This is the be-all, catch-all thread for the study, treatment, hypothesizing, and brainstorming regarding the neurological problem called "ADHD" - but with a caveat! It also includes the frequently co-morbid issues of motor control ( gross and minor), perception, and processing.
Very often, the sufferers of a variation of ADHD will tell you that they have more issues than the ones outlined as Classical ADHD. Often training and medication can only help some of the symptoms - because they are not stacked, not researched, or diagnosed correctly.
Well, here, we will strive to do so. If you have ADHD, in any form, caused either by the "classic" neuro-genetic mutations, or by some other genetic, internal, or external cause - then post your symptoms, your known causes, your DIAGNOSED disorders, and your SUSPECTED disorders, and together - we shall try and find stacks, tips, tests, and theories which might be helpful to all of us.
As such, I will here add a legend, which should help out in our research, regarding the disorders, the connections, the genetics, the potential treatment ( chemical, psychological, physiological, etc), and various compound which may be useful in treating the disorder(s).
Disorders by Medical abbreviations:
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
A disorder leading to difficulties in attention (studying, learning), behavioural control ( emotions, social interaction), planning, and motivation. ( execution of said plans)
The causes of ADHD can be many, and varied.
Classical ADHD, which is the most studied form - is often caused by changes in various neural networks, leading to faulty production or processing of important signal-transmitting chemicals in the brain.
Classical ADHD is most likely an almost completely neuro-genetic disorder, but various other genetic disorders can cause symptoms similar to Classical ADHD, but the root-cause can be one completely separated from neurological mutations.
The cause of the disorder can also be one of external trauma, as certain traumas to the brain, mild or severe, can cause symptoms that mimic the disorders caused by genetic mutations, through purely mechanical ( head-trauma, etc ) or developmental ( toxins, premature birth, etc) means.
Changes in the Pre-Frontal Lobe and mesolimbic pathway have been observed in those suffering from the disorder, and are the prime focus of research and theory regarding the disorder(s), at this time.
Variations of ADHD:
ADHD-PI - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive
A variation of the disorder which features little to no hyperactivity, rather, the persons afflicted with this variation are often HYPO-active, meaning that they can be perceived as lazy, letargic, or simply disinterested, by the mainline population. The pathology is hypothetically differentiated in that it is predominantly caused by Mesolimbic Pathway dysfunction, and not PFC dysfunction.
ADHD-PH - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive
This variation has greater problems with hyperactivity behavioural control than the other variations, and seek constant stimulation and reward. They do not, however, have as severe difficulties with motivation as the other variations. The pathology is hypothetically differentiated in that it is predominantly caused by PFC dysfunction, and not Mesolimbic Pathway dysfunction.
ADHD-C - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined type
The most common variation of ADHD - which features difficulties in both behavioural control, attention, and motivation. Most persons diagnosed with ADHD will have a combination of symptoms, but will often "lean" towards either Inattention or Hyperactivity as the dominant symptom. Those with ADHD-C have a less clearly obvious dominant symptom, implying a combination of PFC and Mesolimbic Pathway dysfunction.
DCD - Developmental Coordination Disorder
A developmental disorder with a greater comorbidity among those diagnosed with ADHD, than the greater population. Often called "clumsy child syndrome" or "Dyspraxia", it is characterized by a difficulty in executing complex gross motor movements. Theories regarding the neuro-pathology of the disease range from abnormalities in the Nigrostriatal pathway,
Substantia Nigra circuitry, and the Cerebellum, to the Caudate nucleus.
As of this time, no accepted theory for the nature of the disorder, exists.
Dysgraphia - A difficulty in executing motor-tasks of a more delicate manor, such as drawing or writing.
It is unknown whether there is a connection between DCD and Dysgraphia, even though both are diseases of motor-control. One can often be diagnosed with both, but one or the other may be more prominent, or even so subtly debilitating, that it is only barely diagnosed as a handicap. Never-the-less, both diseases prevent a person from reaching their full potential, in an increasingly competitive society - as such, both must be treated, and conquered, in order for the individual to be ALL that they can truly be.
Dyscalculia - A difficulty in solving and handling arithmetic mathematics, and a general difficulty in handling quantities of various kinds.
Medical abbreviations:
PFC - Pre-Frontal Cortex
The region of the brain located behind your forehead. It controls impulses, emotions, planning, and many higher, complex functions.
Edited by Stinkorninjor, 01 August 2014 - 04:56 PM.