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Niagen Nicotinamide Riboside LONGECITY Group Buy

niagen nicotinamide niacin group buy hpn

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#181 rlb373

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 08:10 PM

Just as a point of reference, I got (as a prior customer and on their email distribution) an offer of 30% off for "72 hours" last Tuesday. I checked it out, and it worked out to about $27/per for a three bottle buy. When I went to buy on Friday late, their website was down. I phoned in today (Sun) explained how I missed the sale and was able to buy 6 bottles for  40% off the 1 bottle price, so $169.16 = $28.19/per.


Earlier in the week I read somewhere on longecity that people (customers) had been getting phone calls with offers of 40% (6) or 50% (12) bottle purchases. I suspect that that is the deal I got and that at least former customers could call and get the same deal. If you go to their site as a new customer:


You'll be presented with a first time customer price of $35.43 for a 3 bottle purchase w free shipping. My guess is that if you called you could get a better price, especially if you mentioned you had been using xyz brand and wanted to give theirs a try.

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#182 Bryan_S

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 09:09 PM

Thanks rlb373 but this is the (HPN) High Performance Nutrition thread. This is were you meant to post the LCR offer. Please people post these offers on the vender page or the venders own thread.

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#183 Bryan_S

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 01:41 AM

Guys/Gals just a word of caution regarding venders. We've worked pretty hard on finding and arranging the best deals on this forum. I announced I was returning to the table with HPN and they generated additional offers for us and we are still working on yet another. However price isn't everything and we've all forgotten the quality assurance we originally sought and expected our sponsoring vender to provide. This Group buy represents the most consistent, reoccurring discount offer in the Nicotinamide Riboside market. One might also say the deal we as LongeCity members arranged is the price every other vender is trying to currently beat and they would all like to see the day when our HPN Group Buy dissolves.


Considering the venders we've been monitoring on our forums, only our HPN sponsor has stood by our members and willingly published product quality verification to accommodate our requests. They've also been independently tested by one of our own board members for product assurance. They've even gone as far as to create new ways of dosing our NR. But this vender was originally providing additional 3rd party proof of product purity to our members before we came to work with them. Those links above are 2 separate testing facilities by the way. 


I think it's fair to push these points for HPN and ultimately the assurance we asked for adds to the cost of our product. If we as a group purchase based solely on price we are sending a message that quality assurance is not that important. It should also be noted not all of the NR venders are providing you with these assurance links because it costs money to add this layer into the product, take away the testing and sure we could get a cheaper price, is that what we want? So the question remains for many of our NR venders, "are you getting the advertised quantity, quality, fillers and excipients they represent on the label." One other point no one is discussing, "what's the microbial content of the product they are delivering and is it within acceptable limits?"


Some of you have known that in the background I've been pushing one of the venders to be truthful in their advertising. Nothing irks me more than habitual false advertising. I've kept my mouth shut on the public forums. This vender has even gone as far as to push his special offers on threads like the HPN Group buy and piggy back his offer dates on top of ours. Its one thing to compete, another to undermine the good will people trying to support the nicotinamide riboside community are investing. Plus our offer predates their entry in the market and what they are doing is simply in very poor taste.


I have to ask, have any competing venders committed to continuing their discounted product at their current discounted price once our Group Buy dissolves? Have they assured you they will perform the same quality assurance testing and provide independent verification at your request to meet our standards?


You may not be aware any of this is going on in the background and to date no other vender has contacted me and offered to make these promises to fill the void.


I don't make vender confrontations public but one vender in particular wasn't truthful about listing his excipients last year and made what I asserted were untrue statements about their ingredients and purity. I pushed the issue all the way to ChromaDex and got results. Believe me the last thing a vender wants is a call from Frank Jaksch. Now to the best of my knowledge I can't confirm this vender ever made the changes they claim because they never offered to publish their independent 3rd party testing like our HPN sponsor. They claim they have it but have not offered to publish any independent verification.


So guys I add a word of caution, buyer beware, there are things going on behind the scenes. You all need to push for honest marketing and pressure your various venders for verification of product quality. We all know this stuff is expensive. If we all elect to move to another vender I will cut ties with this one but no one else has offered us the assurance we've gotten from HPN. These customer assurances cost money and something has to give if you support venders who are not willing to subject themselves to independent 3rd party testing and publish the results for all to see and question. 


Thats pretty much the rant. I have to share these things now because I don't know how much longer this offer will last and once its gone all of us will be on our own. Currently HPN holds market share and has set the quality standard but a few other venders (mostly newer ones) are not willing to take the time to create new market and support the existing market as HPN has done. They want their sales now and will do what ever it takes to gain a piece of the existing NR market.


Here is a quick briefing on Excipients in Supplements.


Silica dust is a known carcinogen, lung irritant, and a central nervous system toxin. What is Silica dust see link. Guys I take my NR under the tongue like many of you. I trialled one of these other venders product and ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO COUGH UP A LUNG. This is why HPN uses a plant based excipient. So again buyer beware, swallowing a capsule undisturbed is completely different than emptying its contents under your tongue. Now, knowing and researching what some of these excipients are I don't want them in my body period.


Magnesium stearate this is also a common ingredient and its a lubricant in the incapsulating process. There is some controversy about it but the general thought is its an immune suppressant. All I know is I can order my Niagen without it.


I see one recent entry into the NR market that is using both of the aforementioned excipients. Now you may be fine with eating and breathing Silica dust and Magnesium stearate. We as consumers have this right to put into our bodies what we choose. These are cheap approved DFA Excipients used in the encapsulation process and they help bring down the price of handling the main ingredient but there are slightly more expensive organic options. Here are a few things to look for The ‘Other Ingredients’ – What You Need to Know About Excipients in Supplements  see link.


ESTIMATION OF MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION IN VARIOUS ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS AND EXCIPIENTS Now this article is about the pharmaceutical market the supplements market is much more dismal.


Again guys buyer beware, support the vender of your choice but if we miss our HPN quota I will be stepping down from this roll and someone else will need to step in and fill my shoes.


Just so we are all on the same page; I will not be publicly discussing the venders in question. I just want them to get their act together and this post should start them on the path to do that. This thread is for announcements for the LONGECITY HPN Group Buy and as new information emerges on the next offer I'll make a posting here or on my other NR threads.

Edited by Bryan_S, 17 August 2015 - 01:48 AM.

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#184 Bryan_S

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:26 AM

Thats funny I've already read a rumor on another thread that our group buy is dead. For those wishing HPN just pulled out we've just extended the dates on the discount to reassure everyone. Log on to your HPN accounts and you'll see this offer is still running. 

Edited by Bryan_S, 17 August 2015 - 07:33 AM.

#185 SimbaLion

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 08:12 AM



Maybe I don't hang around here enough, but I was under the impression you're part of the Longecity crew.  Correct me if that's not right.


And if you are, I'm finding this whole thread a bit confusing as all your quite thinly veiled "mystery bad vendor" comments are clearly directed toward another supporter of Longecity -- heck, their thread is even pinned in this forum...


I find this a very strange way to conduct business.  

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#186 Bryan_S

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 09:03 AM

Your instincts are right I'm a member helping to put this HPN offer together for other members. The only thing I get out of this is the same discount you receive, I have no business interest here at all other than to keep this offer alive for those who've come to depend on it. I'm one such person. The support I offer on these NR threads is simply because I believe in NAD boosting and I'm willing to dedicate some of my time to share this interest as many of you have done. I also have not mentioned the vender in question and don't not see his advertisement pinned to this thread. Hope that perspective helps.

Edited by Bryan_S, 17 August 2015 - 09:54 AM.

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#187 Bryan_S

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Posted 18 August 2015 - 07:43 PM

The  'longecity9 coupon is working.


I just ordered 6 bottles this morning, August 16 2015: $250.02 - $48.25 = $201.77


A little under $33.63 per bottle Still a great deal.


Once again THANKS LongeCity Group Buy people for making this happen, and the ongoing updates!


Thanks guys I just put in my order for 12 bottles for $384.53 or $32.04 per bottle. I spoke with HPN and they in light of some rumor the HPN LongeCity Offer is now dead (which it isn't) extended it thru the 24th to put peoples concerns to rest.

Edited by Bryan_S, 18 August 2015 - 07:44 PM.

#188 Arisia

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Posted 19 August 2015 - 05:26 PM

It was working yesterday. Just purchased 6 bottles. Same $201.77 total as listed before.

#189 Alex_G

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Posted 19 August 2015 - 07:04 PM

Just bought 12 bottles, $384.53.

$32.04 per bottle

I used the longecity9x code.


Thanks for keeping this up Bryan! 

#190 Bryan_S

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Posted 19 August 2015 - 11:12 PM

Thanks guys for pitching in to keep it going.   :)

#191 sthira

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Posted 20 August 2015 - 02:31 AM

I bought six bottles at the discounted price. I'm taking 250 mg with 10 mg pterostilbine twice per day, morning & night.

#192 smithx

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Posted 20 August 2015 - 04:24 PM

When will the next discount period be after this? I want to be able to plan how much to get.

#193 Bryan_S

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Posted 20 August 2015 - 04:52 PM

When will the next discount period be after this? I want to be able to plan how much to get.


Approximately Thursday, October 15, 2015. HPN usually gives us the date I ask for but they sometimes move it slightly within a few days. Allow yourself a little leeway but the 60-day cycle is pretty solid.

#194 Bryan_S

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 03:03 AM


Our next offer will be on or around August 15th.


OK we are just a few days out from August 15th this offer will last for a week.


I've been talking with HPN to come up with some new pricing from your feedback. They've adjusted 2 volume categories, one for 6 bottle orders and one for a dozen bottles.  HPN is also working on rolling out another offer for our LongeCity members which I'll share more on as they generate further details.


This month our normal LongeCity 6-11 bottle purchases should use code "longecity9" this price has been adjusted to $4.47 per gram from $4.48.


If you want a better deal starting at 12 bottles use the code "longecity9xthis price has been readdressed to accommodate our high volume members @ $4.27 per gram.




These prices reflect the best ongoing deal from any NIAGEN vender and HPN has supported our members with this offer since the spring of 2014 without fail.


High Performance Nutrition packages 7.5 grams of Nicotinamide Riboside per bottle into 60 125mg vegetarian capsules and they boast they produce the cleanest product in the NIAGEN market. They are also third-Party Tested and manufacture their product in a NSF cGMP certified facility. No other vender has come forward and claimed to be up to that standard. Also keep an eye on their website as they are close to rolling out some new NR dosages.



As I mentioned the other day the offer was extended until the 24th. Let me know if there are and problems?

#195 Bryan_S

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Posted 25 August 2015 - 01:26 AM

Just checked and the offer is still up.

#196 Bryan_S

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Posted 27 August 2015 - 02:09 AM

Not complaining but the LongeCity Group Buy discount still seems to be active for those who missed it. 

#197 Bryan_S

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Posted 27 August 2015 - 03:33 PM

Checked again and it is still up and running. Everyone knows the saying "don't look a gift horse in the mouth." If I see a change I'll post it or if one of you sees a change please post it.

#198 Bryan_S

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 05:06 PM


When will the next discount period be after this? I want to be able to plan how much to get.


Approximately Thursday, October 15, 2015. HPN usually gives us the date I ask for but they sometimes move it slightly within a few days. Allow yourself a little leeway but the 60-day cycle is pretty solid.



Confirmed this date for the next offer. The codes for the last offer are no longer working as some of you have discovered. It was nice of HPN to extend the discount as long as they did.



#199 open open

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Posted 12 September 2015 - 10:43 PM

I was worried about something pertaining to Nicotinamide Riboside capsules. My shipment took about 3 days to arrive to my house and was in the hands of USPS for those 3 days. It has been about 100 degrees everyday, as we are in a heatwave in california and was wondering how much damage my tablets took being in hot trucks and in my mailbox for a few hours in 100 degrees temperature. They were quite hot when I picked them up out of the mailbox.

#200 Bryan_S

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Posted 13 September 2015 - 03:35 PM

I was worried about something pertaining to Nicotinamide Riboside capsules. My shipment took about 3 days to arrive to my house and was in the hands of USPS for those 3 days. It has been about 100 degrees everyday, as we are in a heatwave in california and was wondering how much damage my tablets took being in hot trucks and in my mailbox for a few hours in 100 degrees temperature. They were quite hot when I picked them up out of the mailbox.


I'm trying to locate a product sheet to define its stable temperature range but I don't see a MSDS. I'm not worried. I would look to Nicotinamide for relevant data. Usually these kinds of compounds don't breakdown chemically with short temperature exposure below their melting point. With Nicotinamide that is around 265.1 °F.

#201 Bryan_S

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Posted 06 October 2015 - 06:35 PM

OK we are just days out from October 15th and this offer will last for one week.


HPN is offering 2 volume categories this month, one for 6-11 bottle orders and one for a dozen bottles or more.


This month our normal LongeCity 6-11 bottle purchases should use code "longecity10" this price works out to around $4.47 per gram.


If you want the better deal starting at 12 bottles use the code "longecity10xthis price reduces the cost to around $4.27 per gram.


These codes will become active October 15th.



These prices reflect the best ongoing deal from any NIAGEN vender and HPN has supported our LongeCity members with this offer since the spring of 2014 without fail.


High Performance Nutrition packages 7.5 grams of Nicotinamide Riboside per bottle into 60 125mg vegetarian capsules and they boast the cleanest vegetarian product in the NIAGEN market. They are also third-Party Tested and manufacture their product in a NSF cGMP certified facility.


Also keep an eye on their website as they are close to rolling out some new NR dosages.

#202 ironfistx

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Posted 11 October 2015 - 11:40 PM

NR is the only supplement where buying powder is more than the capsules.

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#203 Bryan_S

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Posted 15 October 2015 - 05:50 AM

The code is up and working.


BTW the Powder is a special formulation intended to mix in your smoothes or in other foods you wish to enhance. It is still 125 mg per scoop, just easier than splitting open capsules I guess. From what I've learned HPN originally developed this for a select market in Australia and found others were wanting to order it this way to do the same. Its a choice, I order capsules and have no problem splitting them open.


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Posted 15 October 2015 - 06:42 PM

Thanks to whom/all organized this bulk order deal. I just ordered 6 bottles successfully with the discount code. I read different posts on effective saturation levels and gather that 300 mg is a magic mark. I am thinking of taking 3 capsules a day: 1@ morning-noon-early eve so I bump up over 300 mg daily but keep level up for most of day. Does this make sense to those who have more scientific knowledge of product? Or should I start with 300 mg in AM then take 1 capsule in afternoon? Will greatly appreciate responses to this question.

#205 Bryan_S

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Posted 15 October 2015 - 07:24 PM

I spread 1000 mg across the day, but that's me.

#206 sthira

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Posted 15 October 2015 - 11:36 PM

I spread 1000 mg across the day, but that's me.

Do you take 50mg pterostilbine with each 250 mg niagen? And magnolia extract with each serving? And how do you sequence it out? 250 mg (two pills) morning, noon, evening, night?

#207 Bryan_S

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Posted 16 October 2015 - 04:58 AM

sthira, I'll message you

#208 open open

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Posted 19 October 2015 - 02:09 AM

I am worried I might have a counterfeit HPN N®. Do your capsules look like this?



#209 Bryan_S

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Posted 19 October 2015 - 02:38 AM

They look about right. Did you buy them from a suspicious source or off HPN's website?

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#210 open open

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Posted 19 October 2015 - 02:40 AM

A reseller, but I confirmed with the HPN that they are legit.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: niagen, nicotinamide, niacin, group buy, hpn

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