Thats interesting, there definitively seems to be some great benefits of meditation practice. Its good to know that there is a lot of supportive evidence and its interesting to think about the working mechanisms behind all of this...
"Transcendental meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: A longitudinal study", I think this was a 2-year study so the increase on the CFIT was not huge considering the time-frame. I wonder if there are diminishing returns of meditation when it comes to intelligence optimization? It would be interesting to somehow look at measures of advancement in the meditative practice and compare that to intelligence increases, to see if some people improved more in their meditation practice and if that could also increase intelligence even more.
I found this part particularly interesting:
"The EEG during TM shows an increase of alpha activity,
suggesting a wakeful state in which the brain is at rest, but awake; not actively processing
information but maintaining conscious awareness. Alpha EEG coherence also increases during
TM, indicating that the EEG from various cortical areas have components that are very similar
in frequency. Thus, increased global EEG coherence during TC suggests increased homogeneity
of the brain’s electrical field at that time. Experimental evidence indicates that during such periods
of high EEG coherence the brain is maximally receptive to processing new information"
I found another study looking at EEG measures of intelligence, and it found increased EEG coherence to be correlated with intelligence:
A smarter brain is associated with stronger neural interaction in healthy young females: A resting EEG coherence study - http://www.sciencedi...16028961100122X
In that study they propose that functional connectivity in the brain is the basis for the g-factor, they also think that this can be measured in the EEG by looking at coherence in the resting state.
I found another study however that found the opposite, that lower coherence was related to intelligence. Understanding these studies is a bit tricky I suppose... but coherence does seem to be highly related to intelligence in all studies I have read.
The TM article does have a lot of other articles to back up increased coherence being related to intelligence...:
"Correlational studies in meditators have shown that resting EEG coherence among frontal
and central areas is positively correlated with higher levels of neurological efficiency, full scale
WAIS IQ, fluency of verbal creativity, mathematics achievement, principled moral reasoning, and
lower levels of neuroticism (Dillbeck et al., 1981; Nidich, Ryncarz, Abrams, Orme-Johnson &
Wallace, 1983; Orme-Johnson et al., 1977; Orme-Johnson & Haynes, 1981; Orme-Johnson,
Wallace, Dillbeck, Alexander & Ball, in press)."
I will have to dig into those when I have time to try to understand this more completely

The Mindfulness meditation article I think was very interesting because it showed increased executive functioning after only 4 sessions of training. It would be interesting to also see IQ measures, but I suppose that maybe it would be hard to change those after just 4 sessions.
I found this part interesting:
"Mindfulness practice promotes a form of meta-cognitive insight (Ortner, Kilner, & Zelazo, 2007), where MM practitioners learn to emotionally disengage from distracters (frustration; anxiety) (Teasdale,1999). This form of top-down cognitive control leads the MM practitioner to more readily focus on the present task leading to better performance."
I think I have read studies on alpha brainwaves being related to similar functions, like top-down inhibition of task-irrelevant stimuli. It would be interesting if this was quantifiable in the EEG, such that you could somehow measure meta-cognitive abilities by seeing changes in alpha levels.
I am wondering, since you are using brain-trainer, it would be interesting if you could see changes in for example coherence levels in the EEG over time as this could be an indicator of brain development and increased intelligence! 
In my own biohacking I am planning to get the brain-trainer TLC7ap Trainers QEEG with autoplan to quantify my brain over time. I have ordered a floatation tank which I will be receiving next month! I am really looking forward to that and I plan to do a lot of meditation in the tank while simultaneously tracking my brain to see if I can produce some changes in the EEG.