So, to begin.
I am approaching 23 years of age in just 4 months now, so currently I am 22..........
I have what I believe to be nasolabial folds that, to me, are quite bad especially for someone at my age.
Things about me (have been using sunscreen for a year and a half now daily, 22.5% ZnO)....... Have gotten sunburned especially bad under my eyes before but other than that nothing.........
For eight months now have been using Retin A and eating a clean diet and taking AGE inhibitors and drinking white tea to supress elastase..............
Also, My testosterone readings have been in the 350 range for a few years now which is VERY low for my age, thus making me believe that Maybe that has had a heavy impact on my body, including my skin of course.... Anyway, I believe at certain angles, these folds make me look 5 years or more older than I truly am. Can you guys confirm if these are true folds, or, if just even younger people in their teens can also create this illusion of having imperfect skin (even thought they pretty much have perfect skin).. I already posted similar things on Realself, but doctors never respond to me............
So there are photoes of me in a flattering light (bathroom) to give a rough estimate of what I look like. But then I took many photos where light was coming in from the side to reveal (what I believe to be) nasolabial folds.......and bad ones at that for my age)
that is the link to where I have a bunch of those photos uploaded. What do you guys think? I believe I look like I am much older than I am when light hits me from the side. maybe it IS time for fillers because this is destroying my esteem. What do you all think?......maybe it is because of the chronically low testosterone (since I was 17 years old)