Logic, I have done something constructive for the Longecity movement.. I made a material contribution to the cause by actually paying an annual membership fee.
My knowledge is not extensive, so to compensate, I just make sure I deal with credible reputable knowledgeable competent suppliers who know exactly what they're talking about and doing, who aren't amateurs.
The Mannitol issue and not knowing about China's national closedown over CNY are not the issues, they just serve to confirm the level of competency and caliber as regards the supplier.
I never got involved. I just made two supplier suggestions (one not in China, one in China) to give the process some momentum.
And, if I organized a GB, you wouldn't have anything to bitch about, because the final supplier would be one which is competent, reputable, technically knowledgeable, experienced, and professional.
The writing was on the wall from day one. Just read those waffling ridiculous posts by "Forty Six and 2" full of non-sensical gumff trying to sound fancy, which contain zero meaningful content. No one talks and thinks like that. They are an attempt to sound fancy and knowledgeable by someone who I suspect dropped out of high school quite early on, and accordingly, who has the articulation and grammatical abilities consistent with that level of education completed, but who is trying to cover it up.
Just read some of the copy on their website. Review the products, many of which don't even disclose ingredients. Ask them for the ingredients listing for some of their products. You won't get them.
Sigma: Gly-His-Lys acetate salt, ≥97% 10 mg $135.50
Bachem: H-Gly-His-Lys-OH Acetate salt 250 mg $98.00 / 1g $294
Unless I am missing something obvious, given Bachem's pricing, I dare say that if a multi-gram order had been placed with them, that their per gram price would have been less than what is being charged by the jackass cowboys, who are so knowledgeable and competent that they had no idea about hygroscopicity/Mannitol (and obviously, nor did their supplier), or that their alleged long term supplier closed over Chinese New Year.
And, what's more, you would probably have received it by now!
And, what's more, there would be no need to test or have any doubts about identity/purity.
ard", when you can source it immediately from either of the Premier 'Gold Standard' suppliers, Sigma Aldrich and Bachem, at reasonable prices.
I notice that you have only ever started the 1 obligatory intro post on this forum and that your last 5 posts at least (I cant see further back) have all been on this thread.
Surely your... 'precious time and extensive knowledge' would be better spent doing something constructive for the longevity movement?
Why not start you own Group Buy from Bachem Pure...?
Had you done so when you 1st got involved; 'your' product might have been received by now.
And I, were I so Inclined, could be having a wonderful time bitching at you for adding Mannitol to it!