I definitely NEED J147

GHK tripeptide resets DNA. Brain, capillary, skin etc regeneration.
Posted 02 April 2015 - 11:57 PM
Posted 03 April 2015 - 02:08 AM
Do note that TLR has apologised profusely and offered extensive discounts for those who bought into this group buy/order:
25% discount on ALL “Anti-Aging” Research Items, which include some of the following:
SENOLYTIX A Dasatinib:Quercetin Optimized Senolytic Agent
GHK/GHK-Cu Mix (for the next lot we will be preparing to have here in 2-4 weeks)
Acetyl Epitalon
20% discount off ALL “Neurogenic Research” Items; including J147 99% to be in very shortly
Personally I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!
As anyone who has been following the compelling senolytics thread knows; one dose of Dasatinib is $360
So 100 doses at $ 75 plus Quercetin is around 1/500th the price!
Well, discounts doesn't matter if seller cannot deliver the ordered items.
I personally will not order anything from TLR until the problem with my GHK order is resolved.
Edited by zen, 03 April 2015 - 02:11 AM.
Posted 03 April 2015 - 02:37 AM
Please let me note that the inspection hold affected numerous packs arriving into JFK due to certain issues made known to us. Simply via the bad fortune and timing ours was within that group it is still simply being held. Certainly we can validate this via the tracking as to the integrity of this issue.
Within what came to light as an indeterminate release we commenced another production of this item, with 20 additional lots as well due to requests. Now near completion it should be shipping to us any day and we hope to see it shipping out to all pre-orders by end of next week.
SENOLYTIX will as well be expected to be stocked by then. We are doing all as best as possible within difficult, unfortunate circumstances outside our control.
Please note as well that J147 arrived and is now setting to ship tomorrow. As well, we have the potent and highly efficacious neurogenic/neueoprotectant SARM RAD140 now stocked.
Many thanks for your understanding and support. Looking to push forward best as possible as always.
Edited by VERITAS INCORRUPTUS, 03 April 2015 - 02:40 AM.
Posted 03 April 2015 - 04:11 AM
Do note that TLR has apologised profusely and offered extensive discounts for those who bought into this group buy/order:
25% discount on ALL “Anti-Aging” Research Items, which include some of the following:
SENOLYTIX A Dasatinib:Quercetin Optimized Senolytic Agent
GHK/GHK-Cu Mix (for the next lot we will be preparing to have here in 2-4 weeks)
Acetyl Epitalon
20% discount off ALL “Neurogenic Research” Items; including J147 99% to be in very shortly
Personally I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!
As anyone who has been following the compelling senolytics thread knows; one dose of Dasatinib is $360
So 100 doses at $ 75 plus Quercetin is around 1/500th the price!
Well, discounts doesn't matter if seller cannot deliver the ordered items.
I personally will not order anything from TLR until the problem with my GHK order is resolved.
"...I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!..."
Ye; the sooner this is sorted; the happier I'll be!
Edited by Logic, 03 April 2015 - 04:13 AM.
Posted 03 April 2015 - 04:55 AM
Yes he can Johnross47.
That's a strong statement. Can you back it up?
Do t trust logic, he's another cracker, he'll steal your money for crack, true story.... Happened to me .I Emailed TLR.
The GHK/GHK-Cu has landed in America.
It should be arriving soon.
333 posts
-121 ₮ ....one for each scammer, or cracker, I expose.
I have been conspicuous by my absence of posts here.
That is because I am extremely embarrassed by how this group buy has gone.
I am still in contact with TLR and doing what I can to salvage my rep here and this group buy.
FWIW TLR hopes that the GHK/GHK-Cu will have cleared customs by the 10th of this month and will start shipping to everyone soon after.
While 46&2 'speaks'/types some very strange english, I get the impression that he is a good person and that circumstances conspired to scupper what should have been a simple transaction:
Their web site went down at the same time as the mud slinging about their products started on this forum...
Now any one of those events could be happenstance, but when both occur together
As anyone who has been following the compelling senolytics thread knows; one dose of Dasatinib is $360
So 100 doses at $ 75 plus Quercetin is around 1/500th the price!
Edited by 1thoughtMaze1, 03 April 2015 - 04:55 AM.
Posted 03 April 2015 - 04:58 AM
Do note that TLR has apologised profusely and offered extensive discounts for those who bought into this group buy/order:25% discount on ALL “Anti-Aging” Research Items, which include some of the following:
SENOLYTIX A Dasatinib:Quercetin Optimized Senolytic Agent
GHK/GHK-Cu Mix (for the next lot we will be preparing to have here in 2-4 weeks)
Acetyl Epitalon
20% discount off ALL “Neurogenic Research” Items; including J147 99% to be in very shortlyhttp://www.longecity...ndpost&p=720177
Personally I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!
As anyone who has been following the compelling senolytics thread knows; one dose of Dasatinib is $360
So 100 doses at $ 75 plus Quercetin is around 1/500th the price!
Well, discounts doesn't matter if seller cannot deliver the ordered items.
I personally will not order anything from TLR until the problem with my GHK order is resolved.
"...I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!..."
Ye; the sooner this is sorted; the happier I'll be!
No logic in crack
Posted 03 April 2015 - 08:58 PM
No logic in crack
Well, discounts doesn't matter if seller cannot deliver the ordered items.
Do note that TLR has apologised profusely and offered extensive discounts for those who bought into this group buy/order:25% discount on ALL “Anti-Aging” Research Items, which include some of the following:
SENOLYTIX A Dasatinib:Quercetin Optimized Senolytic Agent
GHK/GHK-Cu Mix (for the next lot we will be preparing to have here in 2-4 weeks)
Acetyl Epitalon
20% discount off ALL “Neurogenic Research” Items; including J147 99% to be in very shortlyhttp://www.longecity...ndpost&p=720177
Personally I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!
As anyone who has been following the compelling senolytics thread knows; one dose of Dasatinib is $360
So 100 doses at $ 75 plus Quercetin is around 1/500th the price!
I personally will not order anything from TLR until the problem with my GHK order is resolved.
"...I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!..."
Ye; the sooner this is sorted; the happier I'll be!
You said you could stand your story up. So far you haven't even tried. For the sake of all the innocent bystanders, put up or shut up!
Posted 14 April 2015 - 08:51 AM
Has anybody got theirs yet?
Posted 14 April 2015 - 09:10 AM
I doubt you will. Reverse the transaction with the Credit Card company.
Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:50 PM
Please let me note that the inspection hold affected numerous packs arriving into JFK due to certain issues made known to us. Simply via the bad fortune and timing ours was within that group it is still simply being held. Certainly we can validate this via the tracking as to the integrity of this issue.
Within what came to light as an indeterminate release we commenced another production of this item, with 20 additional lots as well due to requests. Now near completion it should be shipping to us any day and we hope to see it shipping out to all pre-orders by end of next week.
SENOLYTIX will as well be expected to be stocked by then. We are doing all as best as possible within difficult, unfortunate circumstances outside our control.
Please note as well that J147 arrived and is now setting to ship tomorrow. As well, we have the potent and highly efficacious neurogenic/neueoprotectant SARM RAD140 now stocked.http://teamtlr.com/a...36191-21-6.html
Many thanks for your understanding and support. Looking to push forward best as possible as always.
How is the "pushing forward" going?
Have you made any progress during the last two weeks regarding the long overdue GHK shipment?
Posted 17 April 2015 - 10:52 AM
I received a a message on April 11 that it would be shipped in 2 weeks.
Posted 17 April 2015 - 02:21 PM
Apparently its been delayed again.
I am loth to post here due to embarrassment, compounded by the fact that the information I do pass on is increasingly inaccurate.
Posted 17 April 2015 - 02:34 PM
Serious.... It has been delayed again since April 11th?
Posted 17 April 2015 - 03:17 PM
"Enjoying the show"...!
At least I am still of some small value to this thread!
I feel safe in stating the obvious.
Posted 17 April 2015 - 03:34 PM
Logic, not your fault
Posted 18 April 2015 - 11:59 AM
Logic, not your fault
Thx smccomas01.
To whoever was unsure of smccomas01's comment:
I went with TLR as they looked to offer an elegant solution to having to handle peoples cash and post packages through the 'New South African Postal System'
(To those who thought the 'New SA' was a good thing: check the latest news and think again!)
A postal system that, most fortunately for most here, is distant and would have increased costs even IF the packages had somehow made it to their destinations.
I had no idea that things would turn out as they have/are.
All I can do is hold thumbs that the GHK/GHK-Cu does eventually arrive and that it is still effective if it has infact been floating about on the Pacific for months.
Edited by Logic, 18 April 2015 - 12:00 PM.
Posted 18 April 2015 - 02:11 PM
All I can do is hold thumbs that the GHK/GHK-Cu does eventually arrive and that it is still effective if it has infact been floating about on the Pacific for months.
Well, even if it arrives in a couple of weeks or months (which I now seriously doubt) the state of the product will be completely unpredictable. To me the whole group buy initiative is a complete failure and the way TLR handles it makes things even worse. They happily took money from the number of people and do not even bother to post regular updates without being explicitly prompted on this forum.
This is probably the worst experience I had as a customer in a couple of years. If they lost the package or are not able to recover it from the customs in a timely manner they should feel obliged to either reship or refund.
As an absolute minimum (if they are completely bankrupt) they should refund the profit they made on this transaction.
Just my 2 cents.
Edited by zen, 18 April 2015 - 02:38 PM.
Posted 18 April 2015 - 08:35 PM
If there is still an interest in this compound, a group buy could be initiated through GenScript or another know-reliable provider. The prices will be higher, but the likelihood of getting the order filled and filled with the correct compound will be much higher.
Posted 18 April 2015 - 09:35 PM
How is the "pushing forward" going?
I don’t know about you, but my butt certainly still hurts. At this point, I’d say that the probability of us getting genuine product that isn’t degraded is roughly equal to the reciprocal of Avogadro’s number. Needless to say, I’m never sending this clown (I’m now totally convinced that TLR is just one guy working out of a cramped office in a Shanghai industrial park) another penny.
Posted 20 April 2015 - 11:30 PM
I suggest you do what at least a few of us have already done. "Dispute the charge".
For me it shows up as :
I won't go into what other actions I am taking until after they have been taken. But more information to come on this company.
edit: Added info
Edited by gwgaston, 20 April 2015 - 11:33 PM.
Posted 21 April 2015 - 11:06 AM
I have sent a message via the messaging system here and yesterday I sent an email from there website. I do not want to have to go the way of disputing the charge however I will if I have to.
Posted 22 April 2015 - 10:40 PM
Hey All,
Big apologies for the preponderance of delays that had created to what ensued indeed a bit of a fiasco within getting this through to all as expeditiously who have pending orders.
WELLLLL....It's here and all set to ship by tomorrow. All will have tracking as is always customary. The tracking will be sent directly from STAMPS.com. Please look out for it. by tomorrow.
As noted we have offered some compensatory offers for those who wish to take advantage of such. Some real interesting research agents within these,
Many thanks for the most kind and gracious patience most all of you have been so understanding to afford. W used a lyophilization technique that while will no give 100% assurance of total sterility of the peptide we deemed this best for overall stability and for those who may wish to engage in intranasal, sublingual/buccal, and subcutaneous ROA.
Kindly note, J147, RAD140, SENOLYTIX, among others are now as well in stock - so for those who wish to partake in these areas of progressive research:
- Do note that TLR has apologised profusely and offered extensive discounts for those who bought into this group buy/order:
- 25% discount on ALL “Anti-Aging” Research Items, which include some of the following:
- SENOLYTIX A Dasatinib:Quercetin Optimized Senolytic Agent http://teamtlr.com/a...arch-agent.html
- GHK/GHK-Cu Mix http://teamtlr.com/a...tio-blend.html NOTE: We produced 20 x 100mg (20g) extract lots due to requests
- Acetyl Epitalon http://teamtlr.com/a...-ac-epi-98.html
- NAD+ http://teamtlr.com/a...ide-nad-99.html (PRE-ORDER - 2 week turnaround 20% OFF by request only)
- Acetyl Selank http://teamtlr.com/a...-ac-epi-98.html
- 20% discount off ALL “Neurogenic Research” Items; including J147 99% STOCKED!!! http://teamtlr.com/n...ch/10-j147.html
Personally I plan to take advantage of this offer to get SENOLYTIX once its in stock!
As anyone who has been following the compelling senolytics thread knows; one dose of Dasatinib is $360
So 100 doses at $ 75 plus Quercetin is around 1/500th the price!
Best of Success to ALL!
Forty Six & 2
& TeamTLR
P.S. Now clearing some most unexpected hurdles [to say the least least] we hope to have some real progressive research far to come!!!
Posted 23 April 2015 - 06:09 AM
Posted 23 April 2015 - 07:23 AM
Further,due to interest expressed to us we produced another 20 x 100mg lots for those wishing to take advantage of that. The material is all from a freshly produced batch. Best of success with all research.
Within all the extenuating circumstances we'd like to belive we did our all to pull this through in good fashion and do hope for much success to come.
Edited by Forty Six & 2, 23 April 2015 - 07:27 AM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 07:46 AM
Edited by pleb, 23 April 2015 - 08:41 AM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 11:32 AM
If no track present it may be best either way to contact us to ensure we expedite your order
There aew still about 5 orders not logged due to the Stamps.com issues causing fits, but we're on it .
Thanks again to those who displayedsuch maturity and understanding within such difficult circumstances.
Edited by Forty Six & 2, 23 April 2015 - 11:33 AM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 11:58 AM
Out of interest please post the last seven digits/characters of your stamps tracking numbers.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:01 PM
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:04 PM
Given that they all are different we can determine partial credibility.
How many systems failures are there in the world or do TLR have them all e.g. " Stamps.com issues causing fits".
Edited by resting, 23 April 2015 - 12:06 PM.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:06 PM
Resting how has your testing gone anything to report?
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