The vast majority of dentists are just scammers, everywhere in the world, the biggest issues in dental health are caused by dentists.
Just as an example in the early '80 I went for a check up in a famous dental clinic and according to the x-rays I had a cavity on a wisdom tooth, at my perplexity (I never had a cavity and still don't) the dentist got upset and stated that the x-rays doesn't lie, 35 years later that wisdom tooth is still there and many successive x-ray, including TAC, never showed any cavity there, even reaching back there with an enlargement video camera didn't show anything wrong.
If it was for that dentist my wisdom tooth would have be gone by decades (since nobody really fix cavities on wisdom teeth).
Interdental brushing causes the lost of the interdental papilla, especially if space is little and the brush is forced in, teeth picking does the same.
Bacterial plaque on the visible teeth doesn't really matter that much, it is more the kind of bacteria that matters, good bacteria are the best defense against bad ones (they don't like each others and compete harshly for "territory"), anyway healthy enamel is not effected by bacteria, unhealthy enamel will get cavities even if only very little plaque is present, especially if a plaque of a nasty kind of bacteria.
Chlorhexidine stains teeth, kills eveything bad and good (it is an antibiotic) and ends up in the guts disrupting the microbiome there too,
Commercial mouth washes may not stain teeth and are a bit less aggressive but still tend to kill everything indiscriminately in the mouth and elsewhere, in order to not cause too much arm are kind of weak and scarcely effective.
Even the most careful flossing and brushing will be unable to reach under the gum line and between teeth everywhere, if the mechanical action of brushing and flossing would be enough to get rid of plaque hygenists should be all unemployed or at least whom does it properly shouldn't need any visit to an hygenists ever.
A mouthwash that is able to kill only the bad guys is the only smart way to deal with the issue, a mouth wash is able to go where no picks or brush or floss will ever be able to go (deep gengival pockets, for example), especially in day care routines.
That mouthwash does exist and cost close to nothing, almost nobody wants to talk about it, probably because it will put most dentist,, hygenists and tooth paste/mouthwash producers out of is hydrogen peroxide.
Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2% xantan gum, few drops of mint essential oil for a pleasant flavor and you'll have the best tooth paste ever (non abrasive and whitening), mouthwash with it afterward (no xantan here) and any periodontitis will disappear in no time.
Go one last time to the hygenist for a deep cleaning including root scaling (curettage) in order to remove the hard deposits and hydrogen peroxide will keep you fine almost forever.
I just went to the hygenist last week (free) as I do every 6 months (because it is free
) and as always happens he stated in amazement I didn't need any igene performed because there was no plaque whatsoever, I did it anyway because I was already there and concluded saying to keep doing what I was doing whatever it was because no better can ever be done.
Before using hydrogen peroxide I was effected by periodontitis for several years with several deep pockets and all sort of surgical procedures been proposed, no hygenist, brushing or flossing sorted any results, now my gums are as pink as they come and it is almost impossible to have them bleeding, pockets all gone, receding stopped (actually some regrowth) .
I brush very mildly only once a day and for no more than 30 seconds, brushing is the main cause of receding gums that in turns cause bone loss.
If you had a curettage performed once in your life you'll easily understand that no brushing or flossing will ever be able to remove that plaque, it doesn't matter how hard or long you do it, it is creating the right bacterial environment that doesn't allow bad hard plaque formation in the first place.