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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Research, life and nature

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#1 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 10:29 AM

I've seen that many here (including me) read some researches about something and conclude it's good or bad to take some food, supplements or nootropics. While most will agree that it's benefitial to take extra Vitamin C, some other foods or supplements bring more debate, like debate on casein in this thread:

Medical, food and supplement research hasn't even started yet. There are some larger reasearches and studes that monitor and collect much more information than their core subject. But still none of them is taking life as a whole when doing studies. What I mean here if we were to evaluate some food, drug or supplement we would need to conduct research on at different continents, different cultures, different age groups, different climate, different altidude, different education, different sleeping habits, different religions, different horoscope signs ;), different time of year, different diets, different gene codes, different you name it, and it all should last many years. And now take all this data, make a good crunching program, put it in a big computer and lets see what it says. Of course for the next 10 years this wont be possible, but sometimes in the future there could be a more broad research and studies who could tell us more about life. Then, we will be able to tell this stuff is good for me or not. Till then best we can do is speculate and experiment on our selves :)

Please note i'm not a scientist and this is just my view on topic.

#2 icyT

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 07:32 PM

Whey is generally thought to be better than casein, so I'd agree with you there.

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