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TAGsync: Operation and Discussion

tagsync theta alpha gamma synchrony training neurofeedback operation discussion

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#691 VastEmptiness

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Posted 18 August 2016 - 08:00 AM

They all must be off living amazing neurofeedback-enhanced lives, leaving us newbies to fend for ourselves. 

I really want a TAGsync system and am ready to buy one, but I'm pretty confused on how to set it up. I guess I'll be winging it hoping I get the same results as OpaqueMind. 

That might be true for me. Actually some of the guys, including OP are digging deeper into NFB than ever before. Most conversation is happening on skype, surrounding our channel: https://join.skype.com/g7CTnuXwvZXv

But yes, NFB has been a treat for pretty much everyone on here and for myself it was a vehicle to the health i needed to pursue my actual mission in facilitating personal and collective development outside of tech approaches.

I'll be back for reintegration though at some point - it's an amazing technology.

#692 Nuke

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Posted 28 August 2016 - 08:06 AM

 So I have pulled the trigger on a Q-wiz+nirHEG+electrodes+basic software. I decided on the Q-wiz so I can do EEG+HEG+HRV with the same device. I'm thinking on starting off with with HEG+HRV+SMR+Alpha peak training.


To get to TAGsync. I have read this whole thread to get an overview and also some of the resources posted earlier. A lot of what I read is talk about meditation like states, emptiness and enlightenment. I also understood that some of the models that were used is the brainwaves of long time meditators. Most info on these states comes from people that have a Hindu/Buddhist/etc world view. Its a selfless, ego dissolving path. Lets very liberally call it a right-hand path.


Is the brain state and believes inseparable or is it just that most people like this idea of peace, harm none, we are all the same?


Now I have been wondering what the effect will be on someone that do not think it the ideal? eg. a ruthless business man. Will enlightenment (or traveling towards it) change someone values or will it just turn a hotheaded sleepless ruthless businessman into a calm ruthless businessman that sleeps well at night? Or in Stargate a Goa'uld into the half way ascended Anubis. :laugh:


What I'm actually asking is, should I bother with TAGsync if I have an Objectivist view on the world, and I'm here to strengthen my ego, not to dissolve it?


On another note, I have read about the neural inflammation a lot of training can cause, and the NAC is a good thing to take against it. How about Ibudilast? From what I read in Lostfalco’s thread it may be pretty effective too.


Will hop on the skype channel too. 

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#693 theCLK

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Posted 04 September 2016 - 03:35 PM

I'm looking for some help with Sebern Fisher's fp02 protocol. Does anyone have a BioEx file I could use as a template? 

#694 Autumn Knight

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Posted 11 September 2016 - 10:18 AM


They all must be off living amazing neurofeedback-enhanced lives, leaving us newbies to fend for ourselves. 

I really want a TAGsync system and am ready to buy one, but I'm pretty confused on how to set it up. I guess I'll be winging it hoping I get the same results as OpaqueMind. 

That might be true for me. Actually some of the guys, including OP are digging deeper into NFB than ever before. Most conversation is happening on skype, surrounding our channel: https://join.skype.com/g7CTnuXwvZXv

But yes, NFB has been a treat for pretty much everyone on here and for myself it was a vehicle to the health i needed to pursue my actual mission in facilitating personal and collective development outside of tech approaches.

I'll be back for reintegration though at some point - it's an amazing technology.



Thank you for the link, VastEmptiness. I'm glad that you are part of a team whose work is central to NFB. I agree that it's amazing, although as yet very mysterious to me; certainly a fascinating thing that carries a lot of legitimate promise. I even read a report the other day about a guy who was missing an entire hemisphere of his brain. A doctor administered a particular NFB protocol to this guy, and the entire hemisphere grew back! I'll have to look up the name of the doctor and what the protocol was called exactly, for I can't remember.


I'm really excited to try it, someday soon. I'm trying a few other things at the moment (LLLT being one of them), so it'll be a couple months before that happens. My lack of certainty about what NFB system to get and how to put it together is throwing me off, but I acknowledge using it, and soon, as a necessity.


Definitely awaiting your return. The more knowledge the better. 

Edited by Autumn Knight, 11 September 2016 - 10:20 AM.

#695 Autumn Knight

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Posted 11 September 2016 - 10:34 AM

 So I have pulled the trigger on a Q-wiz+nirHEG+electrodes+basic software. I decided on the Q-wiz so I can do EEG+HEG+HRV with the same device. I'm thinking on starting off with with HEG+HRV+SMR+Alpha peak training.


To get to TAGsync. I have read this whole thread to get an overview and also some of the resources posted earlier. A lot of what I read is talk about meditation like states, emptiness and enlightenment. I also understood that some of the models that were used is the brainwaves of long time meditators. Most info on these states comes from people that have a Hindu/Buddhist/etc world view. Its a selfless, ego dissolving path. Lets very liberally call it a right-hand path.


Is the brain state and believes inseparable or is it just that most people like this idea of peace, harm none, we are all the same?


Now I have been wondering what the effect will be on someone that do not think it the ideal? eg. a ruthless business man. Will enlightenment (or traveling towards it) change someone values or will it just turn a hotheaded sleepless ruthless businessman into a calm ruthless businessman that sleeps well at night? Or in Stargate a Goa'uld into the half way ascended Anubis. :laugh:


What I'm actually asking is, should I bother with TAGsync if I have an Objectivist view on the world, and I'm here to strengthen my ego, not to dissolve it?


On another note, I have read about the neural inflammation a lot of training can cause, and the NAC is a good thing to take against it. How about Ibudilast? From what I read in Lostfalco’s thread it may be pretty effective too.


Will hop on the skype channel too. 


If you don't mind, let me know how it is working for you. Particularly how you feel just getting started and how the learning process for understanding the system is going for you.


I'm not sure all of the people here have that world view, but I know OM in particular is interested in some Buddhist concepts. My question would be, if they were generally interested in that stuff, were they interested before or after doing NFB?


I think NFB will objectively help your brain regardless of your beliefs. I consider it a medical practice, and it is accepted as such by many who aren't as into spirituality. Its effects on the brain are physical, aren't they?


I guess we'll see more of the truth of the matter if your ego dissolves into a mess of selflessness after a few sessions. Also, Ibudilast seems like a good choice for neuroinflammation.

#696 DRN2001

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Posted 23 September 2016 - 06:32 AM

I have a Brain Trainer Electro Cap for sale.  Used very little just a month - did my QEEG, and learned the 10-20 positons - no further use.  Large 58-62.  Comes with:


Cap(s), surgical
Ear Electrodes, pair 3.5″ Drops
Quick Insert Electrodes (3)
Sponge disks (100)
Electro-Gel, 16 oz.
Needle/Syringe Kit


Half new cost at US$220 + shipping



#697 Autumn Knight

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Posted 23 September 2016 - 06:51 AM

I have a Brain Trainer Electro Cap for sale.  Used very little just a month - did my QEEG, and learned the 10-20 positons - no further use.  Large 58-62.  Comes with:


Cap(s), surgical
Ear Electrodes, pair 3.5″ Drops
Quick Insert Electrodes (3)
Sponge disks (100)
Electro-Gel, 16 oz.
Needle/Syringe Kit


Half new cost at US$220 + shipping




I'm interested in it, but do not think a large will fit my head. Darn.. 

#698 DRN2001

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Posted 23 September 2016 - 11:59 AM

It's the same as hat size 58 - 62 centimeters; you can take a tape measure and measure yourself if you don't know, or have a wedding shop measure your head like I did!


#699 Autumn Knight

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Posted 23 September 2016 - 12:16 PM

That's too big.. my head is like 55 cm. 

#700 DRN2001

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Posted 24 September 2016 - 01:09 AM

That's too big.. my head is like 55 cm. 


I'm not trying to convince you to buy it but I think it would work for you; my wife is 55cm, and I think it fits her better than me.  I find on me it's tight to the point of being uncomfortable.  

#701 Autumn Knight

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 05:06 AM


That's too big.. my head is like 55 cm. 


I'm not trying to convince you to buy it but I think it would work for you; my wife is 55cm, and I think it fits her better than me.  I find on me it's tight to the point of being uncomfortable.  



Maybe it is supposed to be snug?


Did you only need it to learn the 20 sites, or did you use it to learn how to do other NFB protocols?


I'm trying to figure out if I need it or not.

#702 DRN2001

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 07:21 AM



That's too big.. my head is like 55 cm. 


I'm not trying to convince you to buy it but I think it would work for you; my wife is 55cm, and I think it fits her better than me.  I find on me it's tight to the point of being uncomfortable.  



Maybe it is supposed to be snug?


Did you only need it to learn the 20 sites, or did you use it to learn how to do other NFB protocols?


I'm trying to figure out if I need it or not.



I bought the Cap to do Brain Trainers Q7 assessment, and to help me familiarize myself with the 10-20 positions; I did my first two weeks of BT training with it.  I'm now comfortable enough with the positions that I'm just using a BrainNet elastic position indicator and electrodes.  I'd keep the Cap, but frankly, I can use the cash!  Also, I do find it especially uncomfortable; in BT's video, they show how you use these little 'donuts' at positions Fp1 and Fp2 because it goes directly on skin there, but I find it's just too tight everywhere - my head starts throbbing before I've finished my training.  Having said that, it was a really quick and easy way to start and do the initial Q7 assessment - it's a lot easier using gel and the 'needle' and the 'muliplex' than paste and electrodes; someone on here said they did the Q7 with just electrodes but I think I would've have been to inept at the beginning to do that...

#703 Autumn Knight

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 04:48 PM




That's too big.. my head is like 55 cm. 


I'm not trying to convince you to buy it but I think it would work for you; my wife is 55cm, and I think it fits her better than me.  I find on me it's tight to the point of being uncomfortable.  



Maybe it is supposed to be snug?


Did you only need it to learn the 20 sites, or did you use it to learn how to do other NFB protocols?


I'm trying to figure out if I need it or not.



I bought the Cap to do Brain Trainers Q7 assessment, and to help me familiarize myself with the 10-20 positions; I did my first two weeks of BT training with it.  I'm now comfortable enough with the positions that I'm just using a BrainNet elastic position indicator and electrodes.  I'd keep the Cap, but frankly, I can use the cash!  Also, I do find it especially uncomfortable; in BT's video, they show how you use these little 'donuts' at positions Fp1 and Fp2 because it goes directly on skin there, but I find it's just too tight everywhere - my head starts throbbing before I've finished my training.  Having said that, it was a really quick and easy way to start and do the initial Q7 assessment - it's a lot easier using gel and the 'needle' and the 'muliplex' than paste and electrodes; someone on here said they did the Q7 with just electrodes but I think I would've have been to inept at the beginning to do that...



So it doesn't actually do NFB, right? I think you need Bioexplorer for that?


And I can learn how to use the cap with the BT video, then.

#704 Matty72

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:39 PM

I haven't posted for a while, NFB hasn't really worked out for me I'm finding that a deeper therapeutic relationship is what was required.


As such I have pretty much the full Brain-Trainer package available, Q-Wiz, cap, infra red headband, bioexplorer software/ hasp, and the BT designs.


If there's anyone in Britain, preferably London who is interested in buying it then let me know, if you're in London you could swing by and see that it all works.






#705 nfb sean

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Posted 08 October 2016 - 01:55 PM

Matty72, would you mind giving any readers a brief overview of your attempts with NFB, what your expectations were, what you actually got, and what you tried?


I think many browsing this thread would really appreciate it.

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#706 Basar

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Posted 20 October 2016 - 10:03 AM

Hi, does anyone here have a heg headband they want to sell im in london uk , thanks. 

#707 zamzal

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Posted 27 October 2016 - 12:55 PM


I would like to provide a sample training session to friends and potential clients, to show the effect that NFB can have. What training would you recommend as an eye opener? 
In the Skype group someone suggested CON4C Alpha at O1 O2 C3 C4. I was wondering if anyone else might have any suggestions.

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#708 caliban

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Posted 28 October 2016 - 05:08 PM

Moderation note:

After many great contributions among the over 700 entries, this thread has become too large to handle.


Issues related to TAG-SYNC remain highly interesting and can be discussed across the brain-computer interface sub forum 

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: tagsync, theta, alpha, gamma, synchrony, training, neurofeedback, operation, discussion

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