Nothing to report yet either way but as soon as I have something definitive I will let everyone know.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:08 PM
Nothing to report yet either way but as soon as I have something definitive I will let everyone know.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:39 PM
Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:52 PM
Phew! I feel better now..!
NB: There is no point in sending mine via the SA postal service.
Will this peptide still be good after all this time?
I look forward to everyones results with GHK/GHK-Cu and hope it was worth waiting for.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 02:20 PM was unbeknownst to us bypassing our main printer and we were unaware just how to resolve the issue after being burnt from being at it all day until past 1am.
It has since been fully rectified. Thanks for your helpful comment within this issue.
Note as well, this batch of GHK/GHK-Cu MIX is from a fresh production that was immediately Express shipped to us Overnight.
We produced about 20 additional lots of 10 x 100mg so if any wish to purchase they are readily available for prompt shipment.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 02:33 PM
Sir Logic,
Kindly reference my prior post directly above. The material is freshly produced as we felt it bet to not wait indeterminately for customs to do simple as they please.
As well, the material wws shipping to us Overnight Express as a courtesy from our long-time supplier.
Lastly, GHK and GHK-Cu are high stable peptides and have a high degree of resistance against degradation, which has been assay ed fir such stability on a regukar basis bu our producer as standard procedure.
Thank you for your kind and supportive assistance within these difficult circumstances. We threw a little extra into your care pack to show our gratitude and appreciation of your mature and respectful manner and integrity.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:47 PM
Sir Logic,
Kindly reference my prior post directly above. The material is freshly produced as we felt it bet to not wait indeterminately for customs to do simple as they please.
As well, the material wws shipping to us Overnight Express as a courtesy from our long-time supplier.
Lastly, GHK and GHK-Cu are high stable peptides and have a high degree of resistance against degradation, which has been assay ed fir such stability on a regukar basis bu our producer as standard procedure.
Thank you for your kind and supportive assistance within these difficult circumstances. We threw a little extra into your care pack to show our gratitude and appreciation of your mature and respectful manner and integrity.
Thx for the info 46&2.
The 'extra' sounds interesting..?
I will Email you regarding shipping as the 'New' South African postal service WILL 'lose' any parcel that comes anywhere near them as per my previous post on the matter.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:57 PM
Posted 24 April 2015 - 11:33 PM
As always we will do all to accommodate as would seem most optimal!
FYI. I have received the parcel from TLR today.
Posted 25 April 2015 - 10:34 AM
Nice to hear someone has indeed received it... Now to scroll back through the thread and find out where we left off on the question of having this stuff tested.
Posted 25 April 2015 - 05:50 PM
Edited by dz93, 25 April 2015 - 05:51 PM.
Posted 25 April 2015 - 07:55 PM
Murine models show no remotely adverse effects from either subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous administrations.
Intranasal and buccal routes may be attempted shortly, if we can get our associate to assess for plasma levels.
Dilution of 100mg vial was within 2ml of Bacteriostatic water - a rather attractive indigo-like hue.
We still have 13 lots of 10 x 100mg vials stocked for those so wishing to commence research.
Feel free to e-mail for special off-site pricing.
Best Success!!!
Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:10 PM
Just arrived. I have to admit, very professionally packaged. All ten vials have a consistent amount of powder in them, and the vials themselves are intact and perfectly sealed.
Posted 25 April 2015 - 08:20 PM
We always aim for being 100% on-point on all counts, however, of course we hit quite a number of snafus that were simply not within our control. We do only wish to remit a product that is superior in all aspects, as well as to supply such in a highly timely manner. Well, the latter hit more than one clusterf&ck so really killed that goal of getting product out with the intended and anticipated quickness. Again, our apologies for that.
But we feel we took the high road to ensure the best we could do under the circumstances; as such we produced a completely new run so as not to have to deal with the indeterminacy of customs and such. For good measure we produced an additional 20 lots of 10 x 100mg for those so inspired to engage this research area.
We will be doing a fair degree of in-house research as well, as we have some very unique theories within the potentials of GHK/GHK-Cu administered in a variety of manners.
SENOLYTIX is stocked now as well for those who wish to take advantage of that exciting area of research.
Again, best of success to all!
Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:39 PM
Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:56 PM
Sooo.. Has anyone tried it yet? Lol
I did.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:04 PM
Sooo.. Has anyone tried it yet? Lol
I did.
How? Presumably too soon to notice effects?
Posted 26 April 2015 - 05:49 PM
Yes please let us know
Posted 26 April 2015 - 11:49 PM
It's turned my semen an opulent shade of turquoise.
Posted 27 April 2015 - 12:00 AM
It's turned my semen an opulent shade of turquoise.
Posted 27 April 2015 - 04:08 AM
Sooo.. Has anyone tried it yet? Lol
I did.
How? Presumably too soon to notice effects?
Since I only used twice, it is much to early to notice anything positive or negative in that matter.
I have added 86 drops of water and 14 drops of 40% alcohol to the vial to dissolve the GHK powder and used a few drops of the solution sublingually.
I also wanted to test how the GHK affects skin and whether it can help to revitalize hair growth. So, I took a second vial of GHK, added 20 drops of water and 4 drops of alcohol and next mixed it with about 10-15 ml of my wife's Dior Hydra Life creme. In my next experiment in that area I plan yo use Atralin (tretinoin) gel 0.05% instead of Dior Hydra Life.
Posted 27 April 2015 - 05:08 AM
It's turned my semen an opulent shade of turquoise.
Dosing too low - the key is a deep indigo - then you know you are right on target
Seen only via intravenous ROA in murine models to date though to note, so plasma levels may need to be correlated
Dormant animals displayed vigor and an increase in sexual-related behaviors - not sure if this is species specific, but time may tell
Edited by VERITAS INCORRUPTUS, 27 April 2015 - 05:17 AM.
Posted 28 April 2015 - 04:28 AM
Attached is a picture which shows on the left the compound supplied (supposedly a mix: 50% GHK and 50% GHK-Cu, and probably with a fair amount of Mannitol given the texture and substantial volume).
On the right is what I know for absolutely certain to be 100% GHK-Cu without any Mannitol, just GHK-Cu alone (99.36%).
As can be seen, the compound supplied is darker, richer, and deeper in colour, almost fluorescent/luminescant, despite the fact that its colour should in theory be 'watered down' and 'Pastelized' by the presence of a 50% GHK content and a fair few mg of Mannitol.
And not only that, the colour itself is quite different. it is not merely a different shade or hue of the 'base' colour for GHK-Cu.
Does the vial supplied contain only Mannitol with a drop of someone's Grandmother's Blue Rinse?
Or does it contain only GHK-Cu? (and no GHK)?
Or does it contain the correct peptides in the correct proportions and quantities with Mannitol, and there is another explanation for the above?
WTF knows?
Given the experience and history with this GB to date (in relation to the source, and the events), it seems bewildering that anyone would put this into their body without having independently tested first.
Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:31 AM
Edited by pleb, 28 April 2015 - 08:33 AM.
Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:57 AM
Can you post a photo of 50% GHK-Cu : 50% GHK, with Mannitol from one of those sites you mention?
Although, the colour is not really the point, it is the complete absence of testing and the willingness and preparedness of souls of the universe to so expeditiously ingest what mother nature has so generously bequeathed upon but a few.
Ooops, sorry!, had a 46 and 2 moment there for a sec.
If no one is in a position to organize independent testing, then surely you would at least demand the supplier provide at least an HPLC appropriately dated, even though it could be fabricated?
But nope, nothing.
Actually, WTF am I thinking? Sorry, I lapsed into the sheep-like follower way of thinking for a moment there and believed the customer should be doing the chasing to verify the quality of a suppliers wares which he has received form the supplier.
RATHER, wouldn't you expect a credible, honourable, reputable, and above all, professional supplier, would supply verification testing results as a matter of course without having to be asked?
Last time I ordered something from Bachem they supplied a raft of tests including HPLC, MS, MALDI-TOF, NMR, without me having to ask, and then they offered me a 'menu' of separate tests I could order for a fee.
Or have I missed something, did this actually happen?
Don't you think it's a bit odd that somehow they miraculously synthesized a brand new replacement batch in no time at all after the alleged customs issue with the first batch, yet it took months to synthesize the first?
Posted 28 April 2015 - 09:24 AM
Posted 28 April 2015 - 09:27 AM
Posted 28 April 2015 - 09:41 AM
Posted 28 April 2015 - 12:15 PM
I do find it rather odd the single minded vendetta by 'pure' to somehow always seeks so voraciously, and generally weakly with doublespeak, to discredit our aptitude and integrity; such diatribes nary display any real logic or substance behind them, but I will say can take on a clever tone to seem to have some worth or validity to some who may not be so well infomed. Attacking and destroying are generally easy, creating and building, improving and uplifting, generally not so much.
Within from all appearances it would seem most here see this for what it is and it is pleasant to witness the trend of silence to ignore these transparently and baseless ramblings. Pity some must always look to detract and cause issue where there is none. It was well explained prior as to the CNY miscalculation causing an initial delay, the subsequent unfortunate seizure, and the movement we made that seemed most respectful to being honorable and respectable within to to commence a new production upon ascertaining the hold was indeterminate.
If this lacks sense, then I guess sense I lack.
Color this, color that, etc, etc, nitpicking every detail like a silly obsessed fool with nothing better on his plate, apparently.
Though not wishing to engender this nonsense and drivel any further, but I will point out that indeed the blue color-tone should indeed be lighter after the mixture. Ours is already lighter actually. I am not sure where the GHK-Cu ( figure on the right side) is sourced of course, however, to our knowledge the color is not appearing quite correct for real GHK-Cu.
What more dose this character want to to do. Can we move on from his time wasting drivel and get on with progressing the research as so intended. Can he step aside from his anti-TLR vendetta so lacking in tact and substance.
Lastly, we do have about a dozen lots of th GHK MIX (10 x 100mg) remaining, so if anyone wishes to get in on this presently stocked batch they are welcome to before it sells out. SENOLYTIX (supplied as a 3g Dasatinib 99% pack + 30g Quercetin 99% pack) is also still fairly well stocked currently, but moving fast. So for those so wishing to engage that research area you may wish to move to make purchase. If you contact us to purchase both we will gladly work with you to afford a favorable deal as we wish to see these areas explored.
Anyone looking for the next revolution in antidepressant research are free to take a look at KORX-OX, which we are very proud of in its astounding rapid-acting and clean efficacy as seen in animal models to date. SNRB-MEGA is as well looking to be a stunning addition to the arsenal of agents for research into severe, chronic, and treatment resistant depression. For the best interests of all we will as well work within a special combination offer for those so inclined. Order's totaling over $400 will receive a free Acetyl Epitalon, a material we are finding much success within our research and wish to see others perhaps engage. Kindly. contact us firstly at or submit your order using firstly alternative methods as the best means to proceed within these special offers.
My Very Best to All & Best Success!
The Always Apparently Irrational and Corrupt Forty Six & 2 (please
Edited by VERITAS INCORRUPTUS, 28 April 2015 - 12:36 PM.
Posted 28 April 2015 - 12:58 PM
Look, Jive Turkey, I only point out an issue when there is an issue to be pointed out.
There's no vendetta.
E V E R Y T H I N G I've pointed out thus far in this topic/thread has been valid and had merit, be it your jackass incompetence
in relation to not knowing about the Mannitol question in relation to GHK, or same in not knowing that the whole of China shuts for
their New Years holiday every year, like for the last few thousand years, but incredibly you were "caught unawares" or whatever BS
you used to explain it back then, even though you claim to have been dealing with the particular Chinese supplier for a long time.
And BTW, it's 2015.
So WTF are you posting HPLC's for GHK and GHK-Cu dated 2014? Fool.
Or is that just another "baseless" observation highlighting your jackass incompetence as well?
Or, is your supplier so incompetent he has his HPLC equipment set to the wrong year?
But wait a minute.. it can't be that because.. it's not May yet! so you can't say those HPLC's were done this year and the date is set to the wrong year on the HPLC equipment.
I like how you've changed the file name so it suggests the reports are dated 2015. Very smooth. NOT!
Careless. Stupid.
So, why are you posting HPLC reports which you are suggesting are HPLC reports for the material you have supplied this GB, but which are actually from May 2014?
Let's see what BS are you going to fabricate to explain that.
Your ineptitude is beyond belief.
Quickly, why don't you edit your post and remove the HPLC pdf's attached before people here see that you have attached files which you have changed the names to be
"GHK 052815 HPLC" and "GHK-Cu 052215 HPLC" (to suggest they are from this year (even though the month is next month)), but when you open them they are dated 2014
in multiple places?
It won't matter if you do though, I've taken screen prints and copies of the files.
Edited by pure, 28 April 2015 - 01:11 PM.
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