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Noobtropic stack question

nootropics stack

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#1 heathen

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Posted 17 September 2014 - 10:32 PM

Hey guys! 


Just getting started with this whole nootropic/brain enhancement thing and pretty excited about it!


Basically I've started my programming courses(finally) and I'm looking to enhance myself to perform better and learn a lot per time spent. I've been taking some supplements for a long time. My grandmother is a health nut so the whole family gets vitamins and such regularly. By force if necessary. I've ordered some piracetam, adranifil and alpha-gpc from ND(not sure if brands matter a whole lot, I'm sure there are quality differences).


So what I take now:


Damage Control Master Formula x 1-2 per day

Inositol 550mg in the evenings

DMAE 100mg x 1 per day

Coffee x 1 in AM

Cocoa calm 2 pills per day (Ingredient list is pretty vague so I'm considering dropping this)


So my questions about dosings:

First of all i intend to take 1-10mg of each to test the products for adverse reactions


Piracetam. I'm considering starting at around 400mg x 2 for the first day. Then possibly bumping up to 800mg x 2 if day one goes well. Thought?

Alpha-gpc. This is the real question I have. The stuff I got was the >99% stuff and I'm absolutely in the dark about dosing since I'm not sure if people use the >50% or the >99% in their dosing.

Adranifil . This I really only intend to use this in "Greater Need" situations do to the effects I've read long term use can lead to. Probably will start out with 25-50mg 30-60min before the activity I intend to use it for.



So that is about it. Should I drop some of my supplements when I start these new ones? Drop everything and just test the new ones on their own? Any and all suggests are welcome and I appreciate those with greater knowledge than my self taking the time to educate me.


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