We have all, on numerous occasion seen people come to LongeCity and offer their praise to our community for helping them deal with important health issues, improve their lifestyles, and find that perfect cognitive or emotional enhancer that leads them into a new and improved life. Some have seen doctors for years, others come looking to get connected to high performing clinical trial drugs, and some find that they just needed to change some behavior and understand some new things. But many have come, and I think we do a pretty awesome job of changing people's lives and showing them the way to better health/lifestyles/mindsets. and giving them a new lease on the future.
So I'm doing a testimonial commercial series and would like your input. Here are some suggestions:
- LongeCity helped me...
- I go to LongeCity for/because...
- I support LongeCity because...
- I was having problems with x before finding LongeCity and they helped connect me to bleeding/leading edge medical advice...
- My job performance has...
- My relationships have...
- My career...
- I found...
- LongeCity helped me find a new level of personal development in...
- LongeCity is the best site for...
Don't forget, if you'd like to change your username or have us credit you using an alias or as an anonymous user for personal reasons, we can make such accommodations. We can even change your name history if necessary. Just contact me and we'll take care of it.
Follow this topic to find out when I make the videos available and be the first to share them.
I plan to share the video on youtube.
Your testimonial may be edited for grammar or to shortened to fit on screen (with your approval of course).
Edited by cryonicsculture, 05 August 2014 - 09:11 PM.