Good results with TAG sync after a month:
-Less "negative affect" - simply less intense negative emotion in my body
-Less physical tension - when I tense up it's less intense. My breathing feels smoother and more unhindered.
-Generally less "triggered" by events or interactions that would previously throw me off.
- Lots of mini-realisations and "getting it" where I previously did not.
-I seem to be able to mull over issues more effectively. It's like my mind stays in the space between ideas more efficiently, and selects and assesses them with more finesse. I intuit my way to "the answer" better without "overthinking". Something like a finer cognitive control plus more creative flexibility.
-Reduced flood of thoughts and imagined future projections, particularly related to growing my business. I used to get so wrapped up in my own mind at times, going over the same old thought loops. It's improved (still more to go). Now if I really sit down to address something, or let my mind sit with an issue, I'm more likely to make progress and come up with a fresh, useful re-frame or action to take.
-Less convoluted escape fantasies. Relish the thought of the "simple pleasures" more.
-Less concerned with what I imagine people think of me - just let it go more
Highly recommend this for anyone considering it.
I've stopped doing EC training as Douglas really keeps emphasising eyes-open for maximum benefit. So I'm sticking to that now - 1/f beta inhibits, and EO training. I'm doing F4-P4 for emotional benefit, and F3-F4 for frontal symmetry.
Stopped looking at the spectral display and trying to micromanage amplitudes - I just let the feedback do its work. I do 10 mins, then up the thresholds and do another 10 mins.
I have set amplitudes lower with EO, but when you find the sweet spot it's possible to produce a very definite "TAG" state of flow / spaciousness.
Excited to take this further, correct old dysfunctions, and realise more of my potential.