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GDF11 Group buy

gdf11 gdf-11

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#61 eigenber

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Posted 24 February 2017 - 07:34 PM

I've used GHK (sublingually, 30mg 2x day) for 10 days post shoulder operation and anecdotally the physician remarked that the healing seemed 'very fast'. But still nothing that couldn't probably be explained as normal, individual variance. There's simply a lack of independent, controlled studies to say anything one way or the other about GHK.


GDF-11 certainly seems like a substance worthy of experimentation and I would be in on a group buy, should one be started. 

#62 Rocket

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Posted 25 February 2017 - 07:56 PM

I used GDF11 for quite a long time and got nothing out of it. I pointed a few other people to my supplier and when I emailed them asking for their results I never heard anything back. I assume because they got nothing out of it. The only person who claimed it did anything for him is (from what I hear) now planning on opening an anti aging clinic offshore. It's an expensive experiment to find out it does nothing.

Edited by Rocket, 25 February 2017 - 07:57 PM.

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#63 Nate-2004

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 03:58 PM

Rocket aren't you only 30?

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#64 Rocket

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Posted 26 February 2017 - 09:32 PM

In my dreams I am that young. GDF11 is a washout and an expensive one at that. I still have half the bottle in my basement fridge. There was simply no point to waste perfectly good insulin needles on the injections anymore. The only anti aging peptides I know and used and work are BPC157 and CJC1295 w/DAC.  I read in some paper some place BPC157 works by shuffling GH to injured areas. So the older you are the less effective it is which is why if I were to run BPC I would also use GH or a GH scretagogue. Both are great if you get the real properly dosed peptides.


Off topic but Dasatinib is the real deal as well. But I think you have to run it at much higher doses (that I did) than people here are planning and cycle it similar to how people cycle anabolics.... i.e. run D maybe once a month or EO month at around 300mg. I think at 40 or 50mg used daily you're going to get very bad side effects over long term use and not much in the way of clearing out S. cells. According to the mouse study I should have ran over 400mg 1x.

Edited by Rocket, 26 February 2017 - 09:40 PM.

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#65 DareDevil

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Posted 01 March 2017 - 06:55 AM

According to the mouse study I should have ran over 400mg 1x.


Hi Rocket,


Are you taking into account that when translated to humans mouse study doses must be reduced six-fold? At least that's what I read in this forum. Just asking. I found that 100mg did deliver results. However I never tried a single large dose like you did. I may give it a shot next round.


Back ON TOPIC, I still would like to try GDF-11 for myself as different individuals may respond differently and also because it may not always be in active form. If you could share your source for the product I will at least avoid purchasing there as clearly what they shipped you didn't work. If I experience similar absence of benefits with the same product sourced elsewhere, it will be conclusive for me that it is barking up the wrong tree.





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#66 Rocket

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Posted 01 March 2017 - 05:02 PM

Sent you a PM with the supplier.

#67 MikeDC

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 02:01 AM

Over expression of GDF11 cause substantial skeletal and cardiac muscle atrophy.


Using GDF11 is playing with fire.







Edited by MikeDC, 14 March 2017 - 02:11 AM.

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#68 DareDevil

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Posted 27 May 2017 - 09:11 AM

We must be careful when we discuss supplementation versus over-expression. If you take too many Tylenols you have a very limited chance of survival. This can be true with many drugs and supplements. Dosage is key. It must be enough to be effective and not so much as to cause secondary effects best avoided.


I am currently supplementing with an intial dose of 50 nanograms daily injected subQ. I plan to reduce this intake in coming days or weeks to a lower recommended level of 10 nanograms daily and even maybe later down to 2 nanograms/day.


I find that it already helps boost my energy level and that I don't need to sleep nearly as much. This could of course be a placebo effect. I have stopped taking NR by the way, waiting to try NAD+ infusions at a later date. I will post any future impressions gleaned from taking GDF-11 in the tiniest of doses.





#69 DareDevil

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Posted 04 June 2017 - 11:59 AM

First report:


So far I've been injecting approximately 50 nanograms per day. I find its effects positive so far, but this is probably because I've been in serious shortage having remarkably low natural levels of GDF-11 remaining at my age. It is hard to know what is a placebo effect and what is actually biologically happening. At least I feel a bit younger, so that's a perceived positive benefit. Until I notice it feels like too much, I won't immediately reduce the dosage. If I notice something unpleasant, I will bring it down to 20 nanograms and see how that works out.


A younger member here in his forties said that when he took it some time ago, that it produced no noticable effects. I think it probably helps to bring older people up to the norm of GDF-11 presence for someone young, before dialing back to a maintenance dose that keeps them at that level over time. That maintenance dosage has been recommended to be somewhere between 2 and 5 nanograms per day. However, patient zero Steve Perry has reduced his intake after years of use to only 0.5 nanograms per day. FWIW.



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#70 adamh

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Posted 30 June 2017 - 11:27 PM

You mean this thread has been going for several years and still no supplier at a reasonable cost? The best deal I found with a search was some $200 for 20 mcg which should last a long time if you are using 20 to 50 ng a day. I'm intrigued by the sleep benefits, it would be worth if if I got that even if it didn't make me young again, lol. 

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