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TAGsync: Operation and Discussion

tagsync theta alpha gamma synchrony training neurofeedback operation discussion

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#631 Bogumił Hrabal

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Posted 26 May 2016 - 08:13 PM

I don't know what's going on: I have tried to enter D.D. sites using different computers (in poland) and - the same situation as above. I have written to Douglas, and now I'm waiting for an answer.


I want to share some observations after training CON2C Sync Two-Band at Fz, Pz (alpha-theta). My verbal fluency went up. I have been also training theta-gamma (Fz, Pz) but it is too early: even 5 minutes of the training give me too much fast waves at O2, P4, T6, T4. I think it is quite strange since I had been using 4 channel gamma synchrony training for about 20 to 30 minutes at Oz, Pz, Cz, Fz, and it had no negative consequences for me.

#632 BarrelBoy

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 07:46 PM

I've experienced beta spindling on almost every protocol I've tried whenever I look away from my monitor and keep my eyes open (getting audible feedback still). It goes away when I return to looking at my monitor/graphs, but I'm concerned that this may be spilling over into my mindfulness without NFB. For instance, I'd like to practice meditating with my eyes open, or just be highly mindful in my day-to-day activities, and I can get into states that feel extremely similar to how I feel during TAG Sync/NFB, and so I'm concerned that I might be producing high amplitude beta in these instances just like I am during TAG Sync with eyes open away from the monitor...


Does anyone know if there's legitimacy to these concerns? And does know of any ways to suppress beta spindling? I've tried to ride it out, both consciously trying to lower it and more passively waiting for it to dissipate but I've had no luck and don't want to try too long for fear of the beta negatively affecting me, though given that beta has probably been my waking norm frequency for a good portion of my last few years, I'm not sure how dangerous it would be to knowingly produce it for 10+ minutes.

Edited by trancethot, 30 May 2016 - 07:50 PM.

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#633 thebrainstore

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 08:14 PM

Not sure what you mean by concern. You have beta spindles aka anxiety which is why most people go to neurofeedback in the first place. Just do the training consistently and you will get rid of those beta spindles. The reason they don't show when you are looking at the monitor is because you are concentrating.


Mindfulness happens with a quiet mind, its not something you 'do' it's something you are, or are not. Mindful people generally don't have beta spindles so you need to do some protocols like Brain Trainer TLC (if you aren't already) to tame that beta. Mine disappeared in about 2 months regular training.

#634 BarrelBoy

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 05:56 AM

Not sure what you mean by concern. You have beta spindles aka anxiety which is why most people go to neurofeedback in the first place. Just do the training consistently and you will get rid of those beta spindles. The reason they don't show when you are looking at the monitor is because you are concentrating.


Mindfulness happens with a quiet mind, its not something you 'do' it's something you are, or are not. Mindful people generally don't have beta spindles so you need to do some protocols like Brain Trainer TLC (if you aren't already) to tame that beta. Mine disappeared in about 2 months regular training.


But I'm still concentrating, I'm observing the audible feedback I'm getting and still feeling a deep state of bliss - the same I had been in just seconds before while looking at the graph. Yes I'm not focused on a moving graph of my EEG's, I'm just focused on the arm of my couch or what have you now. It seems like it's a rather arbitrary shift of attention to just start non-stop beta spindling like that when I don't feel any different and, to me, feel like I am in the same state. So I'd think it has more to do with, I don't know, some physical aspect that's causing it... ?


I suppose I'm not quite as focused, but for instance, am I beta spindling while I'm doing an open eye candle meditation, where I just sit and watch a candle's flame for 20 minutes? Because that hardly seems any different from midway into a TAG Sync session choosing to focus on a flower print on a blanket, or even just diffusing my visual attention to not even focus on anything in particular but take in my entire field at once. Part of this might have to do with the fact that I know those bells are bad, so they cause anxiety in me and it becomes a circular kind of affair, but that wouldn't explain the immediate spindling from switching from looking at the graphs to something else. OpaqueMind recommended open-eyes and looking away from the monitor which is why I'd like to try it more, but of course don't want to attain or train beta.

Edited by trancethot, 31 May 2016 - 05:58 AM.

#635 thebrainstore

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 10:19 AM

if you are getting a deep state of bliss does it really matter what appears on a computer screen?

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#636 zamzal

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Posted 31 May 2016 - 06:55 PM

Hey Everyone.
I have an extra Q-wiz available for sale, brand new. Ships from Europe. PM me if interested. 

(I may also have extra electrodes available if that is of interest).

#637 BarrelBoy

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Posted 01 June 2016 - 07:50 AM

if you are getting a deep state of bliss does it really matter what appears on a computer screen?

In one obvious respect, no. I'm just heeding DD's warning and don't want to simultaneously uptrain alpha and beta amplitudes. I suppose I shouldn't worry about it as long as I avoid the spindling registered by the amp. Then again, it's not impossible for some brains to be wired different than the norm, or for their to be unique combinations of frequencies that are counterintuitive beneficial, even between the same person at different stages in their training.

#638 thebrainstore

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Posted 01 June 2016 - 10:00 AM

I wouldn't worry too much about 'some brains', its a complex field to get your head around. Considering that you are training on a protocol with beta inhibits it's unlikely that you would be up training beta.


It sounds to me like you may benefit from a TLC plan, it might help you deal with the worrying thing.

#639 Slipstream

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Posted 01 June 2016 - 06:57 PM

trancethot. What are you actually seeing on the screen that you're concerned is beta-spindling? Intermittent patches, or a continuous thin band, like the sync'd alpha?  Also, at what frequency range is the beta appearing?


There was some discussion a page or two up about harmonics appearing in the beta range during synchrony training. These are artifacts and not real beta brainwaves. I definitely get this when I train TAG, although I'm not sure at all why not everybody does.



Edited by Slipstream, 01 June 2016 - 07:00 PM.

#640 BarrelBoy

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Posted 08 June 2016 - 06:17 AM

I wouldn't worry too much about 'some brains', its a complex field to get your head around. Considering that you are training on a protocol with beta inhibits it's unlikely that you would be up training beta.


It sounds to me like you may benefit from a TLC plan, it might help you deal with the worrying thing.



trancethot. What are you actually seeing on the screen that you're concerned is beta-spindling? Intermittent patches, or a continuous thin band, like the sync'd alpha?  Also, at what frequency range is the beta appearing?


There was some discussion a page or two up about harmonics appearing in the beta range during synchrony training. These are artifacts and not real beta brainwaves. I definitely get this when I train TAG, although I'm not sure at all why not everybody does.


My mistake ya'll, it wasn't a beta range, but a 6-10. I'm not sure if it's possible to feel deep bliss if you're spindling beta, but anyway...


Had a consultation with DD the other day and he encouraged me to share my notes as he doesn't have much time to interact in forums. I'm sure I'll be repeating some things that have been said before, but they're probably worth repeating since they came from Douglas:


- On the Q-Wiz unit's Bioexplorer Window (or I suppose you could do this manually too but I'm not quite sure how), set the Mode to 4-Channel (yes this is for two-channel neurofeedback, I can't recall why this was right). There were a couple other setting changes in Bioexplorer that I didn't take note of, but were necessary to get the best out of the new designs.

- He thinks that 2-channel is preferable to 4-channel designs because it's much more taxing on the brain and that it needs time to recover to maximize growth/connections. I'd be interested to hear someone's take on this who has longterm experience with both. Have you considered this?

- He recommended an alpha range of 9.5-10.5, and theta to 4.5-5.5. He said not everyone responds best to this, and of course if you can't amp this high enough then widen the range, but that people tend to respond better to these narrower ranges. I agree subjectively, but it could of course be a placebo.

- He thinks that HRV is of paramount importance. Cited a study where some group of soldiers with the best looking HRV's going into war were least likely to come back with PTSD. Havn't read the study, but I wonder what other variables they considered that might happen to account for a good HRV.

- Moving your eyes can apparently send electrical signals strong enough to interfere with the signal. He suggested keeping them still and looking 3ft or so in at the area in front of our sternum for optimal results (eyes open or closed presumably).

- I told him that I'd become tired doing any kind of protocol if it wasn't in the morning, sometimes even nodding off to sleep during sessions (I had a profound experience falling asleep and waking up two hours later all alpha/theta blissed that bled on over into my next day - I remember keeping pretty good synchrony while I was dozing off in the half asleep half awake stages, but I wonder if your mind can keep synchrony while asleep? Perhaps it helps to fall asleep during training as I did) and he suggested to take a nap or exercise whenever this happens. This might seem obvious, but it's not always, and I tend to avoid naps if possible. This might be because I've been doing at least an hour of neurofeedback nearly every day lately. Perhaps my brain's just using a ton of energy during this, especially as it adjusts to this initial wave of neuroplasticity.

Edited by trancethot, 08 June 2016 - 06:47 AM.

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#641 BarrelBoy

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Posted 08 June 2016 - 07:23 AM

Also, anyone know where to get electrode ear clips that the cupped electrodes will fit into? Or is buying a pair of ear clip electrodes worth it?

Also also, DD mentioned using an adhesive electrode for the ground as easier (and just slapping it on your chest since it can really go anywhere, not just the scalp). I've been putting ground on my collar bone but this isn't that great a spot, anyone have any adhesives electrodes they'd recommend?

Edited by trancethot, 08 June 2016 - 07:24 AM.

#642 BarrelBoy

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Posted 08 June 2016 - 07:37 AM

CORRECTION^: Douglas recommended/set my alpha channel at 9.8-10.2 and theta at 4.8-5.2, very narrow indeed. I'd encourage you to give this a go, you won't be able to produce as much of it, at least at first, but it felt good almost immediately for me.

Edited by trancethot, 08 June 2016 - 07:38 AM.

#643 umop 3pisdn

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Posted 10 June 2016 - 01:04 AM

If anyone is interested in developing light jhana type stuff I think HRV training is actually a rather reliable and simple approach. You have to have some idea of what piti feels like already and then just use the HRV feedback as a point of reference for how successfully you're generating it. This sort of mirrors what I had considered a year or so ago about using the brahmaviharas for developing intent or effort, as metta/loving-kindness and piti are quite similar in energy, and piti is associated with viriya or effort. Piti is also basically a nimitta in its own right so it can function just fine as an internal/subjective feedback loop for developing concentration (growing in real time with attention and waning with inattention) and the first jhana is defined by the presence of piti so you're basically building a bridge directly into first jhana.


Alongside this I also think it's a good idea to use some low frequency training at FpO2, as this seems related to passadhi/tranquility, and piti arises out of passadhi. In fact I sort of think that that's the purpose of the first tetrad of anapanasati practice, since the last step in that tetrad culminates in passadhi, and then at the start of the next tetrad you shift to piti. Actually I have a theory that that's part of the reason that both anapanasati and metta meditation are good meditation objects for anyone, obviously they're both wholesome and you can't hurt yourself with them, but interestingly both breathing and loving-kindness are very good at producing heart rate variability. In addition to that, low frequency training at FpO2 should correct against striving or one's distress with practice that might result from trying to generate a very vigorous joyful energetic sensation, or engaging in a practice that is relatively taxing.


It's interesting, because for a long time I couldn't differentiate piti and sukha, for a long time what I thought was piti was actually sukha (a really pleasant physical sensation, but lacking in the vigour of piti), I think being able to differentiate this might be really important for some approaches to jhana practice, since while the two are similar and mutually reinforcing, piti seems to more reliably drive the process since it's a way of mustering up the energy needed to direct the first jhana, which is still pretty 'hands on' relative to the following jhanas. Sukha then becomes important more so in second jhana, but I think it makes more sense to master the first one first.


I mentioned this will lead to light jhana, but Culadasa says that you can use lighter jhanas to successively develop deeper ones, which makes sense to me. Jhana no matter the depth should be ideal for developing concentration. And more than anything using piti/sukha as the 'nimittas' for concentrative practice is extremely rewarding and wholesome in a general sense. You don't have to force yourself to pay attention to a phenomena quite so much when the phenomena is inherently pleasant, and it's something that flows over wonderfully into your daily life to help with your moral conduct and social relationships.

And FpOx sites relate to the orbitofrontal cortices, which are implicated in addiction and reward, and to some extent attention as well, all things useful for really changing your life and habits through mindfulness and really getting a meditation practice off the ground.


So basically (but ymmv!)

HRV = good for tracking piti

FpO2 low frequency training = good for tracking passadhi

FpO1 high frequency training = good for tracking sukha


You just have to know what each of these feel like independently and use that as your central focus, because these modalities of neurofeedback likely respond not just to these mental qualities, but also some similar or related ones (metta for HRV would also work, for example), so you have to have a degree of experience and familiarity with the related jhana factors already down to some extent, and then just use these modalities as a secondary evaluative mechanism.


In some ways it doesn't have quite the same 'wow' factor as TAGsync or Entropy training for me (aside from generating pleasurable sensations, etc). TAGsync and Entropy seem to really elegantly exercise certain modes of attention which are extremely powerful and exciting, but this approach to training just seems so gosh darn wholesome, pitisukha is a nimitta I find a bit easier to generate, and it helps a whole lot more with my conduct and the enthusiasm you need to really pursue things and make changes in your life. If my experiences are replicable you're also working directly with jhana factors, essentially, so concentration is still on the agenda.

Edited by umop 3pisdn, 10 June 2016 - 01:07 AM.

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#644 BarrelBoy

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Posted 22 June 2016 - 07:04 AM

So during my aformentioned session with Douglas, I noticed that as I quickly engaged in AlphaTheta synchrony, there was a distinct feeling around the third eye, kind of upper nasal area and and behind/between/above my eyeballs. It was a mostly pleasurable physical sensation and I didn't really think much of it except that it was possibly induced by the narrower ranges he tried on me.


The following day or two, after doing some om's and meditating for a few minutes in my car (sans nfb) I noticed this feeling coming up again. I consciously increased it and held it, holding it throughout a rockclimbing session and while driving and basically until I went to sleep, upon which I awoke feeling better and with that feeling, though reduced, still buzzing around my third eye (its center may be slightly below the third eye point but I like to refer to it as that anyway :) ). Anyway, since then I've learned to activate this pleasurable little sensation at will. It helps to use om's to vibrate the tissue around there to activate it more quickly, but I can do it with no stimulation other than my thought too.


I feel like the sensation is associated with, if not produced by, synchrony, and it helps to keep me more present in whatever I'm doing, though if there's a task that's a little too cognitively demanding, like say coding for instance, then I'm not able to keep it up, but otherwise I can carry on conversations or drive or do things that don't require much focus. Sometimes when I've been doing it for 30+ minutes I get waves of tiredness, which has happened to me frequently while doing TAGSync (before I ever felt this sensation). Furthermore when I do nfb I often gravitate toward creating this sensation now and achieve synchrony alongside it (this may be a causal relationship that's started by synchrony of course, I'm not sure how I can know which way it might flow).


So basically I just wanted to let people know about this and was wondering if anyone else has experienced something like it it or has any other thoughts on it. I thought it might be purely placebo at first as I know that the brain itself has no nerves on it, but there's tissue surrounding the brain that does, and this may be being felt in those structures. Now that I think about it, this area feels about the same as the area that feels the pain of sinus headaches.

Edited by trancethot, 22 June 2016 - 07:13 AM.

#645 patches2801

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Posted 23 June 2016 - 02:35 PM

Can anyone guide me on what exactly thresholds 3-8 and 9-14 should be set on, I am trying to get Tagx2 up and running and I've already ran a couple of sessions but I am afraid the pre-sets on my protocol are not right. It looks similar to the settings on the 1/f rule but I'm not sure.

#646 Steven22

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 12:09 PM

Dear All


Thank you for the wealth of knowledge that has been shared.


I currently own a Pocket Neurobics Pendant (2 channel with 12 bits) and could buy a cheap Neurobit Optima 2 from a friend of mine (2 channels with 16 bits). Do you think there will be any difference in the practical usage for TAGSync or are both devices good enough to run TAGSync smoothly?


Thank you for your help.


Best regards


#647 VastEmptiness

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 01:23 PM

I've recently given a talk at Consciousness Hacking Luxembourg, in part about TAGsync and The Hyperbrain Network. We hooked up two people to TAGsync that weekend and both went deep quickly (experienced meditators, one even a teacher). Both gave a very positive feedback. If you from around that area, feel free to contact me for some meetup contacts.

Can anyone guide me on what exactly thresholds 3-8 and 9-14 should be set on, I am trying to get Tagx2 up and running and I've already ran a couple of sessions but I am afraid the pre-sets on my protocol are not right. It looks similar to the settings on the 1/f rule but I'm not sure.

They're set individually according to your capacity to attain the rewards. Me and most people did well with automatic rewards at about 80/80 (that is rewarding top 20% for phase bell). I'd make sure to keep the Active Inhibits (A Inh) on and make sure to not get too many of those warning sounds.


Dear All


Thank you for the wealth of knowledge that has been shared.


I currently own a Pocket Neurobics Pendant (2 channel with 12 bits) and could buy a cheap Neurobit Optima 2 from a friend of mine (2 channels with 16 bits). Do you think there will be any difference in the practical usage for TAGSync or are both devices good enough to run TAGSync smoothly?


Thank you for your help.


Best regards


The Neurobit will let you train super-high frequencies as some biohackers do experimentally at a later stage, but I wouldnt spend too much money on it. Regular 2c TAGsync can be done with either device as long as they support Bioexplorer or another compatible software.

#648 Steven22

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 02:27 PM

Hello VastEmptiness

Thank you for your quick answer. I think I will stick with the Neurobit Pendant then. What would be the benefits of training the super-high frequencies in addition to those normal TAGSync provides? I am mainly looking to improve performance for work reasons.

Best regards

#649 VastEmptiness

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 04:24 PM

Hello VastEmptiness

Thank you for your quick answer. I think I will stick with the Neurobit Pendant then. What would be the benefits of training the super-high frequencies in addition to those normal TAGSync provides? I am mainly looking to improve performance for work reasons.

Best regards

Nobody knows so far, as there isnt much science on that. But there seems to be not only lambda, but even higher freq according to the reports of some biohackers exploring that area.

With the Q-wiz you can go up to 256hz on two channels, so theres plenty room to explore above the usual 40hz. Neurobit can even go higher (512?).


TAGsync will train you up to 12hz for quite some time until you move up to 40hz. I'd recommend getting a TLC7 whole-brain plan for performance training as well as looking into the studies on peak performance which i posted earlier (which mainly mention SMR and gamma sync training as mediators of peak performance, but theres more in the TLC7).


While TAG might help with many things, It wouldn't be my top choice for peak performance.

#650 thebrainstore

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Posted 25 June 2016 - 04:33 PM

The high frequency stuff is not brain training at all, it's altogether different. We will present something coherent on the subject when the time is right. Currently it's nothing more than a research frontier and I am writing custom software and building hardware to try and move it forward. Not really something for BioExplorer neurofeedback users to be concerned with right now. The Neurobit is the only bit of kit on the market which can detect the ranges we are looking at but at 16 bit it doesn't have the dynamic range to detect the smaller signals that occur as frequency increases.


There is a lot of mileage in TAG and the TLC for anything but the most coherent of minds. One thing I can suggest for peak performance is to modify Brain Trainer's CON4C Gamma protocol to produce Alpha synchrony data instead by setting all filters and coherence elements within the protocol to the 9.5-10.5 hz range. This can then be used at F3 F4 P3 P4.


I recently trialled this with a group of mountain bikers. It seemed to lower their anxiety and make them more focused during racing AKA putting them in the 'zone'.



Edited by spektrolyte, 25 June 2016 - 04:41 PM.

#651 Steven22

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Posted 26 June 2016 - 01:14 PM

Dear VastEmptiness, dear Spektrolyte,



Thank you for your answers. Its great to hear that there are further developments in this field.


As for the training plans I found the following three on brain-trainers website.









Is there any advantage in my case taking a training plan other than the whole brain training plan? Goal is peak performance for work.





#652 thebrainstore

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Posted 26 June 2016 - 03:15 PM

You have linked to:


1. The protocols

2. The software system which produces brain reports

3. A brain report produced by that system


None of these are specifically for 'peak performance' training although completing a TLC programme will definitely increase mental performance.


#653 VastEmptiness

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Posted 26 June 2016 - 03:16 PM

Dear VastEmptiness, dear Spektrolyte,



Thank you for your answers. Its great to hear that there are further developments in this field.


As for the training plans I found the following three on brain-trainers website.









Is there any advantage in my case taking a training plan other than the whole brain training plan? Goal is peak performance for work.




The first one are the designs, they're the software so to say.

The second is a software to do assessments yourself.

The third is having brain-trainer process the assessment for you and get professional advice on your first training plan.


1+3 will do for peak performance.

#654 Steven22

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Posted 26 June 2016 - 07:33 PM

Dear VastEmptiness, dear Spektrolyte,

Thank you for your quick answers. Is there any risk using an old EEG device? I tried out the Pendant and it shows no signal on the Channel 5 Inhibitor Nibs. I am not sure if that means that the device is not working any more.

Cheers Steven

#655 VastEmptiness

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Posted 27 June 2016 - 10:16 AM

Dear VastEmptiness, dear Spektrolyte,

Thank you for your quick answers. Is there any risk using an old EEG device? I tried out the Pendant and it shows no signal on the Channel 5 Inhibitor Nibs. I am not sure if that means that the device is not working any more.

Cheers Steven

I do not know the device or what chan 5 inhibitor nibs are. Maybe you can find a manual online?

#656 Steven22

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Posted 27 June 2016 - 05:57 PM

I see. I meant the Channel 2 Inhibitor bins in TAGSync. The do not show any signal with the Pendant. I hope this does not mean that the device is defective.

Cheers Steven

#657 thebrainstore

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Posted 27 June 2016 - 09:43 PM

Considering the two reward thresholds and the waveform displays show a summed signal of both channels there is a possibility channel 2 could be defective if you get no inhibit activity.


Try swapping your electrodes. That is the only other explanation I can think of. I have examined the internals of some Pocket Neurobics stuff and it is not well assembled so failure at some point is a distinct possibility.

#658 VastEmptiness

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Posted 28 June 2016 - 07:52 AM

I see. I meant the Channel 2 Inhibitor bins in TAGSync. The do not show any signal with the Pendant. I hope this does not mean that the device is defective.

Cheers Steven

Are you using the original TAGx2 or some design where somebody fiddled around? Because it could also be a wrong wiring of the design.


Make a simple design with both channels and wire them up to an object called "Spectrum Analyzer". Then set it to show alot of bars for each freq. You will see if there is some freqs missing.

If you cannot do it, hook me up on Skype and i'll send you a similar design.

#659 Steven22

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Posted 28 June 2016 - 07:41 PM

Thank you both for your help. I just ran a session of TAG Sync. I have attached photos of the session.


The first one is with BF 1 set to 4-7Hz; BF 2 set to 9-11Hz -> BF1 set 4-7Hz; BF 2 set to 38-42Hz looks similar

The second one is with BF2 set 4-7Hz; BF 2 set to 38-42Hz and moving the last electrode from Pz down around 7-8 cm at the back of my head

The last inhibitor bins on the right side are quit high.


Is this how it is supposed to look like?




Attached Files

Edited by Steven22, 28 June 2016 - 07:49 PM.

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#660 thebrainstore

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Posted 28 June 2016 - 08:28 PM

yeah that looks fine to me.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tagsync, theta, alpha, gamma, synchrony, training, neurofeedback, operation, discussion

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