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GHK tripeptide resets DNA. Brain, capillary, skin etc regeneration.

ghk dna repair. brain skin capillary regeneratin

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#601 thedarkbobo

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Posted 19 September 2015 - 11:02 AM

Hmm I'm interested in hearing more reports :) By the way does it qualify for internal(oral) use? 

Could test some on a big rat in near future if there is ok-priced source :)


#602 johnross47

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Posted 25 September 2015 - 08:57 PM

This big rat started on it today. No immediately obvious effects but when I went for a run it seemed easy to go farther and faster. It was like running ten years ago. Psychological? Placebo? With luck it's real.
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#603 Heisenburger

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Posted 25 September 2015 - 09:20 PM

Psychological? Placebo?


A little WD-40 on the wheel? ;)

#604 smccomas01

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Posted 25 September 2015 - 09:23 PM

This big rat started on it today. No immediately obvious effects but when I went for a run it seemed easy to go farther and faster. It was like running ten years ago. Psychological? Placebo? With luck it's real.


How were you taking it? I am about to start my trial my plan is inter nasal. 

#605 Jace

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Posted 25 September 2015 - 09:35 PM

I am also about to start researching 25mg ED subQ. 



#606 johnross47

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Posted 26 September 2015 - 01:36 AM

I was rather haphazard about it. Dissolved one vial in diluted white rum and dripped about a fifth of it under my tongue. Around twenty minutes later I felt suddenly warmer and my pulse speeded up very slightly which could be incidental or psychological but it persisted all day. Not sleeping now, at 2:35 am. I just got of bed because I was very hot and not sleepy.

#607 dz93

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Posted 26 September 2015 - 04:55 PM

I'll have to repeat this before I can really make any definitive statement but yesterday I started to develop a cold sore, which went away quick but damaged tissue and left me with a nasty looking wound on my lip. I hate cold sores. So I wondered if I could speed up the healing process at all. Busted out a vial of GHK and injected 25mg intramuscularly 4x within 5 hours last night, before I went to sleep. Woke up this morning and there was a huge noticeable difference. It just looks like I bit my lip or something but not bad. This is pretty significant because usually it gets slightly worse before it starts to look better. Like I said, I will do more experiments on this to see if it'll continue and to make sure this wasn't just a coincidence. Other than, I got the typical diarrhea side effects that I normal get. I have to say, though, my guts feel pretty good right now so I can't complain. GHK is slowly rising to the top of my list. I'm going to play around topical administration too. I tried to mix GHK with DMSO but I couldn't get the entire contents of the vial to dissolve into the DMSO. I'll play around with this more.

Anyways, just thought I would give an update.
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#608 Rocket

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 02:09 PM

What are the recommended dosages for subq injections?  Is there a mg/kg ratio? Frequency?

This thread is way too long to read every post, and I can't seem to locate anything online.

#609 dz93

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 02:19 PM

What are the recommended dosages for subq injections? Is there a mg/kg ratio? Frequency?
This thread is way too long to read every post, and I can't seem to locate anything online.

Personally, I think your dosing is largely based on your age. However, I'm not sure if you'd need more or less as you age, because you produce less as you age and since I'm 22, perhaps I'd need a large dose to get any effects. I'm not fully sure on this one. Best I can tell you is to play around with dosing on your own and use what works best for you. 20mg should be a good enough starting point.

Now I dose intramuscularly only because I prefer that route over SubQ. IM dose get the substance into your blood slightly faster than SubQ, which could help a lot since GHK breaks down fast. Again, you just have to play around and find out what works best for you. We need more user reports on this so we can get a better understanding on the best dose to use at what age and a better idea of its effects.

I've also been looking for more literature or research on this just to give me something to read but haven't been able to find anything new. If anyone can find new research or research that hasn't been shared here before, please post it. This really is an interesting substance.

Edited by dz93, 28 September 2015 - 02:23 PM.

#610 stefan_001

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 04:48 PM

What are the recommended dosages for subq injections? Is there a mg/kg ratio? Frequency?
This thread is way too long to read every post, and I can't seem to locate anything online.

Personally, I think your dosing is largely based on your age. However, I'm not sure if you'd need more or less as you age, because you produce less as you age and since I'm 22, perhaps I'd need a large dose to get any effects. I'm not fully sure on this one. Best I can tell you is to play around with dosing on your own and use what works best for you. 20mg should be a good enough starting point.

Now I dose intramuscularly only because I prefer that route over SubQ. IM dose get the substance into your blood slightly faster than SubQ, which could help a lot since GHK breaks down fast. Again, you just have to play around and find out what works best for you. We need more user reports on this so we can get a better understanding on the best dose to use at what age and a better idea of its effects.

I've also been looking for more literature or research on this just to give me something to read but haven't been able to find anything new. If anyone can find new research or research that hasn't been shared here before, please post it. This really is an interesting substance.

Just wondering should you notice anything at all at your age? At 22 I would think none of your systems should have any decline to mention. Is there anything you hope to achieve?

#611 dz93

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 05:20 PM

Honestly, I think all I'm doing by dosing GHK is just slightly increasing my current levels. I'm sure I'm not experiencing all the effects it has to offer but I notice enough to keep me using it from time to time. I certainly don't take it every single day because, as you said, I'm 22 and I just don't need to take it every day.

My goal is just aging prevention. Im big on life extension so I'll take things, such as GHK or Epitalon, just to slow down the aging process. I must be doing something right because I haven't aged a day since I graduated highschool. Nearly everyone I meet tells me I look like I'm 15. Now this is all anecdotal and I do know a lot of people that look much younger than they really are. So, I shouldn't use the fact that I look younger than I really am as some sort of proof that what I take is working. If I still look this young by the time I'm 30, I'll know I've done something right lol.

However, I often have bags under my eyes, from cannabis use, and I'm very skinny, so I don't look as healthy as I could. I do want to say, though, it seems that my recent use of GHK (25mg IM, 4x daily) reduced the bags under my eyes and put more color into my face. So GHK certainly does give me beneficial effects, even at my age. Perhaps I'm not as healthy as I give myself credit for haha. But, like I said, I take it for prevention. Just like any other life extension/anti aging substance I take.

Edited by dz93, 28 September 2015 - 05:24 PM.

#612 Rocket

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Posted 28 September 2015 - 06:44 PM

So, ok, I see it can be bought in 200mg vials..... So is 2mg/day overkill?    It can't last forever once reconstituted can it?  So 200mg roughly would last 3+ months. 


Are people taking miligrams or micrograms daily?

#613 Logic

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Posted 03 October 2015 - 06:31 PM

There are a good number of anecdotal reports on GHK in the epitalon-split-from-astragalus-thread.







I hope that they can be copied here for the sake of keeping all relevant info in place plz?

I am very glad that GHK/GHK-Cu seems to be working as planned and that the 'group buy' worked out as hoped after all!   :)

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#614 OjaiAlchemy

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Posted 06 October 2015 - 05:45 PM

I would be interested in participating in a group buy of GHK and NR HCL

#615 Logic

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Posted 07 October 2015 - 06:06 PM

I would be interested in participating in a group buy of GHK and NR HCL


TLR, the origial group buy supplier of GHK/GHK-Cu says:

Limited Run - Due Late October




Is anyone interested in another group buy/order?

#616 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 03:26 PM


I would be interested in participating in a group buy of GHK and NR HCL


TLR, the origial group buy supplier of GHK/GHK-Cu says:

Limited Run - Due Late October




Is anyone interested in another group buy/order?



What's the price?

#617 johnross47

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 04:34 PM

Is anyone else doing ordinary oral? I don't have the equipment or skill to inject. I'm taking a series of pictures of the back of my left hand and after a month taking GHK I'll put all the pictures side by side and see if there is any effect.


What's the chances of anybody putting this stuff on the market in liposomes?

#618 dz93

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 04:54 PM

Is anyone else doing ordinary oral? I don't have the equipment or skill to inject. I'm taking a series of pictures of the back of my left hand and after a month taking GHK I'll put all the pictures side by side and see if there is any effect.

What's the chances of anybody putting this stuff on the market in liposomes?

Up until about six months ago I've never injected anything either. Looked up about 20 different videos showing and explaining the process. Went to Walmart pharmacy the next day, asked for a 10 pack of 29 gauge, half inch, 30 unit syringes. Went home and cautiously proceeded with my first SubQ injection. It went perfectly fine. No redness, no irritation, no nothing. Just a smooth injection. I've also done intramuscular injection too, which is even easier than SubQ. Since then I've done over 200 injections on myself with no issues at all.

GHK is something you'll want to inject. You'll just waste your money otherwise. Give injection a try. I think you'll find it's much easier than what you thought. As long as you keep everything sterile, there should be almost no risk of infection. I take a piece of toilet paper, soak it in rubbing alcohol, clean the rubber top on my vial, clean the needle, pull out liquid, clean the rubber top again, clean the needle again, then clean the injection site, clean the needle one last time and then inject. Very quick and simple.
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#619 johnross47

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:15 PM

I don't think you can just buy syringes here in UK.

#620 dz93

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:22 PM

I don't think you can just buy syringes here in UK.

The other option is to order online. I mean, if you really aren't comfortable with injecting then don't do it. I figured I'd just let you know that its not as bad as what you may think. But I'm sure GHK is much more effective injecting. I've tried topical application a few times with very little to no noticeable effects. However, that's just me.

#621 johnross47

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:28 PM

I should look up buying syringes in UK. It may be OK.

#622 pleb

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:35 PM

It's (probably) destroyed in the stomach by acid as most peptides and hormones are as Dz93 mentions. You can buy syringes online about 100 syringes for between 10 and 15 quid. Then save them and swop them for free new ones at a syringe exchange bank my local pharmacy nurse said using the use once and throw away type are sterile when you buy them so it's not even necessary to wipe with alcohol and that most people using them for insulin don't use wipes.
An auto inject can be bought (look up owen mumford auto inject). (Not the pen) that takes syringes and ensures you don't inject to deeply. The hardest part is holding the tiny vials after adding the water when your filling the syringe.
I've also tried applied it under the tongue through the mucus membrane with no results that were noticeable. But quite a noticeable difference when injected

Edited by pleb, 09 October 2015 - 05:40 PM.

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#623 dz93

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:49 PM

It's (probably) destroyed in the stomach by acid as most peptides and hormones are as Dz93 mentions. You can buy syringes online about 100 syringes for between 10 and 15 quid. Then save them and swop them for free new ones at a syringe exchange bank my local pharmacy nurse said using the use once and throw away type are sterile when you buy them so it's not even necessary to wipe with alcohol and that most people using them for insulin don't use wipes.
An auto inject can be bought (look up owen mumford auto inject). (Not the pen) that takes syringes and ensures you don't inject to deeply. The hardest part is holding the tiny vials after adding the water when your filling the syringe.
I've also tried applied it under the tongue through the mucus membrane with no results that were noticeable. But quite a noticeable difference when injected

Wait, I can exchange my used syringes for new ones?

#624 pleb

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:53 PM

Yes they were set up for druggies so they didn't share needles. Even the body building mob go there to get them swapped. you may have to ask where they are to find one.

#625 dz93

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:54 PM

Yes they were set up for druggies so they didn't share needles. Even the body building mob go there to get them swapped. you may have to ask where they are to find one.

Yeah I just checked. There are none close enough to me to make it worth it. Oh well.

#626 pleb

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 05:59 PM

I didn't know they had the needle exchanges for that on your side of the pond only about the ones in the UK but like you with the same problems of distance depending on where you live

#627 Logic

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 09:00 PM

...I've also tried applied it under the tongue through the mucus membrane with no results that were noticeable. But quite a noticeable difference when injected


Hmmm...  The anecdotal reports do seem to be pointing towards injection as the way to go with GHK/GHK-Cu.
Thats a pity, but there you are.

Thx for the advice pleb and dz93.

#628 Jace

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Posted 09 October 2015 - 10:58 PM

I should look up buying syringes in UK. It may be OK.

 I get mine from a site called Medisave, never any issues.

#629 johnross47

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Posted 10 October 2015 - 03:12 AM

Thanks all for all the information. This is all new to me.

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#630 Forty Six & 2

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Posted 10 October 2015 - 08:08 PM



I would be interested in participating in a group buy of GHK and NR HCL


TLR, the origial group buy supplier of GHK/GHK-Cu says:

Limited Run - Due Late October




Is anyone interested in another group buy/order?



What's the price?




We are producing a new batch now and there is a 10% discount open to anyone by request for the pre-order at this time, which as I recall we did for the Group Buy discount dynamic.


Contact at tlr@teamtlr.com

We'll do 15% off for the first five who respond with "GHKMIX15" in the subject. ;-)


For more details:



As well: 

Acetyl Epitalon 20mg vial pre-order we will afford $10 off per vial for those who note "ACEPI10" in the subject

Informal research has demonstrated a "pro-life bioregulating" synergy with concurrent use of the GHKmix and Acetyl Epitalon, which is more potent due to superior pharmacokinetics than the parent compound Epitalon itself, with the same profile of efficacy.


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ghk, dna repair. brain, skin, capillary, regeneratin

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