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noopept aniracetam choline

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#1 RogerO

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Posted 18 August 2014 - 03:15 PM

Hi there,


sorry for this post but I am really angry, I spent a lot of money already, I bought Fish Oil, Noopept, Aniracetam and choline cdp.


(1st Attempt) I started taking Noopept 20mg a day for 2 weeks, nothing happened, only a terrible headache and fog brain.

(2nd Attempt) I started taking Aniracetam + Choline Cdp every day for 15 days, again, nothing happened, but no headaches.

(3rd Attempt) I have been taking Noopept + Choline CDP for 1 week already, nothing happened, only fog brain, but at this time less headaches...


So I spent more than fucking $100 already and the only thing I noticed was a better mood, but only because of the Fish Oils I am taking...


So, in fact I am starting to think that these products don't work at all...


Please I need a light for this problem, I am studying for the Cambridge CAE exam and till now these products are giving me more problems.


I need something that can be effective... Any suggestions? Thanks!!




Edited by rogeroliveira84, 18 August 2014 - 03:17 PM.

#2 FeelsNumbMan

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Posted 18 August 2014 - 04:15 PM

Sorry to hear that, man. But from my own experiences, a lot of nootropics didn't really have much of a noticeable effect on me either, or anything at all even. Experimenting with these kind of things aren't cheap and I must warn you that you shouldn't expect anything big, as everybody's experience is different.


I was also wondering how the purchases of Noopept, Aniracetam, Fish Oil, and Choline ended up to be over $100 for you. Then again, I do not know how the economy works over at Australia and dunno how easy/hard it is to get stuff shipped over there either. Where did you buy yours?

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#3 Joe Cohen

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 01:20 PM

I added your account to my post:




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#4 RogerO

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:30 PM

Thanks to all, I will have a look. sorry was a mistake I paid a bit less than $100, around $80...



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#5 Xenthide

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Posted 29 August 2014 - 06:18 AM

Try Phenylpiracetam, or Modafinil even, sounds like they would be more what you're looking for, both are nootropics with definite effects that you can feel.


For me Noopept is more of mood enhancer than anything, and the racetams are all very subtle, in my experience. That said I have had very good results with a plain old Piracetam and Oxiracetam stack in the past, but people have very mixed feelings and they don't seem to work on everyone - either that or some people are just more susceptible to the placebo effect than others.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: noopept, aniracetam, choline

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