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diagnosed vascular disease, dementia

vascular dementia

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#31 Astroid

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Posted 05 October 2014 - 08:22 PM

I had Lead Poison from unknown causes 4 years ago and was in a fog. I could not function mentally. So be sure and get tested for Lead and maybe Mercury.


As a result I tried numerous things to increase my Cognitive Functions.. search my introduction and I have attached my top 20 Health Tips.  I prefer natural solutions first.. before Commercial Products !  or especially Drugs. Take care of essential nutrients first !  Many things you hear are just advertisement to sell you something.. Advertisement is not Education. 


First.. My smart MD says avoid Calcium & Soy supplements.. Calcium hardens things.. Magnesium fights and offsets Calcium.. Do not take them together.. Magnesium is mostly stored in the brain and heart, and everyone is deficient. Search and make your own Magnesium Bicarbonate Water.. that you absorb at 50%.. vs 5% of Mag Oxide pills.. Drink 1/3 at least of a liter bottle a day.. 2 cups or more of Epson Salt baths are also Magnesium.


To lower the blood pressure use Sea Salt.. 1 teaspoon in a shot of water.. 2 x day.. avoid regular table salt..  The brain also requires Iodine..a mineral.. I like Inforwars 2X.. 


Folate deficiencies symptoms are strokes, heart attacks, feeling pain all over, tired, mental fog.  Some have a bad gene and can not process FOLATE.. (not artifical folic acid).  Folate is a Methyl Donor and is essential... you can get tested.. Those with this problem can take MethylPro.. to obtain Folate. Biotin and Arginine amino acid also are methyl donors.. Take Methy B-12 under the tongue too.. B-12 is needed in the brain.. as well as energy, and immunity.  Read the reviews of the book "Could it be B-12" on amazon.. some have cognitive function problems from B-12 deficiencies.     

Systemic Enzyme are produced by your liver and pancreas until your 27 years old, then the production drops like a rock.  Systemic Enzymes are involved in 3,000 body functions as catalyst.. Vitamins and Minerals do not work without them.  They reduce inflammation, speeds up healing and LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE ! One can not take them with Blood Thinners.. YOU DO NOT NEED BLOOD THINNERS IF YOU TAKE HIGH DOSES OF SYSTEMIC ENZYMES.. they are plant bases.. available from Amazon. My blood pressure dropped to 105/50 taking them for a shoulder problem.  Vitalzym is uses in Europe as a pain killer.. and is the strongest I know of. I took 6 small bee wax coated pills 3-4 x /day.. They also healed both torn bicep tendons I had for 3 years.. within 90 days.. they healed them 90% that was 4 years ago. There are numerous systemic enzymes on amazon.. read the reviews.. Do Not Take Systemic Enzymes with FOOD.. or they only work as a Digestive Enzyme then. 


CHOLINE IS A B VITAMIN that creates 3 essential brain chemicals.. One is required for the cells to communicate. Order any of the 3 types in bulk online and take 750 mg (1/4 teaspoon) 1-2x day.. for 7-14 days to see results.. I woke up on day 5!   PEOPLE WITH ALZHEIMER'S ARE DEFICIENT IN CHOLINE.  I take that and other nootropics in addition. 


MSM-SULFUR a mineral.. and is in the every cell membrane in the body.. It is the 5th most important element in the body.. one needs 4,000 mg per day normally. Deficiencies include pain.. order from horse supply places on Amazon.. in bulk.. take 1 rounded teaspoon 2 x day !  in a shot of water.. It got rid of 85% of my back pain !  It is in brain cells !  Everyone is deficient..  Sulfur allows water and O2 to move through the cell membrane for normal detoxing and chemical exchanges. 


I am researching c60, carbon 60 right now.. and believe it has numerous health benefit.. it has been mentioned her before ... try it.. again I recommend high doses of everything.. to get results.. then cut back. http://shop.owndoc.c...lls-in-oil.html  $19 per bottle for a month.. plus shipping.. I'd double the dose myself.. but I play to win.. and get results.. 


The brain is mostly fat.. people on low fat diets tend to have strokes.. Feed the brain.. it needs various fats. I'd suggest Hemp Oil.. daily too. 


In addition I take a strong liquid Multi Mineral from Vital Earth. Order from their website is cheaper than from Amazon. 


What do you drink? Avoid cokes and drink water.

Do you have body pain? How is your sleep?

Do you have any other medical issues? 

How is your digestion?  How is your diet? 



Edited by Astroid, 05 October 2014 - 08:23 PM.

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#32 Flex

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Posted 05 October 2014 - 10:13 PM

You´re right, Magnesium is a chelator for heavy metals


Cool didnt know that

Edited by Flex, 05 October 2014 - 10:15 PM.

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#33 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 29 October 2014 - 12:27 AM

Hi ginjer29, I have some references to vascular dementia in my thread here. Most relevant is this paper called "Autologous Bone Marrow Derived Mononuclear Cell Therapy for Vascular Dementia". Have a smart friend read it as well, so they can discuss with you.


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