is a bizarre comparison but I like fun facts. In many locations a pack of cigarettes on average costs $6.50 to $7.00 a pack US excluding New York ($14.50 in New York). Many people are willing to poison their bodies spending $6.50 daily for the privilege of smoking just one-pack-a-day. We spend $33.60 per month (with the HPN Niagen discount) and a pack-a-day smoker pays on the low side $195 per month. For those of you who were past smokers and you know who your are, that old habit was the equivalent of 5.8 bottles (at 7.5 grams per bottle) of Niagen a month or 43.5 grams of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). To put that in a daily perspective that's a 1.45 gram per day equivalent of (NR).


We all have ways of justifying our nutritional investments and being a past smoker I feel 1.45 grams per-day of Nicotinamide Riboside is a pretty fair cost effective healthy trade and the overall better deal. 

So when I look at how much (NR) can I afford daily I look to this metric.


Be well

Edited by Bryan_S, 08 August 2014 - 07:14 PM.

#13 MarcD

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 12:17 PM

"add to cart"-button for N® is not working for days now on http://hpnsupplements.com/products/nr/

#14 Bryan_S

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Posted 10 August 2014 - 06:22 PM



We'll be setting up the next purchase for August 15-20th. 




Sorry to hear that MarcD.


That very well may be, I looked and the link to the "add to cart" link is dead right now. They may be having some website issues or they may be doing some maintenance. I expect this will be taken care of before the 15th which is what I'm worried about. High Performance Nutrition (HPN) should take orders via the telephone and that could be your workaround if you need to put some on order today. If on August 15th the discount code is not working please let me know and I'll take some action for our members.


customer support email: support@hpnformula1.com

customer support phone number: 1-800-971-4318

#15 MarcD

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 10:40 AM

Bryan_S, than you a lot for the informations

the "add to cart" button is working again



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 02:46 AM

My apologies if this has been discussed, but is this product 3rd party assayed (or as well any other such product with this active)?  I am aware of much 'fake' material on the market.

Many thanks!

#17 Bryan_S

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 11:27 PM

My apologies if this has been discussed, but is this product 3rd party assayed (or as well any other such product with this active)?  I am aware of much 'fake' material on the market.

Many thanks!





Sorry I didn't see your post until today I've been out on a colossal production this week. This is the ChromaDex NIAGEN group buy through High Performance Nutrition (HPN) as the distributer this is their team pricing offering. I'm just coordinating the discount offering dates to our members, (HPN) is handling all the business and shipping. To give credit where credit is due Primal originally contacted the distributer and set up our discount back in March this year. So a hat tip to Primal for the original work.


The thread moved over here because the original discussion evolved into something beyond our (HPN) group buy and our LONGECITY members were looking for the up-to-the-date information on this buy which is now currently set to a 60-day cycle as long as we can continue to meet our purchase quota of 100 bottles. Depending on our continued performance we will see. The original thread is still quite active and full of tons of research information if you have the time to read it.


As far as Independent Third Party Lab Assays one of our respected members recently submitted a sample either as a benchmark for other comparisons or to test the purity of the single licensed producer. He posted his results not long ago (Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:32 PM) you'll have to PM him for more in-depth information not made public.



Be well



#18 Primal

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 08:40 AM


I think you mean PWAIN  :-D  Thx to both of you for setting it up and keeping it alive

#19 APBT

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 08:18 PM

FYI:  The coupon is currently active and working.  

#20 tintinet

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 12:50 AM

Not working for me now....

#21 niner

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 01:05 AM

Not working for me now....


You mean it used to and now it's not, or do you mean that it never worked for you?  What, if anything, has worked for you?

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#22 tintinet

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 08:00 AM

Sorry- I meant the buy NR button and coupon weren't working for me. WRT personal response, I'm not sure I've felt or noticed any effects from taking it either, but I very rarely notice any effects of supplements. My perceptions are likely confounded because I usually take several overlapping supplements over any given time period.

#23 nbourbaki

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 08:30 AM

I've tried it as well with two different browsers and I'm not able to click the button to add to the cart.

#24 APBT

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 01:50 PM

Yep, now I can't add (any) items to the cart. I think it must be something on HPN's end. 

Edited by APBT, 15 August 2014 - 01:51 PM.

#25 APBT

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 02:35 PM

I contacted HPN, here's their reply:


Hello Sir,

I apologize they were performing some routine maintenance on the site this morning, it is fully operational now. Let me know if there are any issues now, but there shouldn't be.


I just tried again, all works fine and the coupon is accepted.  Buy away.........

#26 Bryan_S

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 07:19 PM



I think you mean PWAIN  :-D  Thx to both of you for setting it up and keeping it alive


My bad, many thanks to PWAIN.

#27 nbourbaki

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 11:21 AM

Website worked and order placed

#28 Bryan_S

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Posted 16 August 2014 - 02:29 PM

No problems for me, they seem to have it fixed.

#29 APBT

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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:01 PM

The coupon still works as of today.

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#30 Bryan_S

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 11:39 PM

I expect the code will work until 23:59 tonight, "California USA time." Here is a local clock in this time zone. see URL. 


I'll check with HPN tomorrow and see if we met our quota. From this we'll set our next calendar date, "hopefully starting Wednesday, October 14, 2015." However HPN will dictate this date depending on our purchase performance. The possibility exists we failed to meet our quota based on the weak response I've seen on our board, so I'm not making any promises of a discount continuation, so we see what we will see and take this to the next step once our numbers are tabulated.


It would be helpful, in future, if anyone purchasing would post their intentions so we can turn up the volume (importance) if its clear we aren't going to make our numbers. We will see tomorrow, good luck guys.

Edited by Bryan_S, 20 August 2014 - 11:43 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: niagen, nicotinamide, niacin, group buy, hpn

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