If you got the TAG x1 and x2 bundle, you should have gotten a free copy of his Bipolar Protocol Guide. But if he forgot to send you the link, that happens (happened to me), and you should email him for your copy. It will help answer some of your questions, although it doesn't explicitly address the TAG x1 design with dual rewards. I think you can work TAG x1 with a single set of rewards by setting one set of thresholds to zero, but if you have a single-channel SMR design from anywhere else that would probably be easier, or you can just work two sets of rewards and inhibits like 1 channel of ILF and 1 channel SMR, or Alpha/Theta, or I guess theoretically whatever. But the ILF protocol guide is essential reading imo if you want to do bipolar training.
I've had this thread permanently open and it's lead to me consuming as much information as I possibly can on ILF training, which is pretty much limited to Othmers and Mark Llewellyn-Smith and his infra slow training. So I'd appreciate any observations and advice from those that have been self training ILF.
On the above I'm taking it that what is being said is that we can train ILF using a non TagSync protocol. At least I hope so as I gave it a shot yesterday using SMR1C from BT. It's the first time I've gone 'off piste' with my training, I've had over 3 weeks of the BT designs and completed over 3 circuits but except for some beta-SMR I've pretty much just trained the plan and certainly not gone messing around with the filters. So I was a bit wary, I took Crowstreams advice and changed the bandpass filter for SMR reward to 0.001-0.2Hz.
Following this thread there was a view that Bioexplorer might not be able to reliably train low frequencies but the last word seem to come from Crowstream who said that it was possible with the caveat that you cannot drop the upper band below 0.2Hz. I was just wondering how this impacts the attempt to hit the 'sweet spot' that the Othmers talk about, I think once again Crowstream mentioned lowering the frequency in session to try to hit it, but with the upper limit fixed does this achieve much? I'd be interested to know if anyone has done this during a session and suddenly had that state shift associated with hitting it on the dolly.
Anyway getting back to my attempt yesterday I have no real idea if it achieved anything or not, I trained T3-T4 and had BX shadow in operation and just kind of watched the instrument screen with no other feedback, after a while my attention turned to the oscillator and then it dawned on me that 'SMR'....which of course it wasn't anymore.....was now a slow wave(& yes doesn't it look different
) and I remembered reading Siegfried Othmer talking about just watching the ILF waveform at the start and just the observing of it acted as a mirror and a state shift occurred....so I just watched it and it's strange but as I attended to it the wave seemed to change form to a more rounded shape and every now and then as my attention went somewhere else and I remembered to bring it back the form seemed to have straightened out somewhat and as I watched it would then start to take on more of a curve again. The session is 5 minutes and after about 3 minutes I started to feel sleepy, which doesn't usually happen, and I just kept hitting play at the end and trained for 25 minutes, and continued to feel sleepy but it was a nice feeling.....hence why I kept training.
I thought that this might indicate that something was happening but the thought did occur to me at the end that there are inhibits in place for 3-11Hz and 19-38Hz and perhaps just my brain working to reduce these across T3-T4 might have accounted for this. I've only got one training block across those sites, it's actually a 2 channel bipolar on C3-C4 and T3-T4, for SMR, so not a great deal to refer to in that regard.
And of course the other thing that occurred to me was that I don't have silver electrodes, so perhaps even more so that any effects weren't really from the ultra low frequencies. I have no idea if using standard electrodes, or in my case Electro-cap, means that you're pretty much guaranteed not to be training successfully in this range or whether it's merely not optimal.
Any thoughts on these points would be greatly appreciated.
Also is everyone that is training ILF with TagSync using silver electrodes? And will the silver cup electrodes available at Brain-Trainer do the job?
OpaqueMind posted something a while ago about having watched a video of a US military person why had ILF NF for PTSD, and actually that video was my final 'convincer' to enter into this world, the change in Staff Sergeant Roberts was amazing and it was only 10 sessions I think. I had no idea the time about different protocols so it was interesting to see that this was ILF.
The Othmers talk about ILF 'targeting the foundations of our regulatory hierarchy and back to the early stages of our developmental trajectory', and it seems as if it can really impact our deeper arousal and regulation systems and this is why I'm interested.
As well as experiencing a fairly tempestuous childhood, violence, anger, aggression a regular staple, I also picked up some kind of virus in my early 20s that just halted me in my tracks and has taken 20 years to recover from, and I'm not quite there yet. I think to use the vernacular my already insulted brain had a further insult which pushed it way over into an area of gross dysregulation. On one hand a revved up fight-flight response, explosions of anger as an example, but also an overactive parasympathetic response of disconnect, apathy, low energy. I read an analogy somewhere describing this kind of thing like trying to drive a car with both the accelerator and brake pedal hard down at the same time, and from reading Sebern Fisher's NF in the treatment of Developmental Trauma she says that both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems can be 'tapped out' from being in overdrive and the individual can be held in a suspension of the nervous system where the only option we have is the freeze response (certainly as children) which manifests as dissociation......a big tick there 
Whilst having less than optimum cognitive functioning (focus, distraction etc) and emotional triggers, my biggest issue is physical but coming from a whacked out nervous system. From early childhood I experienced very cold hands and feet along with excessive sweating, which are symptoms to HPA dysregulation, after contracting the virus I just entered an extremely low energy state which had an almost exact correlation with chronic muscular tension. If the muscles release tension, then energy (& mood/ productivity) increase, slowly over the years I've chipped away at the underlying causes and the physical tension has lessened my feeling is that ILF training would probably be the thing best suited to resolving this.
I guess there's an argument that all roads lead to Rome with NF, but having been a non responder to a whole heap of things over the past 20 years, I'm pretty keen to give myself the best chance of getting the results I want by hopefully putting the best structure in place. I think OM talked of ILF and perhaps SMR as well as putting in the walls of the house before adding in the roof, which is TAG, (with perhaps up/down training occupying some middle ground).
I actually found an Othmer trained ILF company here in London and spoke to the guy there, what attracted me was that they said that there's scope to have some sessions and if they think you're up to it, to then rent the equipment (I'm guessing Cygnet software and NeuroAmp) and in the spirit of this thread I did think I could maybe train every day for a month if I did that! He said that he'd only had one person previously home train, it was a strange conversation really, I explained that I was training myself, because I didn't want a NF for Dummies type of explanation but I don't know if it put him on the back foot but he really struggled to explain areas where ILF might be more productive than higher frequency training and he kept referencing ADHD and Autism children that he had training, which was obviously of little interest to me, although interestingly he did mention one woman who'd had over 100 sessions......not sure that was encouraging. Anyway we chatted for a bit and I asked him about his experience with NF and then he casually dropped in how he 'trained with Jim Hardt at the Biocybernaut Institute', which stopped me pretty quickly and I asked him how that was, expecting a really effusive response about how mind blowing it was and he said 'Well I've earned more money since doing it and branched out on my own which I've always wanted to do' which was a little underwhelming but some times I forget that being outwardly underwhelmed is a pretty culturally ingrained thing for many of us in this country and inside people can be reverberating with excitement and passion.
I'm pretty keen to add in ILF training ASAP and in time Tagx2, but I'm just not sure at the moment whether to try and train ILF using various BT SMR designs (is it actually doing anything?), get Tagx1 and do them using that, and that's where I'm interested in the experiences of others and any thoughts regarding the frequency range of BE and altering frequency during a session, or bite the bullet and have a crack with Othmer protocol and specialised ILF equipment.
Also with Tag ILF the rewards are still silent aren't they? Any advantage to this compared with the continuous reward of BT designs? I did read that the Othmers mentioned the continuous reward being integral to their ILF protocol. I got the impression with Tagx2 protocols that as a meditation state is being trained that it makes sense that some focus is required and the silent reward means that the inhibits act as a nudge back to the targeted state, but is this still the case training ILF, are we attempting to maintain the state at all (can we even do that) or is it purely the brain responding to the feedback and if so is there the argument in favour of a continuous reward? I might not be fully understanding the nature of silent rewards here, so I've just cobbled together how I think it works from reading various accounts.
Thanks in advance for any pointers, I know that TAGx1/ ILF is the somewhat less sexy sibling to the wonders of TAGx2 but I really feel like it's the important ground work, I'm sure there's some apt cliché about having your feet on the ground whilst reaching for the stars and I see it a little bit like that.