Yes, I have ADHD-PI, the variant without hyper-activity, and more motivational problems.
*here's a bit of bragging and ranting to support my fragile ego*
Much like I imagine is the case for you, and others on this site, since I didn't have hyperactivity and had some talents in other areas, the disease was masked when I was a child, and it was not picked up on. I even went through some form of testing in second grade, since I was quite shy, different, etc, but they concluded that I was simply " highly intelligent and simply a bit quirky".
Alas, that was a poor testing, as it meant that my fairly complex neurological issues went untreated, which lead to tremendous issues when reaching adulthood.
A few years back I set out on a quest of self-improvement however, and began taking myself apart and analyzing the contents. I then came to my own conclusion that I had the diagnosis ADHD-PI-DCD-DC, and set forth to get a proper test done - which corroborated my own hypothesis. Treatment has now begun, but I find the treatment-options in my own country to be fairly outdated, which is a definite source of negative emotions.
/end rant
I haven't tried Faso, and actually think it may very well turn out to be quite useful - I'm no longer recommending it tho', since we don't have the data necessary to make conclusions on which perticular patient-groups will benefit from it.
We will have fairly soon tho', the primary researcher of Fasoracetam, Hakon Hakonarson, will be publishing his trial-report in may - that should give some nice meaty data on the potential for Faso.
If you have OCD and depression, you should definitely check out Intuniv ( guanfacine), as it is not just looking to be efficient in treating ADHD, but also appears to be a very robust anxiolytic and anti-depressant - they're doing testing for OCD and PTSD as well.
GetOutofBox on these boards, which was on Intuniv for some time, actually noted clear effects on his own OCD and anxiety while on it, so I definitely recommend it.