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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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GHK tripeptide resets DNA. Brain, capillary, skin etc regeneration.

ghk dna repair. brain skin capillary regeneratin

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#481 david ellis

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 10:53 PM

This was discussed earlier and a figure of 30 seconds to 20 minutes before breaking down in the blood was mentioned. Blood goes completely round the body in less than 2 minutes.


(edited wrong post - Note-this is about pleb's  200 mcg versus 200 ng comment.)




From Picart's article in NLM.  "Human peptide GHK was isolated in 1973 as an activity in human plasma that caused old human liver tissue to synthesize proteins like younger tissue [10]. In human plasma GHK is present at about 200 micrograms/liter in men of age 20–25 but declines to 80 micrograms/liter by age 60–80."



"The peptide could be administered intravenously or orally when encapsulated into liposomes. Strong systemic wound healing was induced in pigs at about 1.1 mg GHK-Cu per kilogram body weight which would correspond to about 75 mgs in humans. This is about 300-fold below GHK-Cu's toxic action (lowering of blood pressure). Much lower dosages may also be effective since GHK-Cu's actions on cells generally occur at a 1 nanomolar concentration [68]."


200 mcg's times 5 liters of human plasma is 1 mg total of GHK in the body of young people and .4 mg in people of  a 60-80 age.   I don't know how young that pig was.  But an older pig with many more years of chromatin spooling and unspooling,  might have a different experience with a 75 mg dose.   I am thinking it may be possible that the re-spooling could  result in asnychronous events.

Edited by david ellis, 07 May 2015 - 11:18 PM.

#482 zorba990

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:03 AM

Is this thread mention a bad test result for the group buy?

Any other test results?
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#483 pure

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 06:12 AM

Gee, that's a surprise.

But there will still probably be those amongst us who refuse to stop living in hope, and who'll refute/defend TLR..

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

And TLR have been looking, walking and quacking like a duck for a long while.

It is no wonder the FDA et al want to over regulate everything and turn the world in a 'nanny society' and remove freedom of personal choice, and stop cowboy operators, because humans just aren't capable of making good judgments.

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#484 Metagene

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:12 PM

Unfortunately the anti-TeamTLR narrative will persist until we have 3rd party test results.

The original reddit nootropics thread with a picture of the vials in question.


Edited by Metagene, 20 May 2015 - 04:31 PM.

#485 dz93

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 04:40 PM

Unfortunately the anti-TeamTLR narrative will persist until we have 3rd party test results.


Im going to throw mine out. I'm fine with taking risks trying a new chemical or something like that but I'm not fine taking risks trying a new chemical that may not even be the chemical I think I'm taking risks trying.

There truly is no point in trying to prove whether this substance is what it says it is. The company has failed numerous times to add to its credibility and has a track record of sketchy business. As most of you know, this isn't the first time questions regarding the legitimacy of their products have come up.

So if you still choose to order products from them then have at it. Its your choice that you're free to make. Just don't come here and complain about there products if you happen to get something that doesn't work or even has nasty side effects. Ive saw a few posts on reddit asking about why they get intense headaches or other issues from a product that normally wouldn't produce those effects and then they ask where the product came from and big surprise when they say TLR.

I also find it interesting how TLR will put products up under a custom name so people can't find out what it really is they're selling and they always say its an optimized extract or formulation of a crazy badass substance. The majority of their products are like this. Who the hell puts a product up on there website under a fake or custom name and expects people to buy it?!

All in all, I wasted $100 because I was too excited to get my hands on this really interesting substance and didn't do my research on the company before hand.
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#486 Metagene

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:26 PM

Unfortunately the anti-TeamTLR narrative will persist until we have 3rd party test results.


Im going to throw mine out. I'm fine with taking risks trying a new chemical or something like that but I'm not fine taking risks trying a new chemical that may not even be the chemical I think I'm taking risks trying.

There truly is no point in trying to prove whether this substance is what it says it is. The company has failed numerous times to add to its credibility and has a track record of sketchy business. As most of you know, this isn't the first time questions regarding the legitimacy of their products have come up.

So if you still choose to order products from them then have at it. Its your choice that you're free to make. Just don't come here and complain about there products if you happen to get something that doesn't work or even has nasty side effects. Ive saw a few posts on reddit asking about why they get intense headaches or other issues from a product that normally wouldn't produce those effects and then they ask where the product came from and big surprise when they say TLR.

I also find it interesting how TLR will put products up under a custom name so people can't find out what it really is they're selling and they always say its an optimized extract or formulation of a crazy badass substance. The majority of their products are like this. Who the hell puts a product up on there website under a fake or custom name and expects people to buy it?!

All in all, I wasted $100 because I was too excited to get my hands on this really interesting substance and didn't do my research on the company before hand.
There sure is!

The nootropics community has to demand a higher standard otherwise we've given any company that comes along a free license to engage in this sort of behavior.

#487 dz93

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 05:49 PM

Unfortunately the anti-TeamTLR narrative will persist until we have 3rd party test results.


Im going to throw mine out. I'm fine with taking risks trying a new chemical or something like that but I'm not fine taking risks trying a new chemical that may not even be the chemical I think I'm taking risks trying.

There truly is no point in trying to prove whether this substance is what it says it is. The company has failed numerous times to add to its credibility and has a track record of sketchy business. As most of you know, this isn't the first time questions regarding the legitimacy of their products have come up.

So if you still choose to order products from them then have at it. Its your choice that you're free to make. Just don't come here and complain about there products if you happen to get something that doesn't work or even has nasty side effects. Ive saw a few posts on reddit asking about why they get intense headaches or other issues from a product that normally wouldn't produce those effects and then they ask where the product came from and big surprise when they say TLR.

I also find it interesting how TLR will put products up under a custom name so people can't find out what it really is they're selling and they always say its an optimized extract or formulation of a crazy badass substance. The majority of their products are like this. Who the hell puts a product up on there website under a fake or custom name and expects people to buy it?!

All in all, I wasted $100 because I was too excited to get my hands on this really interesting substance and didn't do my research on the company before hand.
There sure is!

The nootropics community has to demand a higher standard otherwise we've given any company that comes along a free license to engage in this sort of behavior.

No, if a company f***s up or is being questioned about their legitimacy, that company should prove themselves. It should not be our responsiblity to prove the credibility of this company. If a company can't or won't provide proof of their claims or products then it should just be common sense to not do business with them.

Yes, I fully agree that we need to demand a higher standard but I already believe we are. See, the actions of a few do not respresent the whole. Just because a few people here are stupid enough to believe their bullshit or refuse to even acknowledge the fact that this company has a sketchy history doesn't mean we're all like that. Let TLR continue to sell their products. Maybe some day someone will get seriously hurt and then finally TLR will get whats coming to them. I'll be sitting back, eating a bag of popcorn, enjoying the freak show.

I'm just tired of seeing people argue back and forth about this. Whenever proof comes along proving their product is not what they claim it to be, people just say there's not enough proof or its not good enough because it wasn't the third party they chose or an endless amount of excuses. No more excuses. If you want to buy products from them then have at it. There will never be enough proof for you people to even consider the thought that their products may not be what they claim it do be.

People will believe only what they want to believe no matter what. I bet if we saw a news article about the owners of TLR being arrested and sentenced to prison for fraud and other things you'll still have people who will be making "Free TLR" tee-shirts and talking about how they were set up or something. The delusions will never end.

#488 Metagene

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 06:42 PM

To hell with credibility, this is about culpability. True, it is the responsibility of TeamTLR to establish their own legitimaticy but they also need us to survive. Nobody should have to get hurt before action is taken. Proof is enough for reasonable people and that makes all the difference.

#489 dz93

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 06:49 PM

To hell with credibility, this is about culpability. True, it is the responsibility of TeamTLR to establish their own legitimaticy but they also need us to survive. Nobody should have to get hurt before action is taken. Proof is enough for reasonable people and that makes all the difference.

That's the point I'm making. Proof IS enough for reasonable people. But the TLR supporters on here obviously aren't reasonable.

Unless you have a better solution to a problem that doesn't exist for us reasonable people then I see no problem in letting unreasonable people continue purchasing their products.

Should we try to blast TLR everywhere we can? I mean I can only see two solutions here. Either get TLR to shut down or start providing real products that are what they claim it to be. Both solutions I don't ever see happening.

There really is nothing that can be done about them. Like I've said. Us reasonable people will be able to move on and function just fine, even if TLR is still in business. We just won't do business with them. Its as simple as that.

How many scam sites are out there probably selling fake nootropics. Should we try to shut them all down? What would it take to do that? How much time, money, and effort should be wasted on stopping these companies? Or would it be more beneficial and efficient in the long run to educate people on what kind of marketing scams are out there and how you can tell the legitimacy of company based on their operation etc.

There just isn't anything in place to protect us from buying junk substances except for our own reasoning and critical thinking and most importantly, this community.

Edited by dz93, 20 May 2015 - 06:54 PM.

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#490 Metagene

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 07:30 PM

I don't think the people who blindly support TeamTLR represent the majority. At the very least 3rd party testing will deter fraudulently practices by nootropic vendors which was my original argument.

Edited by Metagene, 20 May 2015 - 07:33 PM.

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#491 zorba990

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Posted 20 May 2015 - 07:42 PM

So is this. http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20099523
whats in those blue vials accoring to the reddit post? Poria does not appear to be blue,


suggest testing for copper chloride dihydrate

Or at least test one of the skin actives sties for a reference range.

Edited by zorba990, 20 May 2015 - 07:49 PM.

#492 Steve Schaeffer

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:14 AM

I think we all can agree this has been a learning experience. I've seen this site mention Genscript as a reputable company many times, also American made. Why don't we reorganize another group buy from them? Any thoughts?

#493 pure

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:27 AM

Yes, Genscript or Bachem.

#494 johnross47

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 07:50 PM

I'm tempted to try my leftover dubious substance in a test firing I'll be doing soon. Copper Chloride dihydrate looks too tourquoise for this stuff which looks more like it contains cobalt. I'll fire it up in an electric kiln with an oxygen atmosphere and see what it comes out as

#495 BraceWell

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 07:54 PM

Should we try to blast TLR everywhere we can? I mean I can only see two solutions here. Either get TLR to shut down or start providing real products that are what they claim it to be. Both solutions I don't ever see happening.

There really is nothing that can be done about them. Like I've said. Us reasonable people will be able to move on and function just fine, even if TLR is still in business. We just won't do business with them. Its as simple as that.

How many scam sites are out there probably selling fake nootropics.



Do you go to 4chan? Will you dox them too and send pizza to their houses? Give people the information there is and let people make their own minds up. You can join together in a big gang with torches and pitchforks burning the witch but I'd say it's more sensible to use your mind and think of why they have products named as such.


In my opinion, they found a few compounds that were patented or even discovered them themselves. If it were the latter they'd have to go through 10 years of FDA testing before it becomes available to the public. No one wants that. So to evade FDA processing and to avoid intellectual theft, they named them as such. Another benefit of this is that they can tell people how to use it effectively and what it will do without the "Not for Human Consumption" banner. They could also be plant extracts and compounds mixed at certain dosages, so that it will be more effective than their competitor's products. This is basic business tactics and the people that are mad are either competitors or people loyal to the competitors.


Now I don't know about you but I wouldn't want my discoveries and work handed over to competitors who just sit on their ass buying anything that you want and making a quick and easy buck. You think the owners of some of these places actually know that much about neurobiology and pharmacology? They might, they might not. For all we know the owners of some of the better nootropic sites could have an IQ of 95 and live in the deep south in a trailer park with 7 kids,


So we got the results from the testing. It looks bad; everything of theirs is Taurine or some plant extract. A few things to consider though. If everything was just Taurine why did the results come out at 98% or 96%. Each of them was varied. That means that the 2 or 4% is something else. Many nootropics are at the mg level or even the mcg level, so to not have to measure and weigh each compound then gelcap it, why not just put it in solution, spray it over some other compound and fill the caps with just that one compound?


Then there's the fact that many of their products remove addiction. I've highlighted this because this is very important. If something were to get out that would mean people could stop their use of opioids almost instantly, pharmaceutical sales would plummet. That's a billion dollar industry brought down by one product, not to mention the illegal drugs industry. Cartels would have much less funding, get ousted from power by their governments and the US would no longer have control over those countries (Cartels sell drugs to US officials in exchange for part leadership in that country, if you didn't know already). These compounds can literally change the world, so no wonder they put their own names on them and guard the secret. It's worth millions, if not billions.


So how many of you would go ahead and sell their products under their actual names??


I have in fact, used their product (ADDX-OX) and it took me out of a nasty opiate habit with no problems whatsoever. I mean I was in deep and a week later, opiate free with zero withdrawals. I support them because what that drug did is close to a miracle. You cannot put that down to placebo, I'm sorry. A physical withdrawal completely nulled. I've heard other people say the same too.


What they're doing is incredible and you lot are squabbling over names and why you can't know what's inside their products?? You're like kids on Christmas Eve wanting to open their presents.


For a nootropic forum, quite a few of you are pretty damn stupid.

Edited by BraceWell, 22 May 2015 - 07:58 PM.

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#496 dz93

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 08:01 PM

Should we try to blast TLR everywhere we can? I mean I can only see two solutions here. Either get TLR to shut down or start providing real products that are what they claim it to be. Both solutions I don't ever see happening.
There really is nothing that can be done about them. Like I've said. Us reasonable people will be able to move on and function just fine, even if TLR is still in business. We just won't do business with them. Its as simple as that.

How many scam sites are out there probably selling fake nootropics.

Do you go to 4chan? Will you dox them too and send pizza to their houses? Give people the information there is and let people make their own minds up. You can join together in a big gang with torches and pitchforks burning the witch but I'd say it's more sensible to use your mind and think of why they have products named as such.

In my opinion, they found a few compounds that were patented or even discovered them themselves. If it were the latter they'd have to go through 10 years of FDA testing before it becomes available to the public. No one wants that. So to evade FDA processing and to avoid intellectual theft, they named them as such. Another benefit of this is that they can tell people how to use it effectively and what it will do without the "Not for Human Consumption" banner. They could also be plant extracts and compounds mixed at certain dosages, so that it will be more effective than their competitor's products.

Now I don't know about you but I wouldn't want my discoveries and work handed over to competitors who just sit on their ass buying anything that you want and making a quick and easy buck. You think the owners of some of these places actually know that much about neurobiology and pharmacology? They might, they might not. For all we know the owners of some of the better nootropic sites could have an IQ of 95 and live in the deep south in a trailer park with 7 kids,

So we got the results from the testing. It looks bad; everything of theirs is Taurine or some plant extract. A few things to consider though. If everything was just Taurine why did the results come out at 98% or 96%. Each of them was varied. That means that the 2 or 4% is something else. Many nootropics are at the mg level or even the mcg level, so to not have to measure and weigh each compound then gelcap it, why not just put it in solution, spray it over some other compound and fill the caps with just that one compound?

Then there's the fact that many of their products remove addiction. I've highlighted this because this is very important. If something were to get out that would mean people could stop their use of opioids almost instantly, pharmaceutical sales would plummet. That's a billion dollar industry brought down by one product, not to mention the illegal drugs industry. Cartels would have much less funding, get ousted from power by their governments and the US would no longer have control over those countries (Cartels sell drugs to US officials in exchange for part leadership in that country, if you didn't know already). These compounds can literally change the world, so no wonder they put their own names on them and guard the secret. It's worth millions, if not billions.

So how many of you would go ahead and sell their products under their actual names??

I have in fact, used their product (ADDX-OX) and it took me out of a nasty opiate habit with no problems whatsoever. I mean I was in deep and a week later, opiate free with zero withdrawals. I support them because what that drug did is close to a miracle. You cannot put that down to placebo, I'm sorry. A physical withdrawal completely nulled. I've heard other people say the same too.

What they're doing is incredible and you lot are squabbling over names and why you can't know what's inside their products?? You're like kids on Christmas Eve wanting to open their presents.

For a nootropic forum, quite a few of you are pretty damn stupid.
Oh, they make their own drugs now? And they need FDA approval why? From my understanding hardly any nootropics are actually FDA approved yet they are still sold on the internet. So, again, why do they need FDA approval for anything?

So, you're telling me that you trust a company to make their own drugs and write up supposed benefits of that drug with absolutely no testing, no proof of human or even animal use, no research, no literature, no nothing. Just something they threw together in their lab and put up sale?

If I knew that's what you guys are interested in then hell I'll make my own nootropic website and sell drugs that I make in my "lab" and sell them under a fake name to prevent people from stealing my uber cool and effective formula.

Can you please tell me why you think we're stupid for not trusting them again?

EDIT: I'm sorry, I forgot to add something.
So you also think that the reason they don't post the actual names of the substances is so they won't require FDA approval which would then allow them to get away with not putting a "Not for human consumption" warning on their products? So if something IS FDA approved, do they still need to put "Not for human consumption" on it? I mean what the hell are you even saying?!

Edited by dz93, 22 May 2015 - 08:16 PM.

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#497 david ellis

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Posted 22 May 2015 - 08:20 PM

I think we all can agree this has been a learning experience. I've seen this site mention Genscript as a reputable company many times, also American made. Why don't we reorganize another group buy from them? Any thoughts?



I don't have the experience to evaluate Genscript.    Quite possibly what happened with TLR could happen with Genscript.  At one point, everybody was happy with TLR or they wouldn't have ordered GHK on TLR's web site. When the group became unhappy the only option left was support testing.   Either use our group to do testing, or pay someone else to do the testing.     Obviously there wasn't enough support for testing because the plans fell flat.


Group buys typically have a well known seller and the group is usually happy without tests.    When the group wants tests, then the group can contract the tests with the vendor, do the tests themselves, or contract another vendor for tests.


Suggestion for more satisfactory group buys -

A lot of confusion happens when the pertinent facts are spread over the many pages of the GHK thread.   When important features of the group buy change, a comprehensive, complete current status post should be done.   As a late member of the group I wasted time reading many unpertinent posts before I understood the group buy.


A comprehensive status recap would have drawn attention to the incomplete and rapidly fading test plans.   And if there wasn't enough support for tests, it would be the group's decision not to test.    


If the group buyers were quickly told about the lack of support and after that knowledge were unable to come up with enough support, the lack of tests would be a non-issue.   But, because they did not have the chance to make that decision, many buyers are unhappy.



In my mind, the TLR buy is water under the bridge.   But, if we want to do similar future buys, we need status reports so that we can understand the situation and manage it.   All of us who wanted tests are disappointed.   My lesson learned is that if I get jammed like this again, I will help the buy leader work these problems.    

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#498 Steve Schaeffer

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 05:51 AM


Is anyone willing to take the ( Buy leader ) role and work with David Ellis to make this happen? I personally don't have the time or experience to help in these regards, but would be willing to do my part by helping financially with the cost of testing, shipping, etc.

#499 pure

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 07:04 AM

I suggest:
2 people should do it jointly, and quotes should be obtained from 2 suppliers, and the following tests should be obtained:

- HPLC [purity]
(MW) [identity]
- H-NMR [identity]
- Bacterial Endotoxins
- Peptide Content
- Amino Acid Analysis [identity] (probably superfluous in light of MW and H-NMR, but why not anyway)
- Acetate Content
- TFA Content


..and the production process should include:

- sterile filtering through 0.2um gauze
- vials flushed with nitrogen or argon immediately prior to rubber stopper insertion

Obviously the testing would not amount to an insignificant cost, but amortized across the entire 100 grams (or whatever), it would be affordable

Edited by pure, 23 May 2015 - 07:10 AM.

#500 Ark

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 07:05 AM

I haven't seen one log of GHK on Longecity yet. How very very disappointing, I assume someone has gotten GHK from another source by now, while TLR ghk is being tested?

Edited by Ark, 23 May 2015 - 07:08 AM.

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#501 BraceWell

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 12:57 PM

Oh, they make their own drugs now? And they need FDA approval why? From my understanding hardly any nootropics are actually FDA approved yet they are still sold on the internet. So, again, why do they need FDA approval for anything?


So, you're telling me that you trust a company to make their own drugs and write up supposed benefits of that drug with absolutely no testing, no proof of human or even animal use, no research, no literature, no nothing. Just something they threw together in their lab and put up sale?

If I knew that's what you guys are interested in then hell I'll make my own nootropic website and sell drugs that I make in my "lab" and sell them under a fake name to prevent people from stealing my uber cool and effective formula.

Can you please tell me why you think we're stupid for not trusting them again?

EDIT: I'm sorry, I forgot to add something.
So you also think that the reason they don't post the actual names of the substances is so they won't require FDA approval which would then allow them to get away with not putting a "Not for human consumption" warning on their products? So if something IS FDA approved, do they still need to put "Not for human consumption" on it? I mean what the hell are you even saying?!





I said they may or they may not make their own drugs. I don't know! The majority of compounds on the open internet are sold as research chemicals. Now if they did make their own drugs then there must be strict do's and dont's. If they do, then I think with 46 people under their employment they may be able to do a little rat testing themselves but a hell of a lot more efficiently than the FDA.. Do you even read the site? Practically all of them have rat testing by the way so your second paragraph is just wrong.


Your third is just childish and you think my whole schpeil was about "not for Human Consumption" signs?


I think you're a shill. A shill or moreover COINTELPRO. You not once mentioned the US involvement in their projects, you focused on one paragraph where I vaguely said what they might do and that's your counter argument. You're also getting needlessly angry right now. These are all the signs of a rat. Buy another account cos I've caught you, you dirty fuck.



Edited by BraceWell, 23 May 2015 - 01:01 PM.

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#502 niner

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Posted 23 May 2015 - 01:41 PM

Oh Lord, here we go again.  This is the same half-assed analytical methodology we saw last time.  There was no ghk-cu in their database, so it picked the next best thing, something called "poria", along with several other compounds of dubious nature.   This means nothing.  Hang on to your samples.  Don't throw them out or set them on fire.  You need to run a sample through an LC/MS.  That will separate all the individual components in the mixture and characterize them by their MW at the very least.

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#503 Heisenburger

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Posted 24 May 2015 - 12:02 AM

Don't throw them out or set them on fire.


Pyro pooper. :|o

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#504 dz93

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Posted 24 May 2015 - 01:06 AM

Oh Lord, here we go again. This is the same half-assed analytical methodology we saw last time. There was no ghk-cu in their database, so it picked the next best thing, something called "poria", along with several other compounds of dubious nature. This means nothing. Hang on to your samples. Don't throw them out or set them on fire. You need to run a sample through an LC/MS. That will separate all the individual components in the mixture and characterize them by their MW at the very least.

Since we did a group buy could we do a group testing? We could all chip in a little bit of money to pay for LC/MS analysis so we can finally know for sure if it's GHK or not. Of course someone would have to also donate a sample. Its just a suggestion. If someone is willing to organize this I'll be willing to chip in money.
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#505 zen

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Posted 24 May 2015 - 01:52 AM


Oh Lord, here we go again. This is the same half-assed analytical methodology we saw last time. There was no ghk-cu in their database, so it picked the next best thing, something called "poria", along with several other compounds of dubious nature. This means nothing. Hang on to your samples. Don't throw them out or set them on fire. You need to run a sample through an LC/MS. That will separate all the individual components in the mixture and characterize them by their MW at the very least.

Since we did a group buy could we do a group testing? We could all chip in a little bit of money to pay for LC/MS analysis so we can finally know for sure if it's GHK or not. Of course someone would have to also donate a sample. Its just a suggestion. If someone is willing to organize this I'll be willing to chip in money.



I am wiling to donate a sample and chip in a reasonable amount to have it tested.
I am curious if TLR is willing to donate some money to the testing effort to defend their reputation ;o)

Edited by zen, 24 May 2015 - 01:56 AM.

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#506 dz93

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Posted 24 May 2015 - 01:56 AM

Oh Lord, here we go again. This is the same half-assed analytical methodology we saw last time. There was no ghk-cu in their database, so it picked the next best thing, something called "poria", along with several other compounds of dubious nature. This means nothing. Hang on to your samples. Don't throw them out or set them on fire. You need to run a sample through an LC/MS. That will separate all the individual components in the mixture and characterize them by their MW at the very least.

Since we did a group buy could we do a group testing? We could all chip in a little bit of money to pay for LC/MS analysis so we can finally know for sure if it's GHK or not. Of course someone would have to also donate a sample. Its just a suggestion. If someone is willing to organize this I'll be willing to chip in money.

I am wiling to donate a sample and pay a reasonable amount to have it tested.

Okay, we also need to find a place to do the analysis. Is there any company that someone here has used before or knows about? I suppose I could look up some place but I'm not exactly sure what I should be looking for.

#507 Ark

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Posted 24 May 2015 - 02:01 AM

Oh Lord, here we go again. This is the same half-assed analytical methodology we saw last time. There was no ghk-cu in their database, so it picked the next best thing, something called "poria", along with several other compounds of dubious nature. This means nothing. Hang on to your samples. Don't throw them out or set them on fire. You need to run a sample through an LC/MS. That will separate all the individual components in the mixture and characterize them by their MW at the very least.

Since we did a group buy could we do a group testing? We could all chip in a little bit of money to pay for LC/MS analysis so we can finally know for sure if it's GHK or not. Of course someone would have to also donate a sample. Its just a suggestion. If someone is willing to organize this I'll be willing to chip in money.

I am wiling to donate a sample and chip in a reasonable amount to have it tested.
I am curious if TLR is willing to donate some money to the testing effort to defend their reputation ;o)

What reputation...? ;-)

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#508 david ellis

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Posted 25 May 2015 - 06:41 PM

I have a test sample, once the test plan and money are approved and available.

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#509 Infinite1

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 04:22 AM

I'm not sure whether pursuing another source such as Pepide Sciences' GHK-CU is a viable option. I admittedly have not scoured through all of the 17+ pages of this thread in depth to see whether anyone has posted on this source. I however was able to acquire an HPLC report from them for verification of purity. Any thoughts?

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#510 david ellis

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 04:20 PM

There seems to be little support for 3rd party testing.    I would like to know if enough people are interested, so please PM me with a few words about testing support.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ghk, dna repair. brain, skin, capillary, regeneratin

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