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TAGsync: Operation and Discussion

tagsync theta alpha gamma synchrony training neurofeedback operation discussion

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#541 Crowstream

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Posted 05 February 2016 - 03:07 PM



Yes I think that is a bit low, the TLC7 would probably advice you to train SMR up.


You can probably get some benefits from just a few sessions but I think its best to train maybe 20-30 or more, depends on how you feel too. I think SMR is related to the muscles and the body, if you have tension it lowers the SMR. I train both eyes open and closed, I have found it useful to do somatic (body based) meditation which can help you learn to become more embodied. I don't think it is passive training, it helps if you are more embodied and that can teach you to feel and release tension which I think is a skill that can be accelerated with SMR feedback since you get more subtle feedback. 30 minutes is probably enough, SMR is probably one of those protocols that it is hard to overtrain since it makes the brain more stable so maybe you can do more.

#542 Sebster

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Posted 05 February 2016 - 03:37 PM



I found this a bit strange as the SMR protocol I use it seems tat lower precentage seems to be better. Because if  I move my hand around it goes up quite a bit. And the lover the precentage the more relaxed/Calm and quite I become. 


My protocol is named smr1% i think, what are you guys using?

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#543 VastEmptiness

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Posted 05 February 2016 - 03:52 PM

So I've been doing TAG Sync and other protocols for about 5 weeks now 30min to an hour daily. I'm having some success with the 4 Channel TAG Sync and occasionally do other protocols like SMR, alpha up, etc.


Anyway, I've been rereading this thread to absorb more information and decided to incorporate more SMR training due to reading how important it is and how it will help my TAG Sync. When training SMR %, my % is between 5-8%, which I gather is very low after reading about several others with percentages in the high teens and 20s. 


I believe I have some of the symptoms of low SMR too: insomnia, anxiety, muscle tension, etc. so maybe low SMR is one of my issues.


Is 5-8% relatively low? I've probably only trained SMR for a few hours total and have seen it edge up a little towards the higher end of that spectrum. Does anyone have any tips on training SMR or any notion of how long it will take to train up SMR? Eyes open/closed? Look at the instrument screen or not? Any particular focus? I've read that the SMR protocols are more passive where the neurofeedback is automatic so to speak - is this true and I just need to increase my training?


I'm going to try and do 30 minutes of SMR per day at minimum to get my % up. Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated.




i agree with crow on it being more of an active (active inactivity really) protocol. douglas should be a great source about SMR, he even published a study on it afair. my last Q was really low still after training. around 7-8% on rest. during training i ca n get above 20 usually, it feels really good. SMR is something i plan on working again on soon, since i still have muscle tension, which is one of the few symptoms left. i used to have emotions blurring out with SMR, which makes alot of sense if you look into (neo-)reichian work in psychotherapy pointing towards trauma being locked up in muscle tension. so i can recommend to stack SMR with a follow up of either TAGsync (specifically low frequencies to go for early trauma, 1.5-3hz delta worked wonders, had birth trauma integration etc.) or alpha/theta (liking the brain-trainer one). also look into SMR synchrony across C3 C4. i havent had any luck with training it, but its a standard protocol in the brain-trainer too.



I found this a bit strange as the SMR protocol I use it seems tat lower precentage seems to be better. Because if  I move my hand around it goes up quite a bit. And the lover the precentage the more relaxed/Calm and quite I become. 


My protocol is named smr1% i think, what are you guys using?


i have been training C3/C4(reference) bipolar SMR1%.

check placements and settings. it doesn't make any sense to me what youre describing unless there is some other complex issue.

Edited by VastEmptiness, 05 February 2016 - 03:52 PM.

#544 thebrainstore

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Posted 08 February 2016 - 09:13 PM

I am planning to import a bunch of brand new Pocket Neurobics amps and accessories into the EU but need at least 5 people to make it happen. Prices will be much better than importing it alone due to the bulk discount pricing.


Details via PM, tell your friends :)


Edited by spektrolyte, 08 February 2016 - 09:19 PM.

#545 thebrainstore

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Posted 10 February 2016 - 03:28 PM

Due to some initial interest the first order has been placed. Here are the prices:


U-Wiz (2ch) amp + Bioexplorer + 5 Ag/CL 150cm electrodes & tube EEG paste £925 inc EU delivery (2 still available)

Q-Wiz (4ch) amp + Bioexplorer + 7 Ag/Cl 150cm electrodes & tube EEG paste £1195 inc EU delivery (1 still available)

Q-Wiz (4ch) amp + BioExplorer + nIR HEG sensor + 7 Ag/Cl 150cm electrodes & tube EEG paste £1575 inc EU delivery (1 still available)


Payment will be taken through a real e-commerce site, you are not just sending money to a random guy on the internet. Stock will be here in about 3 weeks.

Edited by spektrolyte, 10 February 2016 - 03:32 PM.

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#546 VastEmptiness

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Posted 10 February 2016 - 08:12 PM

Due to some initial interest the first order has been placed. Here are the prices:


U-Wiz (2ch) amp + Bioexplorer + 5 Ag/CL 150cm electrodes & tube EEG paste £925 inc EU delivery (2 still available)

Q-Wiz (4ch) amp + Bioexplorer + 7 Ag/Cl 150cm electrodes & tube EEG paste £1195 inc EU delivery (1 still available)

Q-Wiz (4ch) amp + BioExplorer + nIR HEG sensor + 7 Ag/Cl 150cm electrodes & tube EEG paste £1575 inc EU delivery (1 still available)


Payment will be taken through a real e-commerce site, you are not just sending money to a random guy on the internet. Stock will be here in about 3 weeks.

i've been conversing with thom for the last few weeks. he's putting in some work and money to get that stuff available in the EU, give the guy some support. 

#547 VastEmptiness

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Posted 15 February 2016 - 06:57 PM

Short questions for the more tech savvy folks:

Would the EMF of a VR headset interfere with the EEG recordings and if so, is there a simple way to fix that? (Like shielding or reference-subtraction etc.)?
What about noise cancelling headphones?

I'd like to work on more distinguished ways to feedback. Imagine you sit on a mountain top, able to view around and the weather changes according to the feedback. Synchrony brings up the sun slowly. Every time you hit a phase reset you hear a bird sing.


Also fractal imagery might be powerful in adding a trance state in order to break the ongoing patters and use that as an easy way to a new pattern (thats basicly the power of hypnosis based coaching right there). Physical feedback should be powerful too. Like have some kind of suit give you warmth or a hug as a reward.

#548 Bobity

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Posted 15 February 2016 - 08:14 PM

VE - I've use noise cancelling headphones all the time for NFB with no problems,  particularly on trains,  where I thought there would be loads of electrical interference but found nfb worked fine.  Probably the best way to find out is give it a whirl and see if the signals are distorted or the nfb works differently.  What you're doing sounds very interesting.  I'd be a willing guinea pig... 

Edited by Bobity, 15 February 2016 - 08:21 PM.

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#549 MrBaxter12

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Posted 17 February 2016 - 05:11 PM

All, I've been doing the SMR protocols as outlined above for about 30 min a day and have seen some definite, albeit slow, improvement. One thing of note: I was definitely inconsistent with my electrode placements, and after watching a few videos on the 10-20 system, understand the locations much better.  This has led to improved outcomes in SMR and Tag Sync protocols. While this is probably fairly obvious to most people, just wanted to remind newbies like myself that placement and consistency are important especially when training up something site specific like SMR.


On another note, what are everyone's experiences with doing a TAG Sync session while also reading/watching tv/or doing something else that takes some amount of focus. Last night, I tried a Tag Sync 4 channel session while mildly focusing on a basketball game (no sound on game, only the audio feedback of TAG Sync). My focus tended to drift from between the game and the TAG Sync/ However, there was always a baseline of coherence of around 70% that would increase as I focused more on the audiofeedback. I watched this game for nearly an hour and a half, which is much longer than my usual TAG Sync sessions (20-40 min), and when I was done I felt a much more significant after effect than usual - clear headed, perceptions brightened, mood enhanced, etc.  I wasn't expecting such an outcome since I was kind of half assing it, but it did allow me to go for a much longer session and did end up being effective and beneficial. I am going to try this some more to see if I can duplicate results and also see if there are any synergies with doing a session while reading or doing other kinds of work.


What is everyone else's experience of running a session while reading/watching tv/ or doing something else? Any tips/tricks? Would you classify this as a different type of training than a typical TAG Sync session where attention is focused on awareness/awareness of the feedback? 



#550 bigyellowlemon

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 02:50 AM

After all this time would you guys still recommend neurofeeback, specifically TAGsync? I mean obviously you guys love it, but it is quite the investment, especially for someone like me. How much better is it than meditation? I know many in this thread have already answered this, but I'm curious on what your opinions are based on recent progress you've had. I've been thinking about maybe dedicating 3-10 hours a day to neurofeedback if it's truly what it's claimed to be in this thread. I'm still only halfway through the thread so we'll see. Thanks!


p.s. Very exciting thread you have here! If only I had been doing legitmate neurofeedback protoocols seven hours a day as a kid instead of school, dammit. I will definitely be letting my kids use this wonderful technology (after further research of course). 

#551 Meggo

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 06:29 AM

i think if i had to spent 10 hours a day improving my mood and concentration, then i would rather do meditation

#552 VastEmptiness

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Posted 20 February 2016 - 12:55 PM

All, I've been doing the SMR protocols as outlined above for about 30 min a day and have seen some definite, albeit slow, improvement. One thing of note: I was definitely inconsistent with my electrode placements, and after watching a few videos on the 10-20 system, understand the locations much better.  This has led to improved outcomes in SMR and Tag Sync protocols. While this is probably fairly obvious to most people, just wanted to remind newbies like myself that placement and consistency are important especially when training up something site specific like SMR.


On another note, what are everyone's experiences with doing a TAG Sync session while also reading/watching tv/or doing something else that takes some amount of focus. Last night, I tried a Tag Sync 4 channel session while mildly focusing on a basketball game (no sound on game, only the audio feedback of TAG Sync). My focus tended to drift from between the game and the TAG Sync/ However, there was always a baseline of coherence of around 70% that would increase as I focused more on the audiofeedback. I watched this game for nearly an hour and a half, which is much longer than my usual TAG Sync sessions (20-40 min), and when I was done I felt a much more significant after effect than usual - clear headed, perceptions brightened, mood enhanced, etc.  I wasn't expecting such an outcome since I was kind of half assing it, but it did allow me to go for a much longer session and did end up being effective and beneficial. I am going to try this some more to see if I can duplicate results and also see if there are any synergies with doing a session while reading or doing other kinds of work.


What is everyone else's experience of running a session while reading/watching tv/ or doing something else? Any tips/tricks? Would you classify this as a different type of training than a typical TAG Sync session where attention is focused on awareness/awareness of the feedback? 




Reminds me of the old Zen saying, that the practice isn't done in the dojo, but with every step you take. So yes, I think you can cultivate various states while multitasking or even distracting you, but you will cultivate different aspects of it. TAGsync can be trained very effectively if you really focus; that is you bring yourself back to the phase-reset reward over and over. That way you cultivate concentration, mindfulness and willpower and also get large ripples of changes quickly. That for me and others is by far the most effective and pushing meditative depth. It also has the obvious benefits of the other skills. However there might even be an added benefit of uptraining synchrony during random passive tasks so to say to make you independent of the willing task. However I would concentrate on more passive feedback like coherence training rather than the phase resets and have my body produce without any willing effort (which is how most NFB protocols other than TAGsync work anyway). At the end, i think it's n=1 anyway; if this works for you and leaves you in a good state: see if you can reproduce it and if you can, share your techniques with us and see if others can do to. We should become the counterpart to how evidence based medicine works to create a greater synergy between the two fields.


SMR is something I recently got back into, looking to reduce muscle tension. Thanks for motivating me.



After all this time would you guys still recommend neurofeeback, specifically TAGsync? I mean obviously you guys love it, but it is quite the investment, especially for someone like me. How much better is it than meditation? I know many in this thread have already answered this, but I'm curious on what your opinions are based on recent progress you've had. I've been thinking about maybe dedicating 3-10 hours a day to neurofeedback if it's truly what it's claimed to be in this thread. I'm still only halfway through the thread so we'll see. Thanks!


p.s. Very exciting thread you have here! If only I had been doing legitmate neurofeedback protoocols seven hours a day as a kid instead of school, dammit. I will definitely be letting my kids use this wonderful technology (after further research of course). 


I don't know how you end up wanting to train that much. You probably just gonna end up creating alot of inflammation and trouble of adapting your changes to the world. The better you get at accepting the reward, the shorter training times become. I do very effective trainings that are 5-15 minutes now and i also do them rarely because I'm spending most time in the desired states anyway. What you write reminds me of bodybuilders trying to push their limits over and over and end up being Ronny Coleman and dying shortly after due to organic malfunction. For TAGsync i think an hour a day is fine if you can deal with the inflammation. From our experience, higher frequencies give alot more fatigue/inflammation. So gamma should be much shorter than say a delta session (which then again brings alot of trauma up to integrate, which can take time too). Safety should be first, NFB is incredibly powerful and you can fuck things up with it. If you have that much time, I'd put it into other synergistic modalities and specifically work of compassion/contribution which I find as freeing as any hardcore meditative techniques. Or go for a longer retreat with a teacher. Regular meditation won't inflammate you nearly as much I'd guess.



The general recommendation for Neurofeedback is more valid than ever for me. Longterm effects have been nothing but incredible for me (ever since i fixed methylation things skyrocketed) and I feel the urge to spread this technology to more people. In order to do that I'll be putting up a website containing information, theory, etc. - much like www.selfhacked.com but for focusing on neurofeedback and integral theory rather than genetics. The steep investment for NFB is nothing compared to the benefits over being able to change your central nervous system over the course of your life. You guy's will hear back from me; I haven't been active here lately because I spent a lot of time conceptualising and talking to people to make this an integral part of my life and work. There's alot of stuff in the pipeline (and it's not just me working on things like that); we've been going into new training modalities to and see some crazy results; Opaque is really cutting edge here. We'll be posting when nobodies head is imploding until then ;)

Edited by VastEmptiness, 20 February 2016 - 01:00 PM.

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#553 Bobity

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Posted 26 February 2016 - 09:09 PM

The session on the Spiritual Technologies Conference "Every Breath I Take - Spiritual Technologies 2.0", although off topic from a TAGsync perspective discusses a very exciting new device Spire,  which is a breath biofeedback tracker.  I thought some of you guys would love this ....

#554 VastEmptiness

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Posted 02 March 2016 - 07:21 PM


Interesting device and wonderful application too. Talking about Hyperlearning. Theyre using HEG&EEG to assess then guide their trainess brain modelling that of an experienced pilot.

#555 Gengar

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 07:19 PM

Hi all!


I'm excited about the new developments on the horizon. 


Since my last post, I've done 4 bipolar ILF sessions (~1 hour each at T3/T4), 5 SMR@Cz sessions  and 4 4-channel TA(G)sync sessions. 


It's now clear to me how different ILF training (0.01-0.2 Hz in my case) is from bipolar training (3-6hz to me), even given the same sensor placements. ILF waves are much slower and thus activate the reward for longer periods of time. And the training process seems to demand more time and patience. ILF training also produces a very distinctive clarity and relaxation effect for me. After a session, I feel like I've dropped a weight of tension and anxiety. That after-effect was more pronounced in my first two sessions, but I still find training valuable. Opaque, did you notice any benefit from training different sites?


I could write for ages about how TA(G)sync has helped me connect the dots in my life, but I will say that I'm starting to meet some difficult realities about my self-destructive habits and unrealistic expectations that evaded me earlier. My addictions to food, internet, sex and substances are starting to reveal themselves for what they truly are: engrained avoidance tactics. I'm also getting a much clearer picture about my psychological workings, and the conflicted relationship between my ego and superego. I'll write more about this later, but for now, I will just say that I feel this protocol has been indispensable in understanding and seeing myself for who I am, and that I have a lot more work and play to do, both in NFB training, long-term planning, self-discipline, and all areas of my life. I feel like I'm paralyzed and stuck in a dark place, but I'm doing my best to have faith that I can walk on a path towards the light. 


I'm weighing my options with regards to an EEG assessment. Does anybody here have any experience with the 'Whole Brain Training' plan assessment that BT offers? Alternatively, would anybody on this thread be interested in using their TLC7 to interpret my data and give me a training plan? I would be happy to discuss how that might work, and to compensate someone for their time. I would invest in the TLC7 but I can't spend more than ~$150 on this right now. 


Finally, I've been using an old PN pIR pendant with the Pacman software. . . Are there any other pIR HEG designs out there? I just find the sound of the Pacman and the lack of helpful feedback in that design a struggle. Is anybody else out there using the pIR headset?


Best wishes and many thanks,


Edited by Gengar, 04 March 2016 - 07:21 PM.

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#556 HelpMEHelpYOU with TAGsync

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 07:20 AM

Hi guys!

I just finished a two hour telemeeting with Douglas Dailey. I installed the whole thing and ran some sessions. I'M NOT CONFIDENT that I know what I'm doing with the TAG thresholds. I also have the TLC. I ran into some problems with training too much gamma up. and haven't been able to "reset" at least to where I was before I strted training which crazy to say, was better than now, with racing thoughts.  could anybody   help me or guide me step by step!


#557 thebrainstore

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 09:11 AM

I suggest that you don't do any more neurofeedback until you have a better understanding of what you are doing. If you didn't understand Douglas well enough to be confident, there's no reason why you would be able to understand any other instructions given here.


Try instead concentration meditation on your breath, a clear focus on in..out...in...out and nothing else.


This act of concentration should calm down your racing thoughts. Once you are back in a state of calm then look your TLC plan and start with that.


This may take you a few days of concentration practice, but it seems a much safer bet than doing more neurofeedback right now.

#558 Speculosity

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 09:13 AM

If you're trying to fix emotional issues, I believe the TLC training would give you better results, at least initially, than TAGsync.

#559 redka

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 02:53 PM

Hello everyone. I started doing 1C SMR in preparation for TAGSync. I'm about 10 sessions in but I'm not sure about the progress.


This is my today's session in bioexplorer:




It was all eyes closed up until the last few minutes after the green line went down (Amplitudes Trend window). The high "High Beta DOWN" bit I've associated with more relaxed kind of 'let go' state.

My SMR% has never been higher that 8 and it seems to oscillate at around 6. I feel like I can sometimes get it to 7 (maybe even 8) by concentrating on my breath and some sessions I felt like the SMR% was almost directly reflecting the level of my concentration.

The issues I'm having are mostly with how to approach this. It feels like the better I'm doing the more uninterrupted the music is getting and also louder but the volume fluctuation is so high that sometimes I'm not sure if feedback means good or bad.

#560 thebrainstore

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 03:04 PM

Hi Redka,


It's not really about whether you think you are doing better or not. The anxiety levels will increase if you are comparing the numbers and getting worried about whether or not you are making progress. It may also be better to train SMR with eyes open, but in either case the point with this type of training is to let go and allow the brain to respond to the feedback over time. Give up all hope of achieving anything and just enjoy the experience, it's not an exercise for your mind. I find that using a video of abstract computer animation for feedback can be interesting enough to keep the eyes open and still relax.


If you were being treated by a practitioner you would not see any of that data and they probably would not keep telling you the score as this would take you away from just allowing the feedback to do it's work.

Edited by spektrolyte, 06 March 2016 - 03:05 PM.

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#561 redka

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 03:33 PM

Thanks, I guess I might be overthinking this.

Is TAGSync the same in that regard? (I'll be doing the 4C TASync) Just passively focus on the feedback and don't try anything?


Two more things, if don't mind me asking:

- What do you mean by using animation for feedback? Hooking it up to BioExplorer or just having it on on youtube or whatever as something to look at?

- How does one decide on the volume level. I fear that setting it carelessly might have negative effect.


#562 thebrainstore

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 03:39 PM

TAGSync is much more active, it is like meditation and requires some effort to be aware of mind objects and let them go as they arise.


You can use www.clipconverter.cc to download any video from YouTube. Then use BioExplorer to play the video as a reward, either using brightness control or start/stop to display the feedback. I find that start/stop works best for me.


Set the volume to something that is comfortable. if it is so loud that it makes you 'jump' this shows that 1) you are relaxed, and 2) it is too loud. This experience needs to be something like 80% rewarding and 20% annoying to make the brain change it's habits.

Edited by spektrolyte, 06 March 2016 - 03:40 PM.

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#563 VastEmptiness

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 08:42 PM

Hi guys!

I just finished a two hour telemeeting with Douglas Dailey. I installed the whole thing and ran some sessions. I'M NOT CONFIDENT that I know what I'm doing with the TAG thresholds. I also have the TLC. I ran into some problems with training too much gamma up. and haven't been able to "reset" at least to where I was before I strted training which crazy to say, was better than now, with racing thoughts.  could anybody   help me or guide me step by step!


Gamma Up as in a different protocol or did you target the Gamma range with TAGsync? If so, what range? Generally Gamma is a stimulating frequency and Douglas says to introduce it carefully after the basics have been done. How did you end up training there?

As for thresshold, what do you mean? If you did a session with Douglas, why aren't you simply using the settings he chose?


The brain is a (sometimes slow) homeostatic system, whatever you did, it will likely fade. Please, find somebody to talk to; do whatever calms you down and please dont overreact and start training random things. Find a skilled neurofeedback practicioner to work with you and potentially set up a basic training plan for your goals (TLC7, www.brain-trainer.com is recommended).

#564 VastEmptiness

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Posted 06 March 2016 - 08:47 PM

Hello everyone. I started doing 1C SMR in preparation for TAGSync. I'm about 10 sessions in but I'm not sure about the progress.


This is my today's session in bioexplorer:




It was all eyes closed up until the last few minutes after the green line went down (Amplitudes Trend window). The high "High Beta DOWN" bit I've associated with more relaxed kind of 'let go' state.

My SMR% has never been higher that 8 and it seems to oscillate at around 6. I feel like I can sometimes get it to 7 (maybe even 8) by concentrating on my breath and some sessions I felt like the SMR% was almost directly reflecting the level of my concentration.

The issues I'm having are mostly with how to approach this. It feels like the better I'm doing the more uninterrupted the music is getting and also louder but the volume fluctuation is so high that sometimes I'm not sure if feedback means good or bad.


What placements are you using? Where are you putting the reference? 6-8% is really low if that is a correct reading, which however simply means that you will benefit alot from SMR training. Are you following a TLC7 plan? You're obviously using their protocol.


I agree on a passive approach to training; let your nervous system handle all of that. Those protocols work, just give them time. For TAGsync I guess both approaches work, but a conscious effort to get the bell sound can speed up the process and cultivate some meditative skills along the way.

Which TAGx4 design are you planning on using. Did you try the original TAGx2 yet?

#565 redka

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 03:56 PM

I'm using C3/C4 act/ref + ground on Cz for the SMR. I did a few slightly different spots while getting a hang of the 10-20 system but they all came out more-or-less the same.


I plan on using a "TAsyncVE - version2" (does VE stand for VastEmptiness? :)) as it was recommended to me but I'm waiting for ear clips to ease the setup.

I have not tried the original TAGx2 and frankly I don't know if I'm going to. The 4 channel version was praised for being both better in terms of the measurements and also simpler when it comes to the setup which, as you can imagine, is an important factor for someone just starting out.

#566 VastEmptiness

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 04:54 PM

I'm using C3/C4 act/ref + ground on Cz for the SMR. I did a few slightly different spots while getting a hang of the 10-20 system but they all came out more-or-less the same.


I plan on using a "TAsyncVE - version2" (does VE stand for VastEmptiness? :)) as it was recommended to me but I'm waiting for ear clips to ease the setup.

I have not tried the original TAGx2 and frankly I don't know if I'm going to. The 4 channel version was praised for being both better in terms of the measurements and also simpler when it comes to the setup which, as you can imagine, is an important factor for someone just starting out.


yes, that'll be one of mine. if its one of the ealier versions then it might be lacking the beta protection, so be careful with it (watch for beta spindles). http://tagsync.com/sbeh.htm

if its the latest, then it will have the gamma band in there too so that would be another thing to be careful with (don't train for too long).

i will put out an optimal version sometime soon with both features (gamma on/off and beta protection).


douglas' protocol is the safe route to take atm. everything else is self-experimentation (and yes, we seem to get results).

#567 VastEmptiness

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Posted 09 March 2016 - 10:25 PM

We just a few minutes ago opened a public group channel about neurofeedback and biohacking on Skype. Feel free to join the dicussion.



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#568 zamzal

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 11:23 AM

Does anyone here use BxShadow? I really like the idea of being able to do other things while doing NFB, to be more productive with my time. But i’m not sure how effective it is. Anyone with knowledge or experience in this regard?

#569 Bobity

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 11:38 AM

Brain-Trainer.com are planning some European Workshops this summer in the UK & Italy.  I attended one in Kelowna Canada last year and it was excellent.  I'm planning to attend this to deepen my knowledge and expertise.  Its a rare opportunity to get to spend time with someone as skilled and knowledgeable as Pete in this field. Checkout https://brain-traine...ean-workshops/ 

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#570 VastEmptiness

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Posted 11 March 2016 - 12:18 PM

Does anyone here use BxShadow? I really like the idea of being able to do other things while doing NFB, to be more productive with my time. But i’m not sure how effective it is. Anyone with knowledge or experience in this regard?


are you talking about doing active things or just more like watching a video? i think for the latter, BxShadow is great even when thoroughly overpriced.
about training at task: i had that idea a million times but i have no idea what will happen because i couldn't find anyone who already did that for a longer time.


i think its very powerful to train at eyes open rest in order to train the baseline to which your brain will return in idle so to say. thats why i like to not even put concrete video input in. i've gotten VERY efficient with my training just using sound and really not blocking the process as much as possible ("give yourself to the process"). however this ca nnot be the most efficient way yet, so feel free to experiment.


if you find a working copy of bxshadow, let me know :)

Brain-Trainer.com are planning some European Workshops this summer in the UK & Italy.  I attended one in Kelowna Canada last year and it was excellent.  I'm planning to attend this to deepen my knowledge and expertise.  Its a rare opportunity to get to spend time with someone as skilled and knowledgeable as Pete in this field. Checkout https://brain-traine...ean-workshops/ 


i was lucky to have the pleasure of pete extending the 30 minutes that i paid for (in cheap brazilian reais, hehe) to more than 2 hours when i got started. i've got the impression that he is both very experienced and a wise and nice guy. so i could def. recommend doing such a thing.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tagsync, theta, alpha, gamma, synchrony, training, neurofeedback, operation, discussion

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