In this experimental forum section ImmInst Full Members can ask tricky questions aimed at getting high-quality answers.
Questions can also be 'challenges' for some action rather than just for information.
One question only per topic.
All topics allowed (within reason) - meaning that in this section very different topics can appear next to each other.
It is therefore very important to choose a informative title and tags for your topic. Topics with meaningless titles like "a question" "riddle me this" "yo!" will be deleted and can incur a warning.
All registered users can share an answer. Among the answers, the questioner can select a 'best' answer which will be highlighted.
No 'chatroom style' banter. The posting guidelines apply to this forum in particular. Use of the reference button ( ) is encouraged.
Those awarded 'best answer' will be rewarded with '₮hankYou' points. This is not an automated process, it may take some time for the points to appear.
Edited by Mind, 19 December 2014 - 08:02 PM.